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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [size=1]Westchester in early autumn was perhaps Charles Xavier's most favoured place and time of year, the deep green summer leaves were beginning to change to golden, and would eventually in the coming weeks fall in their dozens from the deciduous trees that dotted the Mansion. It seemed somehow right that a man who fought continuously for mutant rights would enjoy the simple yearly cycle of a common tree, it bloomed, it withered, it bloomed again, a cycle that could only be broken with death. Allowing his mind to wander, Charles began to pick up on the louder thoughts of his students and faculty at large, he explicitly told his students that reading someone's mind without permission was indecorous, however sometimes people's thoughts were simply so [i]loud[/i] that he could not help hear them. There were certain drawbacks to being the most powerful telepath on the planet... "[b]Yes Logan ?[/b]" "[b]I thought you tell students that's impolite ?[/b]" "[b]It is, but I didn't. I heard your footsteps and I know your walk.[/b]" The wheelchair-bound professor merely continued to stare at Logan, something of a maverick among the rest of the staff, Xavier knew he felt somewhat more comfortable in his company than others. Still he had come out all this way for a reason, although perhaps the fact that Xavier was required to move everywhere under the power of a wheelchair, "all this way" was not that far for someone like Logan. "[b]It's nothing, someone was just wondering where you were.[/b]" "[b]Jean ?[/b]" "[b]Yeah, she said she tried to contact you but she got no reply.[/b]" "[b]Yes, I must admit I was rather lost in thought and didn't pick up on her call.[/B]" "[B]Fair enough.[/B]" Logan turned to leave, heading back in the direction of the Mansion, it was a pity he didn't stay out to enjoy the grounds, but perhaps he had a little too much nature in him to appreciate them as fully as others did. "[B]Logan.[/B]" "[B]Yes Professor ?[/B]" "[B]Would you mind ?[/B]" Logan's eyes raised towards the heavens, despite being one of the most powerful mutants on the planet Charles' lack of locomotive skills made him somewhat reliant on other people to get from A to B. Moving to the back of the Professor's wheelchair, Logan took a sturdy grip on the handles and pushed forward, propelling the chair faster than Xavier could under his own power. "[B]Thank you Logan.[/B]" A trip that had taken the Professor nearly thirty minutes to make by himself took less than fifteen on return, although Logan's athleticism was a factor. The Mansion was home, home for dozens of young mutants who wished to better understand themselves and their powers, and to put those powers to beneficial uses, rather than Eric's ideas of what they should and would be capable of. Charles' office was filled with mementos of a lifetime of achievement, but right now he just wanted to see the news headlines, something had been nagging at the back of his mind since earlier in the day... [center]|||||||||[/center] Like the Brotherhood members, X-Men should be in our around the Mansion, what you're doing there is entirely up to yourself however. If you'd like to talk to my character feel free, however I would prefer he not leave his office just yet. X-Men would probably also refer to one another by their first name rather than codename, however either is fine, just trying to separate us further from the Brotherhood as we accept we're still part of the overall human race rather than a new "species" as it were and thus require new names.[/size]
  2. [SIZE=1]I should have a post ready by tomorrow evening Bill, although if this cold gets any worse I might not have it until the day after tomorrow.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][b][Edit][/b] Alright that's my sign up finished, I'll have the play thread as well as the accepted list finished tomorrow. [CENTER]|[B]Character Sign Up[/B]|[/CENTER] [b]Name:[/b] Balthazar Amidala [b]Age:[/b] 56 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Physical Description:[/b] Most often appearing in clothing that best reflects his wealthy status, Balthazar is none the less a man comfortable in a variety of different wear, from gold styled armourweave such as [url=http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Irons.jpg]this[/url], to fully fitted heavy armour. Generally he prefers armourweave as it has all, or most of the benefits of armour without the excess weight. Standing just under 1.9 meters. Balthazar is a tall and imposing site, often described as being regal and severe. A recent holocapture seen [url=http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Irons2.jpg]here[/url] may better demostrate his described severity. [b]Character Background:[/b] Balthazar's early life is not dissimilar to the vast majority of the galaxy?s inhabitants, he was born on the planet Commenor in the Corellian Sector of the Colonies nearly six decades ago. His parents were two very ordinary citizens of the Republic, his father Jetta was an amateur swoop jockey, good enough to keep the family fairly comfortable but just not getting the times to break into the big Sector Leagues. His