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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. It's funny to see how scientists have actually worked out a mathmatical formula behind Murphy's Law, though I suppose everything in life can be broken down to a simple equation. I shall endeavour to see if said equation actually works in a real life situation next time I believe I will experience a Murphy's Law moment, and report the findings. There's also a sequel to Murphy's Law called O'Reilly's Law, put simply it says that Murphy was an optimist. ;). [/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Actually that's a big misconception of Satanism that they worship Satan or the devil (the same with Pagans) since Satan is a purely Christian belief. Neither true Satanists nor WIccans/ Pagans worship the devil. From my understanding Satanism is a form of self worhsip and indulgence instead of restraint for which most Christian religions are known for. Ask anyone who truely follows Satanism or Levayism (called that because teh Church of Satan was formed by Anton LeVay) and you'l find out that there's really no devil worship. Whoa, ok, that was a bit redundant and I wish Lincoln was on so I could have him help me with this. But I know I got the whole thing about Satanism not being about Devil worship correct.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ah my bad, I just assumed with the whole name being Satanism that it was dedicated to the worship of Satan, thanks for the correction Chibi I'm not very knowledgeable about all these new-age religions. I suppose Levayism is a better name because the association with Satan is not as apparent as the name Satanism though as you say there is no devil worship I suppose that makes the point moot. Actually just as I read through you're reply the devil or overall evil figure is quite common to many religions, Islam, Judaism, many ancient religions also held the same belief. [/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]I'd completely forgotten about a lot of members brought up in this thread that have since left the boards. Brings back a lot of nice memories. It's funny how in retrospect everything seems to fade into warm happiness. I really don't remember nearly as much of the negative as I do the positive. I remember when the Otaku Lounge, or whatever it was called back then (Sadly, I can't recall off the top of my head) was filled with controversial topics, and I'd race to post and debate before they burned out of control and were locked. That certainly doesn't happen much anymore. /shrug Good times, good times.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Yes nostalgia does tend to make you look back on things with a slightly warm view, though as I found out a while ago after looking through some of my earlier posts, (one in particular which featured a Boba Fett who used to use more than a few smilies ;) ) we look back with a pair of rose tinted sunglasses. Still it's always nice to look back on your past and smile in the knowledge that it's brought you to where you are now. As for the racing in to debates I'd say we still do that fairly often though we've exercised and explained our points on the same subject matter so many times it's become a bit pointless. After all you, Drix and I were often the voices of conservatism in most debates that involved the damning of the latter by those who did not like it's policies.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. [U][B]Sign Up:[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Malcolm Kane [B]Country:[/B] Republic of Ireland [B]Age:[/B] Sixteen, coming on seventeen quite soon. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet and unassuming, Kane was a young man who enjoyed Beyblading because it provided a great sense of entertainment as opposed fame or glory, as was the drive behind so many others in the game. It is this sense of ?fun? almost that allows him to take every match in his step, never getting worked up over the outcome and merely enjoying the battle itself, win or lose it was all just part of the experience. Out of the stadium Kane is a pretty nice guy, always willing to lend a hand to those who need it whether that be in the form of a training session or just a bit of encouragement. His quiet nature can at times aggravate those who would see patience as slowness as well as his compassion as a weakness, though for Kane his calm and kind nature has a way of pacifying those he meets. [B]Team:[/B] Trial Team [B]Appearance:[/B] Kane is a big guy who bares a kind of ?look at me and I?ll eat you? appearance, though in terms of personality nothing could be further from the truth. He stands roughly 1.85 meters in height and weighs somewhere in the region of 80 kilos, both muscularly and athletically build Kane is almost typical of the so called ?Celtic? race that makes up the vast majority of Irish people. Longish and light brown, his hair seems to flow down his face (think SG1 Season 1 Daniel Jackson) though it does have a tendency to move into his eyes when he moves his head. His dark blue eyes are one of his most notable features, apart from his physical size that is, though his glasses, which almost never leave his face tend to cover them. In terms of clothing Kane likes to stick to comfort, tan jeans, white runners and a dark slate grey coloured t-shirt are his usuals, though he does sometimes wear a navy, unzipped sports hoody over his t-shirt when the weather is cold. [B]Beyblade:[/B] Death Gargoyle MS [B]Stats:[/B] [U][i]Attack Ring[/i][/U] Attack [**] Defence [**] Endurance [***] [U][i]Weight Disk[/i][/U] Attack [*] Defence [*] Endurance [***] [U][I]Running Core[/I][/U] Attack [*] Defence [*] Endurance [***][/SIZE]
