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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [QUOTE=mushrumluver]Allright! Someone treats you in an all out buffet However you'll eat and eat even you can't take it anymore or else he'll leave you and make you pay the bill and you don't have enough money[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Well seeing as you didn't add a wish mushrumluver, I'm going to take a guess and say your wish would have been that you had a lifetime supply of mushrooms. Unfortunately after your fifth bowl you realise that the mushrooms you've been consuming are in fact poisonous and you keel over to die slowly without being able to call for aid. I wish the artists who create Anime would have some understanding of how to draw human physical features properly. [/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE=kingN]Live in a cave with out stress ir hassle, that way you are peaceful and live without worrying. live with no money and watch all the anime you can or live with 5 million and never watch anime?[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]That's a tremendously easy one for me, I've not watched Anime in years and have no real interest in doing so again. I'll take the five million thanks very much. [B]Be an Autobot from Transformers G1 ?[/B] Or [B]Be a Decepticon from Transformers G1 ?[/B][/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='DeathKnight][color=crimson]At times like these, when the very framework of our fair web forum is being threatened by problems of post quality, we should all take a look back to our [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=3452]roots[/url] and remember [i]the horror of the olden times[/i].[/color'] ;)[/quote] [SIZE=1]A lovely little stroll down memory lane Ken, I'm just rather glad the member then known as Red XIII hadn't pitched in his opinion on the situation. But that said according to my recollection I would have only been around a month or so at that stage, and not nearly brave enough to complain to the likes of James, BabyGirl or Warlock. ;) As for the continuing drop in standards here on OB, personally and perhaps it's only because I'm rather nostalgic I've noticed it going on for a while but didn't really say anything in case I'd be regarded as a fussy Oldie. However given in my most recent RPG in the Adventure Square I've just had to answer a question that should have been posted in the Underground thread, but also shouldn't have had to be answered in the first place as the information required was composed of the entire last paragraph. [/SIZE]
  4. [quote name='Kaos Anarchy']sounds good always been a fan of starwars.. so is there a certain signup type post?[/quote] [SIZE=1]For future reference Kaos the Arena Underground usually contains the counterpart threads to RPGs for asking questions, this RPGs Underground thread, The Temple can be found [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=53473][b]here[/b][/url]. I answer to your question, as I said in the last paragraph of the prologue, I'm asking from a sample post from your chosen character's point of view, this sample post should contain all necessary and relevant knowledge for that character and give an idea of the posting standard of the person signing up. [/SIZE]
  5. [quote name='The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I wish it really did rain skittles under a rainbow. Oh, and i had a rainbow machine of course.[/COLOR'] [/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]Bam, it's now raining skittles, unfortunately in colder climates the skittles are now a major cause of death due to their speed descending from the air, and their being hardened by the extreme cold. In retribution a group of pissed-off Scandinavians dressed as Vikings break into your home and force-feed you skittles until you choke to death, they then burn your rainbow making machine. I wish Santa really existed.[/SIZE]
  6. [FONT=Impact][CENTER][SIZE=6]STAR WARS INFINITIES[/size] [size=5]EPISODE I[/size] [size=5]THE PHANTOM MENACE[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo. While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict...[/FONT][/SIZE][/center] [SIZE=1]Welcome to the Temple, the Underground thread for Star Wars Infinities Episode I, here as usual you can post any questions, comments or suggestions you have in relation to the RPG. The sign up format can be found in the Adventure Inn thread, although as has become the norm with my recent RPGs you'll providing a detailed character post from just before the opening of the RPG, For example Jar-Jar could be contemplating the events that brought him to be banished, for anyone considering playing the Gungan in question, I am giving people the power to alter his character significantly, though only in his case. Personally I'd love to see someone take Jar-Jar and turn him into a merc who'd been banished. All sign ups are welcome, and all major and secondary positions are available with the exception of Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Additional Information can be found at [url=http://starwars.wikicities.com/wiki/Main_Page][B]Wookiepedia[/b][/url]. Have fun, and may the Force be with you. [/SIZE]
  7. [FONT=Impact][CENTER][SIZE=6]STAR WARS INFINITIES[/size] [size=5]EPISODE I[/size] [size=5]THE PHANTOM MENACE[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo. While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict...[/FONT][/SIZE] [size=1]|[B]Prologue[/B]|[/CENTER] My newest RPG sortie into the Star Wars universe in one I've actually had planned for probably the last six/seven months, a long time yes, but honestly I never got around to actually putting pen to paper, so to speak. Anyone familiar with Star Wars canon will already know of the Star Wars Infinities series, in it's most basic form it has often been used as a kind of "What If ?" glimpse of what might have been had certain events transpired in the galaxy far, far away, some such as the Obi-Wan/Darth Maul rematch may have lacked realism, for all intents and purposes Maul should have died about three seconds into that fight as Obi-Wan was probably the third greatest of the Jedi swordsmen. Others such as the Darth Maul/Darth Vader duel gave us a good laugh at watching the Iridonian die another anticlimactic death just close to victory. As you might guess, the Infinities series also had the good measure to show what might have been had certain major canon events been changed, such as Infinities Episode V where Luke actually died on Hoth and it was Leia who was brought to Yoda to train. To my knowledge, while the original series has been given the Infinities treatment, the New Trilogy has not, providing those of us here who relish a good Star Wars RPG with a enjoyable opportunity. Essentially I would like this to be the forerunner in a three RPG series, covering the prequel trilogy, and should it work out, perhaps go on even further. For the RPG itself, each person will be taking on the role of one of the main characters from Episode I, except for Master Qui-Gon Jinn who will be played by myself. As has become the standard in my recent works, I won?t asking for a traditional sign up, instead I?ll be asking for a sample post from your character?s point of view from just before the start of the RPG. In the case of any potential Obi-Wans you could reflect on the last few years with Master Qui-Gon as well as your potential anxieties about the up-coming Jedi Trials. Due to the fact that certain characters do not make appearances until later in the film, this will also be a partially chapter based RPG, what I mean by that is that certain parts will feature only certain characters but there will be no set posting order.[/SIZE]
  8. [quote name='Hanabishi Recca']I wish I was able to help every one.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Bam, you have now literally become the Good Samaritan incarnate, unfortunately your desire to help everyone is countered by the fact that certain groups demand you don't help others and eventually to save the fabric of civilisation itself you're assassinated and your ashes are blown into space. And they say life is unfair... I wish the Force was real.[/SIZE]
  9. [QUOTE=Lonley Fighter]Your question confused me for a second but I'd choose the second one becuse I'd like to do my buisness before I get kocked out :laugh: My Questoins: Would you want to have eternal hate for everything... Or Have eternal love for eveything...[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Hmm an interesting set of choices, personally I believe there are more things in the world that I love, or at least like than I hate or dislike, logistically speaking I'm going to choose eternal love for everything because the things I already like would outnumber what I dislike. [B] Become Homer J. Simpson for a day ?[/B] Or [B]Become Futurama's Bender for a day ? [/B][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well seeing as I'm planning to meet up with a handful of the UK's most distinguished members in the next few months, I guess it could be construed that I wouldn't mind meeting other members, granted of course like Solo I'd need to know them first and actually like them. Chances are of course it would simply turn into a bit of a put crawl ending in the group of us crashing at someone's place and watching movies and having a laugh, so as you can imagine I can't wait. Free drinks for those who go out in full Jedi robes.[/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE=Ver2.0]Wish granted you are now Lain's friend rite b4 she died so that means you be dead :animedepr I wish I had a GITS box set :animesmil[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Bam, you now have a Ghost in the Shell box set, unfortunately the night before you received said box set thieves broke into your house and stole all your media equipment leaving you to merely stare at the pretty box art. I wish I spoke every language fluently. [/SIZE]
  12. [QUOTE=Leon Fury][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]would you have the soundtrack of your life be played by: 1. an orchestra or 2. a bunch of your favorite artists ? thank you for your time. Leon Fury[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Personally I'm a sucker for Classical music, that and some of the best movie soundtracks are made up of mostly orchestral pieces, so obviously enough I'm going for orchestra. [B] Would you rather lose consciousness every time you even thought about sex ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather be unable to lose consciousness for at least two hours every time you thought about sex ? [/B] Given that most people supposedly think about sex every two minutes it's an interesting choice.[/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE=Ver2.0]Well if i had a gf then I'd chosse friend because it'd be kinda weird to find my parents...yea definetly friend plus I could punch my friend out :animesmil drown or suffocate?(aren't these such nice and happy questions)[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Well both are simply asphyxiation, but honestly I have a pathological fear of drowning, as it nearly happened once before, so I'll go with suffocation for the simple reason I might be less fearful in my last moments. [B]Spend the rest of your life as a couch-potato ?[/B] Or [B]Miss every TV show you ever wanted to see but live a completely healthy life ?[/B][/SIZE]
