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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE="1"]Genuinely I'm not really bothered, talking face to face is probably the best, or at least most complete way of communicating as I can pick up on much more from the body language and other reactions of the person I'm talking to, than just their words alone. Phone, I don't really mind either for short calls. But anything over ten minutes means a crick in my neck from having to hold the phone to my head for so long, plus generally it involves me going "Uhuh" far too often for my own good. Their cellular counterpart depends again on call length, generally I'm very short on mobile phone calls, max of two to three minutes. Text messages I genuinely despise, because a call is cheaper and more effective and I just hate having to decipher "txt". Given that I spent most of my evenings on AIM chatting to friends, I think it rates fairly high on my preferred method of communicating list, or at least cheapest, fastest and most convenient. I think like genuine face to face, after a while you begin to pick up on things even through IM, as much as what someone doesn't say, or they way they do say it as opposed to what they say. And that's pretty much that.[/SIZE]
  2. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Well that will certainly convince him that you really are nice! :p If he was still alive that is. And then since he's my online hubby, once you murdered him I'd have to hunt you down and do you in! XP [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Heh, I knew I should have posted that picture of Mr Burns along with that quote, oh well. :animesmil[/SIZE] [quote name='Boo'][size=1]Yeah the rest only made fun of it. :animesmil[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Hah, ouch Boo. You wound me to the core of my being. ;) And DB, you might want to look at your own mentions first. :p[/size]
  3. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Actually Gavin, only about four of the methods were provided by Alan, the rest were provided by other members. If I remember correctly, the "Actually Be Nice" method was submitted by Rachamaninoff.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Ah fair enough, I could tell the "Annoying Catchphrase" one was Alan's because he was the only one to ever object to it's usage, and couldn't even get when it was used right. :animesmil On that note, I'm going to go crush Rach and eat his bones for not thinking I'm nice.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE="1"]Hah I'm considered mentorable... if that's even a word. Honestly though, I was a little disappointed I wasn't in the "Actually Be Nice" bit, I don't know what Alan was thinking there, I've always been seen as being nice right ? :animeswea Funnily enough it was only Alan who ever voiced annoyance about said catchphrase, never received a single PM asking me to stop using it, actually most people thought it was funny, and it helped me win my Nifty Fifty. :animesmil [/SIZE]
  5. Gavin

    Hot fuzz!

    [SIZE="1"]Wow, I was sure there would have been a thread on this before now. Did the movie only come out on DVD Tuesday for you guys Prem ? I picked it up for my brother's birthday nearly two months ago. Hot Fuzz for me was one of those wonderful gems of films that you went to see without expecting much and laughed the whole way though it, well through the funny bits anyway. I don't know what it is about Simon Pegg, but his portrayal of the uber-cop Nicholas Angel was flawless as was Nick Frost?s bumbling wannabe uber-cop Danny Butterman. Comically what?s great about Hot Fuzz is not just that it works so well, but that the secondary characters are genuinely funny [the Andys being the best example of this] and the ludicrous plot plays on real social issues in a way that makes you laugh and think at the same time. I?m not going to add any spoilers to the plot, but I would advise anyone to rent this film to just sit back and laugh.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE="1"]Well now, that might actually explain why the young Weasley-ette is in Slytherin. I'd imagine if you were to mix Ravenclaw brains with Gryffindor courage, you might just end up with the Slytherin cunning. N'est pas Sandy ?[/SIZE]
