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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Personally I'm against the death penalty in any situation, I don't believe that any human has the right to judge another fit to die. I believe that anyone who does commit a crime, no matter how terrible deserves a chance to be rehabilitated and rejoin society. I accept that sounds a little soft for a lot of people who have committed terrible crimes but I do feel that everyone deserves forgiveness for what they've done. Mostly that just comes down to my own beliefs as well as my faith as a Catholic, and yes as Drix pointed out I also find it amusing that people are pro-abortion by anti-Death Penalty and vice-versa.[/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE=Red][color=#002E55]In terms of Atlantis : [spoiler]I think that the Wraith are people who came across technology used by another race - the people who killed the Ancients in the first place. They might be in the same situation as the current Atlantis team, only having utilised and mastered a few of the technologies they discovered. The Wraith might have been a rather primitive race who stumbled across technology and learned to use it, slowly. Whereas humans have far more experience with new and old technology as a whole.[/spoiler][/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Maybe that's always been one of my back-up theories, although in the show the fact that [spoiler]the Wraith ships have been in hibernation that long suggests that they are in fact the original antagonists of the Ancients.[/spoiler] However in saying that they may have done a Goa'uld [spoiler]and stole most of their technology from other races, which would explain why the Wraith simply cannot overcome Ancient shields or weapons.[/spoiler] [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well I have to admit that I've never seen King Kong be that the original or it's remakes, the closest I've ever got to the series is the animated series [b]Kong[/b]. My own opinion of Jackson is that he is a competent director, because the only work he's done [to my knowledge] is the LOTR series I can't really make a solid decision. Honestly I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and go to see the film with an open mind, then I'll rent the original and probably call him lots of awful things because very few remakes are as good as the originals. I agree with what James was saying, CGI has become an intricate part of film making, imagine Star Wars without CGI, imagine Jurassic Park without CGI. I'm not saying that an entire film needs to be shot using CGI, however it does have it's uses as does any other form of animation. As James pointed out without directors like Lucas and Spielberg who saw the potential that CGI had to offer we would have missed quite a few memorable cinematic moments over the years. Just for a moment try and imagine being as impressed if the fight between Yoda and Dooku in Attack of the Clones had been used with puppets and glowing sticks.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I'm not really sure what'd you call my clothing style, at least from the list above it wouldn't seem to match any particular one. In terms of clothing I just wear what's comfortable, I'm quite tall [6'2"] and so it's often hard to get clothing that actually fits properly. Mainly I just wear tracksuit pants and large cotton t-shirts if I'm just working around the house, when I go out I tend to go for long sleeve shirts and chinos or jeans but I'm not picky. In terms of jackets I normally wear hoodies although they have varying colours and I've no particular favourite, usually I just throw on whatever comes to hand. Honestly I don't know what you'd classify that style as but if someone comes up with one please tell me.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][[I]Tries to count how many times these threads have appeared in the last 6 months but fails due to the results huge number[/i]] Well my own opinions on homosexuality are only too well known, myself, Jordan [Drix] and Dave [Boba] have consistently given our reasons why we oppose gay marriage. They appear to have got to this thread a few times before I have, in fact I?m trying to steer clear of these threads because they always end the same way with people saying things they regret and the thread itself getting closed. Personally I don?t honestly mind whether or not someone is homosexual, as a Catholic maybe I should because the orientation of being homosexual is considered a sin, as is gay intercourse. What annoys me is when people start clamouring to flame the Church because it and their particular set of views clash, one particular quote from Transtic Nerve about the Pontiff comes to mind, however I will not repeat it. As a Catholic I use the morals set down by the Church as well as some common sense to formulate a good working idea of what?s right and wrong, after all the Church was founded to be a institution of Good. Although I don?t mind homosexuals when it comes to them looking for the right to marry, that?s when the red light starts flashing in my mind. Because I consider a ?marriage? to be a ceremony performed in a Church it is a sacred