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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE="1"]Well, well, seems poor Daedalus has lost another loved one. I imagine his already waning life may be deminished even further with this new shock. Even if he doesn't find the body, he'll have some idea of what happened. Which leads me to my next point, Sandy, I hope you're aware that Daedalus will go to any length to capture Gadget over what has occurred, given that he was the last person to see Nellie alive. I imagine he'd begin with a bounty, for his capture alive, and then if he finds out Gadget's relation to the Starks, it's going to be a bounty for his head, along with those of his rebel parents.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE="1"]Man, some people seriously need to relax. My whole take on the evolution vs intelligent creation ? Doesn't really matter, neither of them can be proven conclusively. Until scientists can actually create a universe of their own to test theories in, it can't be proven, and when they're actually able to do that, they'll have become God, thus logically proving both theories that God created the universe, and creatures evolved into their current states of being. Kinda funny when you think about it.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE="1"]Heh, I really did mean to write this up before the last day. Oh well, better late than never. ^_^' [b]Who is it ?[/b] Crystia [Indifference] [b]Why is she Nifty ?[/b] Because despite what her username seems to imply, she's one of the most friendly and kind people on the site. The more I get to know her, the more glad I am that I did get to know her in the first place. Crys is also an awesome writer, despite never admitting it. [b]Who is it ?[/b] Aaryanna [b]Why is she Nifty ?[/b] Another annual nomination from me and the reasons have yet to change, Aaryanna is simply an all-round great person. She's polite, calm and affable and one hell of a writer. As a fellow dog lover, she's awesome for that alone. [b]Who is it ?[/b] D'Ann [Neuvoxraiha] [b]Why is she Nifty ?[/b] Not only is OB's sexiest vixen my beloved wife [12/03/03], but she's probably the most prolific story writer on OB. From her current project Little Deaths, to older projects like High School Hell, as well as her portrayal as Macey Almagest in The Almagest Legacy, D is just a brilliant writer. [b]Who is it ?[/b] Josh [Shy] [b]Why is he Nifty ?[/b] *Whacks* I refuse to even explain this one. He's Josh, enough said. [b]Who is it ?[/b] Mike [Zen] [b]Why is she Nifty ?[/b] Even if he hasn't been active in the last while, I consider Mike to be OB's best action scene writer, and just a hell of a writer altogether. I hope that this year I'll get the chance to work with him again. [b]Who is it ?[/b] Aaryanna_Mom [b]Why is she Nifty ?[/b] Because she can put Sandy back in his place in about twenty words. ^_~ I'm just kidding Sandy. No, Mom is an awesome member because as OB's voice of reason and fairness, she's not afraid to tell people off when they've been jerks and she's definitely helped to make us all a little more grown up. [b]What is it ?[/b] Nominating yourself to be Nifty [b]Why is it Nifty[/b] See Ken's post, because he sums it up better than I could. [b]What is it ?[/b] Hopeless [OB Horror Story] [b]Why is it Nifty ?[/b] Go read it. Then come back here and smack yourself for asking that question. It's really a great read, and I don't want to say any more because if I do, I'll end up spoiling the plot. [b]What is it ?[/b] OB's Artists [All of them] [b]Why are they Nifty ?[/b] Because I'm a writer, I work with words to try and create a believable and enjoyable work for people to appreciate. When I write a character, I have to try and express my vision for that person's appearance and mannerisms in words alone. An artist can do this much more successfully and completely than I can, and OB's has some awesome artists. [b]What is it ?[/b] OB's Writers [All of us] [b]Why are we Nifty ?[/b] Because we create worlds with words for people to lose themselves in and have fun. From role-playing, to poetry, to anthology stories, we allow people to be themselves and yet be someone completely different. We allow people to get to know one another better, and with the like of The Almagest Legacy, let people experience life as a family with their friends who live far away. And that's ten.[/SIZE]
  4. Gavin

    The Almagest Legacy

    [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalusavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/helen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/dawlish-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/harrison-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [INDENT][SIZE="1"]Although Daedalus couldn't be classed as a true fan of Chimaera racing, in that he did not religiously follow the sport as other members of the family did, he certainly did enjoy watching it. Absentmindedly he rubbed the back of his head before wincing slightly, truth be told, he had probably come out of hospital too early. But, that didn?t matter, he was alive, and here with his family on a day out, that alone made him feel well enough. ?[b]Dad ! Come on, I?ve got the seats.