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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. To be honest I was fairly disappointed with the ending to [B]Prince of Persia: Sands of Time[/b], the whole game I felt was living up to a big finish and then [spoiler]you go back in time, kill the Vizier and it's over[/spoiler]. I mean I nearly had a heart attack, you put up with those damned [spoiler]sand monsters through the whole game, that take ages to kill off,[/spoiler] and that's the ending you get... It just seemed unfinished, but then again I suppose that's where [B]Prince of Persia: Warrior Within[/B] comes from. As far as endings go all the [B]Grand Theft Auto[/B] games never feel truly finished, I suppose that's because you can go on after the final "Boss Fight". [spoiler]I mean in the first game after Catalina is killed you can just waltz on an complete the game, same goes for Sonny and Tenpenny in [B]Vice City[/B] and [B]San Andreas[/B].[/spoiler] I mean I'd like if there were different endings depending on the level at which the game is beaten before the final fight, or maybe I'm just insatiable. [/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Bridging the Gap [G][/B][/CENTER] [I]The course was quiet today, but quiet was how he had wanted it. He swung back, the feel of the club in his hands, the moment of anticipation. It struck the ball at a blistering speed, the white sphere launched over the horizon. He'd done this with his father, years ago...[/I] "Your Turn" "Thanks Dad"[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Heh heh, a little strange Gavynn [no doubt as you intended it to be] but entertaining none-the-less, I have to admit I'd have got up and walked away from Rick long before the conversation ended. Very strange, very realistic, and very entertaining.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]I really have to agree with Josh's first comments, this is without a doubt one of my most screwed up things I've ever read about, and that woman would have to be one absolute [Can't think of a work mean enough] to sue them. It really does make me question the nature of the justice system over in the U.S., as these kind of cases seem to be becoming more and more heard of. [/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well I've been around OB a long, long time at this stage, and in that time I've seen the effort that the Moderators [and Administrators] past and present have put into making OB the place it is today, and for that I take my hat of to them. I think that anyone who thinks Moderating is an easy job is kidding themselves, watch them for three and a quarter years and you'll get a fair idea of how hard they work. I have to admit that if James did offer me a position of the Staff I would be very inclined to take it, however I would [as I've told James] only ever moderate one forum: [U]The Square[/U]. For me, and a few people I know well, The Square represents hallowed ground, it's the forum I spent much of my early time on OB at and I really have developed a reverence for it. I know that sounds a bit silly, but it is genuinely true, I've seen over a dozen Moderators come an go in The Square, and each of them has done a great job. I suspect a few people might reckon this is an attempt to stroke-egos and win favour but I have neither the interest nor time to do such a thing, I'm merely stating opinion. I've only ever role-played a few times off OB, and to be honest this "quirky" little site makes others seem rather mundane. Moderation is something I've only ever had one go at, mainly because the site I was a Moderator on failed after only a few days, still it was an enlightening experience. Maybe it's a culmination of things, or maybe it's just OB's unique appeal, but I wouldn't leave here for all the staff positions of the Internet.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I've been a fan of Metallica for about the last three or so years, I own about three or four albums [having borrowed the others off friends] but I can't stand their new stuff. I'd have a hard time choosing one song from all the stuff I've heard, but if someone was to put a gun to my head and ask I suppose I'd have to side with "[I]Whiskey in the Jar[/i]". Yes I'm biased because it's an Irish song, originally based on a war poem, but also because Metallica's version of WitJ is far, far better than Thin Lizzy's. As per my favourite music video of theirs I'd have to say "[I]I Disappear[/I]", but only because it's the only one I've seen [I don't watch MTV much]. ID was actually the song that originally got me into Metallica and remains one of my favourite songs by the group. In answering the final question I don't really have a favourite member of the group, although since Lars Ulrich did found the band he does get major points. Actually as a drummer Ulrich is one of the best I've heard so far, so he'd probably get my vote. [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]I have to admit that that chapter was intriguing, I can't wait to see how Juu progresses with her n00b Hunter training, and what insights into Alan's might we might uncover. Reading the n00b Hunter series has become somewhat of a treat anytime I visit the Anthology and there's a new chapter posted. [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]I have to admit that I'm a bit mundane, for me the best soda is just a nice cold bottle of Coke, yes see how mundane I am. Honestly though there are really only a few sodas that I drink often enough or like to say they're "the best", Fanta and 7-Up are pretty good too depending on what you're eating. But for sheer drinkablility [If that's even a word...] Coca Cola just has to take the crown for me, interestingly enough the jolly, fat, red Santa image we associate with the Turkish saint is due to Coca Cola. [/SIZE]