blessing, and since homosexuality is considered a sin (as said by Pope John Paul II a few months back) then I cannot support the defilement of the sacrament. I don?t think that giving gay people the rights of a married couple is acceptable, yes the may love each other but they cannot fulfil the singular reason of a couple, they cannot produce children. Now yes I?m aware of practices that allow lesbian couples to have children however the child is not both of theirs and is merely a case of Artificial Insemination. Recently in Ireland a pair of Canadian lesbians looked to have their marriage recognised under Irish Law, unfortunately for them Ireland is still a very Catholic country and their request was denied. I personally was happy about this because I would view the acceptance of their marriage as legal would open the floodgates for others to look for gay marriage, something which I think would destroy the institution of marriage. I personally don?t accept that marriage has ever changed from what it first was, many of the founded governments of many countries have specific religious backgrounds (the Founding Fathers of America for instance). Religious morals are built into every society, they were the founding blocks of what was good and what was evil in times past, yes certain zealots used those beliefs to commit wrongs but the beliefs themselves are inherently good. People who say that religious morals play not part of society are blindly dismissing their own pasts, whether that faith be Islam, Catholicism, Judaism, Protestantism or any other faith the morals set down in those faith have shaped the world we live in. I accept that I?ve got slightly off point but what I just said I felt needed to be said before I progressed any further with this post. I think the comparisons between the movement for gay marriage and gay ?rights? and the Civil Rights Movements are farce, black people were being oppressed because of their skin colour. However they like couple from every other race are capable of continuing the species, homosexuals are [b]not[/b], plain and simple. My opinions have once again been given in one of these threads, now all I wait for is for someone to start quoting me, stuff to get personal, and eventually for the thread of be closed.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Honestly I don't think there's a definite predominant age group to OB, mainly this has to do with the fact that we only have a couple of hundred recurring members at any one time. When the majority of people join they appear to have done so because of Anime, myself included although I've lost my interest in that genre. I'd agree with Josh [Baron] when he says that the anime fans are usually 11-15 when they join. I myself have been around OB since V3 way back just over 3 years ago, and a lot of members from around then are within the 16-24 age bracket, which is what Josh pointed out. To answer the asked question I'll reach 18 in February and have plans to be here a few more years before I decide to leave.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][b]Ad Presenter:[/b] This is what happened when Julie found out the her diamond engagement ring was fake. Remember Gentlemen that buying Escobar brand diamonds will avoid these nasty instances and allow you to keep your testicles.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Heh nice of you to sneak this on us, although I thought you were supposed to be doing a prequel to Personification rather than a redeux of The Third Succession. Anyway it?s great to finally get to sign up for a Maverick Hunters RPG, this series has done a lot for OB and the fact that it?s being done all Old School should hopefully bring back some Oldies from their hiding spots. Sorry about the length but when it comes to writing biographies I have a tendency to keep writing until I?ve reached the conclusion.[/SIZE] [COLOR=Black][LEFT][FONT=Verdana][size=1][b][Name]:[/b] Malcolm Kane [b][Callsign]:[/b] Mirage [b][Age]:[/b] 27 years of age [b][Appearance]:[/b] [img]http://adventkane.250free.com/Sheppard.jpg[/img] [b][Personality]:[/b] Mirage?s a hard person to figure out, unusually quiet he appears to be happy to live and work in almost complete silence. In the event that Kane actually does say something it usually has relevance, even if that relevance isn?t noticeable right away. When he does make small talk, and that?s more of an ?if? than a ?when? Kane actually has a very compassionate personality. Kindness and honesty are two of his most obvious traits, though again his lack of communication does tend to make it a little hard to see those areas of his personality, mostly when someone has earned his trust they?ll see it through gestures, rather than words. Kane sees himself as more of a soldier than a leader, uncomfortable with the mantle of being one, though when the time calls for it he is resolute, fair and willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. [b][Biography]:[/b] Mirage is the creation of one Nathan Soong, a gifted Robotics Engineer with more than a passion for productions involving robots. Soong would spend hours just watching old syndicated television shows or cartoons, looking for inspiration to make the next big break in terms