[/b]? Harrison was pointing vigorously at the nearest seats to the edge of the circuit. He smiled brightly at his youngest son before waving to his other two children and gesturing for them to follow him. Dwalish seemed hesitant to break up his argument with Eva, bur Nellie grabbed her older brother?s arm and dragged him down the flight of steps laughing. ?[b]We?ll finish this later Eva.[/b] Her cousin rolled her eyes in mock irritation in response. Though Eva was six years younger than Nellie, they had been very close as children, her twin cousins practically adoring the ground she walked on. Though he likely favoured his sons with his time more than her, a father?s worst habit, she had made him very, very proud of her. ?[b]Come on dad, it doesn?t look as if Harrison is going to wait much longer.[/b]? Sighing amusedly, he watched as Harrison had taken his seat in the centre right of the four, and was staring back up at his other family members expectantly. As she had done with her elder brother, Nellie caught hold of her father and began pulling him forwards. After a few moments, they were all seated together, Harrison on his father?s right with Dwalish next to him and Nellie on Daedalus? left. ?[b]It was nice of the Princess to give you some free time sis, it?s been ages since I?ve seen you.[/b]? Nellie ruffled Harrison?s hair lovingly and smiled. ?[b]Yes, Princess Augustine is a wonderful person, I?m very lucky to be her bodyguard.[/b]? Relaxing back into her seat, in a posture Daedalus couldn?t say was particularly lady-like, but certainly military oriented. ?[b]So Harry, still interested in joining the Guard ?[/b]? Harrison frowned at the use of his pet-name, only Nellie and his mother continued to use it. ?[b]Yeah, dad said he was going to give me some private tutoring to help me.[/b]? ?[b]Oh ?[/b]? The comment came from Harrison?s right, as Dwalish leaned in to take part in the conversation. ?[b]What do you mean by ?oh? Dwalish ?[/b]? A slight smile broke over his brother?s lips. ?[b]Nothing.[/b]? Scowling, the younger brother watched as Daedalus chuckled and Nellie grinned at him. ?[b]What ?[/b]? ?[b]You?ve never had father?s training before have you ?[/b]? It was Nellie who ventured the question. ?[b]No...[/b]? ?[b]You?ll get the joke after your first lesson.[/b]? ?[b]Dad, what?re they talking about ?[/b]? Daedalus merely raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. ?[b]I?m sure I don?t know Harrison. I?ve always considered myself a good teacher[/b]?[/size][/indent]
  5. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]My goodness! I think you deserve an award for using so many characters in your post. Well done. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Quite. [strike]I've got a bit of time today, so hopefully I should be able to whip up a post. I imagine despite his own mechanical leanings, Daedalus is probably still a fan of the races.[/strike] [b][Edit][/b] I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, the majority of my posts seem to have a tone of misery to them, so it's nice to be able to get a happy family-themed one written.[/SIZE]
  6. [quote name='Sandy']Besides, the chimaeras are hybrids of [I]animals[/I], and I can't think of any animal that would walk upright (besides us humans, haha).[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Most primates, as D'Ann pointed out with gorillas, use bipedal locomotion Sandy. That said, if chimaera races are primarily about speed, which I suspect they are, then obviously bipeds are at a disadvantage. I actually thought most of the chimaeras would be feline based.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE="1"]Wow, three different and rather brutal deaths. I quite liked Rach's, nice to see an honourable death among all the carnage.[/SIZE]
  8. [quote name='Sandy']Ahem... [IMG]http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/mi20060601a_cfr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://static.battlelore.com/lang/french/images/bl_gob_ostrich_rider.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I think she was referring more to Chimaera who stand vertically Sandy, like humans, as opposed to the examples you gave. Still, quadrupeds would definitely have the advantage if there's ramming and shoving involved.[/SIZE]
  9. [quote name='Sandy']Just to make it clear, it's only Princess Augustine Beauteous who's connected to the Underdogs. The Dynasty isn't [I]so[/I] inbred that it would start to rebel against it's own rule. XP[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Oh well, at least now he can get away with executing her as a traitor eventually. I would if I can somehow spin it so that Bavaria was involved and execute her too ? *Muses*[/size]
