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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. [SIZE="1"]Too pale to be genuinely human, the bed-rriden, astrally-projecting, vampire hunter Grove Marcus better take care of you just to be safe. [CENTER][IMG]http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Grove.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE="1"]Inspired by seeing Kung Fu Panda last night. [CENTER][YOUTUBE="Scrubs: Kung Fu Fighting"]yl9ZZsUX00s[/YOUTUBE][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE="1"]Not only did he kill you, but he hates most of those Linkin Park AMVs on Youtube for showing him crying.[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d109/theolobao/vegeta01.gif[/IMG][/CENTER]
  4. [quote name='Dagger']Ohohoho. I see your French subtitles, and I raise you an anime about Marie Antoinette. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Fair enough, I'll counter with an enjoyable reworking of a French classic. [CENTER][IMG]http://static2.animepaper.net/upload/thumbs/wallpapers/Gankutsuou/%5Blarge%5D%5BAnimePaper%5Dwallpapers_Gankutsuou_nat_2116.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  5. [size=1]All these red-heads are making me self-conscious, let's move on to funky helmets. [center][img]http://static.dailymotion.com/dyn/preview/320x240/5674243.jpg[/img][/center][/size]
  6. [quote name='Indi'][COLOR="Indigo"]Do me a favor,[I] neve[/I]r use midget to describe me again or I'll post a certain image I described to you, more than once, in multiple threads. I am not kidding.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][center][img]http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/media/2007/05/darth_vader_nooo.jpg[/img][/center] Alright, you win, I surrender, that word is gone from my vocabulary. >_
  7. [SIZE="1"]Well, thank God for mistranslations it seems, although "the real one wasn't with them/isn't there" isn't much more of an improvement. It does raise the question as to whether the "real" Pein is somewhere still behind the scenes, or that this new female body is the genuine article. Should be interesting to see this person who's fought Pein and lived, even though I was under the impression that until Jiraiya he had not been encountered by Konoha-nin. Oh well, either way, it should lead to more training for Naruto.[/SIZE]
  8. [quote name='Phenom'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][spoiler]"There is no real one"[/spoiler]. I swear, if that's the answer to what Pein is, I might as well stop reading the rest of the series right now. Where's the build up at? It's like since Itachi bit the bucket, there's been nothing to get excited about. At least that's how I feel at the moment. Perhaps Kishi killed off his best character too soon.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]The quality of the writing in the manga is really starting to slip, I mean first we have Sasuke being a complete and utter retard with his new mission, despite everything he now knows, and then this...Thank God Kubo seems to still know how to write a decent story. This whole thing has gone down since the Jiraiya/Pein fight itself.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE="1"]Happy birthday Ace, and you too Laura, this seemed to fit the occasion, so enjoy. [CENTER][IMG]http://media-cards.theotaku.com/127664-20060617081306.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  10. [quote name='Korey'][IMG]http://www.themegabusters.com/Website%20Buttons/objection.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Why Gavin, what ever do you mean? I would never employ such a cowardly (yet effective) strategy on my dear comrades. I can't cast revive [strike]and steal your loot[/strike] if I'm dead...so you [B][I]need[/I][/B] me.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]As Phenom pointed out, so long as we have potions on hand, I'm not trusting you a single iota Korey. :p[/SIZE] [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]There was Chrono Cross back in 2000. Do you mean another one or did you not like it?[/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]I imagine what Nerdsy meant was a more modern incarnation of the series rather than a rerelease, at least, that's how it read to me, but maybe I'm wrong.[/SIZE]
  11. [quote name='Indi'][COLOR="Indigo"]This reminded me of Gavin[/color][/quote] [SIZE="1"]What was that midget ? :rolleyes: [CENTER][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/ded.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] What Crys thinks before she actually posts. ^_~[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE="1"]Feh, go back to your pathetic "cute" preteen girl animes Crys. :rolleyes: [CENTER][IMG]http://www.emulationgalaxy.co.yu/images/manga/DBZ/Fat%20Buu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Try adding the ability to destroy worlds and maybe your little puff-ball might be impressive.[/SIZE]
  13. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]In all seriousness though, I'd be the nice guy on the team. I play healer class characters in most RPG's and I would gladly take up that role for the WiFi play, if it meant that I get some good fun with my buddies on the OB! [/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Oh sure, we give you the role of ensuring we're all fit enough to fight, and then when we're at our weakest you strike. Feh, such an obvious tactical ploy Korey, you'll have to do better than that. ^_~[/SIZE]