of robotics. Two particular productions fixated him, the first was a television show featured an Android who struggled to become human, or at least to understand what it was to be human. One particular fascination he had with Data was the fact Nathan shared a very similar name with his creator, that being Dr. Noonian Soong. The other show to hold his attention was a cartoon from roughly the same period of time in the 1980s, the production dealt with the battle between two sets of giant transforming robots, one group fighting for good, the other fighting for evil. Soong became quite obsessed with the story that was The Transformers, his support lay squarely with the Autobots, and many of the characters intrigued him. However Soong had other influences than in the realm of science fiction, Dr. William Light original creator of the reploid also ranked very high on his list of those who inspired him. Although Soong was gifted he was nowhere near as ingenious as Light had been when he conceived the idea of the reploid, all Soong hoped was that he could create a unit that Dr Light would approve of. Soong didn?t have any family, he had been an only child and had never married, his work had been all he lived for, in the hope he would make the world a slightly better place. He commenced work on creating Mirage in the middle of his life, aged roughly 60, he journals tell us that he hoped to finish the project by age 65. Because the usual method of creating a reploid was now reproduction Soong endeavoured to try and be a father to what would be his son, he knew the loneliness of growing up as an only child. He began work on the reploid from scratch, crafting his artificial structure first, laying the very foundations of a new life. Six years later, and at the grand age of 67 Soong finished his work on Mirage and watched eagerly as his son took his first look at the world around him. Soong had built Malcolm in the same manner that present day reploids were born, he would have the ability to age and mature. Soong had put a lot of himself and his dreams into Malcolm, though neither would?ve quite imagined the chaos that would follow. Nathan had absolutely no idea of how to be a father, after all he?d never married and his parents were no longer around to teach him. On the other hand Malcolm had little understanding of the world and knew Nathan to be his only family. The two made a rather odd couple, a happy father and son although neither had any idea whether they were doing things right, at least in the first few months. Considering Nathan had been self-employed, or at least he had only ever worked on his own projects in his later life he was able to move his business back to his own birthplace in Ireland. Ireland and Europe were far from Novus Concordia, though Europe had once been a considerable political and economic force it?s cities and towns were now far smaller and more styled in it?s ancient architecture. Malcolm grew up and enjoyed living in Ireland, something about the scenic beauty of the country left it a lasting impression of him. He would spend hours as a young boy roaming the rolling mountains and valleys, to him they were infinitely more preferable than busy cities. His father?s work was now mainly consultant-based, although Malcolm didn?t appear different to any other reploid, at least internally, his creation did generate some interest from robotics companies working in Europe. In his mid teenage years Malcolm spend much of his time studying life; medicine, neurology, biology, human physiology, xeno-biology, anything he could get his hands on he would read. Malcolm wanted to become a doctor or enter some profession that would allow him to help people. And although his father secretly hoped his son might follow in Nathan's footsteps he said nothing, above all else he wanted Malcolm to follow his own dreams. When he was roughly 19 his father began work on a second unit, a sister for Malcolm. Although Malcolm felt that it?s creation was more out of loneliness by his father, as Malcolm had intended to leave home just before his father began construction. Working from the same parameters from which he created Malcolm his sister Fiona was created in a mere four months, as opposed to the six years it took to create Malcolm. Although Nathan had created Malcolm in the appearance of a baby, Nathan had created this new offspring in the appearance of a young woman, and in the end she looked only a few months younger than her elder brother. Malcolm decided that the ?birth? of a sister was a good time to leave home, although Nathan never said it, Malcolm knew that his father would have liked him to stay. He travelled back to Novus Concordia, deciding to enter university and become a fully-fledged physician. However while browsing different universities he was approached by a representative from the Defence Department and interviewed as to whether or not he?d like to join the Defence Forces as an M.D. Malcolm had never been comfortable with violence, however he knew that the military provided him with ways to challenge himself that would not be available to him simply working in a hospital, he agreed and signed up. Malcolm found that although he had no affinity for violence he