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Everything posted by Mewmewlover55

  1. Danngit, I cant see the picture. My computer has problems, but I do see you holding a picture and I wanted to say Huck Finn... good book :D
  2. [quote name='Eclipsed Dreamer'][COLOR="Indigo"]question......what colors are you using? i need to know. currently i'm using colored pencils and pens, i need some more vivid stuff.:catgirl:[/COLOR][/QUOTE] well copic markers: what ever colors are in set a, b, and c XD (i really want D but i have no time to do art now, so parents are not letting me get yet lol). prisma colored pencils: GET THEM ALL!! It's so worth it and they last really really long :) But specific colors, I can't tell you off the top of my head because I cant remember lol, but if you really want me to I can check lol.
  3. [quote name='Jeremy']The hair is good, I'm just saying that with copic markers the hair could look so much better, such as making more intense shadows and lighter highlights etc.[/QUOTE] ohhh okay lol. I like fail at color choices XD. Thank you for your help!!
  4. [quote name='Jeremy'][SIZE="1"]These are really nice, only thing I'd work on is the hair and the features in the face such as the eyes and their placement. But that shouldn't take long to improve on. Nice work![/SIZE][/QUOTE] Thanks :3 um... the hair??? really? like the outline or the coloring... I was sorta happy with the coloring on these, but i def. see what you're talking about with the eye placement. I tend to fail at that lol
  5. Hi everyone :) I havn't uploaded anything here in a while so here's another older fan art. I still havn't drawn anything new recently... (so busy with school ew...) This drawing is a fan art of Tukiji Nao's art. I used her art to reference for the drawing but I didn't give it justice ;_; Done with copic sketch markers :3 [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/11uano1.png[/IMG] Fan art of Gravitation YAY SHUICHI :)!! Used a reference, made a simple background for more color. Done with prisma colored pencils :) [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/t000ma.png[/IMG] Hope you guys like it! ~Rachel
  6. [quote name='jigglyness']Oh wow. I really like the blending of the colors and how smooth the transition is. I also really like the shading, espcially in the hands. Some corners are a little too round but its just me nit-picking on things. Overall I really like your pieces. :D I wish I had copic markers, but they're too expensive. =.= ughhh. But I do have the prismacolor markers.[/QUOTE] Thanks so much! :) Yeah, they are expensive but save your money!!! :D
  7. Hey people, So here's some more art from me XD... Yay for Bleach fan art. :animesmil Both done with copic sketch markers. Hope you like them :) ~Rachel [img]http://i37.tinypic.com/2ewiib8.png[/img] [img]http://i34.tinypic.com/16igjgz.png[/img] If you want to see them bigger, you can go to my dA page. [url]http://shunshuu-tsunami.deviantart.com[/url]
  8. [quote name='mangamaniack21']wow!! really pretty colors :D!!! it's amazing!!! you style is pretty awesome. i like the outfits.[/QUOTE] Thank you so much XD
  9. [quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] And gymnastics, with China's female gymnasts who suspiciously don't look 16 at all. lol I'm also excited for tennis, because I love Federer. He may not be #1 anymore but I really hope he wins the gold this year. [/font][/QUOTE] Haha yes the Chinese do not look 16 at all. But I saw a Russian gymnast competeing who was 15 :animestun So I was even more confused XD... Michael Phelps has been the highlight for me. I cannot believe that he won 8 golds this week... that's totally INSANE!!! I was watching the relay with my Dad and I think I was like dying in my chair lmao. Good stuff though. I didnt know Federer wasn't number one anymore :o I wanna see him get gold also :D
  10. I hate the Jonas Brothers... omg... I don't know how my friend is obsessed with them, they irritate me XD... I thought that Demi Lovato was pretty good in Camp Rock though, but that's just my opinion :animeswea It does piss me off that the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana are like taking over the music world, for younger kids at least. We could probably find people more original and more talented... but oh well >_> :animecry:
  11. [quote name='Veritas'][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=dimgray]To be honest, I haven't really looked all too much into the movie, but I do enjoy the books so far (I've only read the first 2, I'm waiting for my girlfriends mom to finish the 3rd). I would definatly have to agree with Darren that Anne Rice's are still my favorite vampire stories.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=dimgray]Although I did find Stefanie Meyer's twist on the mythology to be interesting and unique which I liked but you are right the books are lacking in alot of detail, except for Edward.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][/FONT] [/QUOTE] Now I really wanna read some Anne Rice books lol. :animeswea I'm just starting the third one, hopefully it's more interesting than the 2nd one XD... I dont know, I kinda thought the second book was boring. Maybe thats because I dont like Jacob Black as much as Edward? hehe:animeswea
