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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE="1"]Yeah, the white spikey haired Hokage was the second one. While I'm with Treble hoping that Jiraiya makes it out of this one alive, it's being built up by his actions pretty clearly that he won't. That said, we're probably in for one hell of a fight, though I was hoping it'd be versus Tobito rather than Konan and Pein.[/SIZE]
  2. [size=1]Oh. Just. Wonderful. I wonder how long it will take the Uchiha brat to rise to Madara's newly expanded power ? Seriously, all we need now is for him to be revealed as the holder of the darker half of the Kyubi's chakra to make him totally untouchable. I'm actually pretty curious about what "that jutsu" is too, hopefully we'll get some answers next week.[/size]
  3. [SIZE="1"][B]Snickers[/B], without a doubt. Why you ask ? Name me one one other bar that has Mr. T in it's ad driving a tank telling some fool to "quit [his] jibber-jabbing". All kidding aside, I just prefer snickers because it actually fills me a little longer than most other candy bars and doesn't taste quite as sweet as a mars.[/SIZE]
  4. [quote name='Chaos']True enough. I did forget this. Dehydration can start setting in as soon as fifteen minutes in a mildly strenuous workout even at room temperature. And regardless of what you hear, stay away from any type of fruit drink, even Gatorade and Powerade, during extended workouts, ESPECIALLY during the work out. Good for when you take a decent break or when you're done, but not during a long run or full body workout. The thick mixture of syrups and pulp-based fluids can cause agonizing cramps. Trust me. Water makes up seventy-odd percent of your body, and you need to keep it that way. Show some love to a Dasani bottle.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Definitely stay away from fruit drinks, sure they might look close enough to water, but you will, as Neil pointed out, feel the difference after a work out. Also it might seem obvious, and I don't know if has been said yet, but eat more than an hour before you work out, i.e. if you're wort out routine is at 10 a.m. eat at 9.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE="1"]Andrew and Neil have pretty much summed it up, cardio exercises with some light weight/heavy rep weight lifting should do the job, but just don't expect results overnight. The only thing I would add to it is to absolutely ensure you're getting enough water, especially if you're going to be working out more, you wouldn't believe how much dehydration can affect your routine. [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE="1"]Beth summed it up pretty well, instead of getting in a twist that they're not pursuing this as a hate crime, people should be more supportive of the fact that the DA is pursuing this in such a way as to get the maximum possible sentences for those involved. Honestly though, I think no amount of prison time would be just for the absolutely monstrous acts those guys committed. [/SIZE]
  7. Gavin

    Star Wars

    [SIZE="1"]OK cool, I'll probably use the 10 years post-KOTOR 2 timeline so as to be free with character development.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE="1"]Kudos to Chibi for giving me the best laugh I've had this week with her "try it before you buy it" analogy. As for the topic at hand, it's down to people themselves to decide when they're ready to have sex. Whether that lies inside our outside marriage all depends on the person themselves.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE="1"]Alright, seeing as the weekend is finally here and I don't have too much work to do, I should hopefully have the main thread posted by tomorrow night.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE="1"]Pity, it was an enjoyable RPG while it lasted. Maybe at some stage in the future you can relaunch it and it'll have more success.[/SIZE]
  11. Gavin

    Star Wars

    [SIZE="1"]Talk about a blast from the past, good to see another OB Jedi survived the IRL purge. Just out of curiousity Justin, how long do you want this sample to be ?[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE="1"]Good sign up Neil, hopefully Vicky won't be too long with her own and then we can officially get this party started.[/SIZE]
  13. Gavin

