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This really is pretty amazing. I thought it was a type of digital rendering at first, but painted in PS, that's crazy too. xD I really, really like how realistic it looks, the way it's shaded, the shimmer, and the gals eyeshadow. Though personally, I prefer to stop at the top of the lid. Going up to the eyebrows looks tacky. ^~
I found the touch screen to just be too difficult to use. I prefer the d-pad, it was much easier. I beat SMds about a month ago, with all 150 stars, and it was a lot of fun. I never actually play SM64, so it was all new to me. xD I really liked it though, but I do have to agree, I didn't like using the touch pad. The rate at which you moved your finger, that's what depended on your speed, so I just prefered to hold down a button and run instead. Much easier, just more simplistic than learning how to control your finger on a screen to make a little man run. oo Oh, and hi. ^^ Long time.
[COLOR=LightBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well, this sounds fun enough.^^ Husband: Syk3 Husbands Mistress: Shinmaru Aunts: Juu, Roxie Uncles:Ajeh Dad: Ken Sisters: Lady Asphy, Japan(? Brothers: Ajeh..o.o() Interesting lineage, eh?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=lightblue]Well, I've had this game since the beginning of December, and I'm currently in the New Game+. I found this game very enjoyable, really, but maybe that's because it had a feminine touch.^^ I should admit though, the game is not only for girls, even if all the playable characters happen to be female, you really don't notice it much. The new battle system is much more enjoyable, especially if you hate spending a lot of time on battles. The ATB system just goes so much faster, and it's also much more exciting. The dresspheres are actually pretty simple. There are different classes, and each one learns 20 permanant abilites. To use the abilities though, you must either be in that class, or equip a garment grid or accesory that allows you to use them. It's tons of fun to experiment with, and I personally love watching the transformation sequences.^^() The storyline isn't as well done as FFX, but it's still a pretty good one. Nothing major, just lessons about life and a story to go with it. It's a short game if you don't do the sidequests, but if you include them all, it adds to the storyline and lengthens the game. The graphics are basically the same as X, but the music is completely different. It's more upbeat and modern, and done by not Nobuo Uematsu, but Takahito Eguchi and Noriko Matsueda. This actually bothered me that Nobuo wasn't doing the music, but it turned out I enjoy the songs in this game just as much as any other Final Fantasy. Anyways, overall this was a good game, a bit short, but still fun. There are at least six endings to the game, but I'd suggest just getting the "Good Ending," if you're going to bother with one. In conclusion, I'd recommend the game if you're just dying for another class game, and want to expand the story of FFX a bit more.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Definately to get into shape, that's my number one priority, but others would be.. Finish all the video games I quit playing in the middle. Do [b]all[/b] of my homework more often. Learn how to cook. Find more time to talk with Syke.^^ I'd say that's most of the significant resolutions there, though I doubt I'll be able to keep them all.[/color]
[color=lightblue]I like, Sen, I like.^^ I think it's adorable, though simple, which fits into the theme of the Harvest Moon games. Living a simple life, on a farm, trying to get a girl.Oo Anyways, I love the sheep in the background, and the texture, though you said you had nothing to do with it, fits well with the banner. The only thing bothering me is the kanji. For one thing, it's brown, which doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the colors. Another thing, it's right in front of the cute lil guy, and you just can't have that.^~ Overall, it's a nice banner, as are many of your others/[/color]
[color=lightblue]New year, new art. Critiques and Comments is all I ask. Well, like most of my other late banners and avatars, I've used the faded edges for the border. I just seem to have fallen in love with the effect. It might be because OB is only using one skin right now, and these fit well with it. No wording or text on these, just a cute little picture, cloned in and layered. I'm just stuck with simplicity right now, and this picture was perfect. January has just always been a light blue in my mind. Not much else to say, this was an easy banner, and the avatar was even easier. Maybe next month will be more complicated, but this is it for now.^^ [img]http://otakuboards.com/avatar.php?userid=1617&dateline=1073165623[/img] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=538352[/img][/color]
[color=crimson]First Banner: Well, it has a nice dark feel to it, which must fit with the mood of the music, but it's a bit hard to see some of the shapes you've placed in the background. I do like the effects though, it looks like you warped an image a bit, which fits with the energy the banner gives out. One problem that's really bother me though is the fact that the text is extremly hard to read. Maybe choose a lighter color to go over the darker background, and a different font even. Something I really liked about it thoug is the border. It has a nice fade effect on it, which gives the banner a little calming peace to it. Overall, a fair peace of work, keep it up.^^ Second Banner: This banner would be so much better with a one pixel black border, but it still looks fine the way it is. I like the cleanliness of the way you cut out Kurama and Hiei, good work on that. I like the frame you placed in there, but it seems to overlap Kurama a bit, maybe if you had put it behind him with either layers, or more than one line? The image quality is good, a bit dark, but still nice, and the font seems to fit the mood, though the color is a bit distasteful. Maybe you could change the font and background color to fit more with the two characters, that would really magnify the outlook of the banner. Third Banner: Well, I like the meaning behind it, and that episode of Cowboy Bebop really tugged at my heart. The only real problem I see with it are the brightness, maybe darken it a bit, and change the text to something other than the background color. Otherwise, I like the banner, nice, balanced, and simple. Fourth Banner: The only thing that really bothers me here, the font. It just doesn't fit with the banner. Maybe change it to something less bland, and make it a bit bigger, so you won't have so much empty space. A border would be nice to, as they are for most banners. Great job, keep it up, and have fun. I like your work, and hope to see more in the future.^^[/color]
[color=crimson]Well, the Holidays are approaching, so I thought I might as well make [i]something[/i] to help get into the spirit. I realize I've been away for a while, so my artwork hasn't exactly gotten any better, but I did try my best on this one. It's really a very simple banner, with a CG image, layered text, and a nice fluffy border. The avatar is basically the same, minus the text. It took a while to find a picture I liked and could use, but I'm happy with this one, and I hope the banner and avatar turn out fine when I upload them. Comments, critique, etc.[/color] [img]http://otakuboards.com/avatar.php?userid=1617&dateline=1071270642[/img] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528720[/img]
[color=green]Choir is something I've loved since I was a small child, I sang in the Church choir until about 2nd grade, and 1st-5th, I was in the required music class. I've been in choir since 6th grade, and this year I'm an Alto 1, though I seem to be able to go as high as many Sopranos, and almost as low as a few Bass. I've always loved choir, and I plan to stick with it all throughout highschool. It's been an enjoyable experience, and though we're short on music and funds, we still have tons of fun.^^[/color]
[color=green]I love how you tinted the second a blue color, and yet were still able to keep a background within the whole banner. The different fonts add a bit of curiousity to it, and add more meaning to each phrase. The image you used for this, whether chosen by Raiha or you, fits well with the theme of the banner.^^ I also love the shadowing you left behind the text, though on the "Other's Cry" phrase, it could be a bit less occupied. Overall, Great job.^^[/color]
[color=green]Computer graphics and just plain drawing for me, though I enjoy pastel and charcoal pictures. Onto your art though, your Mosiacs are truly amazing. I wouldn't have the patience or the skill to do such things, and your talents are rare indeed. Keep up the good work, and build up on your wonderful gift.^^[/color]
[color=green]Wonderful job Des, I really like how you cut out the front image, and the faded backround is just lovely. How long it took you to somehow fix up/clone/cut out that logo, I do not know, but you did a wonderful job. More banners, each and every one of yours is just so appealing.^^[/color]
[color=green]Well, I was bored, as I am when most of my artwork takes place, so I