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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']Be careful there, Gavin. Interracial marriage was a crime for quite a long time in the United States.[/size][/quote] [SIZE=1]Yes Alex I do see your point but let's be fair here, how likely is it that theft is eventually going to be repealed as a crime ? Discrimination is one thing, normal law is quite different, and let's not muddle the two for the sake of argument.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]In a word, no, I don't think crime is ever acceptable. I can understand that there will always been reasons for people to go out and commit crimes, be they motivated by greed or desperation in the case of stealing, or other factors in the cases of more serious crimes. Maybe it's hard hearted to simply straight out say that it is wrong to steal a loaf of bread to save your starving family, but unfortunately that is life. If you start legalising certain obviously wrong activities, how long can the fabric of the law be maintained. I definitely sympathise with those in the position of having to steal, I donate money regularly to my local homeless shelter to try and provide something for people worse off than myself, but it's a case of simply being a government's responsibility to provide for it's most needy people. But I couldn't in good conscience say that it's OK for people to go out and steal to provide for themselves, after all someone else is losing out when theft happens. Selling drugs on the other hand should be met with an iron fist. I'm sorry but like any right minded person I cannot accept that there are no alternatives to selling drugs that ruin other people's lives to raise the standard of your own, that's just a given. I simply can't accept that there is any logical argument for selling drugs to provide for a family, it's just wrong, plain and simple. [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]I have to admit this is the first I've heard of it, as Josh did point out OtakuBoards and TheOtaku have become very separate entities over the last five years, heck this was the first time I've visited TheO in about six or seven months. The whole situation is tragic, and those responsible should be subjected to the full force of the law, stealing is wrong full-stop, but to steal under the guise of donating the money to breast-cancer research, what kind of morally-bankrupt individual could sink so low. I think that since OtakuBoards really developed it's own separate identity to TheOtaku the two sites really drifted apart. I mean as Boo pointed out if both sites didn't share "Otaku" in their name, you probably wouldn't realise they were part of the same network. I can't really say more than has already been said, OtakuBoards grew from catering to just anime fans to being a multi-aspect site and thus it was only natural that it developed away from TheO and MyO. The future of OtakuBoards is something that's always been talked about, the forums themselves evolved over time into this, and I can't see them not continuing to evolve into something else as time goes on. Maybe they'll go more in line with the TheO network, maybe they'll become even more independent, I don't really know. Personally I've no problem with the level of interaction between OB and TheO at the moment, I'd even go as far to say I'd rather not put the onus back on anime at the expense of what's been developed here.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]It's been a few days since I posted here, but again Mike I'm really impressed by how well you've drawn the story along and the way the characters are developed in real and funny ways. I have to admit I did enjoy the idea of Des being your master, I can't wait to see how that factors into the next chapters, though you do have me torn once again between who I'm supporting. On with the next chapter.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well I suppose it's about time I sent in my nominations. [b]Mike/The Boss:[/b] I've been friends with Mike a good long time now, and looking back over the last twelve months I can definitely say he's been a great contributor to OtakuBoards as a whole, though more specifically his work in the Arena has been fantastic, which leads me to my next nomination. [b]The Hit:[/b] Despite receiving some initial negative feedback, I personally regard it as one of the best fan fictions of the last twelve months, and certainly the best of the new year so far. The action is fluid, and the writing is often excellent, and no I'm not giving out this vote simply because I'm in it. [b]Shy/Josh:[/b] The second year in a row I've given a nomination to Josh, he earns them with his utter dedication to the forums under his purview and the commitment he shows to any other projects he's involved in. A great fellow, he really deserves all credit due to him. [b]Aaryanna:[/b] Again another second time round vote, the same reasons still apply. Despite her young age she's a great contributor to the quality of OB who makes valid, articulate posts with a great attitude. [b]Prick Wizard:[/b] Provided more laughs than a sack-full of hyenas with his ludicrousness, a great way to cheer up after a bad day was to read some of his posts and then reply sarcastically. I wonder if he ever did meet the savage Mohawk wearing people of New Zealand. [b]Charles:[/b] Only knowing him a brief few weeks at this stage, I've found the sensei of cAttitude to be witty and a good conversationalist. His graphics on OB deserve a vote all of their own, despite the infamy