  7. [quote name='The Blue Jihad']And the greatest irony is that it's generally totally accurate. We've got silver tongues, low inhibitions, and massive sex drives (read enough Walt Whitman and you go nuts).[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Beautiful, my intended college has one of the biggest English departments in the country, with 62% of those in the course being females between 18 and 23. Life is good. And on that note: Alll riiight giggity giggity goo... [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE="1"]Otaku City, the bright centre of culture and civilisation for the denizens of OtakuBoards. It was beautiful in a morbid sort of way, like fireflies trapped in a jar with no air holes, they'd flitter and buzz about in an elegant light show, but eventually, one by one they'd all drop dead. The night sky had been overcast for some time, but now the first rain drops fell against the cityscape and dappled the left side of Gavin's face. It would be the perfect backdrop for what he came here to do, the moderators would never expect him to strike so directly, he could have made it look like a mugging gone wrong, it happened from time to time in a city of nearly nine thousand. But he wouldn't, he'd decided that already, Gavin would kill 8-Bit as he'd been prepared to kill Fluff, in single combat, and finally he would prove himself the superior one. His cloak fluttered gently against the wind, covering the mod-rod he'd recently acquired. Gavin had been sitting on the lightning rod atop the skyscraper that housed the moderation staff of OtakuBoards for the ten minutes, just savouring his own emotions, anger, hatred, pain, vengeance. Each of them gave him strength, not that he'd need it against him opponent. His wrist shuddered for a moment, before an opaque blue holographic figure was staring at him. "[b]Why are you here Gavin ?[/b]" The voice was cool, cold even but sincerely surprised. "[b]It doesn't matter. I have a personal matter to attend to before the meeting, but I will be there.[/b]" His response was as cool as the question. "[b]Very well. We're nearly ready on our end. By the time you have the head, we should already have the target.[/b]" She smiled, like a predator that was stalking it's prey. "[b]Good, the Master and I will return with the head soon. After that we'll move on to Phase Three.[/b]" "[b]Confirmed.[/b]" The imagine blurred slightly before disengaging, leaving Gavin alone again with his thoughts, but only for a moment. He swan-dived off the lightning rod, free-falling thirty feet through the open skylights. Removing the mod rod from his robes, he altered the coding of the floor below, increasing the padding to prevent him breaking his legs on impact. The sensation of hitting the ground was thoroughly off-putting, like diving into quick sand as Gavin was enveloped up to his waist by the marble effect floor tiles. Reverting the code back to it's original format, he was quickly freed as the tiles newly found spongy mass dissipated, he moved silently through the corridors of the building until finally Gavin stopped in front of a particular office. Guilded into the door in front of him were two words: Event Master. [u][b]Three Minutes Later[/b][/u] 8-bit had never really had a chance, though to his credit, he had put up an admirable fight. His Ban Hammer was still wrapped in his severed hand a few feet away from the majority of his torso. In less than a second after he had taken Stephen's weapon, Gavin had reduced him from a person to a pile of dismembered body parts. It hadn't been nearly as satisfying as Gavin had hoped, indeed for a moment he almost felt a shade of remorse, but this was quickly devoured by the instincts honed in him by The Beast. He peeled off dead fingers still gripping the staff weapon as it reverted to it's original blank state. Gavin smiled viciously to himself, revelling in his latest trophy. The meeting would begin in less than half an hour at the designated co-ordinates, opening the large windows overlooking Otaku City Gavin once again considered the view before the dive. |||||||||| Not the best ending I'll admit, but it suffices for the moment. I'd prefer it if 8-Bits death doesn't come to the others attention until after the deal. There's no reason it should as the attack happened at night, and he won't be missed until the morning.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE="1"]Striking. That was the only work she could describe the man walking down platforms of London's Kings Cross Station. He was tall, at least 6'2" and impeccably dressed in a formal yet fashionable milky-coffee coloured two piece suit, a pair of highly buffed leather shoes and black sunglasses covering his eyes, which she imagined were some dark shade of green, or something equally attractive to most women. Alexander had spotted the woman staring at him moments earlier. She was a Muggle he could tell that much, probably a banker or something along those lines from the look of her and she was certainly attractive. He'd lived among Muggles often enough for the last two decades that the lines had blurred, there was no us and them anymore, Wizards and Muggles, there was just people some different to others. He'd smile to himself sometimes, or laugh, at how superior his peers generally considered themselves over Muggles, how technology was nothing compared to magic, in the same way Muggles with plenty of high tech stuff would look down on those with less than them. It was all relative. Thankfully over the last twenty years the