was well able to perform in combat, his body being constructed of a more durable alloy than most reploids. Although Malcolm did possess these skills he had no interest in putting them to use against another being, he was perfectly content to be a doctor and deal with the duties which that role put forth. Malcolm?s unit was mainly composed reploids as they had far faster responses and reflexes than humans, however there was one human in his unit with which Malcolm became associated with, perhaps his first true friend. Gavin Ambrose had become a surgeon for many of the same reasons that Malcolm, both shared an enjoyment of nature as well as a taste for silence when the time called for it. Gavin?s reflexes and response times were very high for a human, his speed and ability often raised the question as to whether or not he had cybernetic implants. However when Malcolm received word that his father was dead, and that his sister was in custody for the murder he was forced to take leave to return home and find out exactly what had transpired. He learned that his sister had killed his father in cold blood for apparently no reason, this left Malcolm in a complete state of shock. Fiona refused to co-operate with police and had merely instructed for them to send for her brother, only then would she divulge her reasons for killing her father. When Malcolm faced his sister he was filled with anguish, here was someone whom he had helped bring into the world that would kill her own father so easily, and all without reason. Fiona told him that humans were weak and would eventually destroy themselves, and that reploids, Malcolm?s real family would be the only survivors. Malcolm could only disagree with her, he told her than humans were good and honest and that she had committed a grievous crime in killing a man who represented many of humanities finest qualities. His sister was momentarily unabashed by this and merely called her brother foolish, however a darker side to her personality emerged as she broke free from her restraints and attacked several human police officers. Malcolm could only act, and pulled his sister down before activating her termination code, a safeguard that he and Nathan had build into her, if the unlikely event that something would go wrong. Malcolm later learned that Fiona had been a victim of the X Virus, the only reported case in Europe at that time. Something inside him told Malcolm that his father had been targeted, and that his family had been used. Malcolm requested a transfer from his current assignment to the new unit X Hunters, and although his superiors were slightly wary about his reasons for asking for the transfer, his field abilities proved to be the decider in his favour. His father?s death and his sister?s murder (he refers to her X Virus infection as being her murder) has left Malcolm even more quiet than he was before, although behind his quiet façade is a hurt young man with no family left. [b][Affiliation]:[/b] X Hunters [b][Primary Weapon]:[/b] [I]Highly Modified H.T.L. Unit[/I]. A weapon who?s design was conceived in the late 20th century the H.T.L. [Hyper Titanium Launcher] or ?Rail Gun? as it was more commonly known is capable of firing titanium rounds at almost the speed of light. The technology itself was only ever experimental, blasters and other units that used pure energy for ammunition generated more interest and as such were given funding for their creation. Malcolm however was intrigued by the technology and using modern technology he managed to create not only a working model of the weapon but one who?s usefulness actually ranked along side that of busters and blasters. The unit itself is capable of firing several different types of round, depending on the requirements of the situation.The weapon is bordering on fully automatic and is capable of firing up to 200 rounds a minute, unlike its predecessor units this one has practically no kickback force when fired. [b][Secondary Weapon]:[/b] [I]Retractable Beam Sabre[/I] [Blue] (Yes I admit it, it?s the SW nutter in me that has to have this) [b][Defensive Capability]:[/b] [I]Internal Cloaking Device[/I], as one would guess this is where Mirage gets his name. One of his more unique features this allows Mirage to render himself invisible to the eye using the stealth generator in his body. This invisibility however goes beyond cloaking from the normal eye but cloaks him throughout the light spectrum, however the drain on his internal power systems is quite large meaning Mirage can only use it for a number of minutes at a time.[/size][/FONT][/LEFT][/COLOR] [LEFT][SIZE=1]Hope everything is OK, if anything needs changing just give the word.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