    Weekly World News

    [SIZE="1"]Leaving the boardroom had definitely been a good idea. The first twenty minutes after Loren's meetings with the publishers were never good times to be within fifty metres of the woman, at least not if you wanted your limbs left intact. Spencer's tip had told him that the Scientologists were trying for something major down in Hollywood, and that it involved some of the time-travelling equipment they'd managed to procure from the branches of the faith outside of Earth. The freelancer suspected that if Cruise was running the show, they could be looking at a major temporal infraction. His car was parked just around the block from the WWN building, a rather unambiguous looking black Ford sedan who's trunk was filled with recording built especially for the work that Spencer would be doing. The radio was quitely leaking out some obnoxious music from whatever artist had managed to become the flavour of the month. The trip would take a few hours, but the story waiting at the end would certainly be worth it. [/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE="1"]Meh, I just use NMR because it was the first site I found the manga easily available on. I had a similar reaction to the clone pods as Mike did, but I suppose that explains how Pein was able to beat a ninja of apparently the strength of Salamander Hanzo if he was the one to name the Sannin. Who I guess was also the influence of the "stand on your animal summon's head to look cool" pose for them all. Makes me wish we had seen more of Sarutobi at his prime.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE="1"]Just curious James, are you going to pick another Event Master to replace White or are we looking at Otaku Idol 3 being held at some stage in the near future ?[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Can't even remember having a bad babysitter, as growing up I was either taken care of by my grandmother when my parents were at work, or the teenage daughters of neighbours of ours who all seemed to be perfectly nice girls, though seeing as I was only four or five at the time I can't say that with complete certainty.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE="1"]Meh, never been a fan of horror films, but I tend to agree with Tony and Alex, that's Semjaza and Blue Jihad by the way, that your friends must be a bit sensetive for one of them to actually require therapy after seeing a horror flick. Whether or not you've actually become desensitised, Allamorph summed it up the best. After repeatedly exposing yourself to that kind of media, evidently you've simply stopped responding to it normally, and that is desensitisation.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE="1"]I completely agree with you Josh, and think that this should have been a feature of the Community Events forum for a long time already. I mean as creative as we expect the Event Master to be, they can't come up with every project by themselves. Plus it would be a good way to get more continuous activity into the Community Events forum and make it a real focal point of the boards.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE="1"]Oooh, reminds me of the good old days. [B]Name:[/B] Nagata [B]Age:[/B] Ageless [B]Species:[/B] Demon Ninja [B]Occupation:[/B] Wandering Ninja for Hire. [B]Appearance:[/B] I'll find a good pic as soon as my internet clears up and stops being a bitch. For the moment, just imagine a roughly 6'2" tall attractive twenty-something year old man with long dark hair and eyes and pale skin. Wears a lot of black to blend in with the shadows and carries a pair of the stereotypical ninjato tied to his back. [B]Personality Flaws:[/B] Aloof, mysterious and with heaps of hidden pain trapped underneath his dignified exterior, Nagata is the epitome of a Cymantic. It is highly unadvised to use the term "emo" to describe him, as Nagata will hunt down the user and kill them in a manner most painful and ironic. Like feeding a butcher slowly to a cow. [B]Specialty:[/B] Master of ninjutsu, you know, blending with the shadows, walking on water, and murdering people in utter silence, that kind of stuff. [B]Reason for Living:[/B] To surpass the limits of his strength and eventually ascend to his true status as a demon ninja lord. [B]In What Manner You Suffer from Story Line:[/B] As odd it sounds, despite being probably thousands of years old, and possessing martial prowess that Chuck Norris would give his trademark beard for, Nagata is considered quite pathetic by the other demon ninja. His skills while profound in this world are far below the average of those half his age in the spirit world of the demons. As such, Nagata was banished by his third-cousin-twice-removed's second husband, the demon king until he reached a power worthy of a demon ninja. [/SIZE]
  20. [quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Yeah, but every once and a while, they're right.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]It's inevitable Rev that every once in a while they get lucky with one of their "predictions". I mean fortune tellers and their ilk wouldn't exactly be in business if every one of their predictions turned out to be wrong. It's like in Starship Troopers, when Rico and Carl are doing the psychic test, Carl admit that statistically, Rico would have to guess right at least once. This is the same thing. And besides, that prediction was very, very general, and I'd say has happened to everyone.[/SIZE]
  21. [quote name='The Blue Jihad']Wait, wait, I'm...having a vision. It's becoming clearer. Yes, yes, I see it. It's a thread-lock. Or thread-death. Either way, this thread is going to end very soon.[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.idealog.us/agent_smith.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"]It is inevitable... Had to do it. :animesmil All joking aside, the closest I've ever come to "predicting" anything is the odd feeling of deja vu. I don't put any stock in people who claim to be able to tell the future with any certainty.[/SIZE]
  22. [quote name='Andy'][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="2"]Eh, I don't know, I can't really tell the difference as far as taste goes. I mean there really isn't much difference in the two other than the name. Of course, then again I am referring to Sam's Choice, so I'm not too sure about everything else. But hey, if you gotta choose between Sam's Choice and brand name, why go for the brand name when you can get the same taste for a cheaper price? Just a thought.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I was referring to generic store-based colas we get here in Ireland, like St. Bernard's, Supervalu or Tesco Cola, all three of which are really closer to be industrial solvents than soft drinks. So hence, brand > generic for me.[/SIZE]
  23. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]We just want things to be totally new and unexpected, yet not really change at all. You should be used to our unreasonable demands by now, James. -Shy[/size] :whoops:[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Word. :animesmil I kinda like the quote Allamorph has in his post, seems to sum up The Lounge fairly well. Last line just needs to be a little more relaxed though.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE="1"]I used to be a major soft-drink addict, I think my record was once going through something like fourteen 390ml cans of Coke in one day, which is probably somewhere shy of five and a half litres of the stuff. Yeah, even I grimace thinking about it now. Laid off it a few years back in favour of more water, because I was getting really run down from not having enough in my system. I still enjoy a can of Coke or 7-Up every once in a while with certain meals, like fast-food or Chinese, but wouldn't be able to drink any more than two or three cans without getting sick of the sweetness. Also, brand > generic. That really is just a given.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE="1"]Congrats Rev, as Beth said, this was a lot of fun, and hopefully there'll be something like it again before too long.[/SIZE]
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