  10. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom'][CENTER][IMG]http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/4182/picardheadeskch8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I think that sums it up pretty well.[/SIZE] [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']Lady Bavaria had better hope she ends up re-married up higher or Catherine's own social network will see that absolutely no one will take her seriously again. [/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]She'll be immensely lucky just to get away with not being taken seriously. If Daedalus however ever finds out about the Dynasts links to the bombing, let's just say he's going to pay a visit to Mount Grail for a rummage. People really should have more sense than to mess with a man who creates doomsday weapons for God's sake...[/SIZE] [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']Also, should an attempt be made to sell Magitech... Catherine will back Daedalus since in her opinion, he had an interest in it long before Leonhart re-married. So if he says sell, she'll agree, if he says no, then she too will say no.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I get the feeling most of the "loyal" Almagests are going to throw their weight behind Daedalus, however I imagine that Catherine and her brother aren't looking at a controlling share between them. They'll need to convince Leonhart's kids to make the right decision. On that thought, exactly how is Magitech being divided up Josh/Sandy ?[/SIZE]
  11. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Lady Bavaria has some explaining to do... What with the report finding that the bomb was smuggled in [I]after[/I] she dismissed the security that Daedalus had arranged. Time to sit back and let him flay her alive I would say. :D And if you're wondering, I ran that by Shy before I posted it. I hope I got him right Gavin, let me know and I'll edit that if you wish. In the mean time, Fonty had better hope he's already gone with Alecia on her way to check on him.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]No problems on my end Rach, I look forward to dangling Bavaria by her ankles over the open mouth of a very hungry Chimaera... [[b]Edit[/b]] Interesting plot twist Josh, it seems the Almagests may be in an even more dire position than before. That said, all you've done is reaffirm my desire to eventually have Daedalus execute Bavaria personally.[/SIZE]
  12. [quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I've always wanted to kill my husband.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]O_O This is why I really should check every new post... I'm actually mildly curious, in a morbid sort of way, to see how you'll write this. [/SIZE]
  13. [quote name='Revelation'][size=1][color=#8B008B]It's sad, though, that this ended. But thank goodness it's only Part 1.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]And here I was sadly lamenting it was over for good. Horray for intermissions, or so it appears.[/SIZE]
  14. [quote name='Sandy']You can't just post "Gadget (or whoever) solved the riddle on the note and they moved on", since it's a real challenge meant for the players. ;D[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Oh well, I'm all out of ideas then. ^_^'[/SIZE]
  15. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]I would love to see DB die in obscurity. Nothing really violent or brutal... just have him die forgotton and ignored, without him having had any impact on the world and with no one caring about his fate.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Officially seconded. Sorry DB, but after nominating Mom, you deserve it. [/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE="1"]You may have a point there Twisted, if the manga has been accurately translated into English, I believe Itachi did say that the Uchiha killed their friends to get the Mangekyou Sharingan, and then killed their brothers to keep it. Now whether or not he meant brothers in a very literal sense as opposed to a general comrade sense is something we don't know for the moment.[/SIZE]
  17. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]I don't think his condition is widely known, even within the family. Nobody really knows what is wrong with Daedalus (save for Harriet, Macey, and possibly Alecia) but everyone knows that it's much more serious than he's letting on. If you've ever had a sick relative try to hide their condition from you then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Unfortunately it took the failed bombing in Rosengard for everyone to realize that something was up.[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Yeah, I suspected that was the case, but I just wanted to make absolutely sure. I imagine that Harriet may have let Alecia in on Daedalus' condition, probably working with her on the serum he's being administered, so that in the event she passes away before her husband, there's still someone around who can make it. Daedalus will be doing his best to try and hide the extent of it, but stress seems to cause it to worsen, and it seems his life is getting more and more stressful. Hope this is OK with you too Beth.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE="1"]My mistake, I didn't think Macey was actually in hospital for treatment.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE="1"]Wow, only eight days, it doesn't really seem that short does it ? On a side note Sandy, should that not say Fontleroy and Daedalus released from Eshe Rehema on Day Eight ? [/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE="1"]Wow. Just wow. That was a brilliant story D'Ann, exactly what I was hoping for. Hopefully Mike will agree when he reads it. I know he'll probably say that he should be beaten me, but I think we can both be satisfied by the fact the win is up to the person who catches the sword first.[/SIZE]
