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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE=1]Bah, I made a mistake in the rules, it was supposed to be three [i]false[/i] and one [i]true[/i] not vice-versa. I've corrected the original thread to reflect this, so apologies to White and The13thMan, however I will say that neither of you is right, so this can keep going.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Alright seeing as this game was actually kind of fun while it lasted, except for the massively confusing part, I?ve tried to streamline it by defining a few rules which should help keep things from getting manic. The game shall henceforth be referred to as [B]Four ?Facts?[/B] to better reflect the purpose of the game, as well as give people who haven?t seen it some idea of what it might be about at first glace. [I]Rules are as follows.[/I] [B]1][/b] The Poster posts four ?facts? about themselves, three of these facts will be false, one of them will not. [B]2][/B] The next poster attempts to guess which ?fact? is true through logical reasoning, no spam responses please, have a genuine reason for your choice. Members may post responses until the genuine fact it revealed, but the first correct guess is taken as the winning one. [B]3][/B] The person who posted the ?facts? reveals which is the truth and nominates the first person to have correctly guessed to post four ?facts? of their own. There should be no more than a 48 hour gap between posting the facts and revealing the lie. Hope we can make this fairly fun. [B]My Four "Facts"[/B] [list][*]I speak fluent Irish. [*]I have climbed Mount Vesuvius. [*]I am an amateur actor. [*]I will buy anything Star Wars.[/list][/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='Red 6][COLOR=Sienna']Well, the thing is, like I said before, this is rarley a problem in Canada. We have the occasional nut - as we had here - but in general Canada doesn't have a problem with guns. Our gun laws are, as a result, very lax. But this can be looked at in two ways. Let's say we step up our gun restrictions and make only rifles and shotguns legal. What does that create? A black market. A black market for guns is a very, very bad thing. People who want a handgun or a semi-auto or a full-auto will get them, but we won't have any records and the weapons won't have any of the legal restrictions that they would have if legally purchased. The CX4 Storm, for example, has two versions - the small calibur kind used by Kimveer Gill, and a much larger, illegal version. If he had gone underground, which version do you think he would have gotten? We'd have 20 bodies on our hands right now instead of one.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]I'm not going to try and argue against anyone saying that black markets develop when there are harsh anti-gun laws, as Ireland definitely has that problem when it comes to trying to tackle drug gangs and paramilitary organisations. That said however, a black market usually cuts off 95% of the population from these weapons, as most will have no idea where to get them, or have the money to purchase them, because lets face it, black markets aren't like supermarkets. Guns are more expensive because they're harder to acquire and bring into the country. I just feel that if such weapons as at CX4 Storm were illegal then this guy wouldn't have been readily able to get his hands on one, as seemingly the one he got was perfectly legal to buy.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]I hear public drunkenness is on the rise in the U.K. Maybe it's the U.K.'s proximity to Ireland that's to blame. Oh, sorry. That sounded stupid. I withdraw that statement.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I must admit that made me laugh when I read it Ken, as it's probably true. Ireland's binge drinking culture among young people has gone beyond all levels of belief, it really is saddening to hear someone say they're going to get polluted drunk to celebrate their [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junior_Cert]Junior Cert[/url] results.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I have to admit I wasn't sure what to make of this originally but now that I've read it fully at a decent hour I'm quite intrigued by the concept, though now I have a feeling that I'll be receiving a PM asking me to participate [D'oh]. Can't wait to read a few more, if only to hear friends rant.[/SIZE]
  5. Gavin


