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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. The most important person in my life is probably my dad, as the older I get, the more and more I become like him, both physically and mentally. He's been the biggest influence throughout my whole life, and I've always seen him as someone to look up to and to emulate wherever possible. We share a lot of interests, the biggest being science-fiction, he was the one to introduce me Star Trek, I remember watching The Next Generation with him at barely five years old, and thinking it was the best thing I'd ever seen. Without a shadow of a doubt he's always been there to support me, not always openly, preferring to allow me to make my own choices, but in the end always been around when I need him. Outside of my family, my friend Brian is probably the most important person, we met the first day of high school, became friends and really relied on one another for a long time. He never talked much by himself, so in any conversations I did about 75% of the talking and he'd merely reply, but I always remember them fondly. When it came to important tests and eventually the Junior Cert, we'd always try and help one another with difficulties, Brian never really took to history the same way I did, and in return my maths grades improved over the years. After dropping out, he stuck around when everyone else walked away and for that I'm eternally grateful, we see each other semi-regularly but always have a good time together. That's it for me really.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]How fascinating Ken. [B]Name:[/B] Thomas Ambrose. [B]Age:[/B] 19. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Ethnicity and Place of Birth:[/B] Irish, a few miles outside Galway City. [B]Ability:[/B] Thomas has the rather media-whored ability of telekinesis, though his application of this gift from Nemesis is not so quaintly used as those in silly comic books or movies. Thomas prefers to direct his abilities more so towards his fellow humans, sealing off someone?s alveoli or stopping their heart or more favoured by him, breaking their spinal cord like a toothpick between two fingers while they helplessly writhe in pain. Truly Ambrose styles himself as a puppeteer, playing with men, women and children as mere objects for his own debauched amusement. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Cillian.jpg]Thomas[/url]. Lean and lithe, the puppeteer stands a gangly 6?1? making him appear even more emaciated than he already is. Dark blue eyes hint at the intelligence lurking beneath, as well as the cruelty and sadism that have become so familiar to him. His sense of dress is limited to dark and black, usually clothed in a dark shirt with black pants covered by a three-quarter length black leather jacket. His skin is pale, but not so pale as to make one think Thomas sick, or rather even more sickly than he already looks with dark greasy brown hair. [B]Biography:[/B] The smell of the salt air is one of Thomas? first memories, wafting into the window of his parents small bungalow on the coast, the chill of the Atlantic barely penetrating his warm woollen blanket. Years passed, his parents slowly going about their awfully dull lives and lavishing attention on their only child, how nausea inducing. Pretty soon things changed, at four he was shipped off to a local primary school, the same his father had attended, being taught by the same teacher that had tutored his father and receiving education in the same mostly pointless subjects as thousands of other children. He grew, little by little every year, a bigger shoe size, longer pants, and shirts, eventually glasses to help him see due to inherited short sightedness, how he longed to be somewhere else, contrived of his own imagination. A decade later at fourteen he found himself in the city, attending a high school, not very plush, a few dozen walls, a few hundred desks, and innumerable bastards who each took a disliking to young Ambrose. Physical abuse became common, a black eye, a bloody lip, eventually he graduated to more deviant punishments, providing sexual relief for larger, more powerful boys, he was nothing more to them than something for their enjoyment. On occasion he was granted a reprieve, being required to satisfy the nymphomaniac girlfriend of a tormentor, bringing her to climax in a bathroom with only his tongue, watched by a small clique of lust-driven teens. His schooling did not suffer oddly, despite his treatment, after two years he grew tall enough to defend himself from lone attacks, by four years he had graduated to the point where he was now too old to be of any interest to them, it suited Thomas perfectly. Though deep within he desired revenge, it was beyond his grasp, he knew this, there would be no point in seeking that which could not be attained. ?[b]Cannot be attained ? My, my don?t you give up easily for one who has suffered so much.[/b]? The voice was effeminate and mocking, as though someone of a high-breed as all too amused by him. So familiar, so enraging. ?[b]Ah so you do have the desire for it. If you have the power you would hurt them.