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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Time for another sexy resurrection of this thread. :P Episode Three is nearing and my anticipation grows more with every passing day. I'm not too big of an obsessive fan like some of the good folks who have posted in this thread, but there's no doubt that I'm going to see this right away (I'll have to beat nerds on my way into the theatre just to get a spot in the walkways of the screening). And has anyone heard anything about George making episodes 7-9? That'd be kickin'.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][B]May 19th[/B], I've already got three tickets reserved in my local cinema and yes I admit that this will probably be the single greatest event of 2005, greater even that my 18th birthday 5 days ago. As far as I know in regard to Episodes 7-9, there's nothing really known, he says he wrapped up Episodes 1-6 were about the Skywalkers so after that I don't what he'd do. However Lucas was saying something about doing the [B]Expanded Universe[/B] like he did the [B]Young Indiana Jones[/B] series. Being that many of the Young Indiana Jones TV Movies are only a bit shorter than their cinema counterparts. The advantage of this is that they could do novels in several instalments, but it's a long series and they may only do certain ones.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]I've personally never been bothered if I don't know the gender of someone, usually you can guess from usernames, and after that it a simple case of asking if you're that intrigued. That said it wouldn't hurt if it was made part of the user profile, and those people who prefer to know the gender of people would be satisfied. The only time I ever made a mistake with someone's gender was Solo's, but that was a long time ago. [/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='maladjusted][color=darkslateblue'] The Bourne Ultimatum? That's planned for a 2007 release...[/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]Is it ? My bad then, although I must admit I was sure someone told me it was due out for release a this Autumn. Still I guess we can't really assume anything about the film considering there are huge differences between Ludlum's version of Supremacy and the film version. [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]I have to admit that Guy Pearce takes the prize for me, like maladjusted with Norton I had never heard of him and didn't really expect much. But then when I saw his performance in [b]The Count of Monte Cristo[/b] I knew right away that he was the real deal. After that I saw him [B]L.A Confidential[/B] and again he really did surprise me with his performance [and the fact that he pulled off that flawless accent when he is in fact Australian]. I just think he's simply an amazing actor and is well deserving of any praise he gets for his work, he blows many other "Top Level" actors well out of the water. [/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Heh heh, for me cooking happens to be one of life's great pleasures, mainly because half my family can't cook for love nor money. That said I'm painfully aware of how annoying it can be when you forget the smallest detail when you're working in the kitchen. Great little real story, as it could happen to anyone.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting [b]Knights of the Old Republic [PC]:[/b] Brilliant game whether or not you're a fan or RPGs or Star Wars, and if you're a fan of both then this is really gaming heaven. Plot's great, characters are deep and when you have combat that involves lightsabers and Force Powers you can't really go wrong. The only real down side is that after playing on both the Light and Dark Side with both genders there's really nothing left to replay. That said there's at least 90 hours of gaming to get to that point, really worth a look if you feel interested. [b]Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time:[/b] Music and atmosphere make this one great, the combat is alright although it does tend to get a bit repetitive after a while. The voicing for the characters is quite good, the Prince gives off that almost decadent and yet yearning for respect tone in his voice, which is exactly how his character is supposed to sound I suppose. Storyline is OK, if a bit ropey due to the nature of it being an action/platformer but for the purposes of the game it serves fine. I haven't had a chance to play the sequel so I can't really give a comparison. [b]Viewtiful Joe:[/b] VJ is a bit of an enigma for me, considering I'm stuck on a level and can't seem to finish it. However that said it has to be a very unique little game, although considering VJ2 is out soon enough "series" might be the more correct term to use. Animation is great, the switch between 1950s projector as Regular Joe and DVD-crisp Viewtiful Joe is a nice touch, colourfully wonderful, a feast for the eyes. Gameplay is hectic, mainly due to the legions of evil robots trying to kill you at every turn. Chaotic but fun, button bashers may find they have a game where they can call their talent "skill". [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]GoldenEye wins hands down for me, and personally I think it's the best of all the Bond films. Alex pretty much summed up my reasons for liking the film, Bond seems to just have a lot more depth personality wise in the film. The story is cracking, although I just can't see a real spy using a Soviet Tank as a means of transport around Moscow, but maybe that's just me. That said GoldenEye is the best of Brosnan's films because it's sequels are so dreadful, the stories are horrid and most of the characters are unbelievable. M represents one of the few characters in the later films to have stuck to her original guns [although since she was only introduced in GoldenEye that might be a moot point]. Replacing Q with John Cleese was a simply awful choice, although I do realise that considering Desmond Llewelyn died there was little choice in the matter, still they could have at least got in someone better. GoldenEye was the high point in Brosnan's Bond career, and truthfully I that the first Irish Bond did a terrific job in his debut. [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Apologies for my absence, [B]KOTOR II[/B] required my attention. [I]Mardi Gras always seems to bring out the worst in President Bush's daughters.[/I] [/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Alright this is a quote but it fits perfectly. [B]Home Owner:[/B] What is it boy ? Fire ? Hippies ? [[i]Watches the dog being sucked into the distance[/i]] HURRICANE !! Somehow the animals are always the first to know.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. People, the best super power would obviously be superhuman intelligence, I mean with it you could just build gadgets to mimic other super powers. There'd be no need to rely on some nuclear accident to give you your powers, you'd just build something that could give it to you. [[i]Puts on Comic Book Guy voice[/i]] Best Power Ever.[/SIZE]
  11. [size=1][i]Kane's gaze moved slowly along Evrada's perfect body, she was easily one of the most stunning women he had ever laid eyes on. However considering the vast majority of Kane's consorts came from the Red Light District, he wasn't very well acquainted with such beauty. Returning his attention to Arano, Kane could see a fully formed smile on his face, obviously Kane's attempt at discretion was unsuccessful, Kane could only assume Arano might use this to his advantage, after all Kane would have done the exact same. His mind once again returned the offer Arano had made to him, 30 million in gold and property, even for a mercenary as well funded as Kane this was an exceptionally large payment. He was also aware however of the obvious nature of the offer, in his trade pay and danger levels rose in sync with one another, however Kane was never one to shy away from a challenge, however he did sense an underlying unease, as though there was an urgency about it. Raising his glass to his lips Kane sought to discern more of what Arano had told him, however he was not an easy man to study, he features gave away nothing, Kane had been very right to respect him.[/I] [b]Kane:[/b] [[i]Taking a drink[/i]] Your offer is obviously meant to intrigue me General, a mercenary as talented as myself earns a substantial fee for my services. However this 30 million is well beyond anything I would be offered for something as simple as a planet clearing, even in the most dangerous of circumstances. Which makes me wonder what could possibly be either so pressing or suicidal as to require such a substantial reward, still in saying that I am a mercenary, and by nature we are a greedy bunch. So [[i]Raising his glass to Arano[/i]] what is it you would like me to do ? [i]Arano chuckled for a moment, as though reassessing what he had though of Kane, many mercenaries tended to be all muscle and no brains, but Kane was of Elite stock, something that he would never overlook. Arano's gaze now hovered over Evrada for a moment, attracting Kane?s attention back to her, Evrada herself seemed to shift posture as this attention from two very suitable males. Kane obviously knew what Arano was doing as he returned a gaze to him smiling, another subtle difference between the Elite?s and other classes were that they often selectively bred in order to produce better, stronger offspring. To them it was almost instinctive, they would be able to determine a suitable mate from only a handful of observations, and Kane had obviously ?observed? Evrada to be very ?suitable?, even if she was only half Saiya-Jin.