  5. [quote name='Manic']I'd like to think the spirits of the dead or higher powers have something better to do than entertain a group of 13 year old girls at their slumber party. But maybe I'm just an idealist.[/quote] [SIZE=1]If you're one Manic then I expect we all are, though there will be those who would expect that the souls of the dearly departed get some kind of a kick out of continuing the interest in such super-natural silliness.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1] Interesting, most interesting. I agree with Domon here, it really is interested to see how you can go beyond the surface of movies like American Pie and see a deeper meaning, I have to admit that I didn't see anything deep about it at all. However I'll go back and watch the film after reading what you've said about underlying subtlety and see if my opinions on the films change. I did notice the different characters representing different cliques so to speak, though again I did miss the deeper meaning behind it. As for American Pies 2 and 3, or should that be Americans Pie, bah whichever, I didn't find them as funny as the first one, I thought the genre had tired a little and the jokes seemed very similar. In particular the relationship between Stiffler and Finch became very bourgeois in the third movie, the whole motherf***er jokes were highly predictable. [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Just a question, how can you have a non-secular blessing when a blessing is a secular event ? That was just something that stuck out at me as I read the summary to this. I agree that the community has an influence on the growth of a child, I've lived quite near a small village for the last decade and I can definitely say it had an influence on me, unfortunately most of those were unpleasant influences. Still I have met people outside my family who have influenced in many good ways while I have grown, I disagree though that it is the responsibility of the "[I]village[/I]" to raise children. As for your comments about the Iraq War as well as the soldiers stationed there, (many of which also landed in Shannon Airport to refuel even if we're supposed to be neutral) I would make the point that they knew what they were getting into when they joined up. 100,000 Iraqis have been killed since the start of the Iraq War, I could equally ask [B]what are you doing for them and their families ?[/B] [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]It?s great to see you launch something new Annie. [b][u]Sign-up[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Malcolm Kane [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sterotype:[/b] #4 - The skater- Hyper, care-free, enthusiast. Very optimistic and boisterous, always wanting to skate or conquer a new video game. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.tvtome.com/images/people/24/6/68-41204.jpg[/img] [b]Issue/Secret:[/b] Malcolm may look care-free on the surface, a normal happy young man in one of the most prestigious schools in the country, in truth Malcolm is one of the school?s worst drug abusers. Heroin, cocaine, marijuana whatever he can get his hands on, his habit has put him in hospital before but Malcolm has never really cared whether he lives or dies, something about his early home life did this to him but he?s never been willing to say what it is. [b]Bio:[/b] Malcolm Kane, born to one of the countries richest families there was little beyond his reach, one of the few things that was just happened to be happiness, from an early age he was assaulted both physically and sexually by one of his father?s associates. As he got older the assaults become more and more brutal, the bruises on his body would last for days, the emotional scarring has lasted him a lifetime. At age twelve he first experienced drug abuse, his father had been a periodic cocaine sniffer and through taking small amounts at a time Kane felt able to relax, even able to endure the abuse. His habit only got worse from then, using money from his father and mother to pay for more and more blow. When he was sent to Hallow?s Point High, Kane finally relaxed and let his habit slip for a while, he was able to try and blend in without looking preppy, Kane hated the preps people who?s riches might actually have made them happy. Instead he chose to hand around with the Skaters, he had found skating to be a way to cover up what injuries he may have sustained at the hands of his abuser, as well as this he got a genuine high from it. He stuck with the group, however his habit soon returned, his depression came to the point where he nearly overdosed more than once, his only option was to use his inheritance to cover up what happened. Hallow?s Point also got him into more and more drugs, heroin became a bit hit for him for a few years, marijuana was big among students but Malcolm only used it if he had nothing else to take. Over the last few years he?s managed to get by without raising much suspicion, there have been a few times when he?s nearly been caught but to Malcolm it?s all part of the game, life, death, it doesn?t matter much to him.