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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE=1]Just be honest with her about your feelings, sit her down and explain that you simply are interested in a romantic relationship, though you might want to be less blunt about it than I have. Say you'd like to remain friends as her friendship is important to you, and if she bursts into tears, slaps you in the face, or kicks you in the nads, well I'd say you probably didn't succeed.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]I saw it a few days ago myself, and while I didn't think it was the worst movie I've ever seen (reserved exclusively for Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow), it certainly wasn't the best. Like Andy I was virtually unfamiliar with the character, so I wasn't going to be thinking "That's not what he's like in the comics !!", but Nick Cage playing the lead role did set off a few alarms. The visual effects were good for what they were supposed to do and the plotline ran along nicely for the most part. That said most of the characters were immensely one-dimensional, the exception being the Devil character who was quite cool. What surprises me most about people's responses so far is that they were expecting this to be a great movie. It's based off a fairly crap comic, and Marvel movies weren't exactly known for their brilliance, Spider-Man and X-Men (for the most part) being the only exceptions. [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]So you are the one who killed my retard neighbour Bilo after he escaped from his cage. Sir, you are a hero of Kazakhstan, and we will reward you with the pubis of might red haired American propagandist Conan O'Brien. [spoiler]Borat is just too funny.[/spoiler][/SIZE]
  4. [quote name='DeathKnight][/size][color=crimson']Do you attach persistence or a steadfast attitude with intolerance? I can't say that it absolutely isn't intolerance or absolutely is, it all depends on the person we are talking about and their actions. From what you say I'd say their persistence was passionate but not touched with negative intentions.[/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]It depends on what that persistence is attached to, as I said before while I respect their beliefs that they're doing this to attempt to save my soul, I feel that after five or so times of politely asking them not to call around that it is intolerant of them to continue to do so. Intolerance doesn't not require negative intentions, just a failure to respect the beliefs of others. Now that doesn't just go for JWs or Mormons, but also extends to missionaries, I mean I believe that my religion is correct out of choice, but I don't agree with people going out to the likes of Africa and converting people with food or whatever just because they believe it's "for their own good". It's presumptuous and wrong, God gave man choice so I say let him decide for himself.[/SIZE] [quote name='James][font=arial']Also, Gavin, I don't think it's fair to lump athiests in with intolerant people. Athiests do not believe in God, this does not automatically make them intolerant of religion.[/font][/quote] [SIZE=1]I'm not talking about all atheists, just those ones who are as closed minded as fundamental religious people, and often as confrontational as them as well. I've a few friends in school who belong to said group and it gets irritating to hear the words "God delusion" over and over without being willing to debate it. I find it refreshing and in a way fun to be able to debate my religious beliefs with someone who doesn't believe, as it generates a greater understanding of both viewpoints. A religious teacher of mine once said to me "You don't know how much you know until you are forced to defend it".[/SIZE]
  5. [QUOTE=James][font=arial]The Underground was intended as more than just an RPG "OOC", it was designed to allow for the creation and planning of RPGs. The Inn allows you to create an RPG sign-up thread and recruit...but it doesn't really allow you to throw an idea out there and plan/build an RPG in a group setting. A potential problem we have is the differentiation between completed sign-up threads and RPG "ideas" that are not complete and that need input from members. You could theoretically see a really cool RPG title and want to sign-up, only to find that someone is just floating an idea...or that they are actually entering into a discussion [i]about[/i] an RPG without that thread being a sign-up in and of itself.[/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I know it was [i]intended[/i] to be more James, but intentions don't reflect the reality of the situation of the Underground. When it started out sure everyone had their threads respective Underground topic and people discussed future projects, hell Bill's Coming Soon thread was a great way to build up hype for an RPG. But that said all it does now is hold OOC discussion and most threads never the five replies mark. I just think as a forum, it's unnecessary and should be merged with the Inn, so that once recruiting has finished in a thread is can become the "Underground" version of itself. [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Looks fun, I'll be sure to keep and eye on it despite the fact my anime knowledge is pretty much non-existent outside of DBZ/GT.