they're often greeted with. [b]OtakuBoards Events:[/b] They?re always good fun, and a terrific way of getting the boards as a collective together. I don?t really think there?s anything more than can be said, except that White better make sure he continues the legacy Josh set out over the last few years. [b]Jamie/Ezekiel:[/b] Wonderful person, wonderful writer, wonderful moderator, an invaluable asset to OtakuBoards full-stop. [b]Lounge Games:[/b] Usually amusing, and a way to make a few quick posts, although people aren?t supposed to talk about that side of them. They deserve their kudos. [b]OB?s role-players:[/b] The best people of OtakuBoards, and yes that is a biased view, role-playing has been a staple recreation on OB for years and years and will hopefully continue to be. The people who contribute their time and effort to their art, despite the often crippling frustration that comes with it are what makes OB really unique on the internet, at least for me. [b]Alex/Multiple Usernames:[/b] Famous and infamous at the same time, the now banned [again] Alex provided some of Otakuboards most sharp assessments on ranges of issues from politics to videogames. A good friend to those who knew him, he wasn?t above giving people a kick in the pants when they deserved it. He had an often poisonous tongue [pun certainly intended] he will be best remembered among the older members of OB. [b]Oldies:[/b] Here five or more years, remember Version 3 if only vaguely, you?re Nifty and shouldn?t need to be told. Finally [b]Gavin:[/b] I?ll let Josh decide who he wants to credit this one with, me or DW. I?ll see if I can?t make the decision that bit harder for him. [INDENT][i]Gavin - Dragon Warrior:[/i] The uncrowned king of comedy on OtakuBoards, his fics always generate side splitting laughter at their character dialogue and slack stick action. While sometimes regarded as childish, I think if we all took life a little less seriously, as Gavin does, we?d probably live longer and enjoy it more. A hell of a writer, it?s a shame he doesn?t produce more in the Adventure Square. [I]Gavin - The Irishman:[/i] Well when not skulking around the Arena and scaring new members with my ?Interesting, most interesting? quote I find myself portrayed as either sociopathic vigilantes or Ebenezer Scrooge-like business men. I try to write the occasional RPG and definitely enjoy it. In the Lounge, when not involved in certain divisive threads, I like to try and provide useful advice or simply get to know my fellow members a little better.[/INDENT][/size]
  6. [SIZE=1][B]*First of all, I'd like to ask how old are you?[/B] 19 turning 20 in just over three weeks. [B]*How would you say you feel about abstinence? (A. Excellent, B. Good, C. Fair, D. Poor)[/B] [I]C[/I] I suppose, I don't really feel anything more or less about it than other preventative issues despite being Catholic. If people want to abstain, that's fine, all credit to their relationship. If they don't, at least have the common sense to use protection on both sides. [B]*And how many times have you been in a situation where you had to make a decision to abstain from sexual activity or not? (It's cool to estimate.)[/B] None, most of my girlfriends where sex was involved have been very cool and mature about it, neither of us wanted kids so it was a case of making love when we felt the time was right with appropriate protection. [B]*How many relationships have you been in? (A numerical estimation is cool here too.)[/B] Maybe seven or eight serious and fifteen, twenty fortnight or shorter one. Sexual relationships is on about three, the last one finishing last Sunday. [B]*How often would you say you see public displays of affection?[/B] Not very often, it's frowned upon in my high school fairly severely, and it doesn't happen often in my local town. [B]*When you see these public displays of affection would you say you're offended in any way?[/B] It depends really on how intimate they are, I don't have any problem with a quick kiss, but if it gets more serious, I kinda feel a bit uncomfortable, heh maybe that's just jealously... [B]*Would public displays of affection be alright for you to show?[/B] Again it depends on the intimacy, I've often kissed my girlfriends walking down the street, but I do limit it to short and tongueless one, just out of courtesy. [B]*How far would you say is too far for a public display of affection? (A. Kissing, B. Hugging, C. Other. If other, could you provide me with a short explanation of what you consider too far?)[/B] [I]A[/I], I think I've already outlined in the above one why I wouldn't go farther than a kiss. [B]*In your opinion have school dances become too sexual? Yes/No.[/B] In school, not with our teachers, it'd been stamped out fairly swiftly. [B]*At what age do you think that dating should begin? (Like, a real age not "Whenever!")[/B] I started seriously at about 15/16 though I didn't get intimate with someone until last year. I think normal dating at 15 or 16 is fine, your old enough to know what you're doing.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I personally prefer the classic topping myself, a smidgeon of salt for taste and no more. With the popcorn at home the invariable beverage is milk, while at the cinema it's a nice big cup of Coca Cola.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]I would use my customary entrance, but for sake of sanity given it's repeated use I think I'll forego using it. I like the premise behind the story, very Corpse Bride as Redemption already pointed out. I find my incarnation to be very Montgomery Burns/Ebenezer Scrooge like, which is a far cry from my usual odd-ball genius interpretation in these fics. I'm not complaining at all Gavin, it's just so new and different to the usual, that and I sing so rarely. Will I get that house or not I wonder ? Like Mike, I think I know who the unknown character is already, a bit obvious from the tail and stuff.[/SIZE]
