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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [quote name='8bit'][INDENT][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"][B]OtakuBoards MMORPG[/B] I was thinking of doing this by myself but it's too big of a task for one person so I present it to you as an event idea. Basically it's a MMORPG-style RP where posting actually makes you level up (1 post = 1 level, maybe at higher levels it takes more posts to get the level). [i]But[/i] you can only level up in certain threads. ;) There would be two main threads. The Monster Territory and the Otaku Territory. In the Otaku Territory, you're safe. You're free to do whatever you want. Except in Otaku Territory, posts give no experience. You have to go to the [I]Monster[/I] Territory and fight monsters, complete quests and party with other Otakus if you want to level up. There would be tons of unlockables as far as motivation for levelling goes. There could be certain threads that you can't see until you hit a certain level. Of course equipment has level restrictions too (killing monsters also gets you money to buy things at the shop). The way Questing would work is any member can post a quest (they can make up a reward to go with it) and any member -if they are within the quest givers chosen level restriction- can accept that quest. Once you accept you're free to post yourself doing the quest and that can take as long as you feel it should take. Quests can be created in both Territories but only Monster Quests can give you experience Rewards could be something like armor or a weapon (which the quest giver can completely make up) but they could also be more creative things like maybe a special member title (in which case you'd have to be a high level to attempt the quest) or a custom made banner ([I]if[/I] the quest giver is willing to make it every time someone completes their quest). The great thing is because it's an MMORPG, people write and level at there own individual pace. You could join really late and still be able to catch up to high levels (if they've slowed down levelling). So yeah, there is lots of room for creativity.[/COLOR][/FONT][/INDENT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Reminds me of Sandy's OB-session MMO idea from a while back. As I said then, it sounded rather interesting, if it could actually be pulled off successfully, and that hasn't changed. If a board-wide MMO could be set up, I'd happily get involved. Also, the Court idea sounds cool, but for just to fun of it, I think jury members should have to be selected completely at random, just for the fun of people complaining in AIM conversations that they'd gotten jury duty.[/SIZE]
  2. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Because I can't see him saying that [I]just[/I] for the funeral aspect alone.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I can't remember whether or not I let you in on what's going to happen Darren, but if I didn't, you're most certainly right. Apologies for my lack of posts in this, aside from being absolutely wrecked from my work-load coming up to my final year exams, I've just not been able to get into the mood to write my final post for Almagest. However, I promise, come hell or high water, it will be done by this weekend, simply because I really want to write it and stop holding people up.[/SIZE]
  3. Gavin

    Iron Man

    [SIZE="1"]Saw it last night with my brother and father, and I have to say, it was just awesome, probably my favourite superhero movie so far. Downey was just excellent in the role, as were Paltrow, Howard and Bridges, in fact, [spoiler]seeing as I wasn't familiar with the character Stane, I thought Bridges gave an exceptional "good guy" performance before the big revelation.[/spoiler] I think my favourite parts to the film were actually the more light-hearted moments, or any of JARVIS's lines. They oddly gave a greater sense of realism, at least for me.[/SIZE] [quote name='Kenso'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]And stay after the credits. Trust me, it's worth it.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Quoted for truth, I can't say how annoyed I was I had to go onto Youtube afterwards to see what I missed, especially seeing how awesome the after credits clip was.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE="1"]Just rewatching some of the older episodes of Bleach, around when Ichigo was getting his Vizard training, a funny though occurred to me. When a Shinigami becomes a Vizard, he has to defeat his inner-Hollow in order to gain full control of his powers. If he fails to do this, his/her inner-Hollow takes over and the Shinigami moves to the other extreme to become a Hollow, we know this already. But is the reverse the case for an Arrancar ? Do Arrancar have to deal with inner-Shinigami to create their zanpakutou ? And if an Arrancar failed to defeat his inner-Shinigami, would be regain his heart and become one ? [/SIZE]