[/b]? A cackling laugh. ?[b]Then do so my boy, my little puppeteer, take them and break them as you see fit. Rape their women while they watch you, helpless to interfere until you crush the life from their pathetic bodies.[/b]? Desire, but also fear. ?[b]Who are you ?[/b]? ?[b]I am your Master.[/b]? Realisation. ?[b]Then I will serve.[/b]? Thomas murdered them all, one, by one, day by day tracking them down with the relaxed clarity of a hunter who has all the time in the world. The women were especially enjoyable, they struggled against him, or they tried, movement was beyond them, but their eyes showed everything, the desire to get away from his maligned touch. He never touched them, no, he wore gloves now, his bare skin would never touch this world again. Only though his mind would be interact, only with his mind would his Master be served. [B]Other:[/B] Nothing that I can think of.[/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']Since you've already determined that whatever church it is I go to you're going to avoid it, I will not say what church I go to. But rest assured, my church is not racist or anti-Semitic, in fact, it's not even nationalist. Replacement theology is not anti-Semitic. When it comes to the conflict in the Middle East, my church is more sympathetic towards the Lebanese and the Palestinians than it is towards Israel.[/quote] [SIZE=1] I don?t think people are going to avoid choosing your Church based on your views BEA, based on what you?ve said, they don?t hold the same views as you do. Though I really think when it comes to conflicts between two separate religious factions, a side should not be chosen. In the current conflict between Lebanon and Israel, many have chosen to side with the Lebanese because their government is incapable of dealing with Hezbollah and Israel?s apparent heavy-handed tactics, but in truth if Lebanon was better capable of reigning in it?s extremists, then it would have been avoided.[/SIZE] [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']I should mention that racism and separatism are not a white phenomenon. Take Israel for example. Not all the terrorists are Muslims, many of them are Jewish Zionists. The Israelis basically kicked the Palestinians off their land to make way for the "chosen people". What about the Native American reservations in the US? Isn't that a form of separatism? It is indeed, but I respect the Native American right to preserve their own race and culture. [/quote] [SIZE=1]The conflict between Israel and it?s neighbours stretches back decades at this stage, with neither being able to declare themselves the holder of moral high-ground. There are terrorists on both sides, as for the Native American thing, the fact that the English and French pretty much massacred them for their land and then stuck them on reserves doesn?t count as separatism, unless you want to call it more White separatism.[/SIZE] [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']If diversity and multiculturalism are so great, would anyone care to explain why the Middle East is so unstable?[/quote] [SIZE=1] The Middle East is unstable because of hundreds of years of conflict reshaping it. As well as that there are multiple Muslim factions as well as non religious racial factions, such as the Kurds who are each vying for their own slice of the region, which are contended by a dozen other factions who want the same piece of land. [/SIZE] [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']I should also point out, since we're all anime fans, that Japan is far from being multicultural. The population of Japan is 99.3% ethnic Japanese. This is no coincidence. The Japanese are fiercely nationalistic. Their immigration system favors immigrants of there own ethnic stock. It's ok for the Japanese to do this, but if white people did this it would be "racist". Did you know that Israel has a "Jew only" immigration policy. Did you know that Saudi Arabia has a "Muslim only" immigration policy?[/quote] [SIZE=1]As Dagger said, we?re not all Anime fans, but as you bring it up, has anyone else noticed that the vast majority of Anime characters appear to be of European descent ? As for the ethnic diversity of Japan, that is their business, though the massive cost of living in Japan might have something to do with it also. As well as that by your logic, those responsible for deciding who gets to live in America should be Native Americans, seeing as it was their land before anyone else?s. Israel?s Jew Only and the Saudi Muslim only immigration policy are of course based on their own political motivations, though honestly I can?t see any Christians jumping to go and live in Israel, so really who cares ? [/SIZE] [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']Ok, so America is a "nation of immigrants". Just for the sake of argument, I'll go along with that. But take Europe for example, Europe has been homogenously white for the last 44,000 years. Non-white immigrants didn't start arriving in Europe until as recently as the 1950's. I know that there have been non-white Muslims in places like Spain and Italy, but those Muslims invaded Europe; they weren't welcomed as immigrants.