  9. [CENTER][SIZE=1][b]Smells like Victory [M][/b][/CENTER] The sound of explosions was deafened over the screams of dying men, he looked down on the casualty, the face distorted by a gunshot. The medics surrounded the boy, a little over 18... He shouldn't have been there, it wasn't his time to fight... A strange thing it is, to look down on your own corpse... [/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I have to admit that I do agree with Andrew [MajinVegeta], I do feel a bit mundane considering I'm full Irish and that's it, although considering how many people on OB have Irish relations that is something to be proud of. I have to also admit that I do enjoy speaking with American tourists when the come to Ireland, they're always exceptionally nice people and eager to learn as much as they can. One thing though that does amuse me about first-timers coming to Ireland is they seem to be amazed that Irish people don't all have red hair and live in thatches houses. [/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]James takes his Matrix fasination a little too far...[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Heh this really brought a smile to my face as I read it, I'm honestly not sure whether to laugh at the stupity of it or feel sorry for the desperation of those who tried something like that. As per ChibiHorsewoman's comment I hope they get a Michael Moore figure and hold it hostage, or perhaps wrap explosives around it and mimic the Team America film.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]I suppose my own opinion of Batman would be that he is a hero more than a sociopath, although he does seem to have elements of both in his personality. Although his actions and motives are quite far from the norm, his motives do remain truly heroic, he does after all put his life on the line to try and prevent others from going through the same pain he did. People who may not necessarily have the resources to go on and become vigilantes like Batman, because for better or worse it is his financial standing as Bruce Wayne that allows him to do the things he has done to become Batman [the Batmobile, his gatgets, his cave]. As James said however if Batman were indeed a real person then it would be painfully obvious he would be in need of psychiatric help, however if Batman were real then none of us would know he was Bruce Wayne and the reasons as to why he fights. Although his [spoiler]parents being murdered[/spoiler] may have been the catalyst to Wayne becoming Batman I don't think that he uses his crime-fighting as an escape, as I said before he uses it to prevent others from going through the same pain he did as a boy. Perhaps I'm wrong, as I've never had the chance to read the Batman comics but that is my take on his situation. Batman is both a hero and a sociopath but the heroic part of his personality is far, far more dominant than the sociopath part. [/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Bah I intended to post here sooner, apologies for my absence. [CENTER]---------------[/CENTER] [I]Kane's ship heated up as it began re-entry in Vegetasei's upper atmosphere, he'd returned from a particularly enjoyable planet-clearing, not really much to write home about but fun none the less. He sat back as the auto-pilot guided the vessel into one of Varnga's smaller military bases, his mind replayed over the carnage he?d inflicted on an unsuspecting planet, he liked it better when they knew he was coming, the stench of fear made every breath taste so much sweeter. Oncier, that was the planet?s name, at least that had been it?s name, most customers renamed a planet for colonisation, but pointlessness involved in renaming a planet was none of his concern, he got his money at that?s all that mattered to him. He remembered stepping out onto the grassy terrain of the planet, it seemed peaceful enough, probably used for agricultural purposes. The air was crisp and fresh, if he didn?t have to clear it he might have stayed and enjoyed the view... or not, Kane's appetite for not only destruction, but for a vicious and efficient variety of devastation was what made him so popular as a mercenary, or Black Ops as he was now employed for. The military had guaranteed him a career in which he would have all the opportunities for bloodshed that he could look for, an offer like that wasn?t something he?d turn down. Funnily enough the military?s planet-clearing missions were indirectly funded by many of the same people who had employed him when he worked for hire, he supposed something like that should have been expected, after all money was as big a commodity on Vegetasei as a high power-level. In particular military missions had proved to be much more challenging than the average mercenary ones, more variety to them as well, apart from planet-clearing he?d also done the odd bounty-hunting job, a few political assassinations and some other off-the-books jobs that earned him his keep. The people of Oncier were humanoid, oxygen breathers too, which made the job that