  9. [QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][COLOR=#503F86]Your lack of faith upsets me a little. I know it's not the most active RPG, but talking like that isn't exactly going to help retain people's enthusiasm. I've been incredibly busy myself lately so I won't push anyone to post if they can't. But if you have any free time and some decent ideas, feel free to add on to it. If the worst comes to the worst I'll turn it into a [i]MyHero/Kill Adam[/i] chapter-based game. Although personally I prefer the free style of all this.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Sorry about that Hugo, that post was made on the onset of a rather bad chest infection, leaving me in a negative mood (as you noticed in Enter the Net). I didn't mean to put it quite so bluntly as I did, but people do seem to have lost interest. I admit that I didn't put in my share of the work in it's earlier segments but I since my post is the last I'm afraid I can't post again. Honestly I prefer the "Free Style" of it too, although when it was first posted it meant that you pretty much had to write a post on the spur of the moment. I think the first thing you have to do is actually find out who is still interested in ASHS, after that if it's only a small amount of people you may want to either reopen the Sign Ups for a while or go the "Chapter System" route. [/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Heh heh thanks for the update telling me this was actually started, I was hoping to be the "Charlie" figure of the Bikini Bandits however the instrument of DragonWarrior's destruction is enough for me. After all only a fellow Gavin has the sexiness to defeat him in single combat, and even then there's no guarantee. The battle would probably be like the one in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, the one between Silent Bob and CockKnocker.[/SIZE]
  11. [quote name='Manic]I just read some news that [i]Farscape[/i]'s Ben Browder will be joining [i]Stargate SG-1[/i]'s ninth season. There's no news on what kind of character he'll be playing, although I think he'll be casted as a series regular. This could mean he'll become the [spoiler']4th member of SG-1, what with Jack off the team now that he's a General.[/spoiler][/quote] [size=1]Perhaps, although that's the first I've heard on the subject. I personally think that [spoiler]SG1 will remain as a three-man team, there really isn't any need to increase it's size with a new character.[/spoiler] In saying that though anything would happen as [spoiler]Daniel and Anubis are meant to have another unhindered Ancient-powered battle, something which is going to be very interesting to watch.[/spoiler][/size]
  12. [SIZE=1]Thanks for the responses everyone, I'm really glad you've enjoyed the story so far, even if there are some mistakes. The next chapter should be up shortly, and it?s going to be two or three times longer than the previous, with a few more cameos. I know I promised to add a kind of character listing before then, but I'll give that at the end of Chapter 2. It should be up in the next 72 hours or so, so keep and eye out and I hope you'll enjoy this one as much as you enjoyed the first. [/SIZE]
  13. [size=1][I]Tears streamed down Van's face as he kissed Trini's hand gently, he knew she'd have made it out alive, something inside him just told him that. He could feel his own wounds healing, the rate of cellular repair for Van was far beyond that of a normal human, at least it was the day he came back from [b]there[/b]. Something about this place was rekindling those parts of his systems, last time they'd made him younger, healed up his most sever injuries within moments. Hell he'd had a dodgy heart four months ago, and now it was working like a new clock. A large gash on his left leg had now almost healed itself completely, thank God nobody was looking or likeliness was he'd get shot. His eyes met Trini's and he realised she'd been watching his leg too, internally he groaned, the last thing he wanted to do was worry her.[/I] [b]Trini:[/b] [[I]Quietly[/I]] It's happening again isn't it ? [b]Van:[/b] I don't know... something about this place is like the Bladerunner, and I think I know what that something is... [I]Van squeezed her hand, his injuries were now merely blood-covered skin, and once he washed it off he'd look right as rain. Using his free hand he rubbed the left side of his face, he never wanted to be back in this position again, he'd wanted to take Trini back to Ireland with him and settle down. Vivian was still talking to Allen, thank God for that, he'd have to pretend to be injured for a while more to keep down suspicion. Hobbling across he had a look at Gabriella, his breathing was heavy, fear moved through every inch of his being, they would come soon and he knew it. Gabriella's wounds were probably the second least severe, apart from a few bruises and maybe a broken leg she'd be fine. He just hoped this dump had a decent Medical Bay or they'd be pretty fucked.[/I] [b]Van:[/b] [[I]Coughs twice[/I]] Vivian... [[I]Rubs forehead[/I]] Are there any medical supplies around here ? This woman's leg is broken and I need something to heal the fracture. [b]Vivian:[/b] Sure, most of the equipment is kept in those storage units over there. [I]Van nodded in thanks, as he was moving over to the units he noticed a new person had entered the room, another colonist, he hoped she knew how to handle a weapon. She gave him a brief glance was he shifted awkwardly towards the containers, she'd moved over to Allen, probably knew he was the Captain from the ship. Most of the containers were from Earth companies, some of them Van had even done research for, he moved over a few before finding one labelled [b]MedTech[/b]. "Perfect" he thought, removing one of the devices from it's slot, this was exactly what he needed for treating Gabriella.[/I][/size]