[/quote] [SIZE=1]True, but the very fact that up until relatively recently Europe didn?t have a high percentage of immigrants from outside our continent should not be used as an excuse for separatism. Many countries rely on those immigrants to work lower paid jobs which are no longer attractive because of college education, in Ireland for example, many of our public doctors are African or Indian in origins, but if my leg is broken why would I give a damn what colour skin my doctor has ? [/SIZE] [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']When Britain was a homogenous nation, it was culturally stable. But the government couldn't leave well enough alone. They had to make it a multicultural society. The British people had (and still have) no say what so ever about the immigration policy.[/quote] [SIZE=1] I wouldn?t go using Britain as an example for stability when it comes to culture, given their interaction with others, Australia, India, Ireland even, all countries who had their inhabitants killed and enslaved by the English crown. As for their immigration policy, while it is partially mandated by the European Union, the levels of immigration from non-European countries is directly controlled by parliament, which is under the control of the British people, and if they?re so unhappy let them say it. [/SIZE] [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']In history there have been many races and tribes that have diminished. But whites hold a unique place in history; they are the first race to diminish voluntarily.[/quote] [SIZE=1]This planet cannot hold the sustained growth of the human race BEA, this planet can only sustain about four billion at our current resource requirement and we?ve got more than 150% percent of that currently alive. So in reality, white people have less children is actually a good thing, but maybe it?s also down to the fact that bigger families are more expensive than smaller ones.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=BlueEyedAngel]How do my parents feel about my white nationalism? I'd say my Dad is, more or less, understanding. My Mom is not quite as understanding. As far as she is concerned, race isn't even an issue. One time I made a racist remark and my Dad warned me that I could warrant violence from a person of another race. I replied "but if they made a racist remark about me, could I use violence against them?". He said the I could, but Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics are the ones doing most of the killing. So he pretty much made my point. I disagree with him about the Asians, though, they are actually, for the most part, less violent than whites.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Retri?s point stands here. At nearly 46% of homicides in the US, we?re as violent as anyone else. Besides you can?t seriously attribute criminality to anyone one race, that?s simply foolish. Crime is based more on circumstance than genes.[/SIZE] [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']Did you know that the average IQ for Asians is 120; for whites,100; for blacks, 80? That's not a racist remark, that's statistics. If you disagree with me, I encourage you to do your own research on the correlation between race and IQ. I believe my IQ is about 124.[/quote] [SIZE=1]The average European IQ is about 110 as I recall to the American 100, does that mean America are inferior to Europeans because we?re 10% smarter ?[/SIZE] [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']Perhaps "comfortable" is not the word I'm looking for. I'm more or less comfortable around other races. I think the word I'm looking for is "at home". I feel like I'm more "at home" when I'm around other white Anglo-Saxons.[/quote] [SIZE=1]If that?s the case then there might be something wrong with your Irish and Scottish genes, if I were to take a leaf out of your book, you should feel very uncomfortable around Ango-Saxons because of what they did repeatedly to your people. But then maybe you?re smart enough to see that you can?t judge people based on their country of origin.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. A parody of one of the most annoying shows on Earth ? Could work, and with DW, probably will given the hilarious opening theme song. So I'm a Star Wars snail who likes rolled smokes eh ? Hopefully I won't meow like a cat throughout the entire thing, but rather speak with a forced, not pun intended, Vader drawl. I'm really intrigued to see how you'll go with this.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Are you looking for something specific to the Gameboy Advance or just any Yu-Gi-Oh based game ? It's been a long time since I played any game of the series, so I'm not sure how accurate what I'm saying is, but generally the newer the game, the better the A.I. and gaming mechanics. Again it's been a long time since I played any of the games, but those are the usual improvements made between games, along with graphics of course.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Must have missed that request to edit out any interaction with the Chancellor, I'll try and do it at some stage later today. Although to be honest, I'd thought the RPG had died. ^_^'[/SIZE]