bit easier. Some mercs would have been happy to level the planet with heavy weapons, Kane preferred to get his hands dirty and make sure a job was done thoroughly, any planet-clearing he did had a 100% fatality rate. The gravity of the planet was also a bit heavier than most, although Kane could deal with gravity many, many times that of a normal world. From orbit he?d seen no signs of battle scarring, which meant that either they weren?t in possession of heavy weaponry, or they simply didn?t use it against their own. His own battle gear was designed differently to the usual style of Saiya-Jin combat gear, the archetypical warrior?s armour, unchanged from decades of relative peace. However Kane?s line of work brought him into situations in which a normal suit of armour would simply not do the job, some of the worlds he?d cleared had even put up a decent fight before he annihilated them, kinetic missiles and heavy beam weaponry tended to rip through normal armour without great difficulty. His armour was designed more so to last and be appreciated by Kane than for actual defence, killing an Elite Saiya-Jin was not a task that any intelligent being would undertake. His arrival on Oncier had triggered the scrambling of some form of military force, most beings knew of the Saiya-Jin, and most beings were smart enough to be scared witless if one came calling to their planet on business. He watched with a bemused expression as an entire legion of men descended on his position, aircraft battered the area with fire, artillery levels small mountains in the hopes of stopping this unnatural disaster from space. Kane was left completely unharmed from their barrage, merely wiping off the dust with one gloved hand, warriors advanced in their droves, but Kane no longer had any time for amusement, he had a job to get done, and some serious pay to collect... The aftermath of the battle was typical, charred and smoking corpses littered the area, their aircraft were nothing but scrap metal, and their artillery had been blasted from existence, their capital was his next target, it?s destruction would allow him to wipe out the rest of Oncier?s people with little effort. Entering the city the smell of fear was invigorating, fools were leaving in their thousands, but it was too little, too late, ki energy crackled around his hands, like a viper waiting to strike. With little effort it was all over, the screams of thousands was turned into a deathly silence, within days he?d wiped out the rest of their pathetic civilisation, another people added to the volumes of Saiya-Jin history for those who no longer existed. His return to Vegetasei would allow him to indulge his pleasures, the Red-Light district was often his first stop after a mission, it helped him unwind, or at least admire how beautiful the women of his race were. Upon landing Kane sensed something different about the mood, before he could investigate any further however he presence was required by the military command, he knew it was going to be a while yet until he could kick back and relax...[/I][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Hmm well the discussion seems to have ended although I must put up my hands and say that reading the first few posts in agreement of disallowing new members the ability to create new threads was not something I was in favour of. Many of us from V3 will remember that only members [as in those with 500 posts or more] had the ability to upload their own avatars, now how many of us take that ability for granted. It just seems to me that we shouldn't be limiting the abilities of our members because they're new, after all we were all new at some point. On a side note I do think the PM idea is excellent, reminds me of new Microsoft software where you have to scroll to the end to actually get the [B]I agree[/B] icon to work.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I'd pay one million dollars if I got to work with George Lucas on converting the [I]Expanded Universe[/I] Star Wars books to movies, corny, yes but it would be a dream come true. Other than that I'd probably pay one million dollars to never have to see George Bush and Michael Moore ever again, although to make those two disappear would probably take a lot more than a million dollars.[/SIZE]
  17. Gavin

    Pulp Fiction

    [SIZE=1]Ah [b]Pulp Fiction[/b], the second Quentin Tarantino film I saw and easily the best, although for pure gratuitous violence [B]Resevoir Dogs[/B] does come very close. I think it's the strength of the character interactions is what makes the film such a hit for me, Vincent and Jules in the restaurant is one of the best scenes in the entire film. I have to admit that even though that Ving Rhames and Bruce Willis are excellent in their respective parts, although you do have to be slightly amused at the end of their fight. Uma Thurman?s character Mia is a bit of an on-the-fencer for me, her character was excellent but at the same time there was something wholly insipid about her, she seemed to reflect more of a spoiled child than an interest, I don?t know maybe it?s just my perception. [/SIZE]