  9. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']I did not explain my point very well the first time so I hope that clears up what I was trying to say.[/quote] [SIZE=1]It's fine AM, the fault was mine in the first place. I've recently been in a fairly bad mood since my ex-girlfriend gave me the infamous "I prefer us as friends" line, and on top of that, the day before yesterday my little sister had to go to go hospital over black-outs she's started getting. So all and all this hasn't been my most peaceful and productive week for me. I'm well aware that the vast, vast majority of Americans are good, decent people who no longer support "Godhatesfags" and it's ecclesiastical bigotry, regardless of the tiny minority of red-neck cretins who do. In all reality my second last response should have ended with something about how this site was a poor representation of America when it has so many great liberties etched into it's very identity. Alex, you were right to call me on it, it was the same generalisation I called Adahn on, and I apologise for trying to turn it on you. Ken, we've known one another a long time, and if you feel I was a fool for my response, then you are probably right, though I still feel the remark itself was harsh. The problem with this issue has always been that both sides are often unwilling to set aside their own beliefs and look through one another's viewpoints. Many Christians see homosexuality as a sinful act regardless of the obvious love segment to it, I can't imagine homosexual groups have sex for purely pleasurable reasons (flings/one nights stands/etc) any more or less than heterosexual couples. In these cases it's often very convenient for these people to be represented entirely by their acts, rather than as full people with the same/similar needs as heterosexuals. On the other side of the coin, non-religious people often have great difficulty in accepting the nature and importance of faith for the devout. People like myself who follow a certain code of beliefs believe and trust that these were given to us for our benefit, and those who do not follow these beliefs must be guided into or back the chosen path. It is done out of compassion in most cases, or I choose to hope it is done out of compassion, I certainly have no wish for these people to go to Hell, it is not a fate I would wish on anyone. Simply tossing out passages of the Bible by either side without appreciating the whole message is meaningless, the Christians use the few passages that make reference to homosexuality and fidelity while at the same time forgetting the forgiving and compassionate message that was so central to Christ's teaching. The pro-gay marriage groups bring up this message while at the same time ignoring the teaching of discipline and adherence to God's path. Both sides [B]must[/B] attempt to look at the world through the other's eyes, rather than simply reducing them to what is convenient for us to dislike. I truly wish to dedicate my life to path God has laid down, so much so that I intend to become a priest eventually. But at the same time, I refuse to treat people as less than human simply because I do not agree with their choices in life. We are all human beings, and we all have the same rights to pursue happiness in our lives, whether or not this issue of legal rights of marriage or civil union or whatever you want to call it is a good or bad thing.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]It seems my last response was either vague or incorrectly interpreted, either way I'll attempt to clarify my point.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Aaryanna_Mom]Gavin based on the Census done in 2000 in the USA which measured a population of 281.4 million, 31.1 million of whom were foreign born. This does not include others who were born to foreign parents and are considered citizens due to being born in the US. It's inaccurate to say most of the garbage came from the US. Being in America does not automatically mean the garbage started here. So lets drop the sweeping generalization that implies this sort of garbage started here and only here. I don't deny that there are a lot intolerant people here, I use to be one of them myself. But there are plenty of Americans who have no trouble with it at all. Even here in Utah over 35% of the population voted against a measure to deny gay marriage.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]To be fair AM all that statistic proves is that America has a considerable foreign populace, as by that same token does the Republic of Ireland (approximately 10%). So while I accept that maybe 99% of Americans vehemently disagree with sites like Godhatesfags, the site is American in origin. It wasn?t my intention to paint all Americans with the same brush, but there is a general perception outside of the United States, whether it is correct or not, that the southern states of the U.S. are home to extremists on this and other issues. I?m not saying other countries don?t have to deal with these kinds of people (France for instance has a severe problems with racism), I?m just saying that there is a perception that America has a higher percentage of them than other countries, and sites like Godhatesfags from Kansas don?t exactly challenge that perception. I am however glad to see that it may be an incorrect perception if places like Utah which would typically be considered prime red-neck country are less extremist than perceived.