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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]First of all, it's conceited, and second of all.... I hate cats. I'm thinking that Naps isn't quite the villain I'm searching for.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Heh, it was worth a try anyway. :animesmil[/SIZE]
  2. [quote name='Sandy']I've been a member here for almost six years now, and I've never had a long time hiatus. [B]Shows what a no-life [I]I[/I] am[/B]. XP[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]*Has been around even longer than Sandy* ¬_¬' ... Yeah, thanks for that Sandy. :p All kidding aside, it's as Ken said, but it's always good to see a few familiar faces from the past return.[/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][i][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]?Bah, like he?ll give you a choice.?[/i][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Too right, we've a race to rebuild, no sense in beating around the bush. Anyway, if this really was the final segment, I have to say hon, it's been a great read. We've gone from a bunch of hyperactive super-powered teenagers from High School Hell, to a group of respectable super-powered parents. My only thought left is God help us when those kids of ours are teenagers themselves. :animesmil[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE="1"][B]A long time from now, in a message boards far, far away...[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.theforce.net/kids/alderaan/sw_pets/pics/phantom_cat.jpg[/IMG] Naps returns, more powerful than you can possible imagine, and it's up to the descendents of OB...who all miraculously resemble their ancestors perfectly...to fight this ancient menace.[/SIZE][/CENTER]
  5. [quote name='Revelation'][size=1][color=#8B008B]I bet Gavin's sitting there nodding his head in a sage-like way, commending you for giving him this sacrifice, yet wondering, "Why me?" But hey, it definitely gives him a one-up on all of the other guys now. Pretty much this 'king-of-saiya-jins' person.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Nahh, after playing Metal Gear Solid 3, this simple raises me to Big Boss level awesomeness. :animesmil ...I'm actually kind sorry this is nearly over, but it's still a great story. Truly worthy of a Nifty Fifty...yeah definitely not a subtle hint here... :animeswea[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE="1"]Nooo !!! I missed the hobo lawyers, and here I was hoping there'd be some mention of myself and Justin blurring through them in a hail of lightsabers and severed limbs. Oh well, maybe some other time.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE="1"]Yay, new chapter and apparently I've finally turned Super Saiyan. Pity about the other twin, but one person always does seem to die in these big "boss fights" for the lack of a better word.[/SIZE]
  8. [size=1]Sorry about my lack of posting, but school has just gotten crazy busy, honestly I don't think I'll be able to make a post before the weekend, so I think I'll just give the rough plot of my next post and allow people to work with Daedalus from there. Basically the meeting of the Magitech board I've spoken about is in response to the workers troubles/riots/strikes that are going on at the moment. Daedalus has been called to choose what action is to be taken, as part of his new found role as the company's chairman and CEO. Daedalus himself is divided on the issue, if he deals harshly with the strikers, he risks inflaming the situation even worse, resulting in more attacks. However if he shows leniency, he's risking the stability of Magitech, but also showing weakness which others on the board from High Czenoble may try to capitalise on. He's aware his position is far from secure, and has to try and make the best decision he can looking at both long and short term implications. In the end, Daedalus chooses to use force to disband the strike, mobilising the company's own highly trained militia forces with aid from the RPG. There are no casualties, but feelings on both sides become more terse than before. Daedalus also coughs up blood in the middle of watching the military action, and looks unsurprised, merely wiping it away and ensuring nobody has seen it. It seems something may be very wrong with the new patriarch health-wise. This is not something he will reveal for the time being, I just thought it something to mention. Returning back, he hears of Bavaria's arrival and subsequent departure, and must now face both support and complaint from members of the family on his actions towards the strikers.[/size]