mother Dana filled the role of mother and woman of the house, ensuring that between her husband?s frequent trips to other Colonies worlds, he had a clean house and a warm bed to return to, as well as seeing to their young son. Unfortunately for the young lad, Balthazar was born into a time of intense strife in the galaxy, Exar Kun?s Sith War devastated the galaxy before the boy had even reached aged ten, and it was merely to be the first of four wars Balthazar would live through. Having grown up listening to Republican holo-newscasts during the First Sith War, Balthazar took a great interest in the Republican military and became enamoured with the idea of serving in the galactic army and eventually commanding his own troops. His father and mother were suitably worried for their child, the galaxy was becoming an increasingly dangerous place, especially for children like him, the obliteration of the Cron Cluster and destruction of the Jedi Temple on Ossus, as well as Kun?s war had depleted the Jedi numbers considerably, making it more and more likely the galactic army would be heavily expanded. Commenor was a boring enough planet to grow up on, and it wasn?t long before Balthazar left when he was old enough. He entered the Fleet Academy on Corellia at 18 and graduated with the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade at 22 for his consistently high scores on the simulators and written tests. Over the next twenty years he found himself seeing most of the known galaxy from his different posting, as well as rising continually in rank, by forty-three at the beginnings of the Mandalorian Wars he held the rank of Commodore in charge of the fleet centred around his own homeworld of Commenor. The five years marked a dark chapter in both Republic and Balthazar?s own history, his fleet was due to take part in the final battle of Malachor V but were intercepted by a smaller Mandalore fleet before they were able to arrive, maybe it was fate that saved the Commodore from death from Revan?s betrayal. With the war?s end and the Republic left to rebuilt once again, Balthazar found himself being promoted directly to Vice Admiral, CO of the Third Fleet centred around the Colonies, Core Worlds and Expansionist Regions. The war had severely depleted the number of flag officers, and general crew in the Republic, Vice Admiral Dagor Than, who had held the position previously to Balthazar had been killed when his flagship was destroyed at Corellia late in the wars. Over the next two years, the Republic and it?s citizen?s gradually breathed easier in the face of victory, though the reconstruction effort from the conflict was expected to last several years, that all changed when the Jedi Revan?s fleet returned from the Unknown Regions and claimed dominion of the Republic under the banner of the Sith. The idea that the hero of the Mandalore Wars, the Jedi Revan could turn against those he had fought to protect seemed impossible, but quickly enough reality set in as Revan Sith Troops poured into the Republic?s weakened worlds, killing and pillaging where they went. The Republic fleets including Balthazar?s own Third Fleet would see combat against the Sith on far too many occasions, his own flagship, the Valiant engaged the Sith at the battle of Fondor in an important victory that kept the shipyards intact for the Republic?s war effort. However even with Fondor kept safe, the Sith fleet seemed innumerable compared to the Republic?s, and later with Revan?s death at the hands of Jedi Bastila Shan, the Sith under Malak began to grow even more brutal, destroying the world of Telos nearly completely. A year later, with the destruction of Admiral Dodonna's fleet at the at the hands of Dark Jedi Shan and the return of Revan, Balthazar took his flagship and most loyal troops and disappeared, eventually reappearing on Ord Mantell. Having been declared dead at the battle of the Star Forge, Balthazar was able to avoid redetection by the Republic and used his troops and acquired wealth to bring some measure of law to the lawlessness that was Ord Mantell, of course the cumulative effects of so much death and conflict have meant that Balthazar?s measure of law is both swift and brutal in it?s application. Generally however his ?justice? is only applied to those over whom he has power. [b]Personality Profile:[/b] A man who?s entire life has been defined by war, death and service is bound to carry scars, what is unusual about Balthazar is how few of those scars he seems to carry. By all accounts he is a private man, keeping little company aside from those he has come to trust fully, but not excluding those who may prove of future use to him. Considered something of a philanthropist on planet usually ruled by crime lords and spice dealers, Balthazar has developed something of a reputation for using his influence to benefit the common individual, whether or not this is some part of his lingering loyalty to the Republic which he served for so long, or simply part of his own mentality is unknown. While more speculation than fact at this time, it is known that those criminals who interfere with the relatively happy poor of Ord Mantell have found themselves on the business end of a Mandalorian assault rifle, whether