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I didn't do anything for April Fools this year, mainly because I was out with my family and mainly because I didn't realise it was April 1st until about 6 PM, which is too late to really do any pranking. Best April prank probably came last year when I was in Tasmania. I was talking to a friend from here who shall remain nameless and purely for a joke spun a story about having been recently married to my knocked up girlfriend and asked him if it was OK if I called the child after him if it was a boy. Long story short after a lot of "I'm really honoured etc." I revealed the joke. We both had a good laugh, though I did feel a little bad as he really did seem to be honoured by the idea of naming my first-born son after him.[/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]I agree with Gavin as I have an expierence with people not tolerating religious beliefs and practices. I was a Jehovah's Witness until I was fourteen and dealt with a great lot of ignorant persecution and intolerance. Usually what JW's do is incorrectly perceived as strange or extremely preachy without much tolerance or acceptance of their beliefs and what they do. It's difficult to overcome the fact that for a few minutes out of your morning someone would dare speak to you about their religious faith and come back several times in an attempt to reach you and, from their point of view, save your soul. Such devotion to their religion, such a sacrifice of their own time as to go out door to door spreading how they feel about God is hard to realize and respect. Researching them takes time but there are many works taking a critical look at their practices and beliefs so that you can avoid coming off as ignorant or intolerable. Not all is rosey and sweet about the faith, and there are plenty of points you can disagree on as to their dogma or actions but tolerance does not always equate to agreement of opinions. However, it's good to know there is someone else on this board who is tolerant and respectful of religion. Kudos.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ooh sly shot there Ken, though you would have a point were it not for the fact that up until about two years ago I had a family of very nice JWs living only a mile or two away, became quite friendly with them and actually took the time to discuss the differences between our respective religions. Besides Sundays are the only mornings when my entire family actually gets a chance to sit and eat breakfast together so you'll excuse me if I do get slightly irritated when someone interupts that time. I have the utmost respect for these people's beliefs, however when I make it clear, politely and repeatedly I might add, that I have no interest in changing my beliefs I feel I do have the right to dislike their ignoring my religious beliefs to come "save my soul" as you put it. Where is the tolerance there ? Funnily enough you'd normally be the very one to go on about how irritating it is to have to deal with preachy Christians coming trying to convert people. It's an interesting change of roles for you. ;) [/SIZE]
  9. [QUOTE=Shy][size=1]Silly rabbit. Underground and the Inn should be one forum. Beyond that, I approve. Good work everyone. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'm glad I'm not the only only one who thinks so, as I recall the Underground was only conceived because people were unhappy about the level of OOC chat in threads. Anyway I'm quite pleased with the new board structure, it seems a lot neater and more organised than before. [/SIZE]
  10. [quote name='Big Sky][COLOR=Gray']Wouldn't the ex-girlfriend just try and kill you after takin' out the baddies? You might as well be unarmed, you'd still die but it would be infinently less horrible.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]In my case no, because myself and that ex parted well, and I know how to fight pretty well myself as we used to spar together all the time. For most guys however the use of a martial artist ex is probably a last resort as it will end in a Desbreko-size kick to the nads.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Might as well add another few gear-grinders. [b]Irish Politicians:[/b] They're bastards, useless, incompetent, bastards. Only in Ireland would we tolerate a single Minister (Secretary for Americans) of the government wasting ?13 billion and not look for his head, let alone for him to step down. What sickens me most however is when these same Ministers come out claiming that Irish people are lucky, LUCKY, to live in a nation with one of the highest GDPs in the world. [b]European Politicians:[/b] Specifically those scaly bastards who make the European Union's higher echelons, they answer to nobody, make laws that affect me and five hundred and fifty million of my fellow EU citizens and in return give Germany and France every benefit possible at the expense of smaller nations. Either turn the entire continent into a single country (which I'd support) or at least become accountable. All this cloak and dagger crap gives me hives. [b]People who act like other people:[/b] This mainly refers to an Irish generation who despite claiming to vehemently hate the English talk in an East-End accent any time their being sarcastic to one another. I swear if I hear "Whatever, your mother works at McDonalds" once more I'm going to beat that person until they puke blood. A slightly amusing/irritating one is white people acting as if they're black, these guys are as racist as it comes, and yet a day will not go by without me hearing something like "Fo' sure