Ministry had made blending in among Muggles an even higher priority than before. Wizards were encouraged to wear Muggle clothing when in the Muggle world, even after dark. Keeping abreast of Muggle current events was also encouraged, as was to learn customs and currencies so as to prevent mishaps. He couldn?t remember off the top of his head how many times as a teenager he?d heard the Muggle-borns complain about how badly their Wizard-raised friends acted outside the Wizarding world. It was funny really, Alexander or Alex as he was known in the Muggle world had been living like that even before the Ministry made it?s new regulations. In Moscow at 22 he?d been known as Alexei and passed himself off as an exchange student with the family he boarded with. He?d become friendly with their oldest son, and from him the pureblood had learned how to live and act like a Muggle, even learning to enjoy a life without magic. Nowadays Alex Connors as he was known in the Muggle world was a respected, though not famous professor of psychology on sabbatical while writing his first book. He was well-off with an expensive apartment in one of London?s better off locales and spoke six languages fluently, including Russian. Striding beside him was a woman half his age, looking elegant in a winter white similar two-piece suit, so much so that the Muggle woman that had been admiring Alexander sighed and moved back to staring into the crowd. He leaned in to his companion and spoke with mock annoyance. ?[b]Thank you Emily. I?m sure you saved me from a perfectly horrible dinner, and perhaps even coffee afterwards.[/b]? She gave him a light nudge to the ribs and retorted with equal imitated irritation. ?[b]You?re welcome Alex, as I?m sure your wife would hardly approve of you poaching Muggle girls barely too old to be your daughter.[/b]? Alexander screwed up his face and snorted derisively. ?[b]Barely too old to be my daughter ? That is harsh Emily. That fine woman was at least thirty, and I have always preferred to look well maintained as the years pass, unlike some of my colleagues who insist on looking years younger than they actually are.[/b]? ?[b]Zeta ?[/b]? She enquired inquisitively. ?[b]No comment.[/b]? His reply was muffled as he threw his hand over his mouth in apprehension at the Slytherin head?s response to his ill-favouring comment. They laughed together before arriving between Platforms 9 and 10. Just as Emily was about to move through the solid barrier to their destination, Alexander spoke off-handedly. ?[b]You know what I?ve always found odd.[/b]? ?[b]What ?[/b]? ?[b]If it?s right between Platforms 9 and 10, why is it called 9 and 3/4s ?[/b]? Stepping through together laughing again, the pair arrived into a flurry of excitement that was almost magical. Emily shifted somewhat awkwardly, only four years ago she?d been one of the dozens of children readying for their school year, now she was returning as their professor. Alexander zoned in on this immediately and gave her a reassuring nod, seemingly satisfied, the two staff members moved onto the Hogwarts Express as a dozen heads turned to greet them. |||||||||| Anyone who wants to interact with the pair feel free, Alexander will generally be in a good mood, even overlooking some of the excesses of youthful exuberance while Emily will be still feeling a small bit out of her depth. Alexander's eyes are actually a dark blue. The green reference was the woman's imagination.[/SIZE]
  10. [quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial][center][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y170/retri_trib/englishmajor-1.jpg[/IMG][/center][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]This is the first time I've ever said it, but rofl man, rofl FTW.[/SIZE]
  11. [quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1]Well of course Shikamaru would hook up with the fliest chick in the whole damn manga. I challenge you to find a finer honey. I'm actually really anticipating Kishimoto exploring that. I wanna see my boy get a piece. It's make me supremely happy if that happened.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Heh, you know we're both in argreement about Temari, though I'd consider hedging a bet on Hinata in the coming years, once she gets over that shyness of hers and dumps Naruto for someone who'd actually apprechiate her. Though to be fair it's hardly Naruto's fault he's so bad with women, look at the male figures in his life, Iruka never shows any interest in women, Kakashi is always reading those Make Out books and Jiraiya... well I don't even need to go into Jiraiya. :animesmil[/SIZE]
  12. [quote name='Sandy'][B]dMage[/B], although I'm [I]still[/I] not the gamemaster of this RPG, I found that there's a big problem with your character. See, this game takes place about 20 years after the Deathly Hallows (and 1 year after the epilogue), so Lupin and Tonk's son Teddy would be 20 in this. So there's no way he could have a 16 year old son, you see? ;D[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I noticed that myself, but didn't really feel in the right to point it out. Best leave it to Lionheart to decide Sandy.[/SIZE]