or not Balthazar is directly responsible for this is unknown, but generally it is assumed he is. The vast majority of his public appearances are made at the opera, three different houses of which have been financed by Balthazar with his own money, there's speculation of course as to how he came to such wealth in the first place, but nothing concrete has ever been proposed. Perhaps alluding to a darker side of the magnate's personality, those who have delved too deeply into his personal affairs are known to either disappear or suddenly lose all interest in him, whether through financial incentives or simple intimidation, few people willingly report on the ex-admiral's life outside the public circle. [b]Profession:[/b] One could hardly describe Balthazar?s activities on Ord Mantell in a single word, although if one were to be pedantic the word might be influencer. With his immense wealth and personal connections spread through the legal and extra legal channels of Ord Mantell, there is little that escapes his power and even less that escapes his notice. From the most recent bounty on a wanted criminal, to the latest model swoop bike released to the racing circuit, Balthazar has some involvement. [b]Specialist Skill:[/b] Aside from considerable influence on Ord Mantell, as well as a very large personal financial worth, Balthazar is a master strategist and diplomat, traits obviously acquired from his years as a flag officer with the Republic. [b]Preferred Weapon:[/b] A civilised man like Balthazar would the use of a blaster as not only crude, but downright unrefined. As such his personal weapon of choice is an Echani crafted vibrofoil, a weapon tailored to those of wealth and sophistication, as well as the master swordsmen who so often wield Echani weaponry. Having served for decades with the Republic military before striking it out on Ord Mantell for more lucrative gains, Balthazar handles the sabre with considerable skill. [/SIZE]
  4. Gavin


    [quote name='Dodeca][SIZE=1]I thought the whole point of the Second Coming and the end of the world was supposed to be a surprise. Y'know, so that all people'd be judged as they would've been any other day. Otherwise, the entire population of the world could just 'repent' with a day's notice, and [supposedly'] be saved. What'd be the point in that?[/SIZE][/quote] [SIZE=1]Personally I'm going to hazard a guess and say God will actually be aware who repented because they felt bad for the sins they had committed, regardless of when Judgement Day was at hand, and those who repented because they realised if they didn't, they were screwed.[/SIZE]
  5. [QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=trebuchet ms]Would you rather: [i]volunteer, unpaid, for a job you love[/i] or [i]draw a decent salary for a job that bores you to tears?[/i][/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'd honestly rather take a volunteer job that I loved as opposed to drawing a decent salary for one that bored me to tears. I mean seriously how long would you be able to stick a job that bored you that badly, a week, a fortnight ? People tend not to stick at jobs they do not like, and I'm probably one of those people. [B]Meet your childhood hero ?[/B] Or [B]Come to the realisation your dad/mom is a hero ?[/B][/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE=AJeh][size=1][b]The Adams > Otaku Awards[/b] *exits thread and watches the slowing debate from afar*[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Heh, I think the debate is all but over at this stage Ajeh, still nice to have your input. Oddly enough I've asked people what they thought of calling them The Adams and most people didn't like the name.[/SIZE]
  7. [QUOTE=Snowcat]I think I drown in water, only because I luv the water alot. And I really don't mind if I had to die, I know I'll die in water. Because fate has a screwed up way in doing things Choose spend rest of etenity trapped to live darkness or.... Spend forever trapped in burning light PM- me if you want to find out why[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Well seeing as live darkness seems to translate pretty much to blindness, while burning light could effectively be the same thing with the exception your pupils take in far too much light, I'm going to go with the darkness because something about burning light doesn't sound too pleasant, or comfortable. [B]Would you rather find out the meaning of Life itself ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather learn the secret to immortality ?[/B][/SIZE]
  8. Gavin