  14. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. That was a fascinating little piece of reading Death Bug, I had suspected that the results might show that most people wouldn?t read the entire document although it could have gone the other way. I do think that running the petition in a different area would have produced similar results, there may have been a slight difference in those who actually did read the entire document but that would have only been due to the increased volume of people. I guess it is merely a case that common sense isn?t all that common, or maybe it?s just a case people want to complete a task as quickly as possible regardless of the results, a lá filling out the petition without reading it fully. Sol-Blade?s article/picture/what-have-you, that too was rather good, I had actually guessed from the name that it might be water and reading through the whole thing confirmed my assumption, still it would be something fairly interesting to slip to people and see if they do get it. As for Josh?s comments we had something fairly similar in Fourth Year, you were given this 4 A4 set of pages and told to read it thoroughly before beginning to answer, 88% of the year (which means all but 5 people) started the sheets before reading it fully. The last question asked them to hand back the sheet to the teacher at the end of the class without filling out any of the questions, sneak trick but I luckily I didn?t get caught out, I'd learned a while before that to read everything carefully before you answer.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Heh I was going to post here sooner, actually I ran a search for this on the same day that Alex revived it. I've still yet to play the original Knights of the Old Republic game, it's still sitting in my locker awaiting the arrival of my new PC, but lucky for me I have until March to beat it before the second comes out on PC. I've been reading reviews for the game as well as watching video clips of it, which can be found at [I]Gamefaqs[/I], or whatever subsidiary does the video clip previews. It's supposed to be the [B]Empire Strikes Back[/B] to the originals [B]Star Wars[/B], which pretty much means it's better in many ways, although I'm only basing that on reviews in a PC magazine I trust. Overall it's something to look forward to when it comes out in March as I have neither the X-Box to play it on now, nor the desire to go out and buy both.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][I]Van's breathing was ragged, everything seemed to be moving at a slower rate, voices reduced to dull echoes. His eyes opened slowly, he was drawing in sharp breaths, the room was spinning, he felt like he was going to throw up... something was definitely wrong. His eyes rolled up into his head, his mind shifted back to the before the crash, the warmth of Trini's body against his, the beat of the water from the shower. Allen's voice sounded over the warning klaxon, their moment of bliss was shattered, they had to move quickly. His mind skipped to the Pod room, the feel of Trini's lips against his, "Don't worry Trini, we'll make it..." His eyes opened again to the real world, he felt a hand slip into his, the warmth of the blood brought his mind back.[/I] [b]Vivian:[/b] My name is Vivian, can you hear me ? [I]Van still couldn't talk, it felt like there was something jammed in his throat, he squeezed her hand to tell her that he could. Hoarsely he tried to make some kind of sound, but all that came out was a mix of vomit and blood, he rolled over, a sharp pain ran across his left arm. Emptying the foul concoction from his throat, his breathing returned to some state of normality although the pain in his arm was just as intense.[/i] [b]Van:[/b] W..er... Wa...er.. [I]He coughed again, trying to bring up more of the vomit from his throat, within moments he could feel the splash of cold water down his throat, it seemed to soothe it, allowing him to speak.[/I] [b]Van:[/b] My name is Van... [[I]Takes a breath[/I]] How are the others ? [b]Vivian:[/b] We found five alive from the crash... You, two other men and two women. [I]Van's mind rushed, who had survived, was Trini alright ?Was Allen alright ? He tried to move to see who was there, but she held him down. He knew he needed his rest, he was a doctor, his injuries were probably severe from the crash. But if Trini and Allen hadn't survived it would probably be easier to die here and now. He tried to move his left arm again but the same sharp pain ran from his shoulder, he gritted his teeth in pain, a small groan echoing from his throat. Slowly he rose, using his one good hand to steady himself of the metal slab, his vision was still fuzzy, but after a moment or two the spinning seemed to stop. His eyes moved over the survivors, Rawson, Allen and Trini, he thanked God, but at the same time he knew that Sam was gone, tears flowed from his eyes, stinging them, they had come this far and now they were all alone. His gaze met Vivian's their hands were still intertwined, she was frowning at him, obviously she had wanted him to lay still. His feet were bare, apart from the torn remnants of his socks, the ground was cold, it sent a shiver up his spine. He moved quickly to the bed that Trini was lying on, she was asleep with a few bruises but she looked OK, next he moved onto Allen, although slowly shuffled would be a better description. His legs were fairly burned, though they could have been much worse, a whitish salve was already applied. Van took his hand from Vivian's and ran it along Allen's forehead, a smile crept along his friend's mouth along with his typical humour.