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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. 99% of what can be said on the morality of plagiarism has been said, if she was just tracing the images for her own enjoyment then there's nothing wrong with it, but as she's passing the work off as her own then it's akin to stealing. However seeing as you posted saying she's ceased her plagiarism then I guess there's nothing further to be done except try and prevent her from doing it in the future, that is if she doesn't wish to be considered a thief and charlatan.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.[/SIZE] [quote name='Kanariya][size=1][font=georgia][b]Living a life of physical torture for the good of the rest of the world, such as ending world hunger?[/b][/font'][/size][/quote] [SIZE=1]I'd definitely prefer to be tortured physically for the rest of my life knowing that my pain would save potentially billions of others than having to live with the fact that I killed my family and friends to save strangers. Reminds me of the quote from Charles Dicken's [B]A Tale of Two Cities[/B], "[I]It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.[/I]" [B]Would you starve yourself to death to save a stranger?[/B] Or [B]Would you starve a stranger to death to save yourself ?[/B] [b][Edit][/b] I considered changing stranger to best friend, but then the next person would probably have said they'd be noble and save their friend from long years of kinship. You know nothing about the stranger so it's a case is your need greater than his.[/SIZE]
  3. Gavin

    The Libertine

    [SIZE=1][b][url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Libertine_%282005_film%29[/url][/b] Here's the Wiki link for you Sweet-Pea, and it had a few other links to the Official Site and the like. I remember the film coming out in Ireland last year but I didn't bother going to see it as I didn't really have the time or the interest to spend about ten euro to see it. I think it's due out on DVD soon in Ireland but aside from that I don't really much. Is it only out near you know ?[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]"[B]Instead of donning her usual Nikes, Reiku chose an inferior brand thus condemning the entire group to Game Over when she was unable to escape. Remember, Just Do It ![/B]"[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Weirdest thing I've had for breakfast was a portion of homemade chicken curry in school, from Home Economics class in Transition Year. We had Home Ec first class on a Wednesday so people used to just skip breakfast and eat what you made in the class, one day we made chicken curry and it was one of the best breakfasts I had in a good while. Other weird ones include a Chicken Fillet Burger meal on Sunday from McDonalds and a Turkish Kebabs on holiday a few years ago.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.[/SIZE] [quote name='Sayuri-sama][size=2']okay heres one: in captivity i live, but set me free and i'll die.[/size][/quote] [SIZE=1][Spoiler]A goldfish in it's bowl ?[/spoiler] Seems to fit the parameters of the riddle.[/SIZE]
  7. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']I once looked up and down the first page of the Anime Lounge about five times, searching for a thread. Failing to find it, I had to resort to using the search function when it was, indeed, on the first page. So don't feel too bad.[/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]Same thing has happened to me a few times in The Arena, it's just something about when you're scrolling down through the dozens of threads looking for a certain one that you often overlook it. Still it is damn annoying when it happens.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]OK, having finally managed to get out of Hobart and away from my Aunt's crap Windows 98 Lotus software ridden heap of a PC, I should be able to start work on the final post of Red Team's current mission. Given that it's my Uncle's birthday today, it would be rather rude of me to spend the day writing the post so it'll be probably another day or two before I've it finished. [/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. [b]Name:[/b] Gavin Kane, now referred to usually as just Van. [b]Age:[/b] Mid 30s [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rank:[/b] None [b]Position:[/b] Soldier [b]Appearance:[/b] [ur=http://adventkane.250free.com/Pearce.jpg]Here[/url]. [[i]Will Edit Further[/i]] [b]Personality:[/b] [[i]Will Edit[/i]] [b]Short Bio:[/b] [[i]Will Edit[/i]] [b]Weapons:[/b] [[i]Will Edit[/i]] I'll try and finish this off as I can, but unfortunately my PC access here in Tasmania is not what you'd describe as wonderful.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well as I said when we spoke about the idea of a new Stargate idea, after sad failure of my last one despite some good sign ups. Anyway, my rambling aside I think either idea No. 1 or No. 3 would be the most plausable from an RPG point of view, with No. 2 we'd run the risk of having it simply become another Atlantis with a different enemy. However if I were asked to pick between 1 and 3, I'd go with 1 as it's simply the most interesting from the point of view of a potential RPG. As for the background behind this civilisation we could say that given their access to Alteran technology they have been unwilling to interact with the galaxy as a whole, as to prevent the proliferation of potentially apocalyptic weapons in the hands of idiots [[i]cough[/i]]McKay[[i]cough[/i]]. I mean there are several civilisations in the Milky Way at home who are rather advanced that Earth comes across every so often, it's not as if we'd be the only ones they've ever run into who have their own exploration program. [/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]"[B]Hey, any of you guys see me in Happy Gilmore or Doctor Dolittle 2 ? WTF you mean all 'gators look alike ? Oh I am so going to chew on your dumb *****...[/B]"[/SIZE]
  12. [quote name='Unborn Lord Xion][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Aizen smirked nastily and lifted his dual guns, obviously modeled off of Ebony and Ivory in Devil May Cry. [B]"I thought Star Wars was Gavin's schtick?"[/B][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1]It is, and had I been there I'd have shown exactly how many different ways one can perform emasculation with a lightsaber and but a flick of the wrist. All joking aside Trevor, an excellent chapter which adds to the suspence already building from the outset. It seems as well that I was mistaken in my guess of "Blue" or was it "Purple" ? Whichever is the female character, as hinted at in Aizen's brief err. [/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]"[B]Another reason why Got Milk ? ads should come with a health warning...[/B]"[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. A fascinating idea Blayze, it seems I'll have to work out some plausible way of closing down my pub and becoming one of their roughish bounty hunters, financial troubles due to massive health code violations perhaps ? Whatever the reason I'm definitely interested in joining a potential Firespark RPG. Oh also, seeing as I hadn't read the ending, thanks for spoiling it on me...[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Well it's been four days, and I fear the thread may be losing it's popularity. And as Zack was the only person to submit a caption, it seems obvious that I declare myself the winner and go again... Just kidding. [B]Rapture Ruckus[/B] wins this round due to mass forfeit.[/SIZE]
  16. Gavin

