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Everything posted by Gavin
[QUOTE=Anomaly][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Trebuchet MS]although purple cobras seems to be the most popular, I'd like to toss my team name into the ring at the last second, sorry it took so long! If we went with red, I think that The Mercenaries would be a cool team name.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Oh sorry, I didn't mean to sound as if the vote was over, I'm still definitely open to any other names and colours.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]The politics of a nation can be manhandled by the "majority" and I believe that even the majority can come to a wrong consensus as a collective and that they, unfortunately, often do. I do not hold anything against Roman Catholics or their demographic majority in Ireland but just because there are a bunch of people with one opinion doesn't make that opinion more valid once you step outside of the stupid Democratic "We're a huge group of people! That makes this decision a good one!" viewpoint. Grant them that freedom. If God cannot embrace as much liberty as man can then, well. The children have surpassed their father.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I wasn't saying that the majority can't make mistakes Ken, far from it, for far too long Ireland covered up a lot of it's worst clerical abuses for fear of what "the neighbours" might think. I was just saying that a democratic government elected by the majority of the voting populace shouldn't try sneak approaches to legalise things. It should be put before the people in a referendum and given the same priority as any other important issue.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I guess thankfully like Peanut I've never mistaken anything for anything else, unless I'm not wearing my glasses and then anything goes as I'm 3/4 blind. I sometimes mistake people for other people, as in I'll use the wrong name to address them, although thankfully that's pretty rare as it can be quite awkward. [/SIZE]
[quote name='indifference][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Team Captain:[/B'] It?s rather ironic that Gavin mentioned me as I was thinking his devotion to RPG?s and longstanding activity here at OB would make him an excellent choice for leading.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]Although I appreciate the vote of confidence Crystia, I think you'd make the better captain in the overall run of the game. If needs be I'll step up, but I have a record of bad luck when it comes to leading teams. Given that we all have some skills with graphics, I think we should probably each design a flag and go with the best one after that. Anyway it seems we've settled on [B]Purple Cobras[/B] as the team name and Crystia as our captain, which just leaves the team colours. I don't mind what we use in the end, so long as it's legible, heh, but if we're the Purple Cobras, it would make sense to use purple as our team colour.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I drink socially occasionally, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that, as most people have said there's only a problem with alcohol if it's abused and at the end of the day the abusers will be paying for it in years to come. On the whole illegal drugs thing, they're illegal for a reason, I've never taken drugs and at nearly 20 years of age I have absolutely no interest in ever doing so. Same goes for cigarettes, although I need only look at my immediate and outer family to see the damage done there.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well as a practicing Roman Catholic, I have to admit that I do oppose gay marriage on the grounds it goes against my religious beliefs. Now that said, I'm going to clarify my point on what I mean by "marriage", marriage to me has always signified a religious institution between a man and a woman in a Church under the eyes on God that is after going to a registrars office, given legal recognition. I realise of course that other people will have different opinions of what marriage is, but that's just my one. If civil unions granting homosexual couples the same financial and legal rights as heterosexual couples were to come up, I would neither oppose nor support it, because at the end of the day these people can't help the way they were born. I suppose it does sound a little like splitting hairs in the end, but for someone who was not too long ago completely opposed to homosexual marriage in all forms, it is a change in stance. That said, I do oppose it being legalised via stealth bills, in countries where the majority of the population, such as in Ireland, are against it as was attempted by our Justice Minister not too long ago. On the whole sin thing, I'm really not sure where I stand on that, I think forgiveness should be given without been asked for, and it goes back to Adahn's first point about the casting of stones. If these people lead good lives, and do no intentional wrong to others, then their sins are between themselves and God, and not up to me to demand their having to get absolution. A good friend of mine here on OtakuBoards is gay, and I don't think any worse of him for being so inclined. Those are my two cents anyway. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Yeesh, the worst most people worry about in my high school are wasps, although the girls reactions when one flies into the room is nothing short of side-splittingly funny. If you don't feel safe about going back if the infestation was not totally taken care of, then simply don't go back. That said I'm often a major proponent of facing your fears, though those bites don't sound the most pleasant of things.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. This year I don't really have my eyes set on anyone, I'll probably send a few ex's who I'm still on good terms with a gag card about how I'm still madly in love with them and await the inevitable joke response. I've never found Valentine's Day to be any more or less romantic than any other, but hey maybe that's just me. On reading a few previous responses, I agree with Jamie, VD has become way to commercialised.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]It's actually been ages since I wrote an introduction so this was a little challenging. Well I suppose to start off I'll go with the obvious, my name's Gavin, I'm Irish, nearly 20 years of age and a high school student currently repeating my last two years there-in after dropping out due to a serious neck injury. I'm hoping to go and study Psychology and Sociology in University in about fifteen months time and become a full time practicing therapist/counsellor afterwards. I'm a five and a bit year veteran of Otaku[b]Boards[/b], having joined all the way back in October 2001, although that was under a different account, Majin Gogeta if I remember correctly. I started off active nearly entirely in the Arena, writing RPGs as part of the DBZ crew from back in the day, I'm probably best remembered from that era under the usernames of Red XIII or Outcast. Nowadays my mischief isn't really confined to any segment of the boards, heh, save the Anime Category where I very rarely post. I'm often involved in discussions in the Lounge, which I find to be a good way to get to know other members of OB's ever-growing community. Even nowadays however I'm much more comfortable working in the Arena, giving a hand where I can and discussing new stories and techniques with my fellow role-players. I guess that's pretty much everything. [b][Edit][/b] Forgot the team captain, name and team colours. [B]Team Captain:[/B] I'd say Crystia/Indifference would make a good team captain from her work in the Lounge. [B]Team Name:[/b] The Purple Cobras (Dodgeball Ruled) [B]Team Colour:[/B] As evident from our name, some form of [COLOR=#250058][B]purple[/B][/COLOR].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]"[b]SON OF A...[/b]" James' cockpit shuddered slightly at the impact of the alien vessel's weapons, several separate damage read-outs poured over the cockpits HUD along with sensor data and spatial telemetry. He'd kicked the boosters up to maximum in the hope to being able to avoid some of the more powerful blasts, but the Paladin was a power module, and not built for speed. He unloaded another volley of matter/anti-matter grenades into the incoming wave of enemy mechs, disintegrating about half a dozen on impact, their armaments was significantly less powerful then the ships, according to the data he'd be able to sustain heavy enemy fire for about another twenty or so minutes before the module was in any kind of danger. The full view of the alien ship came suddenly into startling view, James cursed his lack of awareness, they'd managed to bring him right back into range of it's forward cannons again, three or four direct hits from that and he'd be in serious difficulty. A single phrase echoed through his head at that moment, '[i]Today is a good day to die[/I]', the boy was something of a history fan, and old Earth's media was a particular favourite. He gritted his teeth, arming the forward heavy impact cannons for maximum yield. "[b]Not today, not without a fight.[/b]" The magnetic accelerators hurled the two charges out at something close to the speed of light, aside from the eerie green trail left behind them for about a quarter of a second they were next to invisible. The explosion that followed however was far from it, shredding the forward emitters and knocking a sizable hole the vessel. "[b]Nice shooting James.[/b]" He grinned as Alex's voice came out clear over the cockpit speakers, if the Knights had a de-facto leader, it was probably her. "[b]It's their fault Lexy, if they hadn't started this, we wouldn't need to finish it.[/b]" A typical seventeen year old's response, he almost felt immature... almost. The sensors spotted a group of enemy mech about four thousand meters away and closing, it seemed they'd taken offence to him, he chuckled, after what he'd done to their ship these guys were either very good, or very stupid, he supposed the latter. Hitting a pair of glowing keys to his left hand side, James watched as the module's forearm released a cylindrical shape about two meters long, grasping it gently with Paladin's free hand, he simply waited for his opponents to get close enough. "[b]Warning, Paladin will enter enemy weapon's range in approximately five seconds.