  14. [quote name='Yoda']Boba Fett's biggest asset has always been his cunning and intelligence, not the small armoury he wears over his body. In any situation I have witnessed him in, save the Sarlacc incident, he always has several tricks up his sleeve. You can guarantee that he would know of Grievous, his temperament and personality, and be able to manipulate him accordingly. Grievous' legend was made due to his sheer ruthlessness and bloodlust, not through any strategic genius, and so I'm sure if and when they did fight, Boba would have a trap set for Grievous, and he would walk right into it, as so many have done before him. I liken it to Fett's rivalry with Bossk. Not saying that Bossk is in the same league as Grievous, but they are both characters physically superior to Fett who operate on anger and rage, and no-one was better at turning this against Bossk than Fett. Against Grievous, I'm confident it would simply go the same way.[/quote] [SIZE=1]While I agree with you Craig that in any situation where preplanning was available, Fett would certainly have a few tricks stashed up those gauntlets of his, in a straight battle Grievous would butcher him rather badly. Boba Fett is basically an ARC, perhaps even more than an ARC, and Grievous was more than capable of slaughtering them by himself. In relation to the General's own mental state, yes his transformation into a cyborg left him more violent than before, but even still he was known to be a tactical and strategic genius well matching Boba Fett, although granted his area of expertise is more linked to large scale battles than single combat. All that said, Grievous can wield up to six lightsabers at any given time, Fett can't use any, my money is still hands down on Grievous for a quick and decisive win.[/SIZE] [quote name='Yoda']As for Fett fighting a Sith Lord... well it's fairly well documented that Fett has battled Darth Vader some time between ANH and ESB. Now, I don't know the specifics of the battle, but judging by the fact that Fett is alive in ESB shows that he was competent enough to at least survive a bout against one of the galaxies most famous Sith. Having said that, if he fought Sidious, it would be a different story. Sith Lightning - lightsaber or Yoda's power = crispy Boba. Plus, the last time I checked, metal is a conductor of electricity... and I don't think that Mandalorian battle armour is made of rubber.[/quote] [quote name='Wookiepedia][FONT=Trebuchet MS']Later, Darth Vader hired Fett to capture an Imperial named Abal Karda. On Maryx Minor, Vader arrived to end the deal and take the prisoner himself. Fett, still under contract, wanted the bounty, and the pair fought. The two battled until Vader turned his attention away from Fett momentarily, at which point Fett debated executing him, but decided against it, due to the fact that if he did, the Empire would trouble him to no end. Thus, the fight ended in a draw, and the two set aside their differences.[/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]I still have trouble believing Vader was in a position where Fett could have killed him, but these seem to be the facts of the situation. Still I'm inclined to agree with The Boss' sentiment that defeating Vader's straightforward assault is one thing, but the martial prowess of a competent Master is quite another. [/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]It's still open Phobia, although sadly I get the feeling interest in it may have waned. In answer to your question about the sign up requirements, you'll be asked to give two sample character posts from the split ages your character exists in. The first will be set just before the battle described in the opening of the RPG, and the second will be set in the aftermath of them discovering they are actually immortal. The setting of the actual RPG will be over a few different time periods dealt through different "chapters" which will include certain characters but exclude others. You may choose whichever age your character is reborn into, although please refrain from making mention of their previous life as no immortal has such knowledge. Hope that answered everything. [/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]I swear, every time LucasArts makes an announcement I look at the stuff I've already bought from them and feel ripped-off, and sadly this latest one is no different. Yep like millions of other dedicated fans I bought the Original Trilogy Special Edition DVD boxset back when they were released and now find out that had I waited a year or two, could have got the new editions and theatrical versions together, which I have no doubt will also be released as a boxset eventually. God help us all when Lucas decides to release the New Trilogy for the ninth time that features the ability to erase Jar Jar from The Phantom Menace... As for the earlier question about whether or not Boba Fett would be able to defeat Grievous, well the reason Grievous' chest plates were more visible were because of an earlier battle with Mace Windu and Obi Wan's literally tearing them further open. In a straight battle, I reckon Grievous would make mince meat of Fett, I'm a Boba Fett and Clone Trooper fan, but in fairness let's not have flights of fancy here. As for Fett versus a Sith Lord, well if Grievous would have killed him, then I'd hate to see the poor SOB after a Sith Lord was finished with him. [/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Honestly I don't really mind, I think taking in all the Arena would actually make my job easier as I have more material to fill the article with. Unfortunately my phoneline and connection have been nuked at the moment so I won't be able to write up anything until they're fixed, which should hopefully be tomorrow.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]I'd prefer to change to a fortnightly edition as the Adventure Inn and the Square generally don't change a whole pile in a single week and makes writing a decent article quite challenging. Since it wasn't answered last time I asked, I'll ask again, am I do report on the whole Arena or just the Adventure duo ? [/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE=silver_blade]*Super Magic Neko-neko Pretty Sprinkles Sugar Attack!!!!* With the magic words, your wish has been granted. Reno is 20 miles away instead of 50. Unfortunately, it is 20 miles underground, making it impossible to reach, as well as making everyone who was in the city suffocate. Those poor prostitues and casinos. I wish could have the perfect cosplay costume from any series to wear whenever I wished.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1] BAM, you now have those perfect costumes to wear whenever you wish, the only trouble is that you're now a doll, the costumes are doll-sized and person who owns you enjoys dressing you up in whatever outfits you've always found revolting. Being a doll you can't complain and a forced to endure the horror until forgotten about and left to gather dust and grow slowly insane. I wish we all lived in Solo Tremaine's OB: Enter the Net world. [/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE=Dbzman26]Would you rather eat your on poop...or Eat somebody elses poop?