  9. [quote name='Kei'][color=darkblue][size=1]However, since Jump has gone into its New Year's hiatus, we'll have to wait a bit longer to see what Itachi's going to pull next.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Yeah, although we'll be waiting another two weeks or so for the translations, I really can't wait to see what's coming next. I'm quite curious about the question Sasuke is so desperate to ask his brother, as really he's leaving himself very open in not going for the kill.[/SIZE]
  10. Gavin

    I Am Legend

    [SIZE="1"]Just got back from "I am Legend" and I really can't articulate how much I was disappointed by the film. I suppose I have to admit, I knew nothing about the plot, only hearing it was supposed to be quite a good film and thought it might be worth a watch. I hate horror films with a passion and upon realising the film was a horror, I pretty much lost interest. Will Smith, to his credit, played his role excellently, he was believable, at least as much as the character allowed him to and really helped sell the concept of the last man on Earth. A worse actor really would have made the film unwatchable, as opposed to tolerable if you're a fan of the genre. Plot-wise, there were more holes than Swiss-cheese, yes a cliché analogy, but really a cliché film deserves it. I figured out the ending well before it actually reached that point. Funnily enough, throughout the whole thing, my mind kept wandering back to the RPG Dead Diaries which Mike/Zen created earlier in the year, and I think we actually had the better written plot. 5/10. Go see it in the cinema only if you're a fan of the genre, otherwise wait for the DVD, and even then, consider it only if you can't find a better film. [/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE="1"]By the entire thing honey, are you referring referring to Josh's beloved cheesecake, or the scene of Desbreko not noticing Prem lying there in horrific pain ? I'd really prefer it be the latter, just the idea of an angry Josh frightens me... :animeswea [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE="1"]Hmmm, I must have taken a bathroom break during that segment of the fight... :animesmil[/SIZE]
  13. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud'][color=indigo]The only two games that I am positive I have spent over 100 hours playing are Tekken 3 for PS1, and Goldeneye for the N64. When I was in college my dorm used to have massive Tekken and Goldeneye tournaments that involved heavy drinking and light gambling. It was a blast.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Drunken Goldeneye tournaments are a hell of a lot of fun, moonraker lasers in the Temple with one-hit kills, gaming nirvana. Rare, or whoever the hell owns the rights to that game now really need to just release the multiplayer segment of the game with kick *** graphics and bask in the glory of renewed multiplayer perfection. [/SIZE]
  14. [quote name='Petie'][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=blue]Plus, I prefer the role of hero, protecting OB and her citizens from Sandy's pie-based evil onslaught anyway ;)[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [size=1]Patience Padawan. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things... *Stares off into the distance looking wise*[/size]
  15. [SIZE="1"]On to the main event it seems. The next chapter can't come quickly enough as far as I'm concerned.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE="1"]I sense poor Josh's cheesecake is going to be the first victim of Sandy's revenge...[/SIZE]
  17. [quote name='Sandy']Well, since it's a science that has to be studied, I guess it depends on which member we're talking about. I guess Daedalus, with right materials at hand, could very well create powerful explosions and change substances of things etc., while someone like Victoria would only know most basic things taught at school. The Almagest bloodline only gives the family member the potential to be great alchemists, it's each to their own how they use it. ;D[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]OK, thanks for clearing that up Sandy. Though, I think it'll probably be a while before Daedalus actually performs alchemy, as opposed to the products of his alchemy being seen.[/SIZE]
  18. [quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]before looking down to the garden beneath where Charles was giving a long and undoubtedly riveting speech to Ob neophytes.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Heh, for some reason, I'm seeing the scene from Return of the Jedi where 3PO is regaling the Ewoks with the grand tales of the heroes, and it's not a bad thing. :animesmil[/SIZE]