[/SIZE] [quote name='Retribution][size=1]Or [i]you[/i'] could just man up to your mistake. You associated Americans with hateful messages. That was wrong of you say, and you know it. You're no better than someone who insinuates that 99% of Christians are blind.[/size][/quote] [SIZE=1]I am more than man enough to own up to my mistake Alex, and unless you?re telling me that Kansas is no longer part of the U.S. than I?m not the one associating America with hateful messages, your own people are giving out the evidence. I?ve already stated it wasn?t my intention to paint all Americans with the same brush, I simply alluded correctly or incorrectly to the general perception that sites like Godhatesfags and the ecclesiastical bigotry that goes with it comes from America. As for whether I?m not better than someone who insinuates whether 99% of Christians are blind, well I at least admitted my mistake, whether or not people who insinuate similarly to Christians can do the same is another issue.[/SIZE] [quote=DeathKnight][color=crimson]The debate that has arisen will unfortunately bring out extremists and I cannot apologize for their actions as an American but I will fault you on being a fool about it. People like this exist in every nation and, when offered the proper stage, will show themselves just as loudly. [/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]While I agree that this issue does bring out extremists on both sides, as we both well know, I think you're assuming that I expected you to apologise for the actions of other Americans, I didn't, nor would I ask you or any of your fellow countrymen to. As for faulting me for being a fool, I'm afraid Ken that's your own call and it doesn't in the least bother me in the least.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][I]Arse head[/I], great insult man, I always wanted to see it used on a fic sometime. The writing is as usual superb, as is the quality of the action, you've got to teach my how to write like that sometime my friend. I do like White's reference to his DS, it just seems so natural to the character, as well as the story and I can't wait to see how this turns out. On the dream point, I?m glad to see I?m not quite as unobservant as I thought.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]James relaxed back against the seat of Paladin's cockpit, the battle hadn't really proven too much of a challenge, the six Knights had collectively destroyed probably three, four dozen enemy mechs, but their carrier had escaped.. He wasn't a computer expert, but from the way Min had reacted to the hack, it seemed to be fairly serious, she'd seemed quite ruffled after the incident. Without even consulting the onboard A.I. James gently rested his module back into it's designated launch position, the techs would probably want to look over it, but there wasn't much damage aside that wasn't superficial. He smiled, it had been one of his first full contact missions, and it had been more exciting than any simm he'd taken in the Academy. [b]"Hey Kilburn, you want us to take Paladin in for repairs ?[/b] He knew the voice, a chuckled at the tone. A wiry looking man in his late 50s stuck his head into the cockpit, grinning happily. Crusade VII's dock master Irvine Draven was any Knights best friend after combat, he considered the modules to be his personal property that James and his fellow pilots merely trained in and borrowed when the time for combat came. Word was he'd helped design and built some of them, he certainly knew his way around them inside and out. [b]"Just some external damage Irvine, the forward plates took a bit of a pounding, but otherwise I think Paladin is in good order."[/b] Draven's smile grew even wider, if that was possible, his blue eyes seemed to shine with delight at the prospect of being able to tinker around a bit with Paladin's systems. [b]"Great kid, I'm glad to see you're taking care of the module. I know you're young and there's still some of that edge you've yet to lose, but you're going to be fine."[/b] James unbuckled his harness and hopped out of the cockpit into the awaiting lift. A brief few seconds later he found himself on the solid, metallic floor of the dock, as much as he enjoyed piloting his module, the ground beneath his boots was always a welcome sensation. He figured there'd be a meeting at some stage in the next few hours, plenty of time to take a shower and get something to eat. There were at least six different exit lifts to different sections of Crusade VII, as well as one major embarkation platform for emergency purposes. Strolling towards the closest lift, James caught sight of Leon Brommin, and thought he might as well have a bit of a chat with him about the mission. Maybe it was getting another person's perspective that interested him, maybe James just didn't want to feel like "the kid" of the team anymore. [B]"Hey Captain Brommin, mind if I have a word with you ?"[/B] Leon turned a 180 degree angle to face the younger captain. [b]"Sure James, what did you want to talk about ?[/b]" [b]"Well I... I guess I was just wondering if it's always that intense. I'm not complaining, just curious. It was something of an experience when you've only ever been in a simulator or controlled tests.