    [SIZE=1]I have to admit I'm really quite surprised by how relatively inexpensive the Wii will retail for, I mean $250 is about ?200 and we can be nearly certain of a pre-Christmas release if the US is getting it in November. Secretly though, the Wii will only be complete for me when the release a Star Wars game which takes the Wii-mote to it's full effectiveness, that and I have "Duel of Fates" from Episode One on my PC to really enjoy the moment.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I'm really sure what to make of this, except for the fact that the title immediately made me suspect another American High School shooting, though I'm even more surprised to hear it happened in Canada. Honestly I really don't know what to make of it all, another nutcase gets his hands on a semi-automatic weapon, walks into a school and nearly kills a bunch of people and we all wonder how stuff like this could happen. Maybe it's Canada's proximity to the U.S., maybe not, but seriously, semi-automatic weapons, hell any gun bar hunting rifles and shotguns should be police and army-only weapons, this whole "armed and safe" concept is a crock. In the end I'm simply left wondering, how can we keep letting things like this happen ?[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I've got a few different cousins in college and I have to admit I've never heard of anything like this, though it has certain piqued my interest. I really hope there's something like this in whatever college or university I end up going to.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Raiyuu][FONT=Trebuchet MS]One guy wrote the word "FRIDGE" on a huge block of polystyrene with a marker and dropped it on his target from a second-storey window. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Officially the coolest "assassination" ever. [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. In a case like this, I'm not sure if stealing the whale back is the right option, that said I think leaving it in her possession is completely the wrong option. Go to her parents and explain the situation to them, the whale was a gift and if you can successfully prove it's yours then her parents should support you even against their own child, especially if they're aware of her "sticky fingers" problem. After you get the whale back, ditch her, any friend that steals from you in no friend at all, and I know this from personal experience. If they do it once to you, there's no limit to the amount of times that they're prepared to do it, all it takes is opportunity.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Seeing like so many other people, I'm pedestrian by nature, I'll just skip right along to what's in my [b]wallet[/b]. Usually I have about ?15/20 in my wallet at all times, just in case I happen to see something I'd like to buy [read: DVD] or in case of emergencies. There are about twelve cards ranging from ATM, to two separate libraries, on in a city 60 miles away, my PPS card, a couple of store-point cards and one video-rental card. I also tend to keep receipts from stuff I've just bought in my wallet in case I need to return it, there's also an I.D. card I recently got to ensure that people understand I am actually 19 and can legally buy alcohol. C'est moi finis.[/SIZE]
  10. [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=WHITE][SIZE=3][CENTER][B]The Master[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [LEFT][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Darth Tain [b]Personality:[/b] Tain is a poisoned soul, something that goes even beyond the teachings of the Sith. His one desire is the corruption all life in the universe, to transform the beautiful into the grotesque, to tear away the mask of superficiality the galaxy wraps itself in. For a Dark Lord however, Tain is remarkably detached, anger and hatred are not something he indulges in, they are weaknesses, anger clouds judgement, causes mistakes, leads to failure. Hatred is even worse than anger, where anger clouds, hatred blinds, where anger leads to mistakes, hatred leads to catastrophes, where anger leads to failure, hatred leads to self-destruction. Tain prefers colder emotions, distain, malevolence, manipulation, where the mind is clear to advance goals, power without focus is no power at all. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tain is a [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Harvos.JPG][b][color=white]Nelvaan[/color][/b][/url], as such he appears much like any Nelvaan. His mastery of the Force however, augmented further by the power of the Dark Side have kept his physical condition as a warrior to it?s peak long after physical aging should have slowed his reactions and weakened his strength. Cloaked permanently in the obsidian robes of a Dark Lord, Tain has taken the proclivity of keeping his hood drawn over his head even when unnecessary, casting a dark shadow against his blue furred face, and obscuring his eyes completely, save for the glint of reflected light. [b]Lightsaber:[/b] [url=http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Lightsaber.jpg][color=white][b]Here[/b][/color][/url]. [b]Lightsaber Combat Style:[/b] Tain is a practitioner of the [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ataru][b][color=white]Ataru[/color][/b][/url] form of lightsaber combat, the style that most befits his physical stature and his persona as a Sith Lord [b]Force Powers:[/b] - [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_Crush][color=white][b]Force Crush[/b][/color][/url]. - [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Destruction_Orb][color=white][b]Destruction Orb[/b][/color][/url]. - [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_Wave][color=white][b]Force Wave[/b][/color][/url].[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT][/FONT]