[/b]" Great warning, he thought sarcastically, he'd need to have a word with the Knight's mechanics about getting that kind of pointless alert removed from the system. He watched bemused as they flew right past the maximum range without unloading a single shot at him, obviously they'd figured out their long range weapons were ineffective, which meant they were going to try things the old fashioned way. "[b]Computer, retract Paladin forward arm-linked weapon-launchers, we're heading into a melee combat scenario.[/b]" An acknowledging chirrup from the onboard AI was all he needed to hear. Igniting what he had jokingly dubbed his ?[url=http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs7/i/2005/190/5/3/Lightsaber_v2_by_hellion.jpg][i]Knightsaber[/i][/url]? he ramped up the thrusters to full throttle meeting the first of the six mechs head on, the beam weapon tore through the middle of the unit, dragging trashed components and quickly frozen liquids out into the vacuum. The remaining enemies seemed to think better a fight and broke off their attack run, right into the weapon range of the Ares, he smiled, waiting for the eventual fireworks. [CENTER]|||||[/CENTER] Lightsaber art by [url=http://hellion.deviantart.com/]Hellion[/url][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Most of the obvious stuff has been said already, clear out the stuff you don't need or won't be able to fit in your new home, try and make a good impression with your neighbours, the usual. Seeing as you're from the countryside, get a good pair of ear-plugs, seriously I know what it's like having to live in the city after years in the country, you'll have been so used to the quiet that any little sound will wake you up. As for getting furniture up five floors, I'm going to go with John and say get a few of your stronger neighbours to help you bring it up the stairs, there really is not an easy method. [/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Shy][size=1]I liked this better when it was called 'Kill Adam.' -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]A bit harsh Josh, one might easily turn round and declare they preferred "Kill Adam" when it was "Kill Bill". In actuality the storyline behind The Hit is quite different to Kill Adam/Kill Bill in many respects. We know only that James has had a price put on his head, we don't yet know by whom or for what reason, though I have a few theories. And from what we've seen of the assassins currently, there's no personal motivation to collect the bounty, it's just business.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I have to admit I'm rather appalled at the so-called humanists who's so blatantly and ignorantly condemned what this girl's parents have done to give her a better standard of life. Neighbours of mind have a son my age with Cerebral Palsy, and I can only imagine their heartache they'll face when they can no longer care for him because of their own declining health. As has already been stated, she's 3 months old mentally, what kind of sick bastard is going to have sex with a 3 month old in a woman's body, it's not even a logically argument. In the end, this was her parents decision, and from what I've read, I truly believe that they thought this was in their daughter's best interests.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I seriously cannot heap enough praise on this Mike, aside from the utterly wicked character you've based on me, very Angel/The Crow feel to him, it's just the overall setting and writing that have really hooked me. I'm terrible at fight scenes, and yet yours flow really well and give a sense of time as well as movement. As I said, this is nothing short of awesome, and I can't wait to see how The Crusader and Mike meet in battle, though I suspect I'll meet the business end of that shortsword of yours. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]1. What name would you like to be used for you during this competition?[/B] Gavin seems to be as good a name as any. [B]2. What is your age and gender?[/B] 19 years and definitively male. [B]3. What country do you come from?[/B] Republic of Ireland. [B]4. What areas of OtakuBoards you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses?[/B] [U]Strengths[/U] - RPGs - Discussion/Debates [U]Weaknesses[/U] - Anime/Manga - Music [B]5. Name one member of OtakuBoards that you consider your friend here.[/B] Well despite the fact there are definitely dozens of people I consider friends, I'm going to go with [B]Jamie/Zeke[/B] as she's definitely someone I have a lot in common with and a really great person when you get right down to it. Hope that cold of yours is better. [B]6. What one thing would you take with you to a deserted island?