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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I was just wondering, seeing as we're all going to be travelling either solo, in pairs or in groups in a similar direction how gym battles are going to be conducted ? As obviously we all intend to beat the gym leaders in our paths. [/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Seeing as I think most of us accept there's absolutely no way you could oppose reconstructive surgery, I'm just going to skip that side of the argument and move straight on the cosmetic surgery. To be honest I don't think there's really anything wrong with cosmetic surgery so long as it's not taken to an extreme degree, if a woman wants to augment her breasts to make herself feel better, I've nothing really against it. But if someone goes to a plastic surgeon regularly to change stuff about them that could be remedied without surgery then I think that is taking it too far. That kind of dependency shows a truly vain person, but then society is vain so maybe it's not their fault, we all like to look good. As I said, it's a personal choice, but I think surgeons need to be able to say no for the benefit of the patient in the face of business.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Wow, so now North Korea and "Kimmy" (arguably the funniest thing I've heard in ages) potentially have a tiny nuclear arsenal with which they might eventually try to take on the United States and Japan, both of whom have arsenals far larger and more sophisticated than the Koreans. Perhaps it's the cold here, but I'm not liking North Korea's chances of actually being able to win this fight without being turned into a nuclear wasteland. While Kim Jong Il may be the typical example of a Third World dictator, he along with his counterparts in Africa mouth off against the West and occasionally try and flex a bicep before they're *****-slapped back down into their place. If the jumpsuit wearing freak thinks this does him any benefit he's sadly mistaken, as he's managed to get China from being a neutral "supporter" if that makes sense, to openly criticising him. As for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, originally I thought Truman was wrong to order the two strikes, but as Ken has pointed out repeatedly, both America's and Japan's losses on a full blown invasion would have been considerably higher (civilians included) than the deaths from "big boy" and the Enola Gay. It was the lesser of two evils, and if war that's often the only choice you have. [Sarcasm]On a side note, why don't we just send in Team America to take him out, they did a great job in the movie ?[/Sarcasm][/SIZE]
  4. [quote name='Panda']Of course thinking about Australian wines makes me think of other food products like Vegemite.[/quote] [SIZE=1]God, I'd forgotten about that... substance, watching my cousin plaster a slice of toast in the morning with Vegemite was nearly enough to make me sick. I've thought of something else that I really was surprised by in Tasmania, the sheer amount of road-kill you guys have is unreal, I swear we never went more than ten feet on the main highways without seeing some variety of squashed animal. That and the whole "fox" incident while I was over there, that was hilarious. [/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I have to admit, as much as I want to pity this young girl, I just can't for the horrors she's brought upon another family to fulfil her own selfish desires. I know that sounds harsh, but to be perfectly honest, her method of suicide had as much chance if not more of killing the person she crashed into than of just killing her, and that appals me simply for it's lack of consideration. If you're going to kill yourself, at least have the decency not to take anyone with you. She'll have to live with this for the rest of her life, she killed someone else over the fact she couldn't have sex, of a lot of things to have to live with yourself for, I'd not like to have to live with that on my conscience.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Character Sheet[/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Nathan "Nate" Armstrong [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Physical Description:[/B] As seen [url=http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Gohan.jpg][b]here[/b][/url] though without the martial arts gi, as Nate prefers to dress in more casual gear, usually confined to a newly washed navy t-shirt, his favourite pair of jeans, now fading due to excessive wear, and a pair of trekking boots useful for the outdoors. Of course practicing what he preaches, Nate also prepares for less hospitable weather, which includes an array of winter clothes and those for wet conditions. [B]Personality:[/B] Nate is almost to polar opposite of his brother AJ, in regard with Nate what you see is what you get and this is always the case. Most of the time the elder Armstrong is a reserved but laid back kind of man, he doesn't go out of his way to give advice to kids, or act as the knight in shining armour to the damsel in distress, but more often than not he's dragged into those situations trying to help AJ impress a woman. A bit of a cynic, he chooses to prepare for the worse situations but his heart is in the right place and he tries to keep himself and his little brother out of trouble. [B]Pokemon:[/B] An adolescent [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/123.shtml][b]Scyther[/b][/url] dubbed "Blur" by Nate for his lightning-like agility.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Are we allowed to say Paul Hogan/Crocodile Dundee ? Because seriously, that's my answer, and I've actually been in Australia not seven months ago. Mostly I was in Tassie, which I know the rest of you Aussies think might as well be a different country, but having come from Ireland I found the weather to be a good bit warmer without being too different. I really enjoyed it, despite it being a heck of a lot more laid back than I'd be used to, and plan to go back in about 18 months if I can, though this time I'd like to see more of the mainland.[/SIZE]