  13. [quote name='dMage'][FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Green"]1) Had anybody else considered making Hagrid Head of Hufflepuff house. I think it would make for some very awesome and interesting posts.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]While I'm not 100% sure on the intricacies of inter-House politics and positions, I'd imagine the fact he's ex-Gryffindor renders that unlikely.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE="1"]I've definitely got mixed feelings on the new Transformers movie, on the one hand nearly all the visuals were absolutely top-notch and the action scenes were generally very well put together, and I'll even admit, some of the comic relief scenes were OK. On the other hand a lot of the character interpretations annoyed me quite a bit, neither the Autobots nor the Decepticons seemed particularly in character at any time, some of them going to excesses of adopting cultural references. Most of the human characters were crap as well, particularly that Sector 7 guy who was "lubricated" on by Bumblebee. The military team led by Josh Duhamel were actually my favourite characters in the whole movie as they seemed the only ones remotely clued in. As a TF fan, I was disappointed by the characters but very happy with the visuals, except that Prime didn't have his face plate for any more than three seconds. As a movie fan, it was another decent action summer blockbuster that's somewhat worth the cost of going to see the movie.[/SIZE]
  15. [quote name='Petie'][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=blue]Heh, it [i]is[/i] something Microsoft conjured up for Windows (though I'm sure you knew that already, I couldn't resist) which is why I wasn't crazy about Media Center being used either since the first thing that comes to mind is an impossible to setup correctly media player extender.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I'd actually forgotten about that. :animesmil Oh well, then I still think Entertainment Centre would be the most suitable name, even if the category itself is called Entertainment. I suppose the name could be changed to Arts Centre is push came to shove, but that sounds a little too formal to me.[/SIZE]
  16. [quote name='Sirius'][IMG]http://img365.imageshack.us/img365/6734/barss3.gif[/IMG][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I'm betting the political science course would lose about another 20-30% if Bill Clinton came and gave a lecture...[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE="1"]Heh heh, Josh gets riddled and then captured for trying to do the gentlemanly thing, that really would be so like him to try and save Aaryanna Mom. I can't seem to find that picture of him in a Superman suit, but rest assured that scene so fits him. I'm actually just waiting for James to appear and bitch-slap Sandy over this.[/SIZE]
  18. [quote name='The13thMan'][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Oh, and Gavin, i saw Idiocracy. It's a hilarious movie! I love that even after i got to the point of thinking beavis and butthead was too immature for me Judd can still make me laugh with his movies. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I know, but there are a lot of clever social criticisms within the film at the same time. That said, you could laugh just as easily at the Beavis and Butthead level humour. I mean those court scenes were just awesome.[/SIZE]
  19. [quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1] You both are wrong. It'll boil down to Rock Lee and Shikamaru bustin' out of nowhere and saving the day, winning all the glory, and gettin' all the women.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Hell no, Choji will Hulk-out on all of them and finally get Ino. Besides we both know that Shikamaru is going to end up with Temari, as much as he complains about her being troublesome.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE="1"]Moving silently through the darkness towards Otaku City, Gavin's speed and pace shifted, bringing him beside The Beast. "[B]Master, I have an errand to attend to. I will meet you and the others at our rendezvous point before the exchange.[/B]" The Beast howled in laughter, dark, cold, joyless laughter. Even Gavin couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort at something so utterly unnatural... [color=blue]"[b]An errranddd ? Nowww whatt mighttt thatt beee Gavinnn ?[/b]"[/color] He remained silent for a moment. "[b]I have a particular soul I wish to offer to the Darkness for the coming battle.