  5. [quote name='chibi-master']Personally, I'm really tired of so much Sasuke. And I'm really hurt that Tobi, our sweet, naive Tobi, is actually that scumbag, Madara.:animeangr I want to see what's going on with Naruto or Team Hebi vs. Kisame...:animecry:[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]What do you mean there chibi ? Aside from the fact Sasuke just happens to be the person Madara is talking to, he's not really had that much focus lately, thankfully. You know, it's funny, when we found out this year was going to be dedicated to Sasuke mostly, there was pretty much outright lamentation, then he was humbled by Itachi and we hoped for some decent self-reflection and development, then he got Mangekyou and we were back to stage one again. But really, we're nearly half way through the year now, and Sasuke hasn't been as prominent as expected. Plus, Kishi said he'd focus on Kakashi, and for some pointless reason Sakura, so he can't get all the page time.[/SIZE]
  6. [CENTER][SIZE="1"][B][U]Fallen[/U][/B] My breath stills as she smiles, her beauty even now, is radiant. Blood lazily drips from her soaked fingertips, I wonder sadly, who it belongs to. "[b]Why ?[/b] She doesn't answer, merely appraising me with cold, loveless eyes. Her wings unfurl, delicate feathers turned pitch, and with a single movement we charge... "[b]Forgive me...[/b]"[/SIZE][/CENTER]
  7. [SIZE="1"]Seems I've been away from this thread for a while. [INDENT]Angel Compassion personified Walk among mortals Majesty beheld Seraph[/INDENT][/SIZE]
  8. [quote name='Raiha'][i][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Gavin landed nearby, not gone past his limits just yet, the face of an enemy crushed in his hand.[/i][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]OK...so that's not disturbing at all. I suppose I'll just wipe it off on the shirt of the next person I deface, literally.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE="1"]Despite any worries you have/had about this projects similaity to Almagest, I have to say, despite some superficial ones, it seems to be completely different and I'm rather intrigued by it. I imagine if/when the company does actually start to splinter, a lot of the family loyalty is going to be put to the test.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE="1"]Having come across [B]Skillet[/B], thanks to an AMV featuring their song [I]Comatose[/I] on Youtube yesterday, I've been browsing their songs for the last few hours in between other browsings. I have to say, they're pretty good, although Comatose is probably still my favourite song of theirs that I've heard.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE="1"]Well that was certainly what I asked for D, although I have to say, I was hoping that it would be you and I would be the spies, but Darren and Beth made an equally good replacement as main characters. I particularly liked the tenseness of the piece after the execution, as though Beth and Darren were going to have a firefight on the way out.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE="1"]After actually opening the index page on my browser, my routine for OB depends on the day in question, usually I'll tab open the Theatre and it's sub-forums as well as the Anthology and check out a few threads that have new posts, or have caught my interest. After I'm finished reading/replying, I tend to move on to the Lounge and do the same again. Occasionally I'll drop by the Amphitheatre and Arcade, but probably no more than once or twice a week. Art Studio gets a look in everyone once in a while as well. Friday and Saturday are a bit different, as usually I've just had my manga fix for the week, and the Manga Alley finally has a few new posts that I check out and reply to. It's a pity really, when TwistedChick was still around, there was a lot more activity in that forum. While this is all going on of course, seeing as it's evening time for me, I'll be engaged in several different AIM conversations, which tend to be quite fun and animated. And that's pretty much my routine.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE="1"]Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. :animesmil All kidding aside, I suppose I could be classed as something of a caffeine addict, without my morning cup/cups of tea, I'm practically still asleep until nine, despite being awake and dressed by seven-thirty. About six cups of tea a day wouldn't be unusual, with more at the weekend because I actually have access to tea-making facilities. Coke when I drink it is another big source of caffeine for me, I don't buy it that often due to the fact a certain "health conscious individual" AKA my high school's fascist sports coach had the drink banned in school because bluntly he's an *******. Like Crys and Beth, I adore the smell of coffee, but find the taste repulsive.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE="1"]Heh, what a fun little read. And yes, it does actually sound like something D'Ann would do for a dare, which makes it all the story even better. I'm not going to pick through any grammar issues, I'll leave that to whoever feels like it, I don't do criticism in stories. That said, I'm going to agree with Darren, using Notepad isn't a great idea, Word, if you have it would be a far better choice, just for your own satisfaction.[/SIZE]