  12. [quote name='Darren'][SIZE="1"]1) I love vampires, and while every author has their own creative view to express, I personally despise what Meyer did to the vampire mythology. (Anne Rice all the way!!!) 2) (I pictured a buff, pale guy with body glitter when she described Edward in the sunlight. LOLZ) It was all go here, examine here, meet here, and then bad guys come, kill them, move on... *yawn* The most exciting part was when I found out James was responsible for turning Alice... But then they killed him. It's like the one twist the book had was smothered before it had a chance to turn into something really interesting. And you really should watch Pattinson in HP4. And you might want to pick up Into the Wild, so you can see Stewart. Even though her role in that movie is short, you can really tell that she's got talent from that movie.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] My friend said that Anne Rice was an amazing author :) I saw some of her books in barnes and noble, but I didn't have money to buy them :animeswea OMG I AGREE! That's kinda how i pictured Edward as well. In an interview he said that for the part I needed to get a six pack... that didn't happen XD... :animeswea yea... that did not happen, but oh well. I hope they add some effects in the movie to give him that glittery effect. Ah yes, I agree. Finding that info out about Alice was definitly interesting and it kinda sucked that James had to die, but then again it did lead to Victoria going after Bella... etc. Yea i neeeed to see the 4th harry potter movie... I'm so far behind... Sounds good I think i'll look for that movie also, I really wanna see how Stewart acts. btw, best of luck with becoming an author THATS AWESOME!:animesmil
  13. [quote name='Darren'][SIZE="1"]Eh, I've been debating the movie for quite some time, but in my opinion, it can't be as bad as the book. (Yes, I'm one of the Twilight haters, but that's another story) As far as actors go, Pattinson and Stewart are two of my favorite. Of course, I've only seen Pattinson in HP4, but he played the part very well and I don't expect him to do any worse here. Unfortunately for Kristen, I feel that she's been scrutinized so much because of the way she looks. (Which let's face it, she's not half-bad) I don't think Meyer really described any of her characters physical appearance to the point of such anger at Stewart's casting. From what I can tell, Bella is supposed to be pretty, but just average... As far as unhappy casting: Emmett, Rosalie, Laurent, and Victoria. This has nothing to do with acting ability. It's just that I feel as far as physical aspects go, I figured Emmett would be buffer, Rosalie would be prettier, Laurent would be white, (I know, that sounds bad, but it wasn't meant to be. Again this refers to Meyer's bad writing for leaving that detail out of the book...[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Aw I'm sorry you didn't like the book... Lots of people say it's like a chick book lol. So maybe thats why? But I do agree that Stephenie left out a lot of details on the character's physical appearence. Laurent and Victoria didn't look at all like I thought they would be. But i do agree with you on most parts. I hope they pull it off. I wish I saw Pattinson in HP4.... >_>:animeswea
  14. Hey guys :) So the movie for the AMAZING book Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer, is coming out 12/12/08. I don't know about you hardcore fans but I cannot wait!!!! I dont know if there's a thread for this movie yet... so why not make one :) I'm curious about your opinions on the cast that was chosen. You guys can choose any character you want but I'm just going to put in my opinion on Edward and Bella: 1. Robert Pattinson is going to be playing Edward and in my opinion from watching interviews he's perfect for the part. He looks like how I have imagined Edward plus he's totally cute :animeswea Also I heard that he studied his character from Stephenie's book that's in Edward's perspective. I feel like he has a great understanding for his character. Even though he's much older than 17 I think that he's going to pull off the part really really well :). 2. Kristen Stewart is giong to be playing Bella and she looks like she fits the part but personally, she's very dull in interviews so I'm a little scared as to how she's going to pull it off. I dont know how she acts, i havn't seen her in any movies yet (I know she's been in some). From what i've seen her voice seems really deap to play Bella. Thats just my opinion. She looks great for the part, I just hope she pulls it off well. (dont want to bash her, just my opinion XD) ~~ So what do you guys think about the cast?! :D ~Rachel
  15. I remember in 4th grade my dad printed off some anime pictures from a website that had tons of anime image galleries. He gave me two images that i had no clue what they were from and one cardcaptor sakura image. I didnt know at the time that it was Cardcaptor Sakura and it turned out to be one of my favorite anime/manga in the future :) I thought that was kinda cool that, that happened. I kinda just started to copy those pictures he printed off and kept researching more anime and got hooked XD Now i have been sucked into the world of drawing :animeswea
  16. [quote name='Aceburner'][CENTER][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/128348080080156250urinsolencedi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [img]http://i36.tinypic.com/8yamtx.jpg[/img]
  17. I wouldn't want to know when I died, but I know that I want to die in my sleep, as weird as that sounds. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be doing something and just flop down dead... (getting the willies now..)
