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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I recall how funny I found it the first time around Bill, this time however I find myself simply agreeing with nearly every sentiment in regard to the English language, however I do demand that English-Ireland be kept in the Microsoft system as there are several Irish terms which have been introduced into the speaking language of the people here. That and your filthy third-generation German monarchy will keep their hands away from my lovely little homeland while I'm not around to defend it properly. After all if the third in line to the throne can go about wearing a Nazi uniform, there's no telling what he might do should he manage to become Kaiser. For all of you who didn't seem to get the joke, have a look at the date on which the thread was posted and then smack that head of yours hard against the nearest heavy blunt object.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. As I already said in the Suggestions and Feedback Forum, I think this is a fascinating little idea but wasn't sure how well it would work out in practice, but seeing the actual "[I]newspaper[/I]" I think's worked out really well. All you need now is a few specialists for the different forums to give their own personal perspectives on the goings-on and we'll be in business.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. It sounds like a fascinating idea Nomura and I'd love to see how it'd work out if you actually manage to get it up and running, my only concern is that if you rely on different people writing different articles then you'd have to make sure everyone's submissions were in before posting the next edition of the "newspaper". Still I am intrigued by the idea and will most certainly keep an eye on it. [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]I've no problems with our characters being acquaintances Jamie, in fact for the purposes of the story it does make sense. [CENTER]----------[/CENTER] "[B]Neill! It?s Esther?I really need to talk to you.[/B]" Neill nearly dropped the phone when he'd heard the voice on the other side, "[B]Not now, not now[/B]" he whispered silently to himself, everything was too weird at the moment. He'd been sitting on his bed in complete silence simply watching the stars twirl around his ceiling, in normal circumstances they'd have been little luminescent patches stuck against the plaster, but the stars he'd been staring at in his darkened bedroom were actual stars [I]he'd[/I] created and left simply hanging in the air. He'd watched them twinkle for the better part of an hour, there was no heat off them, only light, which he knew was another aspect of his powers he'd unintentionally put to use. "[B]I'll meet you outside the library in ten minutes...[/B]" His room seemed so different now, maybe in other subconscious ways he'd been altering his surroundings, or maybe it was just his perceptions were now somehow expanded since he'd been given these new power. Good little Catholic boy Neill Gratzner was now in possession of the Almighty's powers, he could bend reality as it suited him, he could cure poverty and famine in a thought, but right now he had to think of the consequences. With a wave of his hands, the stars he'd created winked out of existence, he wondered silently to himself if this is how God had created the Universe, and if in a similar manner he'd end it. Still Esther had called him, she sounded so worried, what could be wrong ? He grabbed his jacket and roughly threw it over his shoulders, he barely knew Esther outside of school, but she seemed nice enough at times. "[B]What made her call me ?[/B]" Again the little voice in his head caused him to nearly stop in his tracks, it was a valid question, he'd only ever seen her at school and she'd always seemed to have a group of friends around her so it didn't make sense that she'd call him. "[B]Maybe she knows ?[/B]" It was more like a hoarse whisper this time, but it was enough to leave Neill frozen at the bottom of the staircase with his hand only millimeters away from the front door. "[B]She couldn't...[/B]" He tried to reassure himself but for all his efforts they seemed futile, as he opened the door he last thought was he'd find out everything when he arrived at the library...[/SIZE]
  5. [QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]Would you rather go to an anime gathering, or a video game gathering?[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]This one is an easy choice for me, I've not watched Anime in about four years where as I'm still a big videogame game and the oppertunity to go to something like E3, which is what I assume you meant by gathering, is too good to pass up. [B]Would you rather play an awesome videogame classic like Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past ? [/B] Or [B]Would you rather play an average but graphically astonishing new videogame ?[/B][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Yep that's Army of Darkness.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Border disputes seem to be becoming much more common nowadays, although more accurately it would seem to have to do with illegal immigrants seeking low-wage employment. In a fair majority of cases these people are the only ones who'll work the minimum wage, long houred jobs that most normal people will avoid like the plague. The problem lies in the fact that if too many of these people enter a country, then eventually those people who were already employed in low wage positions could lose their jobs over the fact these immigrants will work longer for less. Currently in Ireland there's massive debate over our immigrant policy due to the fact Ireland is simply too small to be able to accommodate the flood of asylum seekers and illegal immigrants we're getting. That said however I think the onus needs to be on the governments of these immigrants to clean up their own acts, as opposed to relying on other nations to take in those who want a better life. A citizens first duty should always be to make his/her nation a better place for the future generations.[/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9944ff][font=magneto][size=3]Would you rather [center][b]watch the dumbest movie ever made or Watch the scariest movie ever made?