[/i] [b]Arano:[/b] [[I]Slyly[/i]] Perhaps I misjudged you, you seem to be far more than mere dumb-muscle, you have a ruthlessness and cunning that obviously shines through from your class, no doubt the result of a successful union. [b]Kane:[/b] [[i]Equally furtive[/i]] Your obsequiousness honours me General, I have to admit my father was never one to give lower classes their due respect. Perhaps that?s why he his lost his command and now sits at home recanting his glory days to anyone who will listen, much like many other fools who call themselves my superiors. [i]The air seemed tense around the two warriors, Arano had dangled the proverbial carrot in front of Kane, and now sought to stroke his ego enough to take a bite. However Kane was not a fool, and would not bite until he was sure that the carrot wasn?t poisoned, no matter how large a carrot Arano wanted to dangle in front of him. Their meals had laid almost untouched throughout the entire meeting, Kane knew the meal was a prelude to the reasons behind Arano?s offer, but he felt hungry and would not insult their beautiful maître d? but not sampling the food. Arano was correct in assuming that Kane often ate meals from packets, however he was still very well acquainted with fine cuisine from his upbringing. Raising a forkful of the meal to his mouth he watched Arano match his movement, whether this was for Kane?s benefit or Evrada?s he was unsure. Once the flavour of the food reached his palette however he became unconcerned with Arano?s movements, the fare was excellent and he ate it with some gusto. Minutes later their two plates lay empty, along with a number of drained mugs. Kane relaxed back into his seat, ready to hear whatever proposition Arano had to offer him, and after that he might satisfy his craving for female company with Arano?s servant.[/i][/size]
  12. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][LEFT][I]Sweat dripped down Gavin's back, his breathing was deep but controlled and adrenaline surged through his artificial veins. Although the dimensions of his avatar wouldn't change, no matter how little exercise he got Gavin still felt the need to work out. His Nietzschean avatar however meant that he could train harder than he ever could have in real life, Homo Sapiens Invictus, the Nietzschean scientific name, and Otaku Island gave him access to limitless equipment to test the limits of his body. His Force Lance sat in it?s holster by his side, it had become his primary weapon in the H4XXOR attack, High Guard design with a number of improvements, in Gavin?s hands it was absolutely deadly. His training room was styled in a mixture of Celtic and Oriental, an odd combination, but he seemed to have cracked mixing them together. Beyond his Force Lance Gavin kept few other personal weapons, most of those he used in RPGs held no lingering need for them, but some other individual items he liked to keep to remember his long stay on Otakuboards. Breathing out slowly he raised himself up to his full height, one of the focal points to his training room was a large monument, and to Gavin it held a very special meaning. There were two figures to the statue, both standing to attention as though having a photograph taken, a Jedi Master and his Padawan, Yoda and Kane, Craig and Gavin. Beneath the marble memorial were a pair of lightsabers, both personalised by their wielder, but now both lay as a testament to their friendship. Yoda had been one of Gavin?s greatest influences when he was a newbie, he had shown him the ropes and given him the drive to become the member he was today, but now Gavin was the only one of the pair on Otaku Island, and their lightsabers were little more than cenotaphs to times past. He reached down and picked up his own lightsaber, it?s silver crystal still hummed with energy when he activated it, memories of when he?d used it flooded into his mind?s eye. He sighed and placed it back down beside Yoda?s, an artefact from the past, perhaps he would carry it again one day, but now was not the time. Sighing again he strode out the room, it?s doors shutting behind him, Gavin?s home was modelled with heavy influence from his love of Science Fiction, but it still bore much of the appearance of a normal Real-World house. In many cases the Sci-Fi additions served to make his home slightly more convenient, both internally and externally Gavin had gone for his dream home, the home he had designed in his head and wanted to build for years. The sheer dimensions of the house were huge, but Otaku Boulevard was styled on it?s Hollywood counterpart, and it?s residents were in themselves counterparts to those who lived there. His kitchen was his favourite room, he loved to cook and it was the epitome of Gavin, glass, beech and polished steel were the main building materials in the house, but here Gavin had focused all his creative efforts. His stomach rumbled, he laughed considering this wasn't even his body, or the fact that it didn't really require food, just another one of James' strange new quirks to make them feel more at home. A series of knocks refocused his attention, he moved swiftly to his large, almost portcullis of a door. Opening it he found a stunning looking Annie, only then remembering that they had a meeting about a project for Kanetic Works.[/i] [b]Gavin:[/b] [[i]Sighing[/i]] If only you weren't my sister, and I wasn't married. [b]Annie:[/b] [[i]Laughs[/i]] Yeah, sure Gavin, dream on. [i]Gavin laughed as Annie moved inside, she was his closest neighbour and probably one of his closest friends on Otaku Island....