  8. Gavin

    Red Vs. Blue

    [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well seeing as I've only ever seen the first season of Red vs Blue, at least to my knowledge, that has to be my favourite. Best character for me has to be Sarge, if only for the amount of grief he gives Grif. The whole debate about whether the Warthog looked more like a puma kept me laughing for about five minutes inside Melbourne's Federation Square, which drew more than a few looks from people around me. [/SIZE]
  9. Gavin


    [SIZE=1]First they ruin Hikozaru, then they take Magnaton and give him a crappy 80s spaceship evolution. My two gripes aside, I actually think most of the new Pokémon, especially the final evolutions of some previous 'mon are very cool indeed, Electabuzz and Magmar's in particular although Ryhorn's is definitely up there too. I definitely agree with White on Dusclops new evolution, it's a massive improvement on the previous ones. However that "slutty Togetic" comment is so wrong, I'm not ever going to go there.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]I shall slap down the unbelievers with my hot, flaming monkey. That is all.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Note to all, Desbreko is not referring to a Pokémon. ;-)[/SIZE]
  10. Gavin


    [quote name='White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]Whoa! That monkey is so [i]hideous[/i]! I'm glad I wasn't looking forward to the fire type because I would have been disappointed.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]I'm gutted, that monkey-thing looks awful and despite some impressive attacks I'd never be able to seriously have it on my squad. Guess I'll have to choose between the remaining two, although I'm thinking Naetle will be my choice, about time too seeing as I started out with Bulbasaur in Blue when it first came out.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Jordan already said most of what I was going to say, Che Guevara's face being plastered all over crappy t-shirts worn by kids too you to realise that the system in place can't be changed by angst alone doesn't mean he's considered a hero or a villain. What I think of the man himself is that he's overrated for what he is, many countries have had revolutionary leaders, he drew enough support to change a government and install a man who has proven an effective leader. But in the end, I think he's nothing particularly special or worthy of remembrance, at least from my perspective.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Do most suburban moms have this little to do that they try and get kids books banned because they contain scenes of a nature which she finds alarming, God it's not as if Harry and Hermione were have underage sex and then aborted the child. The whole series is based around Good vs. Evil where Good is generally winning, at least over the first few books. I wonder if she's petitioned to ban Star Wars in case a bunch of kids go around in brown robes trying to manipulate their teachers using the Force and beating one another with coloured sticks. Get out of the suburbs or better yet, take Papa Smurf's advice.[/SIZE] [quote name='Papa Smurf']No, I don't think it's anything to do with her not wanting her child to be exposed to diversity. She's just a self-righteous twatty bimbo who needs to get burned at the stake. It would be a rather fitting end, as well, considering what she's bitching about here.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Officially the funniest thing I've read this week. God help us all if you should ever enter a high position of political power with the right to hand down the death sentence PS. [/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. What messed me up ? I did, I'm not going to blame anyone else for the way my life has turned out over the last few years, I made the decision to drop out of school and screw around for three years, I had supportive parents and good friends, so all responsibility lies with me. It took some time, but I've turned my life around and am back in school to finish educating myself, but I don't really regret my decision because there've been good times along with the bad.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Personally I don't drink all that often, more of a social drinker than anything else, that said I do enjoy a variety of different alcoholic beverages, Coors and Budweiser in terms of beer, vodka either straight or mixed with pineapple juice to give it a bit of a kick as well as a sweet aftertaste. Whiskey (Irish whiskey is always spelled with the "e", Scots is without) neat usually, though I have mixed it occasionally with a soft-drink. I know someone will expect to see Guinness on the list, but honestly, I hate the stuff. Same with wine, I don't see how anyone can like it. My favourite form of alcohol however if definitely a Piña Colada and from that rum of any kind, I only drink rum on holidays and got fairly wasted one night with my cousin in Tasmania, but it was very fun. I don't get drunk easily, or more accurately I should say I rarely get drunk because I drink in moderation, being polluted drunk is never fun despite what people may tell you. Finally for any of you who think vodka is a strong form of alcohol, try [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poit%C3%ADn][b]Poitín[/b][/url] and it'll blow your socks off.[/SIZE]