[/b]" His cheeks reddened slightly in admitting his lack of first-hand combat experience. Leon chuckled, placing a hand on James' shoulder. It was a welcome gesture, like a feeling of acceptance. [b]"Not always that exhilarating James, but your first actual combat in a module is one of those moments you'll never forget."[/b] James exhaled, feeling better. Seemed his feelings were natural, given his position. [b]"Thanks sir... I mean Leon, I'm still getting used to the whole first name basis thing. Oh blast, I've got to get going, I've got an important... arrangement in about twenty minutes."[/b] Sprinting towards the elevator, James wasn't ever sure if Brommin had replied, he could believe he'd forgotten his date already. And Forte would have something to say if he didn't tell him how it went. [CENTER]||||||||||[/CENTER] BK, I probably wasn't clear enough but I'd prefer it is Kilburn's nervousness wasn't over-played for the moment. He's still on a high confidence wise after the battle, so he's probably going to be more comfortable and informal around the others. This ism't a complaint, just a character correction.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]C'est la vie I'm afraid. Good luck to the rest of the Mercs, I hope you guys go all the way.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Like DW I really do like that last line, it gives a laugh and a insight into the characters' mindset, although after rumbling with the Crusader and then having to fight Zeke, I really do sympathise with his position. The fight scene did feel a little forced, but I think you'll be able to remedy that with the next chapter. You?ve piqued my curiosity though with that Spartan dream, though maybe I?m reading too much into it.[/SIZE]
  15. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']And there you were preaching about the inaccuracies of sweeping generalizations.[/size][/quote] [SIZE=1]Alex come on, most of the garbage comes from the U.S. and if you're honest enough you'll admit it. I probably could have phrased what I said a little more tactfully, and it did come out a little more preachy than intended, but I still stand by the fact that most of these sites and their proliferaters are American in origin.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Adahn][size=2]About two-thirds of normal people will administer a deadly shock to someone with heart trouble because a scientist tells them to.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]How many people do you think will accept a religious leader's decision, especially if they see nothing morally wrong with it, and there are no consequences to hold them back?[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Just about all of them.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]People [i]can[/i] think and make decisions for themselves, but in a situation like this, they simply don't have to.[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I think then Adahn what we're talking about here is an issue of trust, these people trust that what their leaders are telling them is the truth and for the best. The Milgram experiment you've shown is fascinating a quite troubling at the same time, I had hoped that people would be less willing to injure others simply because someone else ordered them to. You do bring up a very valid point however that some people will simply avoid the issue by doing what their leaders tell them, while others will take what is said and then make their own decisions.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.[/SIZE] [quote name='Ezekiel][SIZE=1']I think the best way for you to make this work is to have a lot of twists and turns up your sleeves so people don't get bored. Well done, though, it'll be interesting to see how this goes.[/SIZE][/quote] [SIZE=1]Jamie has a very good point, despite looking to be a lot of fun, the problem with Battle Royale type RPGs is their limiting nature. People will find themselves struggling to keep themselves alive, while at the same time not slowing the RPG to a stand-still. That said I'm definitely going to sign up, and I hope this will turn out to be great.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]I think the strike idea is probably the best one, it seems to fit our "mercenary" persona better that way. I've already sent off my vote, so I guess all I can do is wish everyone luck. As Crystia said, if I'm still here for the next round, the gloves are so definitely off in regard to the other teams.[/SIZE]
  18. [quote name='Adahn][font=Tahoma][size=2]The problem, Jordan, is that not very many Christians are as good as you. Hardly any, I would wager. Where you make your decisions carefully by considering your own morals and ethics, others follow blindly.[/size'][/font][/quote] [SIZE=1]Adahn, I really do have to contend your point there. It's in no way, shape or form a shot at Jordan, as I consider him a good, if only occasionally encountered friend. But with that statement you seem to have labelled 99% of Christians as being blind, brainless individuals incapable of making a genuinely personal decision on an issue that is as serious and contentious as this. I consider the decision that I made on the issue to have taken careful consideration of my own ethics and morals, but by that same point, those who choose to abide by the Catholic Church's position are not simply blindly following, they're accepting a piece of reasoning from those whom they believe are more qualified to make the correct decision. I'm neither agreeing nor disagreeing with it, I'm simply stating my belief that it's unfair to simply paint every Christian with the same brush.[/SIZE] [quote name='Adahn][font=Tahoma][size=2]I am going to give you an extreme example. [url="http://www.godhatesfags.com/"][color=blue]Click here[/color][/url] if you want, but I warn you, the opinions are extreme.[/size'][/font][/quote] [SIZE=1]This has to be simply one of the most offensive things I've ever laid eyes on, both as a person and a Catholic. This is nothing short of drivel produced by red-neck cretins with no idea of who or what God is, or how to properly interpret His word. Of course I'm not even mildly surprised that the site is American in origin.[/SIZE]