[/i][/LEFT][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [size=1][I]The sound of his bootsteps echoed off the marble floors of the Command?s extravagant corridors, his gaze passing from one object to another, just something to pass the time whilst he waited to be debriefed on Oncier. The clearing had gone perfectly, not a single Oncieran was left on the graveyard world, their once pitiful planet would now be home to those affluent enough to retain the services of the Saiya-Jin. His face was forever chiselled into a calm, humourless stare, he had now time for fools, whether they be his inferiors, or eve his superiors, his work and pay was all that mattered to him. He had earned a loathing among several of the Military?s Command, consistently rising in the ranks, whether or not they believed he had been deserving of it, but Kane cared little of their opinion, if they were weak then they did not deserve their power. Command had sent a pair of lackeys along, more than likely to make sure he didn?t make any detours within the building, although if he wanted to there was nothing these fools could do to stop him. Standing slightly under two meters Kane was quite large for a Saiya-Jin, although among the Elite, pairings that would result in superior offspring were the normality. Although now that birth power-levels were no longer cause for rank Kane had to endure the stench of weakness among those who led him. He had to admit however that there had been precedents to prove that weak births could yield superior warriors, but he called little for statistics. Only on the battlefield could true power be proven, and if it was not, then death was the only suitable punishment. His memory flashed back to the battle over Vegetasei, how Furiza, their once powerful master had fled in terror against superior forces, it was a day celebrated for weeks, and a day that would continue to prove the overwhelming power of the Saiya-Jin race. His attention was returned by the cessation of the guards bootsteps, the guard named Vorca turned to him, staring in part awe, part contempt at Kane.[/I] [b]Vorca:[/b] [[i]Smirking[/i]] General Arano will see you now. [i]Kane smiled internally, he had only ever met Arano once before, a skilled warrior and commander, one of the few superiors he actually respected. However Kane was also aware that Arano was head of the Defence Council, and would not have been involved in the day-to-day runnings of Black Operations, still if Arano had called Kane to meet him then there was obviously a good reason. The large thick doors slid back, Kane strode forward, calmly, purposefully, although inside he was eager to know why Arano had called him, and if it involved combat. Arano was seated in Commander Adanis? large stone chair, there was but a desk and a number of feet between the two warriors, Kane could sense Arano?s power, he studied it for a moment before meeting his gaze.[/i] [b]Kane:[/b] You called me here to speak with you ? [i]Arano merely surveyed the Saiya-Jin warrior for a moment, perhaps he was trying to unsettle Kane, if that were the case then he would not succeed, Kane would not show any weakness before a respected superior, he would die before he did. A sly grin spread over Arano?s face, perhaps he was satisfied with Kane?s performance, perhaps he merely wished to toy with him for a few moments longer to get down to business, whatever it was Kane was no surer of his position than he had been from the moment he entered. He knew little of Arano, beyond simple facts and some rumours, his military record was enough for Kane to respect him, but his behaviour was something Kane was not accustomed to. Usually when he arrived back he would be paid by whatever Commander had given him the mission, and then watch as the pompous fool gloated about how he would prove himself superior to the others to gain a high command. For a moment the energy between the two seemed to crackle, Kane wondered what exactly Arano had to say to him...[/i][/size]
  14. [SIZE=1]I bought KOTOR II [PC Version] on Friday and completed the Light Side storyline to it in roughly 27 hours, but not before deleting my first game by accident not knowing about having to "Switch Characters" to access different saves [It was set at my younger brothers]. All and all I have to admit I find the game in some ways far superior and others far inferior to the prequel, the biggest failing being that Obsidian randomised the items you received. Now that might not sound so bad but when you get Jedi Knight robes off a Trandoshan and a Construction Kit off a Sith, and never really know what you're in for it grates on you severely. That said however I do find the storyline to the game slightly less fluid that the last one, [spoiler]the Sith in the game are simply horrendous, Nihilus was pointless, sure like you he drains the Force from others but he was just so... pointless. Sion was simply an annoyance, and at best a major irritation with his whole "[I]Look at me I can't be killed[/I]" routine. The end battle against Darth Traya then was one that you could see coming from a mile away, although yes her character did appear to have some reason to it. I just found them to be wholly inferior to Malak and the Sith from the previous game, a pity although the Light Side ending does prove that this may just be the middle ground in a much larger battle.