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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE=1]"[b]This hunter's tactic of gradually lulling his prey into a false sense of security seems to have backfired...[/b]"[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Sorry about this everyone but I'm afraid I'm going to have to drop out of Firespark: Virgil due to time constraints. Again my sincere apologies to Blayze and everyone else.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well I haven?t read the previous thread so I?m not really 100% clear on the situation, you and your boyfriend broke up but were still sleeping together and he has a new girlfriend at this point in time ? You?re still friends with him and vice-versa, but his girlfriend doesn?t want to be anywhere near you because you?re the ex and she?s threatened by that, to the point where she makes a dramatic exit like a weirdo. He says that he?ll dump her if you two don?t get on because your friendship is more important to him that this girls bed skills. But you feel that you have to ask her permission in case you make a move on him because you still have reminiscent feelings from him. Personally I don?t see a problem here but then again I?m looking at this from the male perspective, if you think you would be put into a situation where you and he would get back together then I suggest you tell him that you still have feelings for him. He obviously holds you dearer to him that her so chances are he?ll come out on your side, as for her, what she thinks doesn?t matter, your ex is his own person and if he wants to hang out with you then damn her. Really you just need to accept that it?s over with him and that you can still be friends despite his obnoxious girlfriend. Hope that helped.[/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS]I'd take Master Yoda any day of the week. Getting my arms pulled off by a sore-loser Wookie would hurt a lot more, and take a lot longer, than duelling the little green dude. Beat the Wookie at dejarik: slow-ish painful death with much crunching of bones, blood, etc etc. Duel Master Yoda: "Where'd he go? Wait, why am I at the Pearly Gates?" My head would be off before you could say "Strong with this one, the Force is". Plus, I'd have a great story to tell all my new winged, harp-playing buddies. I'd have to assume the events leading up to my duelling Yoda were pretty interesting. My death story would trump all theirs![/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Yep I'd have gone with Yoda too, being dismembered slowly by a Wookie would be the far less pleasing method of demise. Plus as you said your death story would beat everyone elses, save those others killed by Yoda in duels.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS]Okay, inspiration's a bit dry right now... Would you rather [i]get hopelessly drunk by drinking twenty beers (your choice of brand) [/i]or [i]get hopelessly drunk by drinking a few speedy shots of your spirit of choice? [/i]You get legless either way; the choice is in the journey to happy-land... [/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Probably go with the beers are you'd have more time for conversation before the inability to form coherent speech set in, getting drunk quickly in not the basis of a good night for me. [B]Would you rather go home with the most beautiful women you'd ever seen and the next morning find out she's a distant relative ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather go home with a decent looking woman with no family consequences ? [/B] Oh Christmas Dinner would be interesting with that first one.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Another solid chapter Jamie, I don't know why you feel the need to think that all of your latest chapters are sub-par, because they're certainly not from where I'm sitting. I think the interaction between Ezekiel and Xion is natural and fits with the overall tone of the plot, as well as that we're finally seeing this villain torture his victims rather than just makes his little soliloquies over the detectives finding a new body. I know it sounds somewhat gruesome but I rather look forward to seeing what happens next.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Fascinating to hear you're writing a Stargate fanfic Chibi, you'll have to let us all read it chapter by chapter when you've finished it. As one half of OtakuBoard's resident Stargate fanatics, the other being Bill [Jokopoko], I'd be glad to help you with any aspect of the fanfic itself, although having been away from home the last few weeks I've missed the newest episodes of Season Nine. Anyway here's a new Internet links that might prove useful to you if you haven't already found them. [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_SG-1[/url] [url]http://www.gateworld.net/[/url] [url]http://www.stargate-sg1-solutions.com/[/url] [url]http://www.stargate-tech.net/[/url] All these links and more can be found via the Wiki page. Hope it's of some help Chibi. Any other questions, feel free to drop me a PM.