    [SIZE=1]Well it was my parents 21st wedding anniversary on the 6th, and aside from the fact that my mother, sister and grandmother are abroad on holiday the whole day went fairly smoothly, no unexpected events, no battling the evil spawn of Hell, a normal, uneventful day. As a Catholic I genuinely think the whole thing is taken out of proportion, I mean I'm happy in the knowledge that should the Antichrist rear his ugly head, the Pontiff and the Church will be the first ones to spot him, and maybe take further action if required. Of course the birth of the Devil's son isn't due until after the Second Coming, so at least we have Jesus on our side. [/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]It's a good question, as one of the veritable dinosaurs of role-playing on OtakuBoards, I've frequently found myself cursing at the fact I can't seem to attract any players to my more recent RPGs. I genuinely don't understand why, but I suppose that's a question for another thread. I think the style of role-playing changes continuously over time, from the traditional, or first-come-first-post system that has been in play since the very beginning, to James' chapter system introduced in Kill Adam, to the free chapter or Episodic system introduced way back ages ago, well before Hybrid. I must admit I think Sara's Dynamic Storytelling style is a fascinating method of RPing and works very much like genuine multi-writer story writing. Honestly I don't know which of the styles is genuinely the best, I think each have their pros and cons, and each work best in certain situations. Overall however I think the free chapter, or Episodic style has the edge in terms of versatility, as it combines the traditional with the chapter while losing neither of the two styles strengths. [/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I'm honestly surprised I'm not the only Irish character, as so often this is the case, still I look forward to working with Blayze's character as much as I look forward to working with Blayze himself. As for when this will start, James take however long you feel is necessary to start this, and start it well. As an RPG creator I know how irritating it can be to be suddenly swamped with work when you're trying to get an RPG started. You've got plenty of people interested, and chances are we'll all stay salivating until you put us out of our collective misery. [/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE=Ecstasy]FINALLY! *sigh* Sorry, Joko, I just HAD to get that outta my system.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Heh understandable, I think a lot of us are eager to get into this and have some fun. Still the man needs his wits kept about him to produce the level of quality we're all demanding, isn't that right Bill ? ;) I think we'll probably start in two separate groups as the X-Men will be at the Mansion, and the Brotherhood will be wherever Eric has deigned to gather them.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][CENTER]|[B]Update 07/06[/B]|[/CENTER] I must admit I'm rather disappointed with the calibre of the majority of the sign ups presented so far, it shows a clear lack of knowledge on the era and of Star Wars role-playing in general. Cygnus, Monkatraz and Illusion however have presented quite accepted sign ups and are the only ones to be accepted into the RPG so far. Also Cygnus seeing as you're using a Mandalorian character, perhaps this picture would be of use to you. [[url=http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Mandalorian2.jpg][B]Mandalorian[/B][/url]] If you could save it and add it through an attachment I'd be grateful as my bandwidth is in short supply at the moment. To those who's sign ups I have problems with, I'll run through them so that you may hopefully fix them. [B]tinkerbell1[/B] - My biggest problem is that your sign up is distinctly un-Star Wars, I mean it could be for anything. Secondly you lack detail, I simply won't accept an empty Biography segment because you want her past to be unknown. The rest of the sign up is simply a jumble that lacks any kind of effort, I have no idea who Laura is and what crime syndicate she is a leader of. Please follow the sign up fields and put in some effort. [b]Trowa_fan[/b] - A lot of the same problems as Tinkerbell, lacks detail, lacks effort. Although you did attempt to make it Star Wars by having an Ortolan character, however if possible I would ask that you change it to a more humanoid species to better fit the RPG. [b]NekoSama101[/b] - Same problems again, could be for any RPG. In all reality the three of you could have submitted the same sign up as I have the exact same problems with all three save Trowa who actually managed something in the SW universe. Seeing as you've actually played KOTOR I'm surprised you didn't add any significant detail. One other note, while I said I would accept perhaps one Jedi character as a sign up, I've reconsidered that and will [b]not[/b] be accepting any Jedi characters in the beginning.[/SIZE]
  13. [CENTER][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=8]STAR WARS[/SIZE] [SIZE=5]KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC III MASTERS OF THE FORCE[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]IT IS A FRAGILE TIME FOR THE OLD REPUBLIC. THE DARK LORDS OF THE SITH HAVE BEEN DEFEATED ONCE AGAIN, BUT THE DEVASTATION WROUGHT BY FOUR SUCCESSIVE WARS HAS LEFT THE REPUBLIC PERILOUSLY CLOSE TO COLLAPSE. TERROR HAS SWEPT ENTIRE SYSTEMS IN THE OUTER RIM IN CHAOS, AND FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 21,000 YEARS HAS THE THREAT OF GALACTIC CIVIL WAR BECOME A REALITY. IN DARK TIMES LIKE THESE, THE CITIZENS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC WOULD LOOK TO THE JEDI, GUARDIANS OF PEACE AND JUSTICE IN THE GALAXY TO AID THEM IN THEIR PLIGHT. THE MACHINATIONS OF THE SITH LORD DARTH TRAYA HOWEVER HAS LEFT THE JEDI ALL BUT EXTINCT, AND LEFT THOSE SURVIVORS SO DISILLUSIONED THAT THEY HAVE GIVEN UP THE MANTLE OF JEDI KNIGHT. WITH PANIC QUICKLY SPREADING TO ALL CORNERS OF THE REPUBLIC, THE CHANCELLOR HAS BEEN FORCED TO DECLARED A STATE OF GALACTIC EMERGENCY. MOST DISTURBINGLY, CONTACT HAS BEEN LOST WITH SEVERAL SYSTEMS NEIGHBOURING THE UNKNOWN REGIONS AND RUMOURS HAVE SPREAD OF A THIRD SITH CRUSADE COMING TO CLAIM THE REPUBLIC. THE SENATE KNOW THAT WITHOUT THE JEDI, THE REPUBLIC WILL FALL...