  11. [QUOTE=sakurasuka][size=1]From what I've gathered from the OP, three are lies and one is the truth, here are my 'facts'. 1- I hate anime. 2- I hate Billie Joe Armstrong. 3- I am unemployed. 4- I like to dye my hair. [/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'm going to go with Number One for some reason, as I've seen your dyed hair in the "What do you look like ?" thread. [B]Four "Facts"[/B] - I speak fluent Irish. - I have climbed Mount Vesuvius. - I am an amateur actor. - I will buy anything Star Wars.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. As someone who was overweight for a good portion of their life, I definitely don't fall into the "superficial" category, in fact superficial people are one of the few groups of people I genuine despise in the world purely because they spend so much time on improving what they look like as opposed to who they are on the inside. When it comes to romance for me, I am more than willing to go for a girl who isn't overly attractive or just down right plain if she's got a great personality, I mean really would you rather marry an airhead who'll look divine for ten years and bankrupt you for plastic surgery later in life or a normal girl who you'll continue to love for the same things well after beauty has faded through 30/40 years of marriage ? I know which I'd choose.[/SIZE] [quote name='Ezekiel][SIZE=1']As far as the 'personality does not make attractive' argument goes, I really have to disagree. There's this presenter we have over here in the UK; Jeremy Clarkson. Now, he really isn't what you'd call an attractive specimen, however, his personality is simply amazing. I adore the man and, if I was around the age of my late-forties and approached by him in a bar, I'd honestly be swept off my feet. [/SIZE][/quote] [SIZE=1]*Head hits repeatedly off desk* Jamie, I really, really don't see how you can adore that pompous jackass. Seriously he's one of the few things I really dislike about Top Gear, that and Richard Hammond's pointlessness. Maybe it's just jealousy talking.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. My perspective on death is probably different to most others, as a rather staunch Catholic I believe that death is simply another part of life and not something to be feared or mourned over. It's natural of course to miss someone whom we were personally connected to, it'd be inhuman to expect people not to grieve, but I console myself by knowing that that person is with God in a better place and I will see them again eventually. My own most recent experience with death came with the death of a neighbour's daughter after a car crash, our families are very familiar with one another and my younger brother had gone the entire way through school with the girl who passed away. And while I admit that I was very saddened to see such a young girl, only sixteen years old to meet with a sudden and tragic death, I did my best to make sure my brother and sister understood that she was not gone forever and that as long as they kept her memory she would exist in this world.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Tough one, for me it's probably a tie between the remote control, thus making life so much easier, especially modern ones that can work multiple pieces of equipment from one remote and the razor. I know the razor isn't that new, but my current Mach 3 pwns the rival Quattro because the Quattro's blades are too close together, seriously, three razor blades for one shave is enough to make me go back to growing a beard. In the end, suppose it's got to be the remote, on account of my utter laziness when it comes to watching TV.[/SIZE]
  15. [size=1]Interesting, most interesting. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cromwellian_conquest_of_Ireland]Oliver Cromwell?s conquest of Ireland[/url]. I?m not going to make an effort to deny my bias on this matter, I?m Irish and Roman Catholic, so this man stands for all that is heinous and evil to come from England aside from the plantations. I?ll allow people to judge the man?s actions and then make their own decisions, but I will say this, if it were not for Cromwell?s successes, Ireland would never have gone through the Famine. His establishing the ruling Protestant English class in Ireland and penal treatment of Catholics prevented any chance of our being able to remove the dependency on the potato crop. [/size] [QUOTE=Red 6][COLOR=Sienna]Terrible things mark human history in uncountable numbers, but there's one that will always stand out to me. [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_conquest_of_Mexico]The Spanish Conquest of South America[/URL] has got to be one of the most disgustingly terrible events of all time. Hernan Cortez was the worst of all. He would destroy Aztec and Mayan temples and build Catholic churches on their rubble, he and his Conquistador buddies practically wiped out Mesoamerican culture completely. The people of South America were oppressed and exploited and often exported as slaves. It was the greatest cultural genocide in history.