[/spoiler] I have to admit that the character, at least some of them, feel much less personal than in the last game. Although that is perhaps because you only learn a small bit about them without the proper Influence levels, that said there seems to be very little to speak about with them. [spoiler][Mandalore being the most obvious case][/spoiler] However in saying that there were also only a few character you actually gave a damn about in the previous instalment [Mission being one you didn't really give a damn about]. [spoiler]I do like the addition of being able to transform not one but four of your non-Jedi characters into Force-users.[/spoiler] I have to admit that KOTOR II seemed to me to have a look to great new additions but to suffer from a lot of common RPG failings, the randomised items being my main gripe. I just hope that for the next KOTOR [As Alex hinted about] they manage to fix some of the mistakes and bring the game back to the same levels of greatness that KOTOR I reached. One last thing, did anyone else find that their Swoop Bikes began about 2 meters about the ground and would just run along the track without hitting the obstacles or repulsor boosts. I found the only track I can actually win on is the [spoiler]Onderon[/spoiler] one and only because I can hit against something to get me down onto the ground, is the a glitch or is there something I'm not doing ?[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]I have to concur with everything Jamie has said, the level of detail and craftsmanship you've put into designing this really does make me giddy with anticipation... well maybe not giddy but excited in an exceptionally manly way [¬_¬]. I suppose since Jamie has already called [B]The Arena [/B] as her stomping grounds, I might go a bit Tech-Head and reside in the bowls of OB you have described as being [B]PC/Mac[/B].[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Back pre-Version 7 the names of each Moderator were linked next to their respective forums, why that was changed I can't say. However when the Staff Homepages were added I suppose they were there to tell you which Moderators to which forum, although that's been out of date for a while now. At the end of the day I guess most people will just notice it when they scroll down to the end of the page, either that or by looking at the different titles on people's replies. [/SIZE]
  17. [quote name='Annalisse][color=darkslateblue']In all honesty, I couldn't tell you what I would do. You really can't say you would, or you would never do such a thing, unless you were thrown into that situation. Your mind can do some strange things under intense stress, fear, or excitement.[/color][/quote] [SIZE=1]I second Annie's comments completely, the idea of eating a human is something I would abhor, but not something I would rule out if it meant saving my own life. I would prefer to explore every possible alternative, however as Annie did say we can't say whether we definitely would or would-not do something unless we were in that situation. My own reason for thinking eating a human would be wrong would mainly stem from it being seen as an act of savagery, reverting to a lower form of mentality in order to survive.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Two words: [b]Episode III[/b], this is probably my sole reason for going to the cinema intentionally this year, well maybe not sole but definitely one of the main reasons. Though the New Trilogy has been a bit of a let down so far, although it has had it moments, I do hope that [B]Revenge of the Sith[/B] will bring back some of the Star Wars magic to the series. [B]The Bourne Ultimatum:[/B] The spy series that blows every James Bond film out of the water [except maybe GoldenEye] in terms of action, intrigue and sheer enjoyability. From what I remember from a thread on the Bourne series the final instalment is meant to turn everything you thought you knew about the series on it's head. [b]Mr. and Mrs. Smith[/b], I heard about this one from Alex and then went on and did a bit more research at MovieTome, although Alex did provide more info. The film premise is definitely interesting and the cast of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is something to raise an eyebrow in intrigue over. [/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Personally I'm an omnivore, I'll eat meat and vegetables and I don't really have a preference. The only two meats which I won't eat are lamb or pork, and that's only because I dislike the taste of both, although I will eat certain meats made from pork [Sausages, rashers and ham]. I prefer to eat chicken where possible, mainly because it's a healthy meat and I love the taste of it, great in a nice sweet and sour sauce. Steak would be my favourite red meat, fried with onions, mashed potatoes and a nice pepper sauce it's simply a delicious meal. The torture of animals at any time however is something that sickens me to my very core, simply stating that the animal was going to die anyway is not a competent or decent reason. When an animal in an abattoir they should be killed as quickly and humanely as possibly, I would prefer to think that the meat I eat came from an animal that wasn't