  19. [quote name='Sandy']We should all know by our age ([B]especially if we've watched Fullmetal Alchemist[/B], but otherwise as well) that the power of alchemy is tied to matter: you cannot create anything without taking something away. Sure there's magic involved, but it's not all that and circus tricks. Fire can be created with alchemy by combining flammable things with just the right amount of gasses, for example, not by merely snapping fingers.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]D'oh... Anyway, I was just wondering, seeing as the Almagests are supposedly the most powerful clan of alchemists, exactly what level of power should we be able to display ?[/SIZE]
  20. Gavin

    The Almagest Legacy

    [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalusavatar.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT][SIZE="1"]Rosengard was abuzz with activity as Daedalus drew closer to the estate's centre. Servants he had no idea existed were busy cleaning and polishing with a remarkable vigour, evidently Bavaria's return was to be met with perfection. Inwardly Daedalus grimaced, he liked his sister-in-law well enough, it just felt horribly wrong that Rosengard had to undergo such a transformation for her arrival, she was family, so by all rights she ought to have been accommodated in the same manner as any other Almagest. Daedalus found himself stopping at the head of the large marble staircase that lead away from the foyer, the latest family portrait hanging majestically in it's golden frame. It was a little over a year old, but the faces of each family member were still instantly recognisable. Daedalus himself looked impassive, standing next to his brother, the height difference obvious, it was almost comical... almost. Vaguely he could hear Anna's voice in the background issuing orders, it snapped him back into the waking world. "[b]Jeanne, I want this floor utterly spotless. Marie, that bust of Lord Rueben must look like new. Claude make sure that all the dinner preparations are ready.[/b]" There were a chorus of affirmatives as the trio rushed off to fulfil their assigned duties. Daedalus descended down the staircase as quickly as possible, by the time Lady Anna had noticed his arrival, he was already within a normal speaking range. The first thing that struck him was how worn she looked, her directing the staff was probably the best way she could maintain her energy and exterior. "[b]Anna. That note you gave Vincent... I need to know everything about that night.[/b]" Within a few minutes he had heard all she knew, it was as he suspected, she knew nothing more than it had arrived and been given to Leonhart. "[b]MASTER ALMAGEST, MASTER ALMAGEST !![/B]" Turning, Daedalus watched as one of the servants came bounding down the same stairs he had used only moments earlier. Obviously there was something wrong, but from the look on his face, Daedalus could not discern the exact nature of the emergency. Lady Anna strode forward to intercede between them. "[b]Calm down Lucius, whatever is the matter ?[/b]" "[b]My apologies Lady Grimalkin, two messages have arrived for Master Daedalus, and they are marked urgent.[/b]" Dozens of possibilities poured through Daedalus' mind... Had something happened to Harrison ? Or Nellie ? Or was it one of the other family members ? Maybe they have found Leonhart's body... He dashed forward rather ungracefully and grabbed the two telegrams. The first was a request by the Magitech's board of directors for his immediate presence... not unexpected...in the aftermath of yesterday, obviously they'd assumed he'd taken over as patriarch...still he would have to see to that meeting immediate. "[b]Anna, I want my personal aircraft made ready immediately.[/b]" The woman merely nodded and issued a command to an awaiting staff-member. Daedalus quickly folded the notice and placed it within his jacket pocket. Slowly he opened the second message...it was from Catherine... As he digested the message's contents he could feel an his inner retrain buckle against a fresh torrent of anger... From between his gritted teeth, he allowed only a single word to seethe through. "[b]...Moebius.[/b]" Seeing his sudden and violent change in temperament, Anna attempted to calm the elder Almagest down. "[b]Daedalus ? What is it ? What's wrong ?[/b]" "[b]Nothing Anna. The Magitech Board wants to see me, that's all.[/b]" She frowned in concern. "[b]I've known you a long time Daedalus. The board meeting was the first letter, please tell me the truth, what was in the second letter ?[/b]" "[b]A trespass against the family.