  15. [quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=maroon']lol, I know, but no one thinks he married because of love - or at least the person who married her. A lot of celebrities are married (divorced, married again, rinse, repeat...). My point was, just because you meet someone and do a worse job than your parents will probably do doesn't mean arranged marriages are any worse (or better) than... the opposite of it.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]I think we all know that most "celebrity" marriages are a publicity farce to being with "Oh look at me, I'm married now, so I can't be all stupid and free, or can I ?". So comparing the celebrity success rate with the normal populace may be a bit inaccurate Azure. Still I do agree with you to a degree, just because you may do worse than your parents when it comes to marriage, what with the complete joke it's become in society at large, doesn't make it any better than arranged marriages. I don't oppose them per sae I just feel that if you love someone else, then you shouldn't commit to an arranged wife/husband instead.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Not to take a shot at anyone, but I think freeing one's self from the world sounds like running away from reality, and I've done enough of that over the last few years to know you're far better off facing reality. However in the spirit of the thread being about what you do to unwind, mostly I watch movies, I'm a huge movie fan and have rented probably every interesting film from both my local video-stores. Comic books is something I've gotten into lately, Star Wars: Legacy for anyone interested is definitely worth a read if you're a SW fan. Like Raiyuu books are definitely one of my addictions, although sadly I can easily read a 600/700 page book in a day which means I'm regularly without and waiting my next hit. If all else fails to unwind me, then as Ikillion already said, sleep is a wonderful way to relax, unless I end up having that dream about the Ferengi and the herd of cows again, which just leaves me very confused. ^_^' [/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Quite a few of the ones I grew up on how already been mentioned, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (they changed it to Hero over this side of the Atlantic), Darkwing Duck, Captain Planet, Earthworm Jim, all shows that I'll never watch again in case I ruin the pleasant nostalgia I have them envisioned in. Other shows I used to watch as a kid included: [B]Biker Mice from Mars:[/B] I think it was one of my cousins introduced me to this show, about the same time as TMHT was ending, originally I thought it was cool, reruns have since shattered that pleasant memory. [b]Gargoyles:[/b] Pretty much the same as BMfM, thought it was great for it's time, plus it featured about half the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation. [B]Transformers G1:[/B] Still possibly the greatest idea ever committed to animation, TFG1 pwns all it's half-breed financially driven sequel series. [b]SWAT Kats:[/b] So bad, it was good. Added to that pretty much anything Marvel did.[/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]The Bible doesn't mention most of the newer concepts people are embracing though, so the whole situation is a grey area (unless we count the Gnostic Scrolls but man, I'm not touching that one). Besides. who's to say Jesus wouldn't be cool with it anyway? He was a pretty laid back guy, the original hippy, as it were - and even if the ancillery beliefs are wrong, Jesus will forgive anyway. It's in his MO. As for the whole church stuff, I am a Christian and I rarely, if ever, visit a church. The last time I visited a church was with my ex, and that was in January (in another [i]country[/i]) and I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to go again anytime soon. I do acknowledge and feel JC's presence in my life, however, and the lack of church hasn't really changed that. In fact, there's millions of other people like me who don't identify with a single church who still believe in JC and consider themselves Christians. I'm kind of surprised that just because we don't attend a church that doesn't make us Christians in your sense of the concept, despite acknowledgement of Jesus, and the things he did and the things he continues to do in our lives and others. It's like, woah, medieval era Christianity all over again.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Well to be fair the Bible was written nearly 2000 years ago, so it's a bit unfair to look to it for direct guidance for what happens when for example, someone has sent you a virus to your new computer by posing as someone you trust. That's personally I why I believe it is important to be a member of a particular church, in my case the Roman Catholic church, because you can directly speak to someone who can give you relevant advice to modern situations, maybe not technical support for computers, but you know what I'm saying. These people are trained to tell you what Christ's teachings are and how they apply to now. As for the "Jesus was the original hippy" comment, I think we'll leave that with the Gnostic Scrolls and Judas Gospel for another discussion. If someone want to identify themselves as a Christian because they believe in Christ and his teachings, that's fine, I don't have any problems with that. What I've said three times now, is that I don't agree with someone adding in outside stuff that clearly contradicts what Christ taught, for example Wiccanism and claiming they're still following the path of Christ. It's like someone calling themselves a vegetarian while eating a burger once a week.