  7. [quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]I totally forgot about the Irish thing. My bad. But, that's a topic for another thread.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]True, there are hundreds of terrorist groups and not all are faith based, it's just sadly those who believe they're fighting for God are a lot more content to kill themselves to accomplish their goals.[/SIZE] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]So, who wants to try and start a thread about religion? Because there is no way in hell that could get any messier.[/color'][/font][/quote] [SIZE=1]Are you kidding Chibi ? Along with abortion and the ethics of homosexual marriage, religious threads are often the most heated. Though usually they only turn nasty if someone makes a broadside shot at someone else's faith, other times they've proven remarkably civil.[/SIZE]
  8. [quote name='Starfire0567']Thanks :animesmil but I have a question. You said to avoid dairy products...Should I drink soy milk instead? Whenever my mom makes hamburgers,she makes them on the stove rather then on a grill seeing as how we live in an apartment. Does that make it "fast food" or in a way grilled? :animestun[/quote] [SIZE=1]In terms of daily, I personally think it's better to reduce what you are drinking down to a good level, say no more than two normal sized glasses a day than to switch to the likes of Soy milk. As for the grilled food, grilled is by far a better alternative to frying and should be done wherever possible. By on the stove, do you mean in a pan or something ? [/SIZE]
  9. [quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Touche. Affirmative action isn't all bad. That was all I had, so now I totally quit. Mind if I ask a question? Why are nazis still around? After the Holocaust, why would anyone take the name of such an infamous organization?[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]Mainly because they agree with the ideals that Herr Hitler peddled during his time as Chancellor/Fuhrer. Given that you can actually be arrested and tried in most countries for being a Neo-Nazi, as the originals must all be dead at this stage. Perhaps it's a way to act out, perhaps they've had problems with other races, perhaps like the Prussian Blue girls, they've been horribly brain-washed by a parent, I really don't have an answer.[/SIZE] [quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]That aside, I remember some more stuff from my history class. Aryan was the type of Christianity the goths invented, because it coincided better with their original pseudo-frankish beliefs of family and such. Catholicism was too...roman for them. When the goths sacked rome (due to broken promises involving land and food given after the huns attacked and displaced them), they made the aryan church the official language of the 'new' rome. Then there was a big messy period of rome losing land to the franks and such and then Charlemagne invented the Holy Roman Empire.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]Not really sure about the whole Aryan thing to be honest. I'll post the Wiki article and people can judge for themselves. [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan[/url][/SIZE] [quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]If I recall, Hitler's aim was to re-establish the holy roman empire. I saw some of the blueprints made up for his uber-city, called Germania. The buildings were nice, but the beliefs of the people to build it were not. Basically, Hitler romantisized (sp?) the romans, like so many generations before him. He was just willing to start a massive war to make his dream a reality. I'm in no way agreeing with what he did, however it may sound. Personally, I think he couldn't let go of the concept of the perfect german empire.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]That's the generally accepted notion of what Hitler sought to do with his Third Reich, given that one rarely calls an "Empire" the third of anything unless there've been previous incarnations. In this case I think he was merely trying to legitimise his rise to power in the hearts of the German people by harkening back to previous days of unified German glory, which the Holy Roman Empire represented. It's only a pity Hitler didn't take a bath in the same manner as Barbarossa.[/SIZE] [quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]The reason for the holocaust? Got me. Maybe he was looking for a scapegoat to rally the german people and make them angry, rather than feeling sorry for themselves over the loss of World War I.