[/b]" Furiously Daedalus stormed through the hallways of Rosengard, Anna did not follow him, she knew the only person capable of calming him in that situation was Harriet, but unfortunately the Lady Almagest was still resting from the previous evening. She only hoped he would not do anything rash. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalusavatar.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/img] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/harrison-chronicle.jpg[/img] [img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/img][/CENTER] The High Academy had not changed in the previous twenty-four hours. Even after the journey from Rosengard, Daedalus was still livid at the audacity of that...historian. His boots sounded hard against the polished marble floors of the ancient institute, memories of his time there flooded back. There was no attempt made to stop Daedalus from entering, simply a varying collection of looks from surprise to expectation. As he reached the headmaster's office, he could hear raised voices within, instantly he registered the second to belong to his sister. "[b]"Oh they'll be disciplined all right, but not by you Head Master. I will see to it myself. Even if they had a terrible experience yesterday, there was no excuse for such rude behaviour. It does however warrant leniency as to the nature of the discipline they will receive.[/b]" "[b]That won't be necessary.[/b]" Dressed entirely in black, Daedalus was not in the least bit surprised as Lector visibly paled as he entered the room. Catherine merely tilted her head at her brother's timely arrival. In truth, he rather imagined how imposing he must have looked, it gave him some small measure of satisfaction. "[b]L...Lord... Almagest... I... I...uh...[/b]" Ignoring the man, Daedalus turned his attention to his sibling. "[b]Catherine, if you are done. Please call Harrison from whatever class he is in, I wish to have a word with him in private after I have spoken to Lector.[/b]" Despite the fact Daedalus appeared completely calm, Catherine could obviously sense the barely withheld tempest lurking just below the surface in that she did not question his request. "[b]Of course.[/b]" Rising from her seat, she gave Moebius a final glare before walking towards the door. "[b]...And Victoria Ann as well[/b]" She glanced back at her brother, his face remaining impassive as he stared at her before striding put of the office, closing the door behind her. Daedalus returned his attention to Lector, who once again blanched under the alchemist's gaze. "[b]Lo..Lord Daedalus... if...if I might bb... be so bb.. bold.[/b]" "[b]You. May. Not.[/b]" He didn't shout. His tone was like ice. This was not a conversation, Daedalus would say what he had to say, and if Lector was fortunate, he would not break down in a gibbering heap afterwards. "[b]Am I to understand it correctly Lector, that you attempted to discipline a member of my household, without my expressed consent ? Be aware Lector, you have two choices of response, yes, or no. Anything else, and I may lose my temper.[/b]" "[b]With... with all due...[/b]" "[B]YES OR NO !![/B]" Daedalus slammed his closed fist down on the desk, creating a deep indent and sending several objects flying. "[b]...yes[/b]" Moebius' second response was little more than a whisper, he was ghastly pale at this point, his fright evident from the uncontrolled shaking. "[b]Thank you for your honesty. Now, let me be equally frank Lector. I don't know exactly how you got this job, when I've experimented on FUNGUS that was better qualified. I can only assume it was by grace and favour. But rest assured, if you attempt to repeat such... insolence[/b]" Daedalus drew out the word, casting a finger towards the headmaster. His voice remained icy. "[b]...in regard to member of my house, I will cast you so far down into New Czenoble's slums, you will never see legible writing again. Is that in any way unclear ?[/b]" Between a mixture of gibbering and frantic nods, Lector made his affirmation. Daedalus merely smiled, rose from his seat, and paced purposefully out the door, feeling considerably better than he had when he'd walked in. At the entrance to the Academy he found Catherine waiting with Victoria Ann and Harrison. His face remained inscrutable, both of them were looking at their shoes, evidently Catherine had given them a tongue lashing already. Daedalus sighed heavily. "[b]I thought we'd agreed no more escapades.[/b]" Harrison gave his father a pained look, Victoria Ann raised her head, but did not meet her granduncle's gaze. "[b]But father...[/b]" "[b]Harrison...[/b]" Catherine's remained calm, but held warning. "[b]I'm sorry Uncle Daedalus...