  21. [quote name='Shy'][size=1][B]I imagine that Daedalus would strongly oppose any attempt to sell the company[/B], but given his health I don't know how he would be able to fight it. Perhaps this could create a rift between the Almagests? Given the recent troubles in New Czenoble and Rosengard there are probably more than a few Almagests who are ready to sell. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I imagine his exact words would be something along the lines of "Over my dead body", ironically enough, in the future that may be exactly the case. Just for clarities sake Josh, how well known is it that Daedalus is ill ? I know from your post at the party he had a coughing fit, which would probably trigger rumours, but nobody outside of those closest to him know the extent of it correct ? [/SIZE]
  22. [quote name='Shinmaru']This also makes me think more about the effects of transplanting the eyes - more specifically, how it would affect Kakashi. Are the Uchiha's transplant powers specific to the Uchiha clan or can they possibly be replicated (even in a limited way) by non-Uchiha? Then again, this could be useless thought since Kakashi replaced a regular eye rather than an Uchiha eye. Hm.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]It's a bit of both I'd say Mike, while Kakashi may not go blind from using his Mangekyou eye, he's also limited by the fact that he's not an Uchiha and thus his body doesn't perform as well with the Sharingan as it would were he one. Hence his repeated hospitalisations after he uses his eye in combat. Reading back over the chapter, and allowing the initial shock of it to subside, I have to admit, it's growing on me, in a sort of fascinatingly morbid way. We've always known the Uchiha were a fairly screwed up clan but this takes that to a completely new level. I still don't like the shift in Itachi's personality, simply because it seems so out-of-character for the normally emotionally-detached Uchiha. I think the same effect could have been achieved, to perhaps a more effective degree, without the need for his "light" ravings. As for whether or not Sasuke has the Mangekyou, perhaps it's a "now or never" sort of situation. Itachi knows his sight is getting steadily worse, perhaps he's worried if he waits until Sasuke achieves his Mangekyou, he'll no longer be able to overpower him. Better to get two normal eyes that can go Mangekyou as opposed to losing your own two, something which I suspect is going to happen by the end of the fight.[/SIZE]
  23. [quote name='Sandy']Nice invention, but who's the Imperial Majesty? Czenovia's not an empire...[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]...How did I miss that ? Ugh, must be this cold. I'll go edit it now to just HMA.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE="1"]Well that took a little longer than I thought, but I'm satisfied with how it turned out. He should be up and out of bed before too long. HIMAS stands for His Imperial Majesty's Airship by the way.[/SIZE]
  25. Gavin

    The Almagest Legacy

    [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalusavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [INDENT][SIZE="1"][b]Czenovian 1st Air-Fleet Flagship HMA Invincible, circa 664[/b] The wind was picking up, Daedalus watched with a mild disinterest as Czenovia's standards fluttered against the strengthening breeze. His hands gripped gently against the rail, beyond which he could see the open vastness of sky ahead of him. Beneath them, New Czenoble grew more and more faint as the armada gained altitude, the sound of the fanfare still audible despite the distance between them, if only barely. And that was it... they were going to war... for the twenty-two year old Daedalus it seemed... odd. Not wrong, wars weren't something you could simply black and white justify as being right or wrong, there were too many motivations and reasons for such a simple term as right or wrong. He had spent his entire life split equally between life in his laboratory, and life on the battlefield... Daedalus Almagest, the most skilled weaponsmithing alchemist of his generation... second only to his father Rueben. He created things that killed people... moral considerations were not something he allowed to bother him. Wordlessly he turned as a set of heavy military boots drew slowly up to him, his eyes half closed, Daedalus imagined it to be another adjunct sent with another potential strategy for the assault on Brigit Town. Such pointlessness, the Czenovian military was in every respect superior to the motley garrison they would face. The person he came face to face with however was not a low ranking officer, his hard weathered face and piercing green eyes were instantly recognisable his immediate superior officer, Air General Rockwell Nord, one of the highest ranked men in the entire military, and Daedalus? father-in-law. ?[b]Daydreaming again Commander ?[/b]? Ruffled, Daedalus saluted awkwardly before attempting a response. ?[b]No sir. I was merely considering the upcoming battle.[/b]? Rockwell?s eyes left Daedalus as he considered the azure blue sky skipping past them, he blew out a derisive breath before returning his attention to his first officer. ?[b]I doubt that sincerely Daedalus. You probably don?t even think the word battle applies in this case.[/b]? The young Almagest opened his mouth to refute the claim, but found himself strangely unable to do so. His father-in-law, much like his own father had this strange effect on Daedalus, as though they could read him as openly as one might a book. It irritated him to no end. ?