  18. [CENTER][SIZE=1][b]The Trophy Collector [M][/b] [I]He looked down at the broken body, a wry smile on his face... Fresh blood flowed from her lips, her eyes rolled back into her head... He had stalked her for days, waiting for the perfect moment, now he'd get his trophy... He peeled the Mod Rod from her lifeless hand, OB wasn't friendly anymore...[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  19. [COLOR=Black][LEFT][FONT=Verdana][size=1]I had a first version of this post already written when Word crashed and took it with it, I really hate when that happens. [center]--------------------[/center] [I]Malcolm sat on one of Novus Concordia?s many public benches, there were hundreds if not thousands of benches exactly like this one spread across the colossal city. Between his combat training and surgical schedule Malcolm had very few days off, so when he did have them he tried to make the most of them. A group of children were playing in the park opposite of them, human children, at least most of them were, he watched them for a few moments, it reminded him of his own childhood back with his father. He gaze returned to the data pad he?d been reading for the past few minutes, data ran across the screen at a high speed, but slow enough for his reploid eyes to read it all. The pad was the equivalent of an old age ?daily paper?, living in Novus Concordia it was important to keep up with daily events, though for Malcolm his lack of free time meant that he often missed a lot of the less important things that went on in the city. He watched the cars move passed at high velocities, the new road system, as well as new car designs meant that car crashes were now as common as someone getting struck by lightning. He got up off the chair, placing the pad back in his pocket, the sun was shining, children were laughing, and were it not for the fact that he could neither hear nor see them he was sure the birds were singing. He drew in a quick breath before moving on from the bench, his thoughts moved back to his father, he thought about him pretty much every day, his death had caused incalculable pain to Malcolm, but the pain of having to kill his own sister was worse. He stopped for a moment, rubbing his forehead with his left hand, thoughts like this were never helpful, his family was gone and there was nothing he could do about it... His application to join the X-Hunters had been more out of a sense of justice than vengeance, his father had always told him that vengeance never got anyone anywhere. Because of the infrequency with which he got days off he almost always spent them the same way, first he?d go see a film, then he?d go buy some new clothes, and then he?d go back to his apartment and read one of his father?s books. It amused him that his cycle of days off were pretty much as routine as his working habits, although lately he?d been more involved with his combat training for the Maverick Hunters. Although Malcolm was a reploid he had been quite inexperienced when it came to combat, and even then he swore he?d only ever use the training to defend himself. He found himself well over two hundred meters beyond his destination by the time his attention returned to what he?d been doing, however just as he was about to turn around and go over to the cinema his beeper* went off. Malcolm already knew that it was NovCon General, NCG was the biggest hospital in the world and one of the biggest buildings in all of Novus Concordia. Malcolm had worked there for practically all of his time as a civilian doctor and still got calls to perform surgery in there on occasion. Sighing slightly he returned to his car with haste, setting the auto-drive he sat back while the car pulled out and headed towards the hospital, he took a bit more time to study the message. It was from Paediatric Surgery section, Malcolm had only rarely worked in there and thankfully he?d never seen any injury that he?d regard as horrific. The data told him that a young human female, approximately ten years old had been brought in with three broken ribs and a broken ulna and radius, cause was that she?d fallen out of a tree. Chuckling to himself Malcolm estimated that the surgery would take no more than a half hour?[/I] [b][center]Two Hours Later[/b][/center] [I]Malcolm watched as the young girl regained consciousness, the surgery had taken exactly 32 minutes and her recovery had been excellent, scarring was almost non-existent after the operations to reset her ribs and arm. She?d be stiff for a few hours but after that she?d be just fine, there wasn?t event any need for a gel-cast**, she blinked for a few seconds before her featured focused in on Malcolm. She smiled and he smiled back, his white coat gave away that he was the doctor, she looked around the room, obviously for her father who had gone out for a minute to get a drink.[/I] [b]Girl:[/b] Where?s my Dad ? [b]Malcolm:[/b] He?s just gone for a glass of water. [b]Girl:[/b] Are you the doctor who fixed me up ? [b]Malcolm:[/b] [[I]Laughs[/I]] Yes I am, how do you feel ? [b]Girl:[/b] I feel OK, a bit sore but otherwise fine. [b]Malcolm:[/b] By this time tomorrow you should be good as new, just try and not fall out of any more trees. [I]The young girl laughed, her father was smiling as he came back into the room, Malcolm thought this would be a good time to get a move on, he was expected in Maverick Hunters HQ within the hour. He waved once to the girl before leaving the room, he sighed before taking off his coat and signing off, he?d left quite explicit instructions that from now on he was not to be beeped for surgery. He was going to miss his old life but for the next while it was his job to make sure that the X-Virus didn?t get a chance to kill any more people than it already