  19. [quote name='indifference][COLOR=DarkRed']Time to pursue the target so to speak. [/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]Why do I get the feeling any length of distance is going to be measured in "klicks" by our team from now on ?[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]I'd have to agree it's not your best chapter Mike, it does suffer from some repetition and the dialogue can be a little hard to follow in parts. Still though it's a good read, and helps bolster the story a bit with some more character interaction. On a side note, I am obviously really pleased the Crusader is not as dead as he appeared. If you're taking suggestions for future characters, we both know that Annalisse has to make an appearance somewhere, if anyone could actually kill the Crusader, it would be her.[/SIZE] [quote name='Jokopoko][color=teal][size=1]For the record: I am not cockney![/size'][/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]I knew something like that was coming, for some reason most people seem to write Bill as a cockney in OB fictions. [/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Aaryanna, those banners and avatars you've made are nothing short of wicked and my support is now firmly rooted behind [B]The Mercenaries[/B] as a team name. Of the newer two, I actually like the one without the border better for some reason, it just seems to be a little more understated than the bordered one. Anyway on to the questions. [B]What's your favorite animal and why?[/B] Honestly I'd have to say cats, we've got a bunch of them at home what with living in the country, and despite the fact they can be completely idiots sometimes I still adore the lot of them. I've had dogs, and as much as I like them for all their great characteristics, cats are just that little bit more independent and intelligent, at least from my experience. I've actually named most of my cats after fellow OB members, I'll see if I can get a picture of them all together. [B]What's your favorite hobby and why?[/B] Like Aaryanna, my favourite hobby simply has to be reading for the sheer pleasure of being able to immerse myself in the worlds, or in the case of my sci-fi collection, universes of the author. My favourite genre is the inverse of Aaryanna's, sci-fi then fantasy, with Star Wars being the staple of my collection. I don't really have a favourite overall sci-fi author, one of the things I like about the Star Wars Expanded Universe it the way different authors give their own distinct touches to the continuity. Outside of Star Wars and Star Trek, I'm currently enjoying Kevin J. Anderson's [B]Saga of the Seven Suns[/b] series of novels, though sadly it seems to have a limited fan base.[/SIZE]
  22. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']The current plan is to have a separate website for Otakupedia, rather than have it be on OB itself. That way each article could actually have its own page, rather than having everything in one gigantic thread.[/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]Good idea, I just have one question though, will this be held on the Otaku network like the Kill Adam site was, but with a Wiki format ? Or will it be hosted off the Wiki network as a Wikicities site ?[/SIZE]
  23. [quote name='indifference][COLOR=DarkRed']Great job on the flags Aaryanna, out of the two I like the Purple Cobra's the best.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]I have to admit I actually prefer the Mercenary's one, the Cobras flag just seems to be a little too non-descript to me, sorry Aaryanna. Though in fairness they're both better than what I could come up with.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Bah, and here I was hoping I might actually come out the winner of that fight, though I have to admit, I knew from the moment the two characters had their weapons in killing positions that the Crusader's weapon would be empty, it was just a little obvious. Like DW I half-hoped that Crusader actually killed Sakura with that shot. Given his mission, it makes little sense to spare a woman who would have quite comfortably killed him, plus it would bring back that edge to the character after his confession and subsequent death. Of course it's often harder to be merciful in such situations, which gives further credit to the mental strength of the character. Of course maybe I'm just trying to console myself at the loss of such a cool interpretation of me. ^_^;[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Dubs, I have the Perfect Uncut edition of Dragonball GT and I have to say I couldn't sit down and watch them in Japanese with subtitles only, listening to Kid Gohan voice Goku is bad enough, but listening to the "high-pitch-girl-like voice actors", to quote AzureWolf for more than five seconds is just too much. Oddly enough I actually tend to watch it with both subs and dubs at the same time, so I guess technically I'd have to answer both.[/SIZE]
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