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]No offence Red, but putting in the Spanish Conquest of [I]South America[/I] when the article itself is called the Spanish Conquest of [I]Mexico[/I], and blaming Cortez for the entire thing is a little inaccurate. I'm not defending him mind you, the man was a butcher, but the Aztecs were no saints themselves, human sacrifice from their conquered enemies were very common and we're not talking in small numbers. Also it took the Spanish over a century to conquer the Yucatan and that was just against the Mayans, so I'm pretty sure Cortez wasn't involved throughout that campaign, and it took sixty years to completely defeat the Aztecs, so again you're generalising but as I already said, I do agree with you that the Conquests were terrible acts.[/SIZE] [quote name='Red 6][COLOR=Sienna']Another thing that always irks me is the burning of the Globe Theatre by Christian fundis because apparently having fun is a sin. If it weren't for the loss of life experienced in South America, that would be the biggest cultural genocide ever.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]I think what you're talking about there is Presbyterians, and no offence, but I'd prefer not to be lumped in with them in the whole "Christian" title if you don't mind. Another name for those Presbyterians was Puritans, a name most will recognise.[/SIZE]
  16. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Also, Gavin's eyes are amazing. Seriously, holy crap, those are beautiful eyes.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]A lot of people tell me I should switch to contacts, but I've got a phobia about putting anything into my eyes, seriously they're bad enough already, I don't want to take any chances. [/SIZE] [quote name='White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma][b]Gavin:[/b] Yeah, your eyes are pretty blue. Much like mine. You should try combing your hair, though.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]^_^' My hair actually is combed there. I've got quite wavy hair, so it'll never really be straight, just somewhere in the middle that falls under the "manageable" category. I swear, there are mornings then I get up and if I run my fingers through my hair, I could impersonate a Saiyan, if my hair was black that is. I have to admit, apart from the few people who's appearance I was familiar with, Jamie, Bill, Mike and CHW, I was way off in what I thought other people looked like. Shame we can't all get together and do a bit picture of everyone from OB, that'd be cool.[/SIZE]
  17. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']Do I deserve this? I don't think I've been hammering the atheist versus faithful point here at all, certainly not to the point of ridiculousness. To be honest I agree with a great deal of your post.[/size][/quote] [SIZE=1]I'm not talking about this thread in particular, I'm talking about previous threads that have a religious aspect where you and I seem to clash over points, and then dissect one another's replies to claim some kind of verbal victory. My original statement came out a bit blunt, sorry about that, it's just I don't have the time to really go through the whole thing, it's fun sometimes as you're very articulate with your points, but in the end we both know the other isn't going to change, so why keep going was my point.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. [CENTER][IMG]http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Me.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The aptly titled "Me" photo from a few weeks ago, as I'm too lazy/sick/tired to go take a new one and post it. Before anyone asks, I do wear glasses 99% of the time, but they kept causing a shine from the flash so I took them off, thus leaving the red marks along my nose and upper cheeks visible. My eyes are actually that blue naturally and my hair is now a little shorter seeing as I had it trimmed before going back to school. My facial hair is also thicker, as I'd only shaved two days or so before that picture was taken, in it's usual goatee shape. Maybe we should bring back the Otaku Album thing.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Hmm, well not a lot has changed since the last time I replied to one of these "What does ... mean ?" threads. My custom title hasn't changed since the day they were introduced, and it's meaning should be clear to anyone with a basic understanding of English and geography. My avatar and banner images are based on one of my favourite Star Wars Expanded Universe characters, Darth Nihilus, the Lord of Hunger. Nihilus is different to your stereotypical Sith Lord, he doesn't want power, or an empire, he exists simply to feed on life itself, capable of draining the life from an entire world with a single action. Remember Vader's line about the ability to destroy a planet being insignificant to the Force ? Now you know why. Nihilus is also one of the most mysterious of the Dark Lords, nothing is known about him, he's simply a force of destruction. He is, as his servant Visas declares "the darkness in which all life dies." therefore explaining the second part of my signature.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Do I believe in fate or destiny, the short answer is no, the long answer... well I guess that's a "no" again. I believe in God, and I believe that He does influence events in my life, but overall control as to what happens rests in my own hands, if I don't have a good day school wise, it may be because I didn't study hard enough, if I get sick it's because I picked it up off someone else. Mankind was given the burden of choice, to make our own decisions and either pay the consequences or reap the rewards for our decisions, therefore it is illogical to assume he directs ever aspect of my life, as that would void my ability to make decisions. If Alex [Retri] happens to be reading this, please don't go dissecting my post to try and draw me into one of your pointless atheist versus faithful debates, at this stage, it's getting ridiculous.[/SIZE]