[/I] [b]Allen:[/b] [[I]Grins[/I]] You look like shit. [b]Van:[/b] [[I]Coughs[/I]] I look better than you, always have, always will. [I]He leaned down against Allen's bunk, they needed to speak for a moment in private.[/I][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. My parents have been pretty lenient with me for most of my teenage years, any time I want to head out with friends to a party or some form of social event they usually haven't any problems. I think that if you show your parents that you can be trusted to be responsible when you go out, then you shouldn't really have any problems. I've always worked hard and done well in school, taken care of my brother and sister when my parents want to go out (although that occurs only once in a blue moon) and generally just behaved. I can't say that all parents are the same, but as Dave said they will always look out for your safety, they'll always try and do their best, even if you don't feel that way.[/SIZE]
  18. [size=1]Just a quick question Legacy, are our opponents using paint balls or live ammunition for this exercise ? I?m just slightly confused as you?ve been hit by two round of live, and yet the vast majority of the time it appears to be paint filled munitions we?re using. I know mine and Jamie?s posts don?t match exactly but I wrote this before I had a chance to read her?s. [center]---------------[/center] [I]Livewire moved quickly across the neon-coloured terrain to reach his team-mates, as the only member with any medical knowledge he was the designated medic for the squad. He gritted his teeth in pain but made no sound, a large gash ran along the upper part of his left arm, a bullet that had narrowly missed it?s intended target, he?d managed to stop the bleeding and wrapped up the wound with medical gauze and a bandage. Several ?enemies? lay face down in the ground, their bodies showing bright green paint at some point, Falcon and Panther had been hit during the exercise although Falcon had the more serious wound. His taser had since been returned to its holster, the radar seemed clear and the chances that there were enemies in the immediate sector was negligible, his footsteps sounded off the snow as he ran, leaving their impression in the whitish-green earth. He reached the two, his attention immediately drawn to the blood stained bandanna wrapped around Falcon?s midsection, Panther had been hit in the leg twice though he could tend to that later. He drew out a small vial from the case and removed some of the clear liquid using a syringe, locating a vein in her mid arm Livewire injected some of the sedative so he could work on removing the bullet. This was well beyond his usual training although he wasn?t going to balk this and let her die, he nodded to Panther and removed the makeshift bandage, Falcon groaned in pain as fresh blood ran from the wound to the frost-covered ground. Removing a pair of medical forceps, as well as a scalpel Livewire began to probe the wound to try and find the bullet, the shot had hit her pretty far out to her side meaning that it wasn?t near any vital organs, her back was also free of a wound meaning it hadn?t exited the body. He drew in a sharp breath as he found the bullet, it was pretty deep but using the forceps he managed to retrieve it, removing more morphine from the vial he administered some more to Falcon before starting to treat the wound. The bullet had been small enough in calibre, tossing it aside onto the ground he removed some more medical gauze and bandages, the blood flow had been reduced by a large factor since he had removed the round. Clamping down on the source of the blood flow he prepared to close up the wound. Patching the wound with the gauze he wrapped the medical bandages round her waist as tight as he could, Falcon coughed indicated they were tight enough, Livewire wiped some of the sweat from his forehead, he definitely didn?t want to go through that again. She glanced at his shoulder to which he merely shrugged, helping her up they exchanged glances before he moved onto Panther, his suit was stained with blood although the two lacerations themselves were not all that serious looking, Panther had already taken a dose of the morphine as Livewire had instructed while he had worked on Falcon. One of the bullets had cut right across his upper calf, which meant it was just a simple case of patch and bandage, the other in his thigh was slightly deeper although it took wasn?t severe. After a number of minutes Livewire stood up to survey both patients, Panthers nanites would be able to have him right as rain soon, Falcon on the other had was still fairly white looking, she?d lost quite a bit of blood but Livewire?s pack wasn?t equipped for blood transfusions.[/I] [b]Livewire:[/b] We should hold up here for a while, get some energy back after the firefight. [b]Panther:[/b] Negative we have to press on with the mission, the football is in motion and we need to get to the evac point. [b]Livewire:[/b] [[I]Sighing[/I]] Alright then I suggest that you and the rest of the team head on while Falcon and I guard your six. I?m not sure she?s ready to be involved in another firefight, that round and the sedative will make her a little groggy.[/size]