[/B] Uhh, can I say boat ? If not, probably a long sci-fi novel of some kind to keep my mind occupied while I wait to be rescued. [B]7. Why do you want to participate to OtakuBoards Survivor 4?[/B] Well I've never actually joined/participated in an OtakuBoards Survivor before, despite hearing a lot of good things about them, I guess I just want to see what all the fuss is about and have some fun at the same time.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=White][LEFT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Thanks for giving me the chance to sign up Eclipse, I really do like the look of this RPG. [B]-Sign up-[/B] [B]-Name: [/B] James Kilburn [B]-Age: [/B] 17 [B]-Gender:[/B] Male [B]-Nationality:[/B] Irish [B]-Rank: [/B] Captain [B]-Appearance:[/B] [url=http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs4/i/2004/187/6/8/a_kid___.jpg][b][COLOR=White]James[/COLOR][/b][/url] Art by [URL=http://elvire.deviantart.com/][COLOR=White]Elvire[/COLOR][/url] Only a few months have passed since this photo of James was taken, though the physical differences since then are somewhat noticeable. Standing 1.8 metres tall, the young man is athletically inclined, though he has not yet fully matured physically yet. [B]-Personality: [/B] Despite being little more than an adolescent boy, James displays unusual maturity for his age. He's confident, intelligent and very dependable in most situations, though he like all teenage boys finds himself incapacitated around pretty girls, the fact that James has never actually been involved seriously with a girl yet is evident as he's often reduced to little more than stuttering as a form of communication. Being one of the youngest officers on Crusade VII, as well as the second youngest Knight pilot by only a matter of weeks, James finds himself slightly intimidated around the older pilots, it's not that they're that much more skilled than him, it's just that they've got a lot more combat experience and he finds that slightly unnerving. As a result James will often stay silent during a briefing, unless directly addressed, and even then will keep his responses as succinct as possible. During actual combat however, James is a lot more comfortable in himself and his own abilities, often letting go a lot of his conscious decisions and relying more on instinct. This unusual method of flying makes him much less predictable than typical pilots and has proven both advantageous and hazardous at time, Finally, James is an utter idealist, and firmly believes that Crusade VII will discover a new homeworld for his people, from his perspective they've learned from their past mistakes and deserve a chance to start anew. [B]-Chosen ?Knight? module/description: [/B] Power Module [url=http://ic1.deviantart.com/images/i/2003/8/1/d/Vijils_dom.jpg][b][COLOR=White]Paladin[/COLOR][/b][/url] Art by [url=http://vijil.deviantart.com/][COLOR=White]Vijil[/COLOR][/url] As is obvious from the appearance of the mech, Paladin is made to dish some very serious damage to opponents. Equipped with armour rivalling that of a Crusade, the Knight module is capable of soaking up successive hits from multiple enemy vectors before responding in kind from it's forward heavy impact cannons, matter-anti-matter grenade launchers and photon pulse repeaters. Nestled within the unit are several thermal condensors, storing the excess thermal energy generated by the unit's weaponry which might otherwise cause systematic failure of the unit. [B]-Berserk mode:[/B] Overdrive Once entered into the Berserk Overdrive Mode, Paladin is capable of channelling all the stored thermal energy into it's power converters, radically increasing the mech's fire output and intensity. However the power requirements for Overdrive Mode are substantial and nothing short of a prolonged battle would be capable of generating the necessary energy, as the thermal energy cannot safely be stored within the Paladin unit for long periods of time without the risk of catastrophic system overload. [B]-Special ability: [/B] Nanobot Immuno-defence and Repair System. Everything it sounds like, though something of a mouthful, the NIR System is an artificial enhancement to the human immune system, as well as increasing the rate of cell repair. In lay-man's terminology, James is far less susceptible to illness than other human beings, and his rate of recovery from physical trauma, even those considered to be potentially life threatening is considerably improved by normal standards. However this system is not invincible, nor is it's user, and areas of high electromagnetic interference are capable of disabling them, leaving James with a weakened physical condition [B]-Weapons:[/B] [url=http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/004/c/b/Gun_Concept_02_by_Nortenyo.jpg][B][COLOR=White]Photon Pistol[/COLOR][/B][/url] Art by [url=http://nortenyo.deviantart.com/][COLOR=White]Nortenyo[/COLOR][/url] The typical side-arm of a Crusade officer, the photon pistol discharges an energy pulse from it?s forward emitter, not unlike projectile weaponry of the past. The weapon is capable of firing around 400 pulses before the internal power pack requires changing and charging, at a rate of approximate 4 rounds per second. Sustained fire is not suggested as it may cause degradation of the internal components. The ?Knight? version of the pistol contains several enhancements over the standard version, including a quicker recharge time, and a greater variety of internal rounds. [B]-Bio/Snippet:[/B] ?