  18. [quote name='yakiimo']Hey, no problem! I'd like to see you redraw this (not necessarily color it) with the critique in mind.[/QUOTE] I'm too lazy to re-draw it XD but in the next picture i make i'll use your advice :)
  19. [quote name='yakiimo']O! So shoujo! You know, I could never do the little white dot thing. I really like how you did that. How -did- you do that? The most glaring thing I can think of a suggestion for would be the eyes. Depending on how you're looking at a person, their eyes can change relative shape. I have this same problem, but it's really prevalent here just because of the color. Their eyes really pop and the color draws me to look at them. Girls, usually, have smaller hands than guys. But these girls' hands are perhaps too small. They look to be quite delicate young ladies, but their hands should be a little bigger. Put your hand over your face to judge the size. Grasp a stick roughly the same diameter as that parasol she's holding to judge your fingers and how you hold it. Though their eyes are well-colored, I can't tell where it is they're looking. Having pupils the same color but darker shade than the rest of the eye can create a startling effect. Here, it's hard to tell what it is the girls are looking at. The one with the purple eyes is looking at me. But the other one, it's like she's staring wistfully into space. Watch how hair falls. Though your hair is higher up than your skull, the blonde girl's hair is perhaps too high. It's hard to do head ornaments. I still can't draw hats for the life of me without a reference! Try to look up some Chinese headwear. Mostly women in ancient China, to get a feel for what it looks like you're trying to accomplish. With the girl with the purple hair, I'm not sure about the back (?) of her dress. If her hips are twisted that way, it would be uncomfortable for her shoulders to be how they are. The easiest way to draw some poses is to try them out yourself. Stand in front of a full-length mirror or set up a timer on your digital camera to take a snapshot of yourself. I've done this countless times for sitting references. Or holding a mug of coffee or cocoa. You're very good with the copics! I want a set, too! They're so expensive... Keep this up! Fill one sketchbook page a day.[/QUOTE] YOU ROCK MY WORLD! I appreciate your critique so much you have no idea.. i havnt gotten useful critique in such a long time. I agree with the hands i always draw them too small and i know they're relativley close to the size of ur face i just never do the right proportion hehe Thank you so much!!!!!
  20. Hi :) My names Rachel and I'm new here. I have an account on theotaku.com and thought why not branch out over here as well and meet some new people :) I love drawing anime, reading, and walking my doggies :) I hope to get to know lots of new people!! ~Rachel
  21. Awesome sig right there :) I love the colors, and Grimmjow looks so cute. I wish he was a little brighter though, so he could pop off the page a bit :)
  22. i had this crazyyy naruto dream mixed with bleach it was insanee.. monsters everywhere and i was like this shinigami who had no clue what she was doing but i loveddd the dream :3 (barely remember it tho T^T)
  23. woow!! ur traditional work is gorgeous! :) u make me wanna work harder with charcoal X3 love ur style :)
  24. Hi :3 i'm new to OB and i hope to make new friends and meet new ppl ^^ This is one of my more recent arts, i worked very hard on it and I would love some critique. I want to get better! :) So please give me some helpful hints as what to do to improve! I know that the arms are skinny but i wanted them to be XD. I hope you like it! done with copic sketch markers ^^ [img]http://i33.tinypic.com/10zzgat.png[/img]
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