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Everything posted by NamakemonoChan

  1. Oops..... Watch out for the n00bs like me. >.< I just came over from deviantART. And since I'm such a n00b, I'll introduce myself.... with DETAILS!!! : D I go by Chibi Chan and Namakemono-chan online but everyone calls me Nama or Nama-chan. I like anime and manga, of course, but I prefer to read manga. I frequent Borders and Barnes and Noble. ^_^ I mainly came here to draw and show others what I can do. I hope I can make a few friends, too. I love Naruto, it's my second great obsession in my lifetime (the first being Pokemon). I draw a lot of fanart of it, although at the moment, I've been focusing more on drawing my OCs. I also like a lot of the major shoujo manga out there. So yeah.... Watch out fer meh!!! :catgirl:
  2. I just joined so I guess I'll show a bit of what I can do. Here are some sketches I've done in the past month or so. My Photoshopped stuff is way better, though. XD -[URL="http://www.freewebs.com/fatcatstudiossketchblog/apps/photos/photo.jsp?photoID=9891800"]A Nice Hinata Pic (except for the eyes >.
  3. I'm new, just came over from deviantART. Hopefully, this place will be more my thing. :animesmil
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