[/SIZE][/CENTER][/font] [size=1][CENTER]|[B]Prologue[/B]|[/CENTER] Alright seeing as how of late I?ve been working on several Star Wars RPGs, the latest of which turned out to be a complete flop, I?ve decided to create an RPG sequel to the current KOTOR dualogy. I suppose before I go any further I should point out that while this is a sequel to The Sith Lords I am going to alter some of the events there in to make the story more believable. One of the main problems I?ve found with Star Wars games is that they invariably have Light and Dark Side endings to them, which often makes it very difficult to write credible sequel storylines. In this case I?ll endeavour to give a neutral ending in which while the Sith have been defeated, the Jedi are for all intents and purposes extinct too. I don?t really want to go any further into my ideas for the storyline as the current premise is enough until I actually have some characters with which to write the opening to the story. If you?ve played KOTOR and KOTOR II then you?ll already understand the basic setting of everything here, as well as the dire situation the Republic is in following it?s losses in the three major wars and the covert Force-sensitive war of the last fifty years. For those of you who haven?t played either of the two games but are interested in this RPG, well [url=http://starwars.wikicities.com/wiki/Main_Page]Wookiepedia[/url] has a good deal of storyline and character info to the game but I would still advise you go out and actually rent/buy the games to properly experience the storyline. The storyline itself will be set roughly a year after the final events of KOTOR II. For character sign up I?d like to try and keep Jedi characters at a minimum, at least in the beginning as I will eventually allow people to have Force-sensitive characters. Now I know some of you will be thinking that calling the RPG ?Masters of the Force? and then not allowing people to start off as Jedi is a strange decision but I personally think it would be rather strange if going by the crawl there are only a handful of Jedi left in the galaxy that suddenly we have a bunch of them together lightsabers blazing. Remember that we have had three major wars that the Republic has been directly involved in in the last fifty years for this RPG, so you could be a veteran soldier, a young diplomat, a hot-shot fighter pilot, a tech specialist, an aged General or even a Mandalorian. So really there?s no reason why you shouldn?t be able to have fun. All characters will start out on the planet [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ord_Mantell][B]Ord Mantell[/B][/url]. [CENTER]|[B]Character Sign Up[/B]|[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] [Should be in keeping with your race] [B]Age:[/B] [We won?t have too many 10 year old veterans] [B]Gender:[/B] [Male/Female or Race specific] [B]Race:[/B] [Star Wars Canon only please] [B]Physical Description:[/B] [A picture and/or description] [B]Character Background:[/B] [Your history up until this moment] [B]Personality Profile:[/B] [Eccentricities and idiosyncrasies welcome] [B]Profession:[/B] [Your current drudgery that keeps the credits coming] [B]Specialist Skill:[/B] [That certain talent that seperates you from the herd] [B]Preferred Weapon:[/B] [Small and deadly, or big and loud, melee is fine too] A fairly generally styled sign up, I don?t think anyone should have any problems with it, the last four segments are basically the most defining aspects to your character in the RPG, well aside from Race I suppose but generally these are the most important. I think Profession and Specialist Skill should tie together, as in if you?re a Tech Specialist, then your Special Skill would be Technical Expertise. Try to vary out Professions and remember that not everyone can be Bounty Hunters, some people may just work as muscle for larger criminal syndicates.[/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE=Zidargh]I like the premise of it Gavin. It's probably the first time I've managed to imagine what a writer's been saying when they do these OB Enter The Net-style spin-offs. There's not much I can say for it appears to be the Prologue to the story, but you've already taken and used descriptive language appropriately, and for that I commend you. However, I have a [i]serious[/i] problem with the way conversation was presented. I don't know about anyone else but I'm used to the traditional and clear system of a new line for every time a new person speaks. In this, it took me about two minutes (a frustrating amount of time) to work out the 'terrorist' had spoken. Just a thought. [center][b][Z][/b][/center][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Thanks for the kind review Zidargh, I've been working on the second chapter which deals with the organisation mentioned by the terrorist in the first. I don't want to give too much away but I will say this, by the time I'm finished you won't be sure which side are the good guys. In relation to the conversation set-up, I am going to change that, it only out of habit that I make everything into paragraphs of the same size. [B]Firestorm Directive Chapter Two: Personification[/B] coming soon. [/SIZE]