homie", "Shizzle", "Biatch" or "Nigga". I don't really mind that one as it gives me a laugh, but it does get irritating after a while. [b]Atheists/Religious people who don't tolerate other people's beliefs:[/b] A long one, but pretty obvious. Both groups irritate the hell out of me, though admittedly I used to belong to the latter group, at least to a degree. Atheists actually annoy me more than religious fanatics, because they genuinely believe in what they're preaching, most atheists just do it in my experience to be confrontational with religious people. If you hold different beliefs to other people that's fine, but you don't need to go around trying to convert others. [b]Jehovah's Witnesses:[/b] Anyone who's dealt with them or Mormons knows what this is like, in my case I'm just back from Mass sitting down to my breakfast when a whole damn family calls to the door. It's the routine, go out, pretend to listen for five or six minutes then say politely I'm Catholic and have no interest in changing my religion. They don't seem to get the message as I've spoken to the same family at least six times in the last year. What's worse is their dragging the kids around, it's Sunday go do something as a family that isn't weird or preachy. [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well I'll be working for most of the summer hopefully, I've got a job lined up for the first month or so working in my high school assisting during exams and I'll probably be able to pick up something else before the end of the season. If it all goes well I may be cruising in my first car by September, which would be a major load off my back in regard to high school. I'll definitely meet up with some pals who are in university at the moment, go for a couple of drinks and catch up. Probably hit the gym again as well, without any heavy school work to do I'll be able to concentrate more on working out. That's about it. [/SIZE]
  13. [quote name='Kazuwa Nomura][COLOR=Magenta][B]...My ex-girlfriend. Ouch.[/B'][/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]I'm changing my answer, ex-girlfriends are usually far more dangerous than any other weapon, and if she knows Judo like one of mine did, you can just multiply the lethality factor by about ten.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Very cool Sandy, and kudos to you as well Cancer for colouring the image. I'd actually like to see the pair of you, or any artist take a crack at drawing other staff or members, just to see how people are perceived.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I have to admit I never felt one way or the other about Tidus, he wasn't terrible nor was he great so it was never an issue for me. [B]Princess Ashe [Final Fantasy XII][/B] - Something just rubs me the wrong way about this girl, the voice itself is not inherently bad, it's the script and it's dripping pretentiousness that irritates me. This girl is a (deposed) princess and bloody well knows it. [b]Carth Onasi [KOTOR Series][/b] - Again nothing really wrong with the voice, but when that ***** whines about something you want to take a tibana powered blaster rifle, shove it down his throat and fire until the pack is wasted. [b]The Voiceover Crew for Oblivion [Elder Scrolls: Oblivion][/b] - Excluding Sean Bean and Terence Stamp, which by themselves make up about 30% of the entire cast I thought Oblivion was terribly voiced. The producers used about eight actors to do every NPC, regardless of race and age in the game. There's very little variation even between NPCs, save the Daedra Lords and the whole thing just stinks of laziness. [/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well I suppose knowing a little about weapons, I'm going to go with a decent handgun, something small without too much recoil and a decently sized clip capacity. Go for a few knee or foot shots and you're out of that situation without any bother at all. Going the fantasy root, I'm going to plug for the lightsaber made famous by Star Wars, beam weapons of pure energy tend not to leave those incriminating blood stains on your clothes after a massacre.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. My biggest gear-grinder is actually pretty common to anyone still stuck in high school, the fact that the sport players (jocks) get preferential treatment to those of us who aren't interested in such pursuits. It's particularly annoying when people like myself represent the schools in other fields and don't get the same. Shaving rash is another one, I probably don't even need to go further.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. To be honest I don't really see where all the doom-saying is coming from, PC gamers such as myself have had to deal with losing exclusive titles for ages, Elder Scrolls Oblivion is just one of the most high profile ones. At the end of the day multi-format is actually a good thing in my mind, at least from a consumers point of view. Nintendo fans were having strokes with Viewtiful Joe went from exclusive to multi-format and yet as anyone will tell you, the big N are still live and kicking despite overtly losing the last "console war". Multi-formatting makes games cheaper, as they can't be used to sell a particular console based on the awesomeness of the game. I agree that Sony is in a troubled position due to ridiculously stupid marketing and PR strategies, a hefty price-tag both for the console and the games, and a barely mediocre line-up of the latter. That said, the thing with multi-format games has always been that the console that best converts the game will sell the most copies. The PS3 is also miles more powerful than it's two rivals and that fact will probably show more clearly in time when some of Sony's biggest hitters, MGS4 for instance hit the shelves later this year. On top of all that, the PS3 was only released to Europe and Australia a matter of days ago, that's pretty much two more continents of consumers.