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [size=1]Up until a few years ago before his death, we had a German neighbour named Manfred Noundorf, at least I think that's how his last name was spelled. Given that he had actually lived in Germany before and during the war, my father asked him exactly what the Germans had as a people against the Jewish population. His reply was that when German farmers would come into debt and be unable to borrow from a bank, Jewish money-lenders would offer them enough to attempt to save their farms from bankruptcy. Now while this to me seems a generous offer, Manfred described a darker more Shakespearean reason for the loans, if the event arose that the farmer with the loan was unable to pay his repayments, the Jewish money-lenders would sweep in and take the farms. Now given that we're talking about post-Treaty of Versailles Germany, this act if true would have been quite common, and would have built up a considerable hostility against Jews, if true of course, though I have no reason to doubt Manfred, and when Hitler rose to power, who had his own agenda against the Jews, for personal reasons it seems. He was able to easily whip the public into a frenzy against them, it should also be remember that Jewish families tended to be wealthy and this would also have been an excellent source of income for the new Reich. As for the actual reasons why the Nazis began the extermination of the Jews, I have no idea, probably out of their hate and belief that all non-Aryans should perish.[/size] [quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]But all terrorists are muslims.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]Untrue, terrorists can take any shape or form. The IRA and the UVF are two cases of Catholic and Protestant terrorist groups, regardless of what they prefer to call themselves, who are not followers of Allah. Also Farto, and I think I speak for every religious person here regardless of creed, but no true follower of any major faith condones terrorism.[/SIZE]
  10. [quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Oh, it totally turned me off to fried food. I must not have mentioned it. The smell of kitchen oil (or even grease) make me gag. I would rather eat my left hand than eat a big mac.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]Oh hell yeah, just the smell off grease now is enough to turn my stomach something awful and after watching Super Size Me, eating a Big Mac out of McDonalds is one of those things I'm very, very glad I stopped doing a long time ago. At least with a chicken fillet you're getting whole meat rather than something ground up with God knows what. I mean seriously, if you took everyone who loved fried and fast food into McDonalds and made them work there for two, three months, I guarantee they'd all turn to healthy foods afterwards. When it comes to diets however, that's one word I really despise, diets are foul things because I don't think they solve the real problem for people who don't eat right, sure they lose weight, but then after they stop, it all comes back. Instead eating proper, healthy foods in moderation, combined with a good dose of exercise is the way to go, it's slower sure, but it'll stay off.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Generally as a rule of thumb, I avoid clicking links in other people's signatures, mainly down to the fact they are as you said links to MyO pages, MySpace sites or ads for RPGs or stories in The Arena. I don't visit blogs ever, unless it's someone who I find witty and don't get to talk to very often, like the recently-banned Brasil whom I used to always find very refreshing but spoke to only rarely. In terms of RPG ads, well the Square is my stomping grounds, and chances are I'll be aware of a decent RPG far quicker through general surfing than by clicking an ad in someone's sig. So that's a resounding "No" from me. [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]I'm in the same group as DS, dropped out before I actually finished high school, though mine was due to injury, I'm returning this year to hopefully finish out my two years and move on with my life. [B]What year did you graduate from High School?[/B] Eh that would be '08 hopefully. [B]What "clique" did you belong to?[/B] Suppose a normal enough group, videogame nerds crossed with weight lifters for some of us, more athletic sports for others. Generally as I said a fairly normal group, well that and the fact we were all in all honours classes and most of us held IQs above 130. [B]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/B] Yes and unfortunately no, after dropping out I lose contact with most of my friends due to self-isolation. The majority are in college now, and of them I only hang out with one on a semi-regular basis. [B]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/B] Hopefully, Ireland. [B]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/B] Never had any enemies, at least not any that I can recall. Had a few rivalries sure enough, but nothing that ever deteriorated enough into a point where I'd call them an enemy.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]This thread has gone from a pointless expression of "white separatism" to a shouting match between John, CHW and Starfire, for the love of God would someone please close this waste of bandwidth thread. [[b]Edit[/b]] Yeah, sorry about that Raiyuu. I could have sworn though that I sent a report for this thread.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Blast, lost again thanks to an early morning conversation with Bill. Makes 5 losses for me.