  14. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Rest assured, if I kill you and take your loot...it's not because I hate you, but that you have something that I don't and I decided your life is acceptable payment for me obtaining this item. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]God knows how far we'll actually get in the dungeon with people killing each other constantly. On a side note, in openly admitting you're willing to kill people for their loot Korey, I think you just ensured you're the first one to be killed when the paranoia over loot-related killing starts.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE="1"]Headband > Pig-tails. [CENTER][IMG]http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/McLeod.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] For anyone interested, it's taken from the latest Highlander movie, worth a watch if you're a fan. It's a "reboot" so it doesn't have any relation to the other works.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE="1"]I choose intelligence, I mean seriously, I couldn't run Wal-Mart and plot to take over the world...and OtakuBoards on good-looks alone. :animesmil[/SIZE]
  17. [size=1]Well, as Ace started it, I might as well post this weeks spoilers. [QUOTE=MangaShare][SIZE="1"][spoiler][B]Verification[/B]: [COLOR="Green"]Confirmed[/COLOR] Translation of the Japanese summary (it's real - corresponds to the pictures). 表紙シホ The cover is Shiho. ~暗号部~ The encrypted message part ナルトがカエルの背中のタの文字を見つける。みんな9だと勘違いしていたらしい。 Naruto notices the character "ta" on the toad's back. Everyone had mistaken it for "9."* (*note: because they're similar...kinda タ 9). そこでしかまるが自来也の書いた本でタから始まる物を探そうと言うと窓が開く カカシ「おそらくコレだ」 しかまる「イチャイチャタクティクスの??タ!」 シホ「ではまず31ページを開けて下さい」どうするか聞くカカシにそのページを読めとシホが言うが内容がエロイ為躊躇するがナルトに早くしろと言われ読む。 At that point, Shikamaru suggests they look among Jiraiya's novels for one which begins with "ta", when the window opens and Kakashi says "probably this one." Shikamaru: Icha-icha tactics..."ta"! Shiho: Alright, then, would you mind turning to page 31? Kakashi asks what they're going to do, and Shiho tells him to read the contents. Kakashi hesitates because the passage is kinky, but he starts reading anyway when Naruto presses him to do so. 暗号の内容は 本物はいない だった The message is "There *is* no real one." しかまるが綱手の所に行くと言うと シホ「私もいいですか?」しかまる「たのむシホ」と言われニコニコする Shikamaru anounces he's going to Tsunade. Shiho:"Can I come too?" Shikamaru: Thanks. At which point Shiho smiles. 場面は代わりペイント小南とマダラ Scene changes to Pain, Konan and Madara. マダラにペインは木の葉に目を付けられてると言われるが小南「ペインは無敵??九尾は確実に手に入れる」 Pain is told by Madara that Konoha's made him their target, but Konan replies "Pain is invincible...the Kyuubi is as good as ours." マダラ「??」「八尾は佐助に行かせた」 Madara: I've made Sasuke go after the eight-tails. 小南「大丈夫?」 Konan: Is he up to it? マダラ「俺が保証しよう」 Madara: I guarantee he is. マダラ消える Madara vanishes. 立ち上がるペイン Pain stands up. 「小南すぐに準備をしろ」 "Konan, start preparations immediately." 奥から顔に黒い棒の生えた小南(さっき喋ってたのとは別。写メとりますね)と何人かが来る From the back comes a "konan*" with black sticks protruding from her head, as well as other characters.** *more like, a female looking character, going by the pictures. **the other Pains, going from the picture. 「これから木の葉へ向かう」 "We head for Konoha."[/spoiler][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Personally it's a bit of a "Meh" chapter for me, although I am slightly intrigued by [spoiler]Pein's new female body. My first instinct for whatever reason lead to [url=http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/KushinaPein.jpg][B]this possible theory[/B][/url], although even I think it would be a lame plot twist.[/spoiler][/size]
  18. [SIZE="1"]Two for Allamorph, because I laughed so much at them. [CENTER][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/funny-pictures-basement-cat-recruitment-team.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/funny-pictures-basement-cat-eats-souls.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] And one more because I nearly choked on my tea when I saw it. [center][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/funny-pictures-cat-realizes-where-the-thermometer-goes.jpg[/IMG][/center][/size]
  19. [SIZE="1"]Never bring a knife to a gun-fight... Especially a ninja gun-fight. [CENTER][IMG]http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/Yukimi.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  20. [SIZE="1"]I'm pretty excited about having the chance to finally play this game, as I missed doing so on both the SNES and the PS1. That and being a huge DBZ geek even now, it's cool to get to see more of Toriyama's character designs, even if doubtlessly with this rerelease, Rach will continue to associate me with Magus, heh. :animeswea[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE="1"]I love anyone who's geeky enough about Star Wars to get this... although really that's just my way of praying that someone else gets it. ^_^; [IMG]http://farm1.static.flickr.com/203/516456119_1f5f0b57de_o.jpg[/IMG] *Laughs* I really would have sat through another three movies of Jar Jar just to see how that kiss was later addressed between those two. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.reelcomix.com/admin/admin_images/ignorance-is-bliss.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  22. [SIZE="1"]Captain TB pwns your lightning rodent with his dual-type zanpakutou...And I just wasn't posting Sasuke or Kakashi. [CENTER][IMG]http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/bleach/13c_ukitake_jyuushiro/bleach_ukitake59.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  23. Gavin

    Diablo III

    [SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/HPM/SM1583~Cartman-Sweet-Posters.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] What he said.[/SIZE]
  24. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]I always knew that someday you'd get clobbered Gavin! :D[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Feh, this is nothing. The Love-Shack duo cannot defeat NAPS, I am but one of many, and we are eternal and unstoppable, soon all your bases are belong to us. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/otakupedia/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/neverforgetmq6.jpg[/IMG] FOR GREAT JUSTICE !![/center][/size]
  25. [SIZE="1"]You just know you're screwed if this is who you're praying to. [CENTER][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/xenu-pam.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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