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][CENTER][U][B]Update: 19/11/04[/B][/U][/CENTER] Hmm well if this is to continue I guess I might as well update, as well as ask those who've had their sign ups accepted if they're still interested in participating. Ugamon since you were banned before I had a chance to reject you're sign up I really didn't bother correcting it. I'm also going to reject this new one you've posted, there are a whole load of problems with it, one of the major ones being it looked just slapped together a few minutes before you posted it. There are numerous spelling, capitalisation and grammatical mistakes, as well as this I'm not happy with your [B]Biography[/B] and [B]Personality[/B] sections. In terms of the biography section it bares a lot of the same problems Sword Breaker's had, this plague infecting the Ancients and your guy getting moved, I would once again like to point out the Ancients were (and still are) the most advanced civilisation in the galaxy. As such their medical technology would have easily been able to deal with a minor plague without needing to shut down their facilities. If the plague you're referring to is the same Wraith Plague that nearly wiped them out then I'm afraid you're character would never had been allowed on the mission, after all the children selected were to rebirth the Ancient species, so allowing someone who was in the same area as the virus to join the group would be a serious no-no. You're personality section also seems to be very thrown together and short as well as having a very n00b feel to it. Basically I'd advise you to look at other people's sign ups and see just come up with a new sign up altogether.[/SIZE]
  10. Gavin


    [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well personally the best multiplayer game ever would be [B]GoldenEye 64[/B], I just found it to be a game that set the bar for all James Bond games to follow, as well at the multiplayer genre in general. I have to admit that apart from GoldenEye I haven't really played any games with a multiplayer aspect to write home about, Jedi Outcast had a pretty fun one too. There's just something about Force Powers that adds interest to the mix, that and lightsabers are always a plus.[/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE=DeathBug]Well, regarding Cloricus, in the process of arguing his opinion, he was a jerk. Really, I think that sums it up. I argue with CHW and Godel Sensei all the time, but we're nice about it. Therein lies the difference.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ah yes Cloricus I remember his arguements though in my opinion he was nowhere near as bad as Crimson Spider, now there was an *** when it came to opinions. If I remember correctly he made some jackass point about homosexuality in a thread about six months ago. Got a few [B]Most Opinionated [/B] votes for all the wrong reasons. [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Yes my first feature appearance in a story by a fellow Gavynn, I have to agree with Solo the "[I]Makes you poop[/I]" comment was definitely good. I'm eagerly awaiting my next appearance in the further chapters, I get the feeling this is going to be as good as [B]Enter the Net[/B].[/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE=Siren]Good question, Kane, and it's a question I'm surprised nobody has answered, lol. Long before the Old Republic, long before KOTOR ever took place, there was a specie of creatures known as the Sith, who dabbled in various types of black magic...magic that eventually would become Dark Side powers, I think. During the Jedi exile, a few Jedi came across Korriban, the Sith homeworld, and began learning the ways of the Sith, gaining this immense power. Those Jedi, now Dark Jedi, returned and began challenging the Old Republic, also recruiting for the Sith Army. I guess the answer depends on what you mean by "Sith." If you're talking about say...the Sith Diplomats in KOTOR, Dooku, etc, then there's really no difference between the Sith and a Dark Jedi, except that the Dark Jedi (like Dooku) are trained in the Force, while the Sith (like the Diplomat) are not--they're just regular officers. If you're talking about Sith as a species, then that's completely different from anything we see in the films. The original, true Sith on Korriban were their own specie. Over time, however, the two species (Sith and human) became one peoples. I hope that answered your question, heh.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Indeed it did, although I was already aware of the race known as the Sith as well as their conquering by Exar Kun if I remember correctly however my question was answered none the less. The question itself was actually based more so towards the EU area of later Star Wars, it's there where we see the term Dark Jedi steadily replace the term Sith. I suppose another way to look at it would be that a Sith Lord would have to have been trained in the dark arts of the Sith to call theselves one. Thus the distinction between those who fall from the ranks of the Jedi and calling themselves Dark Jedi have actually very little in common with the Sith since there is no common training. You've also made me even more impatient to play Knights of the Old Republic now Alex, bah I really have to change this relic of a PC.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. My personal opinion of Eminem is that he is simply a rapper, he produces material typical of his genre and that's about all there is to it. Yes some people will find some of these lyrics offensive, I rarely hear anything by him so that discounts me, and others will say that it's normal. I don't really care for rap music in general and as such I wouldn't be a fan of Eminem but he's an artist as much as anyone else who produces music, he just happens to make music that appeals to a different audience.