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. My current bedroom, seeing as I might be moving to another soon enough is best described as a pair of smaller rooms linked together to make one. My main bedroom is about three metres by four metres, and added to that a PC, a double bed and a media stand make it a rather cramped space to try and exist in. The adjoining room is used for storing books, clothes and movies and generally used as a large storage room with windows. In terms of paint, the bedroom is a light pale blue, offset with white to give it a kind of arctic feel to it.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Personally Hugo, I won't tell you what to do in this situation as I don't think anyone's advice will really make any difference in the end. This person is your friend, and friendships mean a lot of everyone, he thinks he parents would help him, and if you think that as well, then it's another option. In the end you can only do what you think is best. I've been fortunate enough never to have a friend in that situation, and I wish you the best of luck in it's resolution. [/SIZE]
  17. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]:therock: The DS is a small step up from the N64, not the GBA. The GBA was a small step up from the SNES.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ah, I've not been following Nintendo related news for a while at this stage, and as I had thought originally the DS was not released as a sequel to the GBA but rather an expansion of the handheld market. Still the idea that you can pack all the tech of a 64 into a handheld console only a few years later is something to admire.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]The reek from a hundred different perfumes and colognes irritated Maxwell's nose to an untold degree, they were so unnatural he felt as if he would soon be unable to breathe. Elizabeth was looking at him, her calm poise was something he tried to hard to mimic, but it always felt uncomfortable for him, how did she manage it ? It was a question which continued to puzzle him, like so much else, he did not realise her poise was a veneer, this was work, one of the biggest scoops she would land, and so she had to be calm, she had to pretend she felt natural here. Maxwell however had never learned how to "pretend", to him to pretend would be the same as to lie, and he never lied, never understood the need to lie sometimes. The bar was fully stocked, dozens of different wines and spirits, taken from all corners of the world, but he was not a drinker by nature, and did so only under Elizabeth's guiding watch. It had been only a few years since they first met, guarding a pompous man in love with his own celebrity, Maxwell had intercepted Elizabeth as she tried to get an interview. Originally she had been rather amused, that a B-movie star like Stanford Gaines would hire such a person so unsophisticated said a multitude of things about him, his vanity must have known no bounds, but slowly as she came to know Maxwell it seemed he was the more interesting story. At first she took to him out of pity, he seemed to removed from the world that it cried out help to her, simple tasks such a posting a letter were a challenge to him, and his manners were so coarse it bordered on animalistic. Over the years, progress was slow, but steady, he began with simple things like learning to use a knife and fork, and gradually moved onto more difficult social requirements like dancing, and as frustrating as it had proven to both of them, it served to bring him closer to her, until eventually Maxwell found himself needed her more than he needed anything else, she was like his air, he could not breathe without her. He did not know if this was "love" a term he had read in newspapers and heard on radio, but it sounded right, and she seemed to feel the same way for him, so it must have been love. "[B]Are you alright ?[/B]" The concern in her voice soothing to him, she knew he felt unnatural here, but this was important to Elizabeth and Maxwell would do his best to make it go well for her. "[B]I'm fine.[/B]" "[B]Are you sure ?[/B]" "[B]Yes, I'm sure.[/B]" He kissed her gently on the forehead, he wanted to make her feel at ease more than anything. He would get through this, as best he could. "[B]Do you want a drink Elizabeth ?[/B]" "[B]Thank you. I'll have a glass of red wine.[/B]" He watched as several others were served before him, it brought back unpleasant memories, the night he'd killed a man with his bare hands. It had been nearly twenty years since that day and yet he still felt troubled by it, angry that if he'd simply had a normal childhood like most people it would never had happened, and saddened by the fact he was too ignorant to understand the consequences. He smiled as he ordered the drinks, a red wine for Elizabeth, and a small whiskey for himself, before bringing them gingerly back to his love. She smiled at him as he handed it to her, it was a real smile this time, not the ones he'd seen her use before one other people, he knew when people really smiled, one of the few falsehoods he could see beyond. She was happier now, more at ease, this was good. "[B]Shall we dance Elizabeth ?