[/b]" The Beast grinned, it's teeth still black with the venom so recently injected into Mother's bloodstream. He had not expected Mother of all people to arrive in on their battle, but Gavin supposed he should have, the cub is never without it's mother's protection. Love. He gritted his teeth at the thought of it, how his own love for OtakuBoards had been taken gladly and never been rewarded. Instead he was forced to watch idiot after idiot join the staff, while he was left to fight it's enemies. Then came Kumite... the last straw. He had given them all the opportunity to be part of something great, but instead they had accepted mediocrity ! He could pinpoint that as being the moment he lost faith in the boards completely, but it was not until his exposure to the KUJA virus some months later that his loss of faith had been transformed into utter hatred. Seeking out the Beast had been the next logical step. By himself he lacked the power to destroy OtakuBoards, and Charlie was the eponymous rebel leader who would gladly step into James' power vacuum. No... Gavin needed Alex, and knew that with his retained abilities, Charlie would be the one who'd have to resurrect it. Little by little he's poured the idea in the terrorist's mind: that bringing back The Beast would tip the balance in his favour against the CTU. Three times he was rebuffed, but by the fourth, the grain of truth wrapped in a lie seemed to have taken root and the ancient evil he now kept pace with was resurrected. It seemed instantly Alex had known it had not been Charlie's idea to summon him, but like Gavin it played a role that suited them both. Offering the terrorist leader it's power in return for the souls of the damned and both agreed, but it had all been merely a ruse. Gavin could remember their first meeting so clearly, he had sought out The Beast in the dead of night while the others slept. But the creature had been expecting him... it saw the darkness in his soul and his desire for destruction, and both pleased him. An unnatural blackness spread out and enveloped all corners of the room and Alex offered Gavin the power he desired... He accepted it readily, but in return, The Beast infected the remaining portions of good from Gavin's soul...What was left could barely be called a spirit, it had been mauled and left diseased and weakened. Fed with anger, hatred and pain... "[b]White... I want to claim White's soul.[/b]" The same horrible laughter penetrated every facet of his mind. Slowly Alex nodded in agreement.[/SIZE]
  21. [quote name='Lionheart']I'll be starting this thing tomorrow if nobody has objection to that.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I don't think that's going to be a problem Lionheart. :animesmil[/SIZE]
  22. [quote name='Aceburner']The thing is, the word Media kind of brings to mind Mass Media, i.e. television or radio. A more general term would work, [B]but I can't really think of anything better[/B]. Shy's "culture" thing might work, but The lounge covers a lot of "culture-y" stuff, too.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Neither could I, because the word Media sums up all kinds of entertainments, but visual and aural. I'll admit the word itself doesn't sound completely right, but it's as close as we're going to get unless we want to call it Entertainment Centre.[/SIZE]
  23. [quote name='Dbzman26'][FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"][spoiler]I'm pretty sure that Itachi killed off all the other Uchiha's to test the power of his Mangekyou Sharingan, which he acquired after slaying Shisui. But yeah, that would be absolutely hilarious to see Sasuke and Itachi both get owned by Tobi.[/spoiler]:catgirl:[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I can just imagine it now, [spoiler]Sasuke is just about to kill Itachi, and he's mocking him and celebrating about how he's going to avenge the clan, but the Tobi jumps in and kicks the crap out of him leading Sasuke to have to declare vengeance against Tobi too.[/spoiler][/SIZE]
  24. [quote name='Sojiro47'][FONT="Book Antiqua"]oh....*greatly embarassed* Ah...well now you see why I was so hopeful for the "get laid, get smart" thing. :animeswea Oh, well, I think I'm going to go look and make sure gullible is still in the dictionary...[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Heh no worries, believe me, if I thought I was going to get dumber by having sex, I'd probably still be a virgin.[/SIZE]
  25. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]I think we should try to avoid redundancy in forum names. "Otaku Entertainment" would be doubly redundant due to it being on OtakuBoards and in the Entertainment category. It kind of defeats the purpose of the forum name.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]What about [B]Media Centre[/B] then ? Seems to cover the description of the forum without being redundant, though I dare say there's a difference between redundancy and obviousness.[/SIZE]
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