  19. [size=1]Bowser, as one of Mario's oldest and closest friends said the news of Peach's affair had left the Italian plumber a broken man.[/size]
  20. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I've played my share of bad videogames although quite a few come to mind when someone looks for the very worst one I've played. That title is strictly reserved for [b]YuGiOh: Forgotten Memories[/b], the pain that game inflicted on my mind with it's awful gameplay, worse graphics and with unbelievable luck for the A.I. After playing that I became wary of playing any other a games based on Animes although Legacy of Goku II was a pleasant change. Other than Forgotten Memories, [B]Blast Corps 64[/B] would be another game which I will forever live in contempt of both it and it's creators.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I read the idea and just found it simply intriguing, the way you want to set up the characters, the Sheriff of Nottingham as a Lawyer is just simply brilliant although giving him a kind of Judge Dredd role would be good too. I like the way you're planning to set it up, I'm a big fan of the Chapter System but this seems to be the kind of RPG that would work well in tandem with it. I look forward to seeing this in the Inn sometime in the future. [/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Heh heh it must have just been a fluke last time because I laughed quite a bit reading the second part, trying to imagine you in a French maid?s outfit left me in stitches laughing. The ending to it was simply divine and I was wondering if we would see more of [spoiler]Agent Smith[/spoiler] after his apparent death at the hands of the V7 Moderators. I can't wait to see your next piece of work, just so long as you don't leave us hanging in suspense for five months while you write it.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Two brilliant chapters since I last looked here, I really need to check back here more often to see more of these excellent n00b Hunter tales. I particularly enjoyed reading the demise of SonicBlaster, the detail in which you described his ending was nothing short of spectacular, heh the "Ancient ritual of the IP Ban" line was great. Getting to see how Ajeh got his powers was good too, as it's been ages since I've had the chance to RP with him[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Personally I think you should see if you can get around the fact that he's still a minor, or at least see if you can get around the fact that your parents would have to pay for the little [[I]expletive removed[/I]]'s lawyer. If you can make it so he'd have to pay for his own defence then I'd take him to court no qualms about it, he's stolen from you and this doesn't appear to be the first time. The only way he will learn right from wrong is to be given some jail-time, probation in this case doesn't seem to have worked as he has gone on to steal from you. It's not his POs fault that he's done this, just because he hasn't checked up on him, he's 20 years old for God's sake when is he going to take some responsibility for himself.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]I don't think you're a coward Vicky, not for one second, you showed courage in your own way by not giving in to them, and that at the end of the day is what's important. If you were to give into and believe me when I say I know where that leads you're only dropping yourself down to their level of being a petty thug, it's not somewhere you want to end up. You said you have confidence when you're in a group, what you need to do is transfer some of that confidence into yourself, ask your friends what's good about you, remember it and remember that they are your friends. As for the rock throwing incident that is rather serious, if it occurred in the school then report it to the principle, if it occurred in the street then do not hesitate to speak to the police about it. Imagine what would have happened had that rock hit you somewhere else, the eye, the temple, there are plenty of places it could have hit you and done far more damage. Verbal abuse aside, though I do know how pain verbal abuse is, especially if it is sustained over a long period of time, that is a matter for the police. Honestly I hope you're able to get through this, these people aren't worth your time, group or not they are very small and insecure people how require the strength of the group to act like pricks. Get them one at a time and just kick the living **** out of them and see how great the are, and when they run in terror, and believe me they will you'll feel one hell of a kick of satisfaction.[/SIZE]
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