put through undue suffering before it had to die. I'd also like to second ChibiHorsewoman's statement that PETA are full of crap, they use completely anal reasoning to justify their statements, there is no way beer is better for me than milk. [/SIZE] [quote name='Rhian][size=1][b]What I hate is when people do what some Christians do: eating meat is bad! You shouldn't do it! And then they try to MAKE you vegetarian. *shudders*[/size'][/b][/quote] [SIZE=1]Rhian I hate to rain on your parade but Christians don't tell you eating meat is bad, I don't know where you heard that from but it's simply untrue. I'm a Catholic and the only days on the year that we don't eat meat are on [u]Ash Wednesday[/u] and [U]Good Friday[/U], because they're days of fasting and abstinence from meat. To my knowledge those are the only two days where eating meat is discouraged, and as far as I know almost all other Christian faiths [and there are quite a few of them] follow the same rules.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Day of Hell [M][/B][/CENTER] His head ducked close to the wall of the trench, dirt and stones blown clear by artillery. The screams of dying men filled him with fear, blood and morphine mixed into a cocktail of death. Another shell struck, he gripped his helmet and tears flowed down his eyes, this place was Hell, everyone knew it. .[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Heh I have to admit, the whole "[I]Tonight on Cops[/I]" thing just popped into my head as I was looking at the shot. Another Star Wars screenshot, I know you all never get tired of them. [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/reviews/919833_20041103_screen004.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. ?It?s a long way to Tipperary? As the song went, well not for me as I?m from Tipperary, not far from where the moderator Red used to live, although he was from the north of the county. Actually that song is about a bordello in London so I am actually a long way from there, anyhow a little bit about my small corner of the world. The area is pretty well known in Irish mythology and legend, the Mountain being the supposed setting for the race to determine who Cú Chulainn?s bride would be, I actually live quite near the mountain. The area was actually habitually visited by William Wordsworth, the poet and writer, who used to spend hours by the river, other than that I have playwright Andrew Lloyd Webber as a neighbour, although he only spends about six weeks a year in Ireland. That?s my own near area [within a radius of say 5 miles], Tipperary as a region has much too much history to go into, suffice to say there?s heck of a lot of stuff to be seen. Much of it has to do with Irish History [the first flag of the Irish Republic was flown about 40 miles from where I live], but there's also huge cultural base oin the area as Tipperary is as emerced in Irish affairs as any other county [more than many]. One last thing is a picture of the mountain I was talking about, this picture was taken about 2 miles from my house.[/size] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.fethard.com/photos/infoimage/slievn.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  23. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Most of the time I'm honest without realising it, I've gone into situations where I've been given to much change and hand back what I'm not due without any thought of keeping it. One incident which sticks out in my mind is when last Christmas [2003], I was getting my brother's gift, so I bought him the Godfather Trilogy from Gamestop. I look in the box and the disks are already inside [which they shouldn't have been because the box was on display], but at the time I thought nothing of it. I go down to pay for the DVDs and the woman behind the counter spends about 5 minutes looking for the disks [I'm oblivious to what she's doing], until she says they don't seem to have them in stock. I point out that they're inside in the box and she looks at me like I've got two heads, for being honest, not being oblivious to her plight [She later said I could have easily walked out with them in the box]. I got to pay for them and she gives me back ?15 extra in change, [She mistook a ?5 note for a ?20] I bring this to her attention and she tells me she's bewildered by my honesty. In the end she gave me a nice cotton/wool hat to go with the DVDs, for me though I'd never have thought of taking the DVDs or giving back the extra change. But hey without honest people this would be a horrible world. [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][CENTER][b]Apocalypse Soup [PG-13][/b][/CENTER] "I'm sick and tired of your bullshit Tommy !!" "I tell you I love you and it's bullshit ?! What the fuck is wrong with you ?!" [I]They had arguments like this all the time, my parents, two people who shouldn't have married. The kitchen was a battlefield, I was a civilian wounded in the crossfire...[/I][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][b]Tonight on Cops:[/b] [i]An undercover Officer infiltrates a suspected cattle rustling couple...[/i][/SIZE]
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