  15. [quote name='Caine']Indeed, using the same cast is unlikely. So what? Do you really think that something as trivial as that will stop them? Especially since I heard something about marvel wanting its own studio, I think they're going to take this as far as they can.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Well one of the major problems with replacing the major cast members would be backlash from fans who might see it as simply replacing higher profile actors with lower ones for the sake of profit. I mean sure these films cost a fortune to make but they've always recapped their costs and more once they're released. Personally I think if Marvel is interested in changing the line up, they might be better off to focus the next movie on the younger X-Men seen in Last Stand, characters like Shadowcat, Angel, Rogue, Colossus and Iceman, that way you keep the continuity but cut costs by hiring younger actors. At least that seems the most logical step to me.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][spoiler]Personally I agree with Blayze, I think it is highly unlikely that the army would be equipped with plastic guns but then rely on metal projectiles. It's possible of course that they used a non-magnetic metal or perhaps the tip was a super-plastic or even extremely durable glass.[/spoiler] [/SIZE] [quote name='silver_blade']Well, there isn't such a thing as a quadrology or quintology to my knowledge. They have to limit it to what they have a word for. Actually, I think those would make good words.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Actually there have been a few movie quadrilogies but off the top of my head the only on I can think of is the Alien series, which comes in four instalments, thus making it a quadrilogy.[/SIZE]
  17. [quote name='Zero']I wih I could change into animals.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Bam, you can now turn yourself into an animal, unfortunately your first choice is a stag and you fail to realise it's hunting season. Fortunately for you, it's US Vice President Dick Cheney who's hunting you, unfortunately for you, his aim has improved significantly since his last incident and you prove a big enough target to hit at least one. Wounded and bleeding heavily you lose the ability to hold your deer form and change back into a human, where you're promptly arrested by secret service agents for public nudity. Even more unfortunately, you bleed to death before help arrives and are left to be buried naked in a shallow grave less Dick get in even more trouble. I wish I was a a big-shot film director. [/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE=Leon Fury][COLOR=DarkRed]I wish I could stay with the girl in my sig, forever, even after our physical bodies diminish.[radiodiva07] thank you for your time. Leon.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Bam, you and your girlfriend can now stay together forever, because unfortunately to make this wish the pair of you are conjoined in a single body, with both your minds inhabiting one skull. Unable to show any true affection for one another and with no privacy of thoughts, you go mad and eventually die from stress. Even more unfortunate however is that even in the hereafter you two are still joined making eternity that much more unpleasant. I wish there was no war. [/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]The forbiddin donut would be so stupid to eat. So, I guess I would get obese then die. I don't want to go out with a bang though XD Would you rather: Live a long life with a loved one [As in, not your 'true love'], but not have a good time together [b] OR [/b] Live a short life [15 years in marriage [So you would be about 33 [saying you got married at 18]] but have your true love next to you all the way?[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Having already had some idea of what love might be, honestly I'd much rather take fifteen years of bliss over a lifetime of simple cohabitation. It's one thing to love someone and not get on with them, hell that's what most families are, but a completely different thing is unrepressed true love. [B]Would you rather live a good but relatively short life, dying in your fifties ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather live a bad but exceptionally long life, living to one-hundred ten ? [/B][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Just back from the late night screening and first off I really would like to thank Bill and Annie for raising my hopes about how good this film was, guys I have to admit I wasn't expecting too much and this had me on the edge of my seat. It's hard to articulate exactly how I feel about the movie, on the one hand it is incredibly loyal to the source material while bringing a new sense of depth and reality to the whole thing. All the acting choices were perfect in my mind, Vinny Jones left me in stitches more than once, and who else but Kelsey Grammer could play the role of Beast. As with Bill I'm going to avoid even talking about the spoilers until more people have seen it, but people prepare to grip the end of your seat for all it's worth, this is one roller coaster ride. My only real complaint, it ended and I seemingly missed an important scene after the credits.