[/b]" Victoria Ann's voice was almost inaudible, but Daedalus could hear the despondency in her voice. "[b]Catherine...they've both had a trying day...I would, with your approval like to avoid further punishment.[/b]" The old man's voice was soft, his anger having all but dissipated. Catherine sighed, frowning at her older brother. "[b]He is your son Daedalus, and I am not Victoria Ann's mother. The choice falls to you.[/b]" "[b]Very well. I want you two to promise me, that this time, there will be no more escapades.[/b]" "[b]We promise...[/b]" He smiled, they were looking at their shoes again. "[b]Dad...[/b]" "[b]Yes Harrison ?[/b]" "[b]...Did...did you make him cry ?[/b]" Daedalus couldn't suppress the laugh in time. Catherine gave him an admonishing glance. Harrison looked up with a small smile on his face. "[b]No Harrison, I didn't.[/b]" He looked back to his sister. "[b]Catherine, please escort Victoria Ann back to class. I just want one more word in private between myself and Harrison.[/b]" Sighing, Catherine glanced to the Heavens before taking Victoria's hand and guiding her down the hallways. When Daedalus was sure she was out of earshot, he placed his hand on Harrison's shoulder. "[b]I'm proud of you son. You protected your cousin like a good man should.[/b]" "[b]Dad...I...[/b] He exhaled. "[b]Thanks.[/b]" "[b]Alright. But Harrison remember, respect should never be given, it must always be earned. That applies to you, and the Headmaster. I don't want a repeat of what happened today, I will excuse it only this once because it wasn't entirely your or Victoria Ann's fault.[/b] Squeezing Harrison's shoulder, Daedalus motioned for him to follow his aunt and cousin and return to his lecture. It seemed in only a day, he had managed to form a new bond with his son. Exiting the Academy, he braced himself for the meeting with Magitech's board. [/size][/indent]
  21. [SIZE="1"]I know I said I'd have the meeting with the board Josh, but honestly, the length of the post and the fact it's nearly 4:30 AM prevented me from doing so. I'll try and write it for tomorrow, after I get some much needed sleep. [[b]Edit[/b]] Crap, deleted by post by accident, I'll repost it now.[/SIZE]
  22. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']Oh rest assured, they'll be in trouble alright, they just won't be getting whipped. Catherine disapproves of whipping and prefers other methods of discipline. ;) Anyway, I'll get started on my post since I already know what I want to do with it. I'll leave it open so you can have Daedalus show up either right after Catherine left the Head Master's office or just as she is about to leave, whichever you prefer Gavin.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Yeah, I think I'll have him arrive just as Catherine is about to leave, just so they can have a few words. You already covered a fair bit of what I was going to say, but there's no harm in making the point crystal clear to the historian.[/SIZE] [quote name='Shy'][size=1]Everyone should be careful not to expand their character's alchemy skills into, well... godmodding. We've kept the specifics of alchemy intentionally vague so far, but if anyone needs clarification feel free to ask. Sorry to sound nit-picky. -Shy[/size] :whoops:[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Funny thing is, despite having so many talented alchemists, not one of us have done any alchemy yet, well aside from D'Ann.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE="1"]I have to say this is my favourite chapter/instalment so far, mainly because I achieve Bardock levels of fatherly badassness in it. Just kidding, great chapter honey, looks like the fight is just about to begin. [/SIZE]
  24. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]Lady Bavaria is expected at any moment, but there should be one or two more posts from myself before she makes her introduction. There will be plenty of time left in the day to interact with Bavaria, so you (or anyone else) should be able to run an errand or two before returning to Rosengard. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Thanks for clearing that up, I had a feeling it'd be a while before she was introduced but I just wanted to make absolutely sure. To the High Academy then.[/SIZE]
  25. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud'][color=indigo]You could always make Sandy so angry about the incorrectly made pie that bloody revenge is sought out. Sandy could seek out everyone that had a hand in not only making the pie, but selling the ingredients or even smelling its aroma.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]So... Kill Pie ?[/SIZE]
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