had. He shoes clacked off the highly polished floor as he left the building, he?s car had already been set to auto-drive to the Maverick Hunters HQ, now it was just a case of getting there. The car came to a dead stop outside the main structure that was MHHQ, a security probe enquired as to the nature of Malcolm?s visit to the military base. Taking out the pass card he?d been giving the small droid flashed a green beam of light over the serial number before clearing him for entrance, his came now moved slowly through the gates before moving into what he assumed was a parking zone. Exiting the vehicle he moved through a set of doors on the other side, and into an transport of some description, the were quite similar to the transports installed in NovCon General so he assumed they worked in the same way. It was getting to where he wanted to go was going to be the trouble, a middle-aged man stepped into the elevator with Malcolm, seeing the confusion on his face he responded by asking if Malcolm was new. Replying that he was, the man chuckled kindly before telling Malcolm that he needed to go to X-Hunters barracks and wait there with the other recruits. Chuckling himself Malcolm thanked the man and set the destination...[/I] [center]--------------------[/center] I have to admit that was a pain to rewrite. *Device Used among medical personal for communication of patient details, called beeper because of it?s resemblance to 20th/21st century piece of equipment. **Medical equipment used to keep broken bones in correct shape as they heal, usually used over a 24 hour period. Gel prevents infection and itchiness while keeping swelling from operations at a minimum[/size][/FONT][/LEFT][/COLOR]
  20. [Size=1]Bah this absence wasn?t intended but I must admit I feel better getting back to role-playing after a bit of a break, I?ve read all the posts since Page 2 [The whole Vivian/Geneffee affair is rather interesting] anyway I?m back and ready to roll. [center]---------------------[/center] [I]Van?s eyes closed for a moment as he savoured the flavour of his tea, he was one, if not the only member of the team who didn?t drink coffee, still Van wasn?t really like anyone else here. After everyone else had left the briefing it was only himself and John/Ghost left around, John was one of the few people he didn?t actually know on what was this miserable rock, he supposed now might have been the best time to have a conversation with him. He drink back a few more gulps of his tea before setting it down on the metallic table, John was drinking coffee on the opposite side but catching Van?s gaze he too put his beverage down. Van didn?t really know what to make of the engineer, still he supposed he?d learn more if he actually spoke to him.[/I] [b]Van:[/b] So, John I was wondering if I could get to know you a little better, seeing as I know pretty much nothing about you. [b]John:[/b] Name?s John, people call me Ghost and I?m an engineer here. You ? [b]Van:[/b] Name?s Gavin, people call me Van and I?m a doctor, I heard you saying you lose time, does that happen often ? [b]John:[/b] Sometimes, I tend to zone out without realising it, hours pass and I end up missing large parts of the day. Makes me hungry as hell too... [I]Van laughed at that last remark, but he still felt as if he should take John down to the infirmary for some scans, blackouts weren?t uncommon but there was just something about them occurring in [b]this[/b] place that made him a little apprehensive. It was as though a small piece of Hell was trapped within this rock, watching, waiting, a piece of Hell that was relocated on the same day Van was born, thought there were also a hundred other people born on that day too. Sighing quietly to himself he got up from his seat and told John about bringing him down to the infirmary for tests, he hated lying to people but now was a time when morals took a back seat to instinct, John would probably be OK but he just wanted to be sure. The twisting corridors of Settlement 1 reminded him of being back on the Bladerunner, he supposed he shouldn?t dwell on that anymore but there were so many good friends who died that day. They had fought and supposedly won against an evil he now believed couldn?t be stopped, but his own pessimism wouldn?t be shared with the hopefuls still among them. John was walking a few feet behind Van, maybe he was reluctant to have the tests, or maybe this was just typical John, Van still knew much to little about the man. Entering through the double doors, Van?s mind flashed back to when they first arrived on Deimos, he didn?t want to dwell on that either. He found Trini and Gabrielle already inside, bandages on their limbs and the tang of disinfectant in the air, he didn?t really want to know what happened, he had enough on his own... Something in his own mind went off, a presence, dark, evil and familiar. He drew in a quick breath before asking Trini to do some neural scans on John to see about his blackouts, and with that he left, moving in an almost subconscious hunt of whatever was giving off that presence. His first stop had to be the armoury, that was if the colony actually had an armoury, if not he?d just have to use his bare hands, or something a bit more unorthodox. He found himself almost floating down the halls, he didn?t even feel the movement of his legs, there was a main computer in this side of the settlement so it made sense that they?d have an armoury too. He began to feel as if the whole place had become evil, and that he was the only one who could stop it. He reached the Control Room where the main computer was located, but before he had a chance to look for the location of the armoury he found his hand gliding down to a panel in the console. At the press of a button a sequence of computerised orders flashed across the screen, a new panel opened up just in front of him, and beneath this panel he knew, somehow, that there was a working, loaded gun?[/I][/size]