[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]I'm sure you people have already discussed it, but I saw the trailer for the new episode the other day. Once more, I'm sure you people have already seen it ages ago. But I was excited. I also dropped a brick when I saw it come on during the previews of a movie I went to see. OMG, the excitement >:^D And Anakin was evilness :([/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]The last post about it was fifteen replies ago, one of mine actually. As I said back then I haven't seen the trailer, for some reason fans here in Europe always have to wait ages for anything compared to America. From what I've seen about [B]Revenge of the Sith[/B] from the Extras Disk in the Star Wars DVD Trilogy it looks as if the mixture just might have got better. I think that in the new trilogy they focused a little too much on the romance aspect of Anakin and Padmé as opposed to the more obvious political upheaval. I remember seeing Hayden as Vader for the first time and it sent a shiver down my back, I can't wait to see the proper film in May of next year though no doubt everyone is. [[I]Has reached 1000 posts as of this one.[/I]][/SIZE]
  16. [quote name='Lady_Rin']As a rule christains, especially cathlolics, are stuck in a dogamatism that precludes consideration of any of the above and a suspicion of other christain religions, lutherans, protestants, and all others that are not specific to them. Many of them teach intolerance to those outside of their own nonsecular world and unfortunately I also have to say the same of Jews and Muslims whose tolerance for outsiders is almost non-existant.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Actually that statement is completely farce, the vast majority of Catholics, myself included hold the ideal of consideration and fairness whatever the religion quite close to heart. Yes I will admit that at times different Christian groups have had violent exchanges between them, Catholic in Ireland faced persecution at the hands of both Anglicans (Church of England) and Presbyterians for being Catholic. The same has occurred in Germany between Catholics and Lutherans because of the corruption that had nearly brought down the Catholic Church. I will admit that the Catholic Church has had it's problem but the idea that we distrust people of other faiths because they don't believe as we do is a complete farce. In fact it's usually people of no religion who are the most intolerant, as well as this in any faith you will have extremists who want to stir stuff up in the name of their God. While on holiday in Turkey I spoke to several Muslim people who said that they had no problems with Christians because they too believe in Christ, they seemingly dislike Jews because they neither accept Christ or Mohammed as saviours. When it comes to Wiccans and Satanists and other such unorthodox religions I'm not sure what to think, I suppose the consideration ideal applies though I'm not sure what the Catholic Church's standing on them is. Well I suppose they're against Satanists because they worship the Devil and he is considered the greatest figure of evil in Christianity. Hmm I suppose the old idea of "[I]Do unto others as you would have them do unto you[/I]" applies in this situation.[/SIZE]
  17. [QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]This is the true Empire, the true spirit of the post-Republic goverment perverted by the Emperor and his dark Jedi followers. Probablly the Empire's real golden age.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Well you also have to remember that the only reason "The Empire" came to be was because of Palpatine and his dark Jedi followers, though more correctly they were Sith. Well except maybe for Vader since he was trained as a Jedi, and Dooku, does anyone actually know what the exact difference between a Sith and a Dark Jedi is ? But yes I think the Remnant actually managed to pull itself together in the New Jedi Order series, perhaps this has to do with the fact that they were actually fighting an enemy with whom they could give it their all. When they were fighting the Rebellion they had to watch out for spies and treachery and the like but I highly doubt any Imperial would have turned traitor to the Vong.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. I have not admit that I haven't experienced anything like that on my browser so far, I do get the odd ad saying "Congratulations" but it's never caused any problems and I've never been asked to download anything. I'm running off Webroot Spy Sweeper and PC-cillin 2002 which I installed after a virus totalled my PC, seems to have done the same again a while back though it could be the same virus. I'm actually having this weird experience on OB where Kyuai has posted won't load properly, it has something to do with his banner though for anyone else it seems to load fine. It just seems weird and if anyone has an answer I'd be appreciative.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Personally I can admit when I wrong, it occurs every once in a while and that's inevitable, there is nobody who's right about everything and that is something people tend to forget. Like the vast majority of people here I do hold strong opinions of things that are important to me, such as my faith and issue that go against my faith, others such as every day stuff I allow myself to keep an open mind. Those opinions which I base off the Catholic faith (Anti-Abortion/Anti-Gay Marriage/What have-you) are things that will never change, yes some parts of it have mellowed but the core beliefs remain the same.