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I seriously can't believe how kickass the layout for the Nifties are, fairplay to Retri, Delta and everyone else who was involved in creating the finished product. You guys seriously all deserve Nifties for the shite you've been put through to get this finished for everyone else to appreciate, so three cheers for all of you. Personally I'm still in a state of shock that not only was I nominated by some many great people, but that I actually got a Nifty when honestly there are many more deserving people who spring straight to mind, Jamie/Ezekiel for one. Originally I started up "[I]Interesting, most interesting[/I]" as a kind of tribute to the silver screen's greatest villain in a way that fit OB, then when I continued using it at the start of every thread I reply to it became a kind of habit but took on a new meaning when I saw others use it. In the end I guess like the Mod Rods and Plushies, it's become a small bit of OtakuBoards lore. Again serious thanks to all of you who nominated me, this really is the greatest honour that can be bestowed on an Oldie like me.[/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE=SlowChemical][SIZE=1][B][U]Which do you prefer?[/U][/B] [B]Being able to get what you want and more, yet someone had to die for you to have it[/B] Or [B]Being able to have nothing at all and suffer forever because of it (No death is caused by this...)[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Whew tough choices, either live a magnificent life at the cost of potentially a child, or have a horrific existence until the end of time because you couldn't make that choice. Personally I'm going with the one death, as eventually you'd be able to do enough good to hopefully overcome the guilt. [B]Would you rather fight Yoda in a lightsaber duel to the death ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather win in a game of dejarik against an anti-social Wookie [/B] ? Dejarik for all you non-Star Wars enthusiasts was the game Chewie and R2 played on the Falcon leading to the infamous "Let the Wookie win" quote.[/SIZE]
  9. [QUOTE=SlowChemical][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1][U]Which you perfer?[/U]: [B]Dying by the hands of your father/mother?[/B] or [B]Dying by the hands of your lover?[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]The vast majority of ones I've answered have to do with having a current girlfriend/boyfriend, so being single makes them wicked easy. I'll definitely go with the latter. [B]Would you rather live for a year without your favourite food ?[/b] Or [b]Would you rather be force-fed your least favourite food for a week ?[/b][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. This is a really fascinating project Hittokiri, although personally I think Adult Link would probably be a higher rated card with better stats, maybe use Young Link as the lower rated card, eventually building up to the final incarnation as Fierce Deity Link. Anyway my rambling aside I'd love to see this project continue further with some magic and trap cards as well as the monster ones you've designed.[/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]Being rich but unhappy or Being a bum but happy[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'd probably go with being rich and unhappy, as being a bum would utterly suck regardless of whether or not you'd find some enjoyment between your bottles of booze in their brown paper bag. [B]Would you rather get a bear hug from a Wookie ?[/b] Or [B]Listen to Jar-Jar Binks recite Gungan poetry ?[/b][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. If you've posted more than the 33 your account says you have, then chances are you other posts have been deleted because the threads they were in were deleted at some point. Over the last few months, different people, myself included have noticed that either they've lost or gained posts either through old threads being deleted or restored. However given that your account was created nearly two and a half years ago, it's quite likely your missing extra posts were deleted at some stage.[/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Indigo][B]Would you rather be with your true love even if it meant you would die in a week?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather never know love but live a long life?[/B] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Call me a hopeless romantic, but living a long life without having ever known love is not life at all, just existence. I'd rather live for only a week than exist for a century. [B]Would you rather for an entire day go shoe shopping with your girlfriend ? [If you're male]/ Go see a documentary about the history of football ? [If you're female] [/B] Or [B]Would you rather spend fifteen minutes doing the above completely naked in broad daylight ?[/B][/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]heres another one guys enjoy :D The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters. Can you figure out how? have fun :D[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'm going to hazard a guess with [spoiler]CD. When you put the C and the D side by side them look a bit like a behind, which "CAN" is another name for. Then you just have the D signifying "DY". A complete guess but I just don't see any other way to shorten it, plus who whole "guy's enjoy" seems to suggest something along those lines.