  21. [SIZE=1]Reading these makes my own box sets seems rather meagre, but I suppose it doesn't really matter if you enjoy them. [b]Transformers G1 - Seasons 1 & 2:[/b] One of, if not my favourite show growing up this was just something I had to have when I saw them in for sale. I'm thinking of buying Seasons 3 & 4 as they come in a box set together, but honestly I never really like 3 & 4 so I'd only be buying them to complete the set. [b]Andromeda Season 1:[/b] Love the series, easily the Great Bird's best work [sorry to all ST fans who are now hounding for my blood], it's too hard to pick a favourite character from the crew as they're all just great. Since the series is now playing on Sky One [UK] in the mornings there's no real point in going out and buying the rest of the Season Box Sets. That?s it for me, I probably should have a look and see if I can get some other series off Amazon for a few euro cheaper, maybe pick up the Sopranos or something.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Ah nicknames, been given a few of those, some nice others not so nice. [b]Big Mac:[/b] My favourite nickname of all I've been given, interestingly enough I don't eat burgers [at least not beef ones]. Can't actually recall where it was that the name came from, other than the fact that it's pretty much stuck for the last 4 years. [b]Van:[/b] Based on my own name [that being Gavin] this just came about when someone could have been bothered to say my whole name. The shortened name [I]Gav[/I] is also based on that. Stayed with me for about 6 months, [b]Frink:[/b] As one would guess this comes from the Simpson's resident genius Professor Frink. Stuck for about a month. [B]Bones:[/b] Came about when pretty much the entire class started giving Sci-Fi names to one another, Bones being my favourite TOS character was slightly amusing. Lasted pretty much the last 2 years. That's pretty much it in terms of nicknames, at least as far as I can remember.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Honestly I haven't watched many music videos, or at least I can't recall many. But out of the ones I have seen/remembered [i]I Disappear[/i] by [B]Metallica[/B] would be my favourite, it was actually the music video that got me into Metallica in the first place, the video itself comes on the [B]Mission Impossible II[/B] DVD. Actually sitting here I can't recall any music videos I like apart from I Disappear, and all together I can only think of about six I've seen. Perhaps that comes from either never watching MTV or sitting here typing this at nearly 6 AM.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Truthfully Honest[/B][/CENTER] "Come on kid, put down the gun." "Stay back." [i]Joe's was usually just your average grocery store... not today. Sweat trickled down the kid's forehead, he really didn't want to be here[/i] "Kid, I [B]know[/B] you don't want to do this." "It's the only way they'll let me join" "Gangs are no good to anyone.."[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Intriguing RPG Neil, actually sitting down once more and writing a sign up to a Dragonball-based RPG proved to be quite the challenge. [b]Name:[/b] Kane [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Nickname:[/b] None [B]Height:[/B] 6?1? [B]Weight:[/B] 223 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://www.andromedatv.com/images/char_tyr8.jpg[/IMG] [b]Biography/History:[/b] A family like Kane?s is always subject to some curiosities, the so called Elite-classed warrior clans of Vegetasei, twelve years ago these represented the zenith of Saiya-Jin society, most were made up by nobles. Kane?s family was no different, his father ranked among some of the greatest warriors sired in his generation, his conquests on the battlefields were noted by the heads of the different species he had helped annihilate. Thus the birth of a son was going to be something of an event, his father being an exceptionally proud warrior would no doubt want a son with an exceptionally high power level but also not so high that the son would outshine his father. Kane?s father got his wish, or at least he got half of it, his son was born with an extraordinarily high power level, 1143 to be exact, the child was obviously going to make a exceptional warrior, or so they all thought. As Kane grew up it became very apparent that he was unstable, the slightest insult to himself or his family would drive him into fits of rage that would only stop when the insulter drew his final breath. The bloodlust was not uncommon in his family, in fact it was to be expected for a child of his age, at 7 he killed a Second-Class soldier for a remark he made about the young noble?s appearance. With time his father assumed his son?s bloodlust would subside or at least lessen in intensity, at 12 years of age Kane and his father took part in the battle over Vegetasei against the forces of Furiza. The transformation to Oozaru proved to be the catalyst