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well considering I'm about as knowledgeable of Temporal laws as I am with complex Neuro-Surgery I'm just going to stick with what little knowledge I do possess and just sit back and enjoy the RPG. Nice quite of "unknotting the string" Corey, it makes me feel special ;). Using the [B]Chapter System[/B] do you plan for each person to post in each chapter or do you plan on having certain chapters to deal with certain character interactions ? I'm just curious as Chapter-based RPG have a tendency to take a long time to do and come off feeling quite short as opposed to post-driven RPGs like Black Horizon.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well I've been a devout Roman Catholic for practically all my life, there was a time when I was around thirteen that I lost my faith for a while, I just couldn't believe any more but eventually I regained my faith and I've never felt better spiritually. To me my faith represents a set of guidelines through which I can help lead a better life, in the knowledge that after this existence I will go on to something better because I believed. I personally believe that everyone has the right to have their own religion, or like Godel have none at all, we are all unique. Yes there are those who represent the Roman Catholic Church that have done truly horrible things, the paedophile priests for one, but one thing people don't realise is that back then people were pushed into becoming a Priest/Brother/Sister when they didn't want to. I mean can you imagine leading a life that you absolutely hated and having to continue for the sake of your family, being lonely all your life because your father and mother decided you were to be the priest in the family. I'm not condoning what they did, it was horribly wrong but there are those of them that I feel sorry for. Now in saying that there were fellow who did such evils because they wanted to, those who used violence on children but they're different and will burn in Hell for it. I personally think that at some stage the Catholic Church is going to have to take a serious look at what's been happening to it and try and fix those problems. I say this as a loyal Catholic who doesn't want to see the Church become an institute of evil instead of great good, I also think that George Bush should stop using God's name to justify his actions. Just my thoughts on the subject. [/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting. Well I'm with Godel on this one, yes I've heard a few stories from people in regard to the "powers" of the Ouiji Board but mainly it sounds like a load of shite. Actually I'd like to thank Godel for providing scientific evidence of how the Ouiji Board works, who's name I have been spelling wrong for years. I remember a story one of the girls told inside about how a Ouiji Board foretold a fellows death by a car, he never used a car after that and one day years later as he came down the stairs he tripped on a dinky car and broke his neck. I have no faith in the "super-natural" and the occult, and as such I would regard that "story" with great cynicism. [/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE=Tigervx][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]Daala probably wasn't one of the best Imperial Adrimals, loosing three Star Destroyers in such a short period of time isn't the best kind of incidint you want on your resume. I personally like Pellaeon much better, one of my favorite imperial adrimals right after Thrawn. He really shows his stuff during the Yuuzhan Vong Wars, despite nearly loosing what the Remnent had left. He shows loyalty to his men and doesn't flinch in the face of fear. An all over very well rounded adrimal.[/COLOR][/FONT][/quote] [SIZE=1]Yeah I guess you really wouldn't want to have to explain to your boss why you just lost three very valuable ships in a half-assed attack on a Rebel held planet where one of their best tacticians had retired. I actually liked Pellaeon too, though I agree with Dave too, he was more of a leader than a tactician though he was a very good leader in his own right, not blinded by hate for the New Republic. He even stayed true to the cause after losing his son, whom I think was called Captain Davies, in the battle against the Vong in the NJO novel [B]The Final Prophecy[/B]. [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Well that was... interesting. I'm kind of with James on this one, I don't really understand the purpose of the piece, other than possible shock value. The lyrics seem coherent and actually have a sense of flow to them, seems like something you might here on open-mic night at a rap club. Interesting though not really in my preferred tastes.[/SIZE]
  25. Gavin

    Halo 2

    [SIZE=1]I happened to see a kind of preview of Halo 2 on MTV during the day, I only ever got a preview chance to play the original Halo game and as such I couldn't exactly form an exact opinion of it. On Halo 2 I thought that the graphics look fairly nice though again all I saw was about a 3 minute preview thus I can't be exactly sure of the overall graphics. If you're big into the FPS or TPS genre then I guess you'll enjoy the game however from what little I played of Halo I thought it seemed a bit repetitive and a bit mindless. I may be wrong but since I'd have to go out an buy an X-Box and a copy of the game to see if it's any better I couldn't really be bothered.[/SIZE]
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