[b]Never forget, when someone is fighting for what they perceive is their home or freedom... it doesn?t matter how badly they?re out-numbered, or how badly they?re out-classed, they will fight to the bitter end... Imagine how hard you?d fight if someone tried to take Harriet from you.[/b]? Daedalus found his eyes widening at the comment, it stung, perhaps he had a lot more to consider. [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalusavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [b]Brigit Town, circa 666[/b] Staring at the ruined sections of the city, Daedalus really didn?t want to admit how right Rockwell had been. The taskforce had been entrenched in fighting for over two years, and though it soon appeared that they would achieve complete victory, the cost had already been too high. Leonhart was standing only a few feet away from his older brother, clenching his jaw desperately. His face, Daedalus reflected, was ghastly pale, and his eyes bloodshot from the exhaustion of fighting. Both pairs of eyes were firmly fixed on the body of their father. The Invincible?s medical bay was all but empty, a handful of people gathered round to pay their respects to the fallen Almagest patriarch. Crown-Prince Mideus stood next to Leonhart, while Rockwell flanked his first officer. He looked oddly peaceful Daedalus thought, his face, which had been so perpetually contorted into a scowl or frown was emotionlessly serene. Daedalus had half expected his father's face to retain it's irritated glower even after the last breath had escaped his body. The only tell-tale sign that he was dead had been the freshly-cleaned wound at his heart, the legacy of the explosion which had killed him. ?[b]I promise you both, his death will be fully investigated. This shouldn?t have been able to happen.[/b]? He didn?t respond to Mideus? pledge, being in reality only half aware of it. It didn?t matter, the bomb had done it?s job, if only barely, a sliver of scrap-metal debris lodging in Rueben?s chest like a bullet, killing him instantly. Leonhart was busy thanking the heir to the throne for his concern, ever the statesman as their father had intended, he?d be the one to take over Magitech, to take over from their father now that he was gone...Daedalus, he would simply continue his work as he had always intended. Without warning, he felt a strong arm clasp his shoulder, and realised it was Rockwell trying to comfort him. ?[b]I?m sorry Daedalus.[/b]? Sorry ? Sorrow ? An expression of sadness at loss ? But really, what had Daedalus lost ? As a father, Rueben could barely have been described as adequate, utterly consumed by his work and career, by his genius. A man who had never displayed interest in Daedalus except when he had proven himself a potential equal, and even then there was a cold distain about it. No, Daedalus had not lost a father, the man who cared about him on a personal level was next to him offering condolences. He realised, what he had lost in the end was his employer, his mentor, his great obstacle to be surpassed, so what did that leave Daedalus now ? ?[b]You both are being given leave to return your father to Czenovia.[/b] ?[b]Thank you sir.[/b]? His response was shaky, only mildly louder than a whisper. Why was he being affected like this ? Daedalus did not love his father... he respected him, even envied him, so why was this torrent of emotion threatening to break down his resolve ? His father had never smiled at him, never told him he was proud of him, the closed he?d come was being told he?d managed to live up to his father?s expectations. Why ? Why was it like this ? ?[b]Leonhart ?[/b]? ?[b]Yeah Dae ?[/b]? ?[b]I?ll go home and inform mother and Cathy... it?s my responsibility.[/b]? ?[b]Sure.[/b]? Turning on his heel, Daedalus left, before anyone could see the stream of tears running down the Commander?s face. [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalusavatar.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/dawlish-chronicle.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Present Time[/b] Slowly he became aware of his surroundings, the slow rhythm of his breathing. His eyes fluttered open and then closed again when the light of the room threatened to blind him. He could feel a hand resting on his own, slightly smaller, with similarly callused fingers. Of all of them, Daedalus had expected him to be the last to be there. ?[b]Dwalish ?[/b]? Of all his children, Daedalus had to admit, Dwalish was the most like him, and thus my extension, the most like Rueben. The same single-minded genius, the same ruthless application, the same cold exterior. He had been a poor father with Dwalish, distant, leaving it to Harriet to raise him. In reality, he had been so similar to Rueben with his first born, he realised it had given him insight into the man, but Daedalus still cared for his son, he just didn?t know how to express it. Was that why he tried so hard now with Harrison ? Because he had only a limited time left ? Dwalish merely regarded his father quietly before speaking. ?[b]You had us worried, old man.[/b]? He squeezed his son?s hand tightly. He would be a better father to Dwalish as well. ?[B]I?m not dying that easily, son.[/b]?[/size][/indent]
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