[b]James... James... JAMES !![/b]? Startled from his daydream, the young man looked up to see Fortescue Camdon sitting on the opposite side of the table, his fingers drumming against the metallic surface. James wondered how long he?d be sitting there, or rather a better question was how had he become that lost in thought as to allow Forte to sneak up on him. ?[b]Sorry sir, you were saying ?[/b]? Camdon?s expression quickly broke into a smile at Kilburn?s response, the kid still treated nearly all his fellow Knights as superior officers, referring to them as ?Sir? or ?Ma?am?, most of which was taken as a sign of his respect, but also as a humorous example of just how young James really was. ?[b]For the last time, stop calling me ?Sir? James, we?re both Captains.[/b]? The tone was serious, but with an obvious joking inflection. He moved back a bit, giving the younger man some space. ?[b]Sorry si... Forte, what did you want to talk to me about ?[/b]? ?[b]Nothing important, I thought I?d just have a chat with you, see how you?re finding your feet as a Knight pilot.[/b]? James seemed to relax at the prospect of a normal conversation, from what Forte had seen of him on the simulators, and the rumours going around from the academy, James was a natural combat pilot, steady, reflexive and with an eye that would make most seasoned vets jealous. Away from the eyes of a commander, he was also funny, confident and intelligent, which made it such a shame that he practically shut down when put in the spotlight. ?[b]Thanks, it?s going OK I suppose, I?m used to Ark Europa, so Crusade VII is a bit of change, but being a Knight pilot means doing what?s required of you right ??[/b] He put on a small smile of his own for levity?s sake. ?[b]Yes it is, it?s not an easy job but with that attitude I?m sure you?ll do fine. But seriously James, surely there?s got to be more going around that head of yours than just work.[/b]? He moved forward again, bringing his face to only a few inches away from James? own before giving a quick glance round to see any potential eavesdroppers. ?[b]I mean there?s plenty of nice girls around.[/b]? James? cheeks reddened noticeably at the mention of women, Forte hoped he hadn?t said something to embarrass the young man. ?[b]Uhh, honestly Forte I haven?t really given it much thought. I mean sure there?s plenty of pretty girls, but I don?t really know the best way of you know, asking them out.[/b]? His face flushed even redder. Forte had to force himself to suppress the laugh that was in his throat, instead he simply shrugged his shoulders. ?[b]So just be yourself James, you?re a good looking guy with a lot going for you, I?m sure there?s dozens of girls who?d give their right arm just to get a date with you.[/b]? The young Irishman blinked a few times in disbelief. ?[B]You mean it ?[/b] ?[b]Sure, see that girl just over your right shoulder, she hasn?t stopped looking at you since I walked in.[/b]? James went to look. ?[b]No, no, no don?t look, just play it cool. Listen I?m going to get up in about five seconds, and I want you to go over and get that girl?s number, we have a briefing at 1900 hours, so you can tell me how it went.[/b] The kid nodded several times, after five seconds Forte, true to his word pushed back his chair. ?[b]Hey Forte.[/b]? ?[b]Yeah James ?[/b]? ?[b]Thanks.[/b]? ?[b]Don?t mention it.[/b]? [B]-Notes:[/B] - James' father Michael Kilburn is the current political leader of the Irish people, and a councillor on Ark Europa. As such James often finds himself unintentionally fighting against his father's legacy, attempting to make a name for himself. I hope it?s OK that I used Zeke?s character.[/SIZE][/FONT][/LEFT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]Good addition to the plot, been a while since I've read it so I went and read back over the story again, still wondering if who I think the bad guy is turns out to be the correct answer. One little thing Jamie, not even I'm Catholic enough to get offended by "God damn", but maybe after all that time in Otaku City I've gotten a little more fanatical.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]"[I]The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.[/I]" [B]Vince Lombardi[/B] [Often quoted by my English teacher] This has proven a very apt little quote for my life in the last few years, and it's a revelation that few young people seem to understand.[/SIZE]
Let's Abolish Profanity in Adventure Square/Reform thread
Gavin replied to Charles's topic in Help & Feedback