  15. [quote name='Clurr'][url]http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t34/makeshiftpaperwings/WW2.gif[/url] [FONT="Arial"]I laughed so hard at this. I love history.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]That was awesome, AoE online was so fun sometimes. [CENTER][YOUTUBE="How Episode IV Should've Ended"]zzoeEdW-EDQ[/YOUTUBE][/CENTER] God bless Youtube.[/SIZE]
  16. [quote name='Aceburner']Actually, that was just gonna be one case. I'm thinkning right now I probably won't have a serial killer or anything in here, no strings, just one crime each. They don't even all have to be murders.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Ah, seems I didn't read the thread concept properly, my bad. Still though, I tend to agree with everyone who's said that we've had enough oldie dominated stories for a while, and it would be nice to see the newer members step into the limelight for a change.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE="1"]Wow. Just wow. Seriously, congratulations QA, even if you're not active any more, I'm sure little Corbin will have the most fun and awesome mom ever.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE="1"]Call me crazy, and God knows some of the oldies probably will, but instead of having all the established members being the main characters, with the newbies getting whacked and we saving OB as per usual, why don't we do the reverse ? Oldies getting killed off and it's up to the newer members have to step up to the plate and show off their own skills ? The oldies themselves could pop up every so often maybe to give a bit of a help, but they're all mostly in hiding for fear of their lives. You know Ace, if you try this, you're basically proclaiming yourself the new member version of DragonWarrior, those are big boots to try and fit into. Not discouraging you or anything, I'm sure whatever you do will be great to read.[/SIZE]
  19. [quote name='Revelation'][size=1][color=#8B008B]Or it could be a tiny little Asian girl who has a peculiar way of intimidating people. I mean, who knows? You know?[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Quoted for truth, I know despite being over six feet tall and playing a lot of heavy contact sports, getting on D'Ann's bad side is still something I am mortally afraid of. ^_^;[/SIZE]
  20. [quote name='Aceburner']:p[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c3/D_oh.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  21. [SIZE="1"]Call me a master of stating the obvious, but D'Ann, you really do look hot in that little red dress.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE="1"]Based on the latest pictures in "I Forgot What You Look Like" thread D, more particularly your Casino Royale comment, my latest request is you do a spy piece involving whoever you see fit, doing whatever you see fit, as long as it's setting is a gala event with tuxedos and slinky dresses.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE="1"]Weekdays, due to my high school routine, I'm usually in bed/asleep by about 10:30/11:00 pm due to the fact I have a 6:45 am start five days a week. Weekends, I don't really have a set time for finishing up at, although 1 or 2 am would be sort of pushing it a little, unlike some people I know, I can't say awake until 5 and 6 in the morning, yeah Crys, I'm talking about you. Heh. Part of that is also linked to the fact I never sleep that late, 8:30/9:00 in the morning is sort of the latest I'd ever wake up at nowadays. Although with three months off coming up soon, and college after that, I imagine that particular trait may be subject to change.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE="1"]Well, it's a bit belated due to computer problems, but happy birthday you two, it obviously goes without saying that without you two, OB would be around for us to congratulate you on. As I believe my account says, my birthday is February 23rd, yep, the day after Rev, which is a cool little fact I didn't know about, or at least, didn't remember. Usually on my birthday my family and I go to a restaurant and have a nice meal, then either the preceeding or following weekend, whichever is closer, I tend to go and get fairly drunk with my friends and have an equally good time.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE="1"]Well, seeing as geeking out online on Warhammer 40K's Dawn of War games was something myself and a few other members did for a while during the summer, and still do occasionally, news of a sequel has prompted a change in desktop for me. At the moment, I've using a resized/cropped version of [b][url=http://thq.vo.llnwd.net/o10/marketing/dawnofwar/screenshots/high_resolution/Assault_jump.jpg?height=600&width=800]this[/url][/b].[/SIZE]
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