    Dead Like Me

    [SIZE=1][B][url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Like_Me[/url][/B] Well I've just checked Wiki, TV.com and IMDB and they all say that the show has ended. I hope they're wrong but seeing as the last episode was aired in 2004, chances are already has one foot in the grave, no pun intended. Still here's hoping if it is back that it scoots over to Ireland and the UK after I get back, so that I don't miss the season premiere.[/SIZE]
  17. Gavin

    Music Track Game

    [SIZE=1]Well they've probably cropped up before but what the hell... [B]1. Pick a Band or Artist: [/B] Linkin Park [B]2. Are you male or female:[/B] Nobody is Listening [B]3. Describe yourself:[/B] Breaking the Habit [B]4. How do some people feel about you:[/B] Numb [B]5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] Faint [B]6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] Figure.09 [B]7. Describe where you want to be:[/B] Somewhere I Belong [B]8. Describe how you love:[/B] From the Inside [B]9. What would you ask if you had just one wish:[/B] Easier to Run [B]10. Share a few words of wisdom:[/B] Hit the Floor [B]11. Now say goodbye:[/B] Don't Stay[/SIZE]
  18. [quote name='Charles']This poor automobile was weighed down more than Gavin's stunted sense of humor.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Touché mon ami.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Another fascinating chapter, although I must agree with Jamie when she says a little protagonistic development would be welcome. Though that said the villains in this are quite interesting as they each seem to have their own little methods and idiosyncracies. I really have no idea who the male villains could be, however I must admit the female of the trio reminds me of someone whom I'm quite well acquainted with. On with the next chapter, and death to all n00bs...[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]"[B]And with that the sedan reared up on it's back tires as the driver yelled a defiant Yeehaa...[/B]"[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Funny, considering I just declared Shinji the winner of the Lounge Picture Captioning contest. OK, let's see what I can dredge up this time...[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG] http://www.starwars.com/community/fun/caption/2004/03/img/caption134.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [SIZE=1]May the Force be with you.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Some truly funny captions guys. [I]In first place...[/I][/SIZE] [quote name='Rapture Ruckus']Donald Rumsfeld considers the ramifications of accepting Dick Cheney's offer to go out on a weekend quail hunt.[/quote] [SIZE=1]What can I say, sheer brilliance. [I]In second place...[/I][/SIZE] [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Off screen guy: Mr. Rumsfled you have been accused of planning the Vice-Presidents shooting... Rumsfled: O RLY?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]YA RLY. [I]In third place.[/I][/size] [quote name='Charles']What kind of bar does "Ziggy Stardust" go to where they sit around and tell Poseidon jokes?[/quote] [SIZE=1]A question we'd all like answered. [B]Rapture Ruckus is up next.[/B][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Sounds like a fascinating idea, though I'm afraid you're not quite correct when you say this area has not been developed because as far as I know there is a short novel series set in that timeframe. Still though, that has never stopped any Star Wars RPG idea on OB and I very much doubt it ever will. My one question would mainly portain to how exactly the different characters involved would tell their stories ? After all it's unlikely that any two Jedi are going to meet up together for fear of attracting Imperial/Sith attention. Are we simply going to tell events from our own characters points of view ? [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Well now it seems my concern that Red Team would be the last to finish was unfounded, down completely of course to the great members who I managed to snag for the mission. I should hopefully have the final segment of the mission posted in a few days, although given my cousins are using Lotus as opposed to Works it maybe be slightly difficult. Still I'll endeavour to have a compelling read ready before too long. [/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Two great chapters Jamie, although the second is by far the most interesting to look at from a psychological point of view. It seems that the dynamics of the group is far less tight that we'd have imagined, what with Ezekiel's rampant coffee addiction leading to an obvious pent up stress which is being transferred all around her. I'd definitely like to see a few more character development chapters, maybe two or three that will showcase the potential meltdown of the group. Also it leaves me wondering exactly what dark addiction my character is battling, morphine addiction maybe ? Not a suggestion, just a thought. [/SIZE]
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