[SIZE=1]It seems that what we're looking at has grown from a debate on profanity in the Square to a complete formatting of nearly all of OtakuBoard's categories. Combining the gaming categories shouldn't be all that difficult, after all as has already been pointed out several times, PC/Mac simply doesn't generate specific enough threads to warrant it's continued existence. However I would disagree about merging it into the Media Otaku Category as it would seem to create one slightly mammoth forum containing gaming, art, literature, music, films and TV, which is a bit much.[/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]I have to admit I'd readily volunteer for White's proposal, although it's come up in very similar forms before and been rejected as an idea, I really think it's something which could be of great benefit to both the veterans and newbies of OtakuBoards. As for Sandy's event submissions, the records one definitely gets a thumbs up, it sounds like great fun and I think I hold the record for most amount of username changes.[/SIZE]
Let's Abolish Profanity in Adventure Square/Reform thread
Gavin replied to Charles's topic in Help & Feedback
[quote name='Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]I think book discussion could easily merge with Music, Movies, and TV. They're not that different, and there are many franchises that span more than one media, anyway.[/size'][/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]True enough, I just felt that the written sections of OB should be kept together even if the Category is being reformatted.[/SIZE] [quote name='Charles']Actually, PC & Mac could probably be somehow combined with Play It (even as a sub-forum) and the Media section could fall under that area to form an Entertainment category on the boards. But, that's another story.[/quote] [SIZE=1]This is something I actually agree with, as PC & Mac doesn't really have enough activity on a PC/Mac only games front to warrant keeping them separate. Perhaps a better idea would be to merge them and have a technical support or hardware sub-forum as an accompaniment.[/SIZE] -
[QUOTE=vegeta rocker]Yeah, some kid was acting out the execution. His sister helped him hang himself. I guess they either watched it with their parents and weren't talked to about the danger or watched it with their friends.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Probably the latter rather than the former, it's sad to think how easily influenced the poor kid could be to try and act out a hanging after seeing it. Maybe this story might convince some of those die-hard [no pun intended] death penalty supporters to rethink their position, it's not likely but it might give them something to think about. What you'll probably get is some bad joke about how even after he's dead, Saddam can still kill people. [/SIZE]
Let's Abolish Profanity in Adventure Square/Reform thread
Gavin replied to Charles's topic in Help & Feedback
[QUOTE=Shy][size=1]Since the general concern seems to be that one giant Games and Stories may prove too difficult to manage, perhaps we should have things organized like so. [indent][b]Arena Square:[/b] RPGs, poems and short stories go here. Arena Square is an all-purpose forum for creative writing on OtakuBoards. Like the rest of The Arena, the swear filter will be in place but there will be no thread ratings. [b]Arena Underground (Sub-Forum):[/b] Arena Underground is the new home to sign--up threads/RPG Discussion and also more generalized threads about creative writing. [b]Arena Games:[/b] Game threads can have their own designated forum, although it will be heavily moderated and posts will not count toward a member's post count. General OB rules such as 'No one word posts,' still apply.[/indent] Literary discussion and threads about specific books can be moved to the Movies, Music and TV forum (which would be retitled to 'Otaku Media' or something.) -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]An interesting set-up, although I have to admit I'm not too keen to see the books segment of the Arena merged with MMTV to create "Otaku Media" as you call it. Typically these two have been apples and oranges to one another, each dealing with a specific form of a media, just as the Play It forum deals with a separate system to PC & Mac. [/SIZE] -
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=WHITE][SIZE=4][CENTER][B]User 1582[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][U]Part 0ne[/U][/CENTER] [LEFT][I]The story is set in the Enter the Net universe established by Solo Tremaine, twelve years after the accident which transported OtakuBoards? member populace into the internet.[/I] Novus Concordia, taken from a fictional work by what now might as well be a fictional person. It seemed oddly ironic then, it remained somewhat ironic now. She was shivering, he couldn't blame her, the tiny slip of a dress that she was wearing couldn't have provided much in the way of insulation. She was something magnificent in reality, her hair, her eyes, the shape of her body, it was a real shame it had to play out this way, but then it would have been a worse shame any other way, at least from his perspective. "[B]You don't have to do this...