[/center][/b] And Gavin thanks again. I decided that no matter how nice he acts other times not sharing some major beliefs of mine is not something I could deal with[/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Again you're most welcome Chibi, you're always welcome to any help I can provide. As for your set of choices, I loathe horror movies more than any other genre in creation, so the choice for me is not truly a choice at all, stupid movies will always be those who have preference over scary ones. [b]Would you rather take $10,000 straight cash with no obligation to pay back ?[/b] Or [b]Would you risk that $10,000 on a double or nothing game of chance where you have 50/50 chance of winning ? [/b] [/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]I just have to mention that I instantly recognized the SMB movie shot without even noticing the Koopa sign. Am I lame or what? lol Too bad I'm a few days too late, though.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]No, because if you're lame then I'm lame for recognising it straight off as well, even if it's been about seven or eight years since I last saw it. It could have been Judge Dredd or possibly Fifth Element given that particular shot minus the Koopa sign. [/SIZE]
  10. Gavin

    X-Men 3

    [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Personally I'm not looking forward to the next X-Men film as much as I did the last one, there was just a fair bit about X-Men 2 I didn't like, mainly in response to the plotline and a lot of the acting seemed artificial. However given that Kelsey Grammar is playing Beast I should hope that his performance will capture the true soul of the character. I'm off to the cinema tonight, so hopefully I might catch an X-Men 3 trailer.[/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE=Alchemist1080]My turn. would you rather.. Take a .50 caliber sniper rifle to the head or be stabbed in the head by a hunting knife Enjoy[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]An interesting set of choices, but I'm going to go with the .50 caliber rifle shot for the simple fact I'd probably feel nothing before the bullet hits. With a knife wound the chances are good there was a bit of fighting involved before he/she finally drove the blade down through my skull. [B]Would you rather spend one month in the desert with all the supplies to keep you alive ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather spend one month in the tundra with all the supplied to keep you alive ?[/B][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Usually it's a five day period before the right to post a caption is conceded, so Neil still has until April 1st to post his caption, though knowing Neil he's waiting until Fools Day to post a truly brilliant one. [/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE=Shinjitsu][color=dodgerblue][b]Would you rather be eaten alive by ants[/b] or [b]Be stung to death by bees?[/b] :D[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Damn that's a nasty set of choices, die from having your system overloaded with toxins, or die from being slowly eaten alive by tiny insects. There really is no better choice for this one, but having been both stung by bees and biten by ants, I'll go with the bee one simply because I reckon you'd die from the toxins faster than you would from being slowly consumed. [B]Would you rather watch your father die ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather watch your mother die ? [/B] [/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE=Raphael][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Anyway, would you rather... [i]Candy[/i] or [i]Cake[/i] I just want to relieve this thread from all-serious choices for a while. :D[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Honesty that would depend of the cake, if someone offered me Black Forest Gateau then there's no way I'm not taking it. [B]Would you rather get kicked in the groin by accident ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather get punched in the gut by accident ?[/B][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I have noticed that generally these threads inevitably transform from people simply explaining what they practice what faith they do, or in the cases of atheists don't, to someone leveling off a barely cloaked insult at the other side on the fence and the topic becomes a debate on which is correct. Unfortunately for all those involved this topic of debate has been going on long before we were born and will go on long after we've died, because people of any background who hold any belief firmly will not change simply because you spell out your reasons for not believing. I'm a practicing Roman Catholic, I go to Mass every Sunday unless I am unable to, I'm confess my sins given the opportunity and I try to live by the example laid down by Christ, his Apostles and now the Pontiff and the clergy. While there are those in modern society who's beliefs I don't agree with, I'm happy to let them choose their own path in life, God gave each of us the burden of choice and when I stand before Him I can only be answerable for my own sins.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]An interesting addition to Crime of Hate Jamie, personally I'd consider this a kind of half chapter to be used as a bridging piece onto the next part which may ultimately reveal who our villain is. The final few lines about Sakura's realisation on where she is really does help build up the suspense, as usual your writings have us left hanging on the edge of our seats.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.[/SIZE] [quote name='Ziggy Stardust][FONT=Times New Roman]Honestly, this whole thing is a tad... juvenile.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]My thoughts exactly. While I agree that science is not the only way to look at the greater universe around us, to claim the existence of dragons, magic and monsters despite any conclusive evidence is a bit preposterous. Granted there are certain things I believe in as a practicing Catholic that aren't proven by science, such as the existence of God for one, but as a person with a great respect for science and it's achievements I accept that certain parts of the bible are required with a pinch of salt, so to speak, such as Genesis. Science is merely the search for the truths of the universe, nothing more, nothing less. If it disproves something conclusively, then it is fact, plain and simple. Science poses a threat only to that which is untrue, so anyone who considers science a threat mires themselves in that which is untrue.[/SIZE]
