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Everything posted by black_vegeta

  1. I dont want to sound like a broken record, but... yeah you guessed it, I like anything from Cowboy Beebop ...also I like just about anything from Gundam Wing.
  2. in all honesty, would it be much of a series without Spike... ...I guess they could bring him back or something, after all, Faye was locked away frozen in a chamber for a number of years... I doubt there will be another series/season, but I would love to see it!
  3. Dubs are okay, I mean, come 'on, Can any of us do better? I mean, no matter how good the actors are, If you like the original, you just like the original. No matter who does it, if you saw the japanese version first, the the dubs just aint gonna seem right. When it comes to subtitled anime, I tend to stay away from fansubs, unless, I'm desperate to watch something I haven't seen. As it was forementioned, I'd get the DVD's. They provide the most accurate translation. Anyway, why do people think fansubs are the most accurate thing on the planet?
  4. ...sheesh, tell me about it man, GundamClips is a one man show. Good help is hard to find!
  5. As for me, i'll buy what I want mostly from suncoast, online, etc. I try to stay away from fansubs as much as I can, but will buy one if ,and only if, I'm desperate to watch something I haven't seen.
  6. I wouldnt say that it was sad, just as real as far as situations go, that It can get... I found the series kinda dramatic, very action-packed, but never sad... Oh, except for Spike getting killed at the end...
  7. I finally got a chance to watch the first few episodes of Rurouni Kenshin, and it was pretty darn good except for one thing that really bothered me... Those stupid faces that they make... ...maybe its just me, but I hate it when they do that. I know its a trademark of anime in general, but it's takes away from the seriousness of the story. Or maybe it's just plain comedy that the writers put in there to keep us humored... I dont know, tell me what you guys think about it.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]I highly recommend the FLCL sound track, Cowboy Bebop the Movie sound track. Kenshin Sound track, basically, any anime sound track! [/B][/QUOTE] Roger that on the Cowboy Beebop soundtrack... very, very good!
  9. As far as technology for keeping a "mech" from falling over... look at this link... [URL=http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/supergeek/story/0,24330,3363498,00.html]http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/supergeek/story/0,24330,3363498,00.html[/URL] If these guys can spend millions of dollars in technology research to keep these things stable, using gyro's, etc... I'm sure that finding a similiar technology to keep gundams from falling over is possible...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B] And if it somehow did, whoever found out would be in no condition to tell anyone... [/B][/QUOTE] lol, I see what you mean Yet and still, i did a google search for "real mechs", and found this article with a picture of a leaked government prototype, check it out... [url=http://www.nationalexposer.com/dec012000-1.htm]http://www.nationalexposer.com/dec012000-1.htm[/url] Is this a real "gundam" or mech prototype, I don't know, I guess we will have to wait until the government lets us know!
  11. Hey guys, I was just wondering, I know their are some type of mechs out there (government project, prototypes, etc), but do you guys think that it possible for a real "gundam" (or gundam type machine), to be manufactued... I think it is... And I definitely think we will see some gundam or mech type machine that resembles a gundam in the next 10 - 20 years. What do you guys think? Reply with links, news, info... Anything about real mechs, etc....
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]maybe they threatened that ox dude so he just sent them to hell [/B][/QUOTE] lol, now that's hilarious...
  13. Maybe someone can help me out. If goku has to save the world to keep his body when he dies... ...and tien, yamcha, and piccolo are granted special permission to keep thier bodies to train with king kai.... ...and vegeta looses his body when he dies... ...how, or why, in the world does cell and freeza still have their bodies when they die... iIT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE... Can anyone clear this up for me?
  14. Well, this can only be explained by one thing, COMEDY! What would any show be without an occasional laugh!
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] I'd have to disagree with u and Duo. If Heero was crazy, then he would've just gone berserk on Wu Fei earlier, and he would've also actually have killed her, and probably as many ppl as he could. Remember, just cause he didn't have a clip in the gun, doesn't mean he had no clips to load it. But u see, I'm guessing Safer(Sephiroth) is correct about his game theory. When Heero first started out, he acted as if it was a game, but later, near the end, he started to view it as it should have been viewed. [/B][/QUOTE] Good point, but I guess we will never know if he had gone crazy or not, I guess the writers left that up to the viewer to decide for his/her self!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trowa066 [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]Wait a minute! Did Trieze die in the original version?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Of course.
  17. Maybe the more appropriate topic would be, IF YOU COULD PILOT ANY GUNDAM, which one would it be. me, Tallgeese III!
  18. Yes, I'd have to admit that I like Trieze also... He did everything with a certain amount of royalty and class. Like someone has already mentioned, he always has a plan. Oh I'd like to say that Final Fantasy sucks... Just kiddin Sephiroth.... Not personally one of my fav's, but I hate rpg's...
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by duomaxwell1202 [/i] [B]I just think Heero is crazy...wait that's not a theory is it.. [/B][/QUOTE] I'd have to agree with this statement. The concept of war and fighting has plagued heero so much, that he has finally gone over the edge. I think that he doesn't really know if the gun was loaded or not, but that really doesn't matter. His actions were symbolic of the "end", so to speak, of the never ending wars that plague earth and the colonies.
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