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I've always been concerned when it comes to arranged marriages, the idea of two groups of parents deciding that their respective children should marry because it would be beneficial to both groups is not something I believe caring parents should do. I don't think anyone should in good conscience marry someone they do not love just to please their parents and respect their wishes, and really your parents are doing you a great disservice by asking you to give up finding your own love to suit them. Love is a precious thing, and should not be given up without a fight.[/SIZE]
  20. [quote name='Raiyuu][font=trebuchet ms']There must have been other issues. Maybe the toilet paper was the straw that broke the camel's back, but there have to have been a lot of other little or large problems festering in the air between them, for rifles and hammers to have been involved.[/font][/quote] [SIZE=1]That's pretty much what I was thinking, there's no way a sledgehammer and a rifle get involved over something as trivial as toilet paper. But there is also the possibility that both of them just snapped and this was the horrible outcome. [/SIZE]
  21. [quote name='HedonismBot][COLOR=Sienna']Gavin, I'd just like to point out the fact that Christianity, as a religion, has been heavily influenced throughout the years by paganism and other forms of spirituality, to the point that the modern incarnation is almost completely different from the one that existed when the religion was first conceived. Even such Christian staples as Christmas are heavily based on pagan celebrations (Ever wonder what a Yule Log is supposed to be?). It's pretty hypocritical to say someone isn't really part of their church because the want to integrate other religions into their spirituality.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]While I accept HB that there have been some integrations from other religions into the early Christian religion, I would say to call it "heavily influenced" is inaccurate, bordering on completely untrue. Much of this was done for conversion purposes rather than "we like that bit from that religion and this bit from this one, so let's just form our own Pick & Choose religion". After all, if the new religion does not seem completely alien to the previous one, it makes conversion much easier on those who were willing to convert. Every aspect of life in influenced by something else, every film we watch, every book we read, every piece of clothing we wear has been influenced by something else somewhere back the line. What I was saying in reference to DF's post was that you can't just use the term Christian as some all encompassing title because your own beliefs don't fit with any of the Churches. [/SIZE] [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Man, the only prerequisite to calling yourself Christian is a sincere love of Jesus and believing that he lived, died, came back in three days and was the son of God. You don't have to belong to a specific church, or close your mind to all possibilities just to say you're a Christian, as long as you believe in Jesus [i]Christ[/i] (thus [i]Christ[/i]ianity, clever huh?) you are, by definition, a Christian.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] [SIZE=1]DS, I was dealing with specifics here, seeing as personally I really do have an immense dislike for the term Christian is the way it's being applied in modern day usage. It's fine for you to say "You're a Christian so long as you believe in Christ" but believing in Christ goes beyond just believing he was the son of God and rose from the dead three days after the Crucifixion, there's also following the tenets of Christ as laid down by him to his Apostles and then on from his Apostles through the Church, whichever particular one you're a part of. Christ taught a specific path, and simply adding in what beliefs you feel are appropriate and interest you is straying from that path. I'm not trying to be confrontational, as I said I just take issue with people using the term Christian as it seems too vague in modern times.[/SIZE]
  22. [QUOTE=DarkFactor]Okay now everyone will think I'm crazy.... darn... I believe astral projection is highly plausible. I believe that the human spirit is more than just a object of faith, but a metaphysical entity which is to some degree measurable, and observable though not by eye nor is it tangible, though it can be under certain circumstances. If you understand anything about Chakras and the "third eye" you know that in order to accomplish diviniation, astral projection, and communication with the dead you know it is important to practice awakening the 7th chakra or third eye. I believe that people have a higher conciousness or a spiritual energy that can feel, think, see, hear, and record thoughts on a different plane. It is not a sixth sense, but an intergral part of our beying which we can send out.... now before I creep people out let me just say that I do not maintain any of this as a central part of my religion, I am in fact Christian. My family is protestant and I just sort of followed suit, and I have no problem with that, because