[/B]" [/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Having never played Crystal Chronicles on the Gamecube, I have to admit I'm very impressed with the graphics quality on something that is effectively only a small step up from the GBA. I may have to reconsider not buying a DS Lite until next year if this continues to look as interested as it's shaping up to be.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I've actually being weighing up the same decision as to whether I should sink ?150 into a DS Lite myself or wait and buy a Wii at Christmas. My next big purchase is an MP3 player of some description, for use in the gym, as fifteen minutes on a stair-master simply cannot pass quickly enough for me. Back on topic though, aside from the new version of Final Fantasy III coming to the DS as well as the inevitable Pokémon games, which I have to say three series on I'm still addicted to although on a very self-loathing basis there aren't that many games that interest me. In the end I'd probably be as well off to wait and pick up one next year when they've come done in price. [/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. As much as I want to take pity on BlueEyedAngel for his/her obviously skewed view on life and people, I'm afraid I just can't, simply because there are too many people who hold views in line with that nonsense Prussian Blue and their ilk spout. Now don't get me wrong, I'm Irish, and anyone who has any Irish relatives or neighbours knows how passionate we are about our heritage, but I will never identify myself as "white" before anything else, because a skin colour can change by simply getting a sun tan. I'm not going to flame BEA for their personal views, because there are many different people and groups in the world who each hold their own view of what's superior and what's inferior, and seemingly people have a "right" to do that. Returning to Prussian Blue themselves, the idea that they hold themselves as some kind of moral standard for children disgusts me. They're peddling the same kind of nonsense that has caused so much strife in Northern Ireland between Protestants and Catholics, when your average Irish person regardless of race, gender or creed will get along with his/her neighbours just fine. People like that should lose their right to freedom of speech, and the same applies for any rapper who talks about shooting white people or dealing drugs, the idea that 50 Cent is seen by young African-American children as a role-model is equally troubling. In the end does a person's skin colour really matter all that much, are you really going to think worse of a person because of the level of sunlight their ancestors were exposed to ?[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. This probably belongs in the Underground, seeing as that deals with ideas related directly to the Arena, but I'll still give my two cents. Personally I think it's an interesting, albeit pointless exercise, pointless may be a bit strong of a word to use, but really while a lot of people may enjoy an RPG that doesn't get finish or doesn't get a sequel, there's really no point in having people come together and say what they liked about it. Heck if you liked it that much, sit down and try and write a sequel, most seasoned RPG creators like myself have little problem in allowing people to write sequels if they're written well and in keeping with the original. I think in the end, while it could be a bit amusing to hear people mourn an RPG that "died too young" it would simply be a fad for a while, or worse be turned into a spam fest pretty quickly. I mean what do you do in the case of a closed RPG ? [/SIZE]
  23. [quote name='Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]Somehow I doubt that this is going to be a problem for you.[/size'][/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]Quoted for truth. Somehow I get the feeling that you're not ever going to have to worry SK about too much sex.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Seeing as I only rarely use MyOtaku anymore, and really only to test out a new style if I'm bored, I don't visit a whole lot of other people's guestbooks. I suppose I have to admit the only time I do so is if someone I know leaves me a comment and I feel compelled to check out their site and return the favour. A lot of my earlier received comments were made up of the stuff you're talking about, now however they're generally made up of people who've visited my MyO after seeing me on the Boards. I think MyO isn't as popular as it was a few years ago, more of a fad than anything else, seeing as IMing someone you know is an easier way to stay in touch with them.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][CENTER]|[B]Update: August 16th[/B]|[/CENTER] OK now that we've talked it over, I'm happy to announce Dragon Warrior will be playing the multiple roles of Frieza's hilarious Ginyu Force. This brings the number for the RPG to ten.[/SIZE]
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