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. As has already been stated Raina, Pokémon games that haven't been tampered with through GameShark or other cheat devices should run fine ad-infinitum. Unfortunately most people lose interest well before completing the game 100%, still if you're looking to do it, go right on ahead and have fun.[/SIZE] [quote name='Tical']The gameshark causes harmful effects on Pokemon games. I lost a level 98 Venusaur to a Gameshark once. Gameshark is how you get Mew.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Unless of course you manage to find someone willing to part with their Mew, I've found people who don't play the games any more can usually be made to trade for a small sum of money.[/SIZE]
  22. [quote name='Tical']I wish the universe would implode (hm...)[/quote] [SIZE=1]Bam, the Universe has now imploded, unfortunately for that to occur you've been catapulted forward billions of years into the future and are the only one to witness this event, since everyone else has moved safely into parallel dimensions as to avoid this catastrophe. You're dead, and the Universe with you. I wish being intelligent didn't come with so many stigmas.[/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE=Petie][font=Verdana][color=blue]Shy, I do see what you're saying as this really is a community driven site. I guess it's really time to give a reason for my thinking that there be no member involvement in the selection.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue][/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]Having only the staff choose the titles does not completely remove it from the community - after all, only the community can receive the titles. What it does do though is eliminate any complications due to voting, counting, and popularity. The staff would be better suited to give an unbiased judgement based on facts. The community end would come when the awards are announced - we could still have a thread listing the winners and maybe even a running thread listing everyone who has won since the beginning.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue][/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]It seems that there's still quite a bit to be worked out but I think when we hammer out the fine details, this could end up being really fun, assuming it's done correctly.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Personally I agree with your line of logic completely Petie, it's along the very same lines that I've been suggesting that the Staff be solely responsible for the Title Awards, still as my grandmother is fond of saying "if you cannot plough with horses, you must plow with *****". In terms of a name for the awards, we could call them "The Adams" as a kind of take on the Oscars due to their similar high profile status.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. If it's possible I'd love to see a spellchecker feature added to OtakuBoards, although seeing as it would probably be set to English-US spelling I'd have go back to Word occasionally to make sure that all those words Americans use "Z", while we Europeans use "S" were correct. My spelling and grammar are usually fine, but I still like to run it through Word to make sure everything is hunky-dory. Again I think this would be a great additional feature for OB, especially those shorter, more concise replies like this one. That is if it's feasible of course. [/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]I admit I didn't take in full account of the difficulties with polls when I suggested it, again I forgot that there would be more than a dozen forums with three or more potential nominees for each. Honestly though I think some semblance of anonymity would give it a more genuine result as people wouldn't have to worry about the inevitable "Why did you vote for him/her ?" conversation. Seeing Retri and Petie and I are those against any member involvement at any stage it seems we're overruled, still however I think that having the titles being awarded simply on a popularity basis mightn't be the best idea, perhaps along with the nominations people could add some evidence as to why they deserve a vote, threads they've created, posts they've submitted for instance. This way at least people would be able to make a more informed decision. As for having one or two titles given out every month, well we have sixteen forums altogether including the sub-forums, so doing it that way might work out slightly better than a one week spectacular of awards. I still stick by the idea of having a relatively short period for voting, after all many countries of the world decide their governments in one day, why should we be any different.[/SIZE]
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