[/spoiler] [/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I spent about ten minutes trying to figure out what my theme song would be, before finally just settling on [B]Thin Lizzy[/B]'s "The Boys Are Back in Town". Not only is it a great song with a superb rhythm to it, but the band is Irish and acknowledged as one of the forefathers of hard rock.[/size] [CENTER][FONT=Trebuchet MS][U][B]The Boys Are Back in Town[/B][/U] Guess who just got back today? Those wild-eyed boys that had been away Haven?t changed, haven?t much to say But man, I still think those cats are great They were asking if you were around How you was, where you could be found I told them you were living downtown Driving all the old men crazy The boys are back in town You know the chick that used to dance a lot Every night she?d be on the floor shaking what she?d got Man when I tell you she was cool, she was red hot I mean she was steaming That night over at Johnny?s place Well this chick got up and she slapped Johnny?s face Man we just fell about the place If that chick don?t want to know, forget her Friday night they?ll be dressed to kill Down at Dino?s bar and grill The drink will flow and blood will spill If the boys want to fight, you?d better let them That jukebox in the corner blasting out my favorite song The nights are getting warmer, it won?t be long It won?t be long till summer comes Now that the boys are here again The boys are back in town[/FONT][/CENTER]
  16. [QUOTE=ZeroRagnarok][font=Times New Roman][color=Red]would you like to rather be tied to a chair that's bolted to the ground watching the show you dread the most for a week, [/color][/font][center][font=Times New Roman][color=Red]or [/color][/font][left][font=Times New Roman][color=Red]find out that your GF/BF has been cheating on you for over 3 weeks?[/color][/font] [/left] [/center][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Tough one, depends really on how close you are to your current girlfriend/boyfriend. Personally as I'm single at the moment I'll go with the cheating one, as you could either take out your frustration by kicking his [the guy she's cheating on you with] *** or just go out and return the favour. Would you rather died by explosion ? Or Would you rather die by implosion ?[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I don't think I'm obsessed with any one particular song at the moment, as my cousin has been kind enough to let me flick through his iPod and listen to the buckets of his tracks he has on it. Currently however one I find myself going back over a fair bit is Tom Cochrane's "[B]Life is a Highway[/B]", I don't know what it is about the song that keeps me coming back but there's just something addictive about it.[/SIZE]
  18. Gavin


    [QUOTE=Shy][size=1]theOtaku.com actually did have a chat room for any number of years. I think Kitty was one of the moderators of the thing, bless her little heart. For a site that promotes quality and coherency so much I guess it made little sense to have that silly IRC. If you ever experienced that chat for yourself you would know exactly why it has been discontinued. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]My thoughts exactly, if we had a chat room we'd be as well off to just abandon half [B]The Prefecture[/B] as it serves the same function as a chat room, well except in a chat room you can't really control the flow of conversation. And as Des said 99% of OtakuBoards members use AIM, so getting to know people via IM and our many mad chats is as good as having our own OB chat. [/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE=SlowChemical][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1] The person in the Barney suit hug you? or Hearing Barney sing is devil songs over and over again?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]That?s on obvious one, when that foam-wearing bastard opens his arms to give you that hug, your knee should jerk forward sharply and leave him on the ground writhing in pain. Even if you couldn't do that, I'm no idea what "is devil songs" are so I'd just stick with the devil I know. [b]Would you debate Albert Einstein on his Theory of Relativity ?[/b] Or [b]Would you rather explain said theory to George Bush ?[/b][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Do we really need to go out and explore it in order to benefit humankind ? The answer is a simple and emphatic of course, for how many millennia did human gaze up at the stars and desire to know what was out there ? How many different cultural benefits have come from just staring at those little white pinpricks in the night sky ? Art, philosophy, God knows how many religions ? Now imagine if we could actually look at a world thousands of light-years away that looked like Earth, that same blue and white jewel in the heavens. How many people would say that space exploration is unnecessary ? None. At the moment, despite the general perception, our space exploration abilities are still in their infancy and like any infants they will continue to grow and expand and our children will see the fruits of our labours. As for the finance used up by the likes of NASA and the ESA, there are innumerable other projects across the globe in which similar amounts of money are spend for far less noble ends. Nuclear weapons research anyone ? Sure we could shut down every space exploration agency across the planet, take all their funds and plough them into charities and aid organizations and