in ridding Kane of his bloodlust, in fact it seemed to take away all of his interest in combat. After coming back from the battle, or more correctly the part battle, part mass-retreat on the part of their enemy Kane rejected the opportunity to clear a planet for sale, something his family wouldn?t have thought possible. With Vegeta?s new ranking system his family still retained the old position in society, they were still Elite and they still had great power, Kane?s lack of interest in pursuing greatness for his family earned him their contempt. Perhaps it was because he felt there was no one worthy left to fight, perhaps it was because he was no longer bloodthirsty, whatever the reason Kane didn?t feel there was any cause to keep fighting for. He continued his training, merely because the system was now based on current power levels rather than those at birth, his was still privy to the best of services but it all seemed so hollow. His family had almost given up hope on Kane when something snapped again inside him, and his old nature returned, he went from malcontent to homicidal maniac in the space of what seemed moments. Now he embraced any opportunity to flex his muscles, especially when that came to clearing planets for resale. His earned a reputation for brutality, clients would pay a fortune for his services as a mercenary and he would clear even the most dangerous planet with no thoughts for his own safety. At age 22 after several years as a merc he decided that joining the military, what he hoped would give him a taste of some real action, and real action is exactly what he got. His family?s connections with the military ensured that he would go in a couple of steps already on the ladder, his brutal and efficient nature earned him both respect and fear among the lower ranks. Kane developed a taste for Black Ops, missions that were authorised by only the highest levels of the military and were often exceptionally dangerous. 7 years later and outside the highest branches of Command nobody knows exactly what Kane?s missions are, they only know that he always comes back successful. Cunning, brutal and efficient, these are the three words that most people would use to describe Kane, they are of course perfectly accurate. Arrogant, psychotic and callous, Kane would sacrifice his entire family if it meant gaining more prestige or the chance to fight a better enemy. This makes Kane a man to be feared, both by those under his command and by those above, for those under, his complete disregard means that they could be sent into suicide missions. For those above his command he?s after their positions, and will do pretty much anything within his own warped sense of reason to get them. [b]Signature Attacks:[/b] [INDENT][I]Promethean Halo[/I] - Kane?s most powerful Ki attack, Promethean Halo is capable of destroying entire moons or small planets with it?s incredible destructiveness. However for an attack to be of the magnitude to destroy a large moon it would require enormous charge-up time. The technique begins by Kane drawing energy from his body by placing his hands vertically straight down on both sides, with his palms out flat, orange energy waves engulf his hands once sufficient energy has been drawn. Phase two of the technique required Kane to place his arms fully horizontally to increase energy output for the attack, the final stage of the attack requires Kane to bring his arms together directly in front of his locking his fingers together to launch the Ki attack. Time taken to do all this depends on the strength required for the attack but the strength to destroy a moon takes approx. 15 minutes. [I]Guardian Aura[/I] - What you see is what you get with this technique, and it is the only defensive technique that Kane uses, drawing upon his Ki reserves Kane is able to create a Ki energy shield around his entire body, forming a continuous ?suit? of armour. The shield is only capable of absorbing the same level of energy as it is being fed, .i.e. the more energy fed to the shield the stronger the absorption level. This technique can be used along with other attacks but only if sufficient energy is there to continue to feed the shield. [I]Hyperion Vengeance[/I] - The fastest of all Kane?s techniques in terms of charge-up this attack is performed by Kane holding his right hand up level with his head while placing his left hand out in front of him [in the position to throw something almost] from here a lightning fast wave of Ki energy can be charged and fired. This energy unlike normal Ki energy has an electric current running through it capable of inducing massive shock in the target. Charge-up to firing time is virtually instantaneous. [I]Tempest Zeal[/I] - A kind of go-between in terms of power and charge-up, this is Kane?s most used attack, if HV is too weak and PH is too slow then Tempest Zeal is the technique to use. The technique is performed by Kane spacing his feet apart with his arms just out from his sides and fingers touching [quite like the Kaio-Ken] from here and orb on energy is charged until enough has been drawn upon. Next Kane moves his fingers apart and positioning his arms straight out with his palms open. The energy build up from the charge-up can be fired in bursts of small, fast moving projectiles or in waves similar to his other attacks. [/INDENT] [b]Weapons:[/b] None [b]Power Level:[/b] 48,750[/SIZE]
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