[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'm very tempted to say that it's all the same crap, but from a purely immune system point of view you're better off to eat your own waste as opposed to someone else?s, construe my answer from there as you wish, although it should be rather obvious. [B]Would you rather take a bullet for a friend ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather have an enemy take a bullet for you ?[/B] This one's not as clear cut as you might think.[/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]Refresh my memory Gavin, did the immortals in the Highlander series' heal at an advanced rate? And either way, is that going to be the case in this RPG? I'd just like to know before I expand this idea I have.[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]That's actually a very good question Corey, and honestly I don't have a definitive answer for you, my gut instinct says yes that Immortals would heal at an accelerated rate as we can see from the first movie where not only does the character Kurgan nearly have his head lopped off only to later suffer from a mild scratchiness in his voice, to Connor McLeod being repeatedly stabbed and suffering no ill effect. It's entirely possible that non-"mortal" wounds for Immortals don't heal any faster than a mortal's would but that they are simply unaffected by them but for the purpose of the RPG I'm going to say that yes, Immortals does heal faster than normal humans.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Desbreko]:stfu: [color=#4B0082]I prefer spiky leather kthxbai.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Great, I might as well just delete those revealing photos of myself as a Roman gladiator...[/SIZE]
  23. [quote name='shinji172']I wish my arms were 1 inch longer.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Bam, sadly in lengthening your arms by once inch you've had your legs decreased by an inch now leaving you with a distinct ape-like hunched shuffle, not only this but the surgeon in question did such a terrible job that a month after the operation all your limbs fall off and you're left to bleed to death shouting for aid when nobody will come. I wish I could heal people by touch.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. As much as I was tempted to simply declare the Pokémon franchise dead and in the hands of greedy, soulless bastards, there are as most people would agree simple ways of improving the TV show dramatically. Most of those including ditching those Team Rocket buffoons and replacing them with a genuinely malevolent organisation, upping the maturity level of the show to something reminiscent of normality and not this utopian crap we've had forced down our throats for long enough. I mean how many times has Ash suffered electric shocks and burns that would incinerate a normal person ? Can the little gobshite finally move on and be recognised as a Pokémon master or at least a decent trainer who finally moves on to the next plateau of skill. I think generally as Lady K pointed out it's the irritatingly stereotypical nature of both the characters and plots than really begin to irk people after a while, yes I realise than in order to enter the Pokémon League he has to beat the eight or so Gym Leaders of that region and while those episodes are usually somewhat entertaining it's the mindless good-feel episodes that make up the rest of the season that just plain annoys the hell out of me, yes Team Rocket want Pikachu, they steal Pikachu, Pikachu is retrieved and Team Rocket blown away and yet for some strange reason they're not arrested afterwards, even when there is a police officer present. I mean how many times can these guys blatantly break the law and get away with it, I swear the cops are as incompetent as the villains. Scrap the major characters, in fact scrap the whole damn world and come back with something a little more mature, more realistic and with better pro and antagonists. Need a hint, watch Zoids and take some notes. In terms of improving the Pokémon games series, well I must admit I've always quite enjoyed them, however as has been said there's really only so many times you can repackage the same thing and hand it to people before they start raising eyebrows. I mean the change from Red & Blue to Silver & Gold was huge, night/day, new 'mon, competitions and the ability to go and replay Red/Blue again at higher levels. Then they release Sapphire and Ruby, remove a lot of the major improvements, night and day being the big one in my mind and give you these ridiculous Pokémon competitions, which suck tremendously and ask you to pay ?50 for it, thanks but no thanks. You want to improve to videogames, well bring back night and day, add a hell of a lot of new features that will actually make it look something like an RPG including having to do some quests for people and maybe even something as simple as being able to buy better equipment on the whole instead of just Pokéballs and potions, be able to buy a house, hell be able to grow older. I mean it's not rocket science, just go out and actually ask professional gaming journalists what they think would help, seriously I know it sounds weird, but spending money improving a product usually has the strange repercussion of improving sales and they go in tandem, so improve away Nintendo and return not until you've done so. [/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.[/SIZE] [quote name='PaganAngel']I wish there was a mall in my town.[/quote] [SIZE=1][In a Futurama's Elzar-like motion] Bam your wish has been granted but unfortunately your new mall's quaint shopping tunes are in fact subliminal messages ordering you to spend all your cash in their crap overpriced shops, a week later after selling all your worldly possessions to by a bad IKEA knock-off you develop pneumonia and die, life's really shite for some I guess. I wish I was a Jedi.[/SIZE]
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