[/size] [quote name='ForgotteÑ-HerÖ][COLOR=Blue']Usually the most pricey things aren't the best. So I agree.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]Most decent PC gaming computers cost about twice as much as a PS3 and yet people keep shelling out to get them, or getting the upgrades to keep their own machines up to spec. Original cost is really only a relative thing compared to the long term life of the unit.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I think the fact that all governments are constantly changing entities over time shouldn't excuse the fact that a federal apology is deserved, if not warranted in this situation. I understand the point that others have made that while obviously none of the people involved on either side are alive, the government is a successor to the governments that allowed this to occur, even condoned it. This isn't going to bring back anyone, and it's not going to change the face of the United States overnight, all it is is a government accepting their predecessors made a terrible mistake and apologising for it.[/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE=r2vq][color=#007520]Now, when it comes to [/color][font=Arial Black]Black Cat[/font][color=#007520], she has to be shapely, and she has to be blonde. In this case, I'm going to have to point towards Elisha Cuthbert. She even has that mischevious look that Black Cat should have. -r2[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Great choice r2, I hadn't even considered Cuthbert. Also I agree with Boo and Andy, Spidey's comedic side has always been one of my favourite aspects to him, Maguire is just a little too dour most of the time for my tastes.[/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE=Shinmaru]Damn right, you've got to [i]know[/i] someone before you can judge 'em. Otherwise it's a no go. And, Des, I didn't resign - I [i]retired[/i]. Those sex scandals had nothing to do with me giving up the modship, I swear...[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Damn right Mike, this is OB, two or three posts is enough to form an accurate opinion of someone. ;) As for the sex scandals, well I for one feel the Red Light District has lost some of it's charm since you've been gone. [/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Hmm, only thing I can really think Mike owe's me is his membership fees to [I]Legion of the Leg[/I] which come to about two million at this stage. I suppose there's also the deal to model the CK speedos from Bikini Bandits, and the time we tried to form OB's Knights who say Ni.[/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Virginity is a [i]disease[/i], like AIDS, or Judaism, and it is fatal unless treated properly via the shared exchange of bodily fluids with a consenting member of your own species. Do you want to die Heero? Do you want to die of virginity? I didn't think so. You see, people who make a big deal out of losing it are just [i]concerned for your well being[/i]. It's not spite, you just don't see things the way we do - you don't see the ticking timebomb your undipped dick is. Go get laid Heero. Your life depends on it.[/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I believe [B]The Long Weekend[/B] called it DSB, or [I]Dangerous Sperm Build-Up[/I]. [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]I might check them out then, I bought one before in Bhujerba but the rewards didn't seem to be worth the 19,000 gil I had to shell out for it. [/SIZE]
  25. [QUOTE=Veritas][size=1][color=gray]If I remember correctally katana damage is determed by the characters magic att. not strength, so they are good weapons for characters with high magic strength. I had Ashe using one for the majority of the game.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=gray][/color][/size] [size=1][color=gray]Ninja swords on the other hand deal damage based apon a characters speed. I used them for a bit with Vaan. Overall I liked it as a weapon, the combo rate and damage it did were good, but it made more sense to use a one handed sword to me, or even a dagger, partly because you can outfit a shield, as well as ninja swords have a dark based attacks and there seemed to be alot of zombies who eat that like candy. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=gray][/color][/size] [size=1][color=gray]I can't remember exactally and I'm too lazy to go check, but there is a section in you Hunters Guide or whatever it's called that explains out all the weapons and what the damage they deal is based upon.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ah thanks for the tips, I really only check the Hunter's Guide for Marks and stuff, I'd forgotten there were other tips in there. Just OOC do any of you guys by those Grimoire things sold by merchants ? I know they're monographs that improve loot, I suppose what I'm asking is do people think they're worth buying as it'll take about a hundred grand's worth of farming to get them all.[/SIZE]
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