we'd find that the cost of bettering the entire human race is far, far more than exploring space. Not to sound cynical but unless the change to better themselves come from the aid receivers, nothing changes. All too often the rampant corruption in those nations eats up a fair portion of the aid, more is spent on pointless wars between these countries and finally a small bit might drip down to those who need it most. As for the process of terraformation, [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terraformation[/url]. Read the Wiki article and understand that it's not all just science fiction. I must admit of all the threads I could make my two-thousandth post in, I'm quite glad it's this one. [/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. As has already been stated by the general consensus, the fact that oil will run out eventually does not mean the end of the world, simply the end of the world's dependency on oil. God above how many people said when the car was first introduced that it would never catch on, how many scientists theorised that a single nuclear explosion could ignite the atmosphere and incinerate the entire planet. Oil will run out, that is a fact, however given many developed nations are even now not wholly dependant on it for fuel means that in fifty years time when technology is even more advanced we'll be even less dependant if not altogether unnecessary. This "the oil is running out" as Des stated is very reminiscent of Y2K, as I recall a scientific journal published a few months ago that certain plants could be genetically engineered to produce plastic. Synthetic manufacturing practices and alternate fuels, Nuclear Fusion under the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITER][b]ITER[/b][/url] project for instance will eventually become commonplace. Until we reach the days where Mad Max becomes a reality, there's no point in doing the Chicken Little act and panicking. [/SIZE]
  22. [QUOTE=jigglyness]listen to gwen stafani's "hollaback girl" straight for a month OR getting stabed over and over in the leg with a sharpened pipe for a whole week?[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'll go with the former rather than the latter, although it's not specified whether or not you're listening to Gwen's song all the time for a month or just a few times a day. Either way I've been stabbed in the leg before and it's a damn sight worse than having to listen to a bad pop song. [b]Would you rather kill the creator of Teletubbies ?[/b] Or [b]Would you rather kill the Teletubies themselves ?[/b][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. There's no real secret to the meaning behind my signature, like safetyjedigirl, it's all based on Star Wars, although most of it is taken from the Expanded Universe. The first segment is the final line of the Jedi Code, which personally I think has meaning for anyone who is religious like myself. The banner is taken from a piece of concept art from Knights of the Old Republic II, [spoiler]though that actual event never occurs because Atris is a hypocrite traitor who ought to have been killed on Katarr instead of Master Vandar.[/spoiler] The final line and the links are from a Star Wars RPG I created some time ago that never took off, although I'm actually in the process of revamping and relaunching it.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. [U][B]The Application[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Wario [B]Game:[/B] Wario Lands I-IV, Wario World, Wario Inc. and various cameos. [B]Portrait:[/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/ac/Wario.jpg[/IMG] [B]Experience:[/B] In his own humble opinion Wario has a knack for acquiring large amounts of gold through legal and extra-legal means. He is also immensely strong, capable of expelling even the most rough and tough opponents from his path with little effort. Despite rumour to the contrary, Wario is also very hardworking when the situation has called for it as well as being able to employ his vast intellect to problem solving exercises. [B]Reason:[/B] Like his younger sibling, Wario and Waluigi constantly argue over who was born first, Wario sees the Mario brothers new enterprise as the perfect method to destroy them from the inside and fill the spotlight once their fame has waxed. Unlike Waluigi however, who is primarily interested in Princess Daisy, Wario harbours dreams of finally avenging the wrongs done to him when he was younger by Mario. In his own mind, having to play the goody-goody to finally beat Mario completely is just the icing on the cake.[/SIZE]
  25. Gavin


    [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.[/SIZE] [quote name='Lady Katana][color=darkblue][size=1]Try to imagine what dial-up users would have through if we let users post music files in every single one of their posts.[/color'][/size][/quote] [SIZE=1]God in Heaven let's not even go there, I have enough trouble back home with just those RPGs and MyO sites that have their own MP3 tracks. Besides people can already used a variety of fonts and sizes, user titles and not to mention several million colours outside of those in the rainbow, I think we have enough personalisation as it is and individual music would simply be for personalisation.[/SIZE]
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