a person's religion should be a comfort, and identify with their culture. It a very important part of who you are. My theories about the astral plane and higher conciousness are maintained by alot of eastern religions, pagans, neo-wiccan, ecllectic-witches, new-agers, and various other religious groups. Though infact I differ from most of these in my theory because I beklieve that the spirit is just one more mechanism in our body. just in the way you can seperate hearing from your other senses by closing your eyes and pinching your nose, so can you seperate spiritual energy. Which is in fact actually form of energy it produces heat and what not.... Oky now that I've said all that you can feel free to or to not disect it all and make me sound like a loon.... but its okay because I'm positive I'm nuts anyway. I know there are verying contradicitons but if you want to waist your time with more of my theism and theory feel free to pm me. And before this escalates and what not, let me just say. "I know that you are all adiment (sp?) about your spiritual beliefs, faith, religion, whatever you call it... But seriously, pass the bong, take a chill pill, poor a brusky, drag a *** ((by the way "F" "A" "G" in this context was not a sexual slur, but a referance to the butt of a ciggerete... I know the software does that automatically, but it's a brittish coloquialism, idiom.. anyways not important.)), or whatever you do to chill, and stop worrying about it. because this is a very subjective topic (as has been pointed out vehemently by certain people) These things get locked because people feel the need to convert people to their ideology. No one here wants you ideology, that wasn't directed at anyone in particular so don't take offense and throw it back me. Okay, I've asserted my self enough for one post. :animestun[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Two things about your post DarkFactor, and really the first one is more so in relation to the collective of people out there who claim to be Christian and yet belong to no particular Church from which to draw knowledge. Once you start adding outside beliefs to the mix, for instance chakras and neo-Wiccan theology then you need to stop referring to yourself as Protestant, because I'm pretty sure your local Reverend or depending on the denomination, Pastor would have issue with your beliefs. But hey your beliefs are your beliefs, I just have an intense dislike when people use the term Christian for an all-encompassing spirituality that they find convenient to latch their own beliefs onto. Secondly, for the love of God please use some form of spell check before you make a post, as there are rules pertaining to grammar and spelling here.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Returning to the actual topic at hand, personally I don't believe it is possible to astral project, because as cancer and F.O.Y. said that would require the removal of the spirit from the body. From my own religious point of view, I believe that the only time one's soul leaves the body is at death, when one goes on to face judgement in the afterlife. Now working from that line of belief, that would in my mind make it impossible to get back in one's body after the soul has left, because you or your body, whichever way you look at it is dead. That's just my perspective on the subject, religious proof is a different issue, but in the end it all boils down to faith, you either believe or you don't.[/SIZE]
  24. [quote name='Clurr][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]So, my question is, how do you celebrate Halloween? Do you go trick-or-treating (still?), or what? Do you dress up?[/size'][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]In answer to do I dress up and go trick-or-treating still, the answer would be no, seeing as I find both those things to be a wee bit juvenile nowadays. As for what I do for Halloween, generally I invite some friends over, have a party where we watch horror films in the dark for our own amusement and then generally try to play tricks on one another to frighten the bejesus out of each other. This year though, I'm not really sure if we can do it, seeing as most of my friends are in college and are a good driving distance away, still no harm in trying. [/SIZE]
  25. [quote name='Mistral']And there's no post counter to put some people above others! ): Why is the site so into being nice to the weak now?[/quote] [SIZE=1]Seeing as your first question relates to MyOtaku, I'm going to leave it to active artists to respond, however your second question seems to contain a broadside shot at everyone on this site for being "nice to weak people" on account we don't have a hierarchy based on post count. If you want to see what someone's post count is, you can check it in their profile, however seeing as you seem to be more interested in ranking yourself against everyone else, the Post setting on the Member's List is more what you're looking for, which can be found through this hyperlink. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/memberlist.php?&order=DESC&sort=posts&pp=50<r=[/url] Now hopefully you won't take this as me not being "nice" to you on account my post count obviously dwarfs yours, thus putting me miles above you by your own logic, but post count means absolutely nothing unless you're a complete and utter competition freak, big deal someone has more posts that you, it doesn't make them any better, or you any worse, [b]quality above quantity[/b] has always been Otakuboards working motto.[/SIZE]
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