[/B]" It was more of a whimper than a statement, like a fish out of water being forced to take those last few breaths. "[B]You know I do.[/B]" He shrugged his shoulders, there was a finality about it, she broke down into tears. "[B]Shuusshh.[/B]" His gloved hand traced through her hair, over her scalp and down around her face until it cupped her chin, she just sobbed harder. His free hand removed the pistol from his right hand side holster, there was only the single round in the chamber, but it?d be enough. He?d considered poisons, traumas that would leave her body physically unaffected, but unfortunately this was a message and he couldn?t write a message without some ink. He pushed the barrel between her teeth, positioning it to deliver a shot that would blast most of her skull onto the rooftop behind them. ?[B]Any last words ?[/B]? She just looked at him, without hate, without anger, just... pity, and then he pulled the trigger. Even without the bustling noise of the city below, the shot was silent, the blood pattern exactly as he?d expected. He cradled the head for a few moments, as if wishing he could simply undue what had happened, what he?d done to her, but there was nothing to do and in reality he didn?t care. He dropped the head slowly, back into the body-bag where the very recently deceased had struggled to break out of only five, six minutes before hand. Closing the bag, from her point of view might well have looked like the last light of the coffin, slowly sealed for all eternity. The night seemed colder, maybe it should have after what he?d just done. HTML coding was a necessary skill, it was used in nearly every aspect of life, from the suit you wore, to the house you lived in. Real was a perception, ?electrical impulses interpreted by your brain?, and those impulses would tell anyone who might have seen him on the way down, that the body-bag and the corpse inside were nothing more than a simple dirty duffle bag, being carried by what would appear to be a homeless man removing his last few weatherworn possessions from a recently condemned building. By chance or fortune he?d met nobody, and reached the alley below without incident, the body found it?s way into the trunk, and he was behind the wheel and into the midnight traffic rush before anything could seem amiss. ?[B]We?re going home now.[/B]? ?[B]You awake ?[/B]? The voice was female, coming from outside in the hall. Rap, rap, rap, the repeated sound of knuckles against the varnished oak of the door. There was no answer from within. ?[B]Hey sleepy-head I?m coming inside. You know we?ve got a lot to do today.[/B]? She had a spare key to the apartment, the locked door slid open acquiescently, the kitchen/living area was spick-and-span like it always was. The curtains overlooking the city were drawn, so she opened them. The morning rays illuminated the room, dancing across the glassware set on the kitchen shelves. ?[B]I?m not going to call you again.[/B]? She called playfully. ?[B]If you?re not up in the next five second I?m going to come in there with a bucket of water.[/B]? No reply. ?[B]Have you got a guy in there with you ?[/B]? She moved across the room, stopping at the door to listen for the sound of love-making, nothing. She opened the door, greeted by a spread drawn over the bed?s occupant. She moved quickly, but still mischievously, and grabbed the end of the duvet, tugging it off the bed, and bringing the pool of blood that had accumulated from the hours previously on the floor. She feel back screaming, one name over and over again. Zeke...[/LEFT] [CENTER]||||||||||[/CENTER] [LEFT]I decided I'd try my hand at a fiction with a little more bite than the normal fare. As you might imagine this revolves around the character known as User 1582, and the rest as they say will be revealed later.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Let's Abolish Profanity in Adventure Square/Reform thread
Gavin replied to Charles's topic in Help & Feedback
[SIZE=1]I have to say I agree with the consensus of simply dropping the rating system as it has proven to be nothing more than cumbersome and awkward for very little gain in the Adventure Square as a whole since it was implemented. I think this whole drive to have "mature" RPGs started out after Kill Adam, and people felt that as a group the older, more experienced role-players wanted to push the envelope so to speak in terms of the level of maturity that was present in the Arena at that time. While Kill Adam itself proved to be a remarkable success, it became and example of what could happen, rather than what actually was occurring. Dropping the ratings, and maybe merging the Anthology in with the Square, would actually go a long way to reducing the problems currently facing the Arena. Perhaps something as simple as a warning at the start of an RPG expressing the content would suffice as much as a rating. However perhaps the problem may be that the level of quality of the Arena has dropped due to a lack of experienced role-players active there, or at least contributing semi-regularly. That's just a thought, not a shot at anyone. [/SIZE]