  21. [CENTER][IMG]http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Des.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=1]I know the quote belongs to Hugo from ETN, but as Des himself said, it's definitely something he'd say.[/SIZE]
  22. [QUOTE=James][font=arial]It wasn't that Australians actually [i]disliked[/i] him, it's just that we all found him somewhat annoying in terms of his behavior and the fact that he kind of became America's image of what Australians are (when, in fact, we are quite different in general). However, I don't think there was anyone here (and probably hardly anyone around the world) who didn't have a deep respect for the way he dedicated his life to wildlife conservation. So there's a bit of a difference there.[/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]As an Irish person, I can readily understand where you're coming from on that angle James. And I agree that while people may not have embraced his exuberance, his cause and passion definitely won respect.[/SIZE] [quote name='James][font=arial]It's funny you listed Australia [i]and[/i'] Tasmania...there are a few here who probably regard Tasmania as a different country, haha.[/font][/quote] [SIZE=1]Heh, well I wasn't referring to it separately per say, it's simply that I was in Tasmania for seven weeks and two [i]days[/i] on the mainland, which is what I meant by Australia. Seeing as I've never heard a Tasmanian refer to themselves as anything other than a Tasmanian.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I don't really play my Nintendo 64 anymore, probably something to do with the fact I sold most of my better games to try and cover the costs of buying the Gamecube. Heck at this moment in time I can't even remember what games I still have. My retro gaming however is PC oriented, [b]Theme Hospital[/b], [b]Curse of Monkey Island[/b], [b]Star Trek: Armada[/b], [b]Anno 1602[/b] all great games, though the animations tend to skip when you're playing, which is a shame. Actually I don't think CoMI will even work of my XPS.[/SIZE] [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma](along with GoldenEye, [strike]Perfect Dark, Mario Party,[/strike] Mario Kart, and Diddy Kong Racing). [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]Definitely, three of the most addictive multiplayer games ever released on the 64 there, Goldeneye particularly was enough to keep myself and three friends roaring with laughter for hours at a time. Moonraker lasers on the Temple level [the one with the secret passages], have a friend believe himself safe behind one and then fire the laser, watch his reaction and laugh like a madman. Mariokart and DKR was pretty good too, Mariokart was probably a purely multiplayer game where as DKR could be played either solo or multi but was much more fun again on multiplayer.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Wow, good chapter. Ties up a lot of loose material really well and adds a new twist to the plot. Who is the man with the Zippo light ? Probably really obvious but after two days of honours high school classes my brain isn't capable of simply math let alone figuring out this. I look forward to the next chapter intently Phil. [/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. My initial reaction to the whole thing was surprise, I'm not an Aussie, nor a Steve Irwin fan, but anyone with that kind of dedication deserves respect for his cause. Yes he may have seemed a bit loony more of the time than was necessary, but really anyone that full of life can't help but be that way. It's a shame he's dead, I feel more sorry for his kids who'll have to grow up knowing their dad died doing his job, I can't imagine they'll be keen on animals any more. One thing I find slightly amusing is the number of Australians who are coming out and telling of their sadness, six months ago in Australia and Tasmania, people couldn't tell me the depths of their dislike for him, to quote James for his caricature of Australians to the world.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Charles]I can sum up my reaction in one word: Crikey![/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I was waiting for that reaction. In school today there was a competition for what his last words would have been. As you can imagine, his catchphrase won the day by a clear margin.[/SIZE]
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