  18. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=magneto]Gavin I think you inadvertantly solved a problem I was having... thanks.[/color'][/font][/quote] [SIZE=1]Your welcome, just glad to be of service to someone lately.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Shinjitsu][color=dodgerblue]If you were a criminal, what would you rather be charged for? A) Break & enter, plus theft and vandalism on the side or B) Grand Theft Auto and Speeding Tickets...?[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Having played copious amounts of [B]Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[/B] at my cousins recently, I'd definitely go with the latter. Of course chances are I'll never go either of them, but I'd prefer to whip down a high way at 160 Kmph listening to the radio than breaking into so old dude's home. [B]Would you rather save your brother/sister depending on gender, from execution by assuming his/her identity ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather have your brother/sister depending on gender, save you from execution by assuming your identity.[/B][/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE=Jokopoko][color=teal][size=1][i]Edit:[/i] I've just had a thought. Instead of this being about an expedition from Earth discovering Excalibur and all this and the fact I would like to use a City akin to Altantis how does this sound: We are the group of Ancients that went off to the Phoenix galaxy, you could say that Pegasus wasn't the only place the Ancients "fled" too with this plauge [Though technically we're not fleeing.] So its like Gavin's old SG RP where we were playing Ancients who survived the plauge but rather than being in the Milky Way we've taken our City to a new galaxy where we'd build new Gates and establish a whole new territoty, I think that it would make for a really good RP and we could work the idea of Excalibur in to it somehow, so opinions on this idea?[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Being completely honest with you Bill, I think it's not such a great idea. While my last Stargate RPG gave people the option to play as an Ancient/Alteran, I think I underestimated how difficult it is to actually roleplay as one, because in essence we will be the ultimate power in our galaxy which won't lead to many challenges. The Alterans were the most advanced race in what appeared to be several galaxies, so the chances that we would encounter another enemy we wouldn't be unable to defeat is unlikely. Personally I preferred your original idea that we were humans from the Phoenix Galaxy that evolved and had just started their own "SGC" styled organisation after coming upon the Excalibur and the Alteran City. At the end of the day Bill it is your decision and I'll join either way as I've been looking forward to a good Stargate RPG, but playing Alterans is a risky venture. [/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9944ff][font=lucida handwriting]Okay this should be easy Would you rather: [center]Be in love but give up your beliefs or Never be in love but still have your beliefs?[/center] I couldn't think of anything else[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Tough one, honestly I'd look at that as a spiritual test, can my faith be bought for something. In all honesty I'd rather have my faith and be alone, which if I do enter the clergy could be a real possibility, than give it up for knowing love. [B]Would you rather find complete spiritual contentment ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather find complete emotional contentment ?[/B][/SIZE]
  21. Gavin


    [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. As has already been stated, the DragonBall Z forum is a Read-Only Archive, however as I recall there should be a dedicated DragonBall Z thread to be found in the Anime Lounge. Just had a look, the thread can be found here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38679[/url][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. |[B]Sign Up[/B]| [B]Name:[/B] Matthew Murdoch [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Murdoch_1602.jpg]Matthew Murdoch[/url] circa 1602 [B]Powers:[/B] [[B]Will Edit[/B]] [B]Originally From:[/B] Ireland [B]Affiliation:[/B] Javier?s College for the Children of Gentlefolk [B]Known Family:[/B] [[B]Will Edit[/B]] [B]Personality:[/B] [[B]Will Edit[/B]] [B]Biography:[/B] [[B]Will Edit[/B]] Sorry about leaving all the "[I]Will Edits[/I]" Bill, but it's 1:47 AM here and I'm in dire need of rest, plus that Murdoch picture was murder to get right.[/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]Would you rather, kill your friend, or kill your brother (If you have one) or sis (If you have one)[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]In all honesty, I'd prefer to kill a friend against killing my own flesh and blood, family ties are nearly always deeper than those formed through friendship. That said I hope to God I'm never put in that situation. [B]Would you rather be a famous celebrity, rich beyond need and known to billions but alone in your heart ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather be a good parent with loving children and a loving husband/wife but only ever be remembered by those people and your friends ?[/B] I suppose that question boils down to fame or family. [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. As I said in my sign up, a fascinating little RPG Jamie, I hope to be able to finish off my sign up sometime in the next day or so, but as I said before my Internet time is severely limited nowadays. Still I look forward to going all Jedi on these Satan worshipping fools.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I'm afraid at the moment, my Internet time is simply not sufficient to be able to role-play with any kind of consistency which will unfortunately be the case for the next week at least. To be fair to everyone else who has signed up, I'm going to request my Wario character be the first to "get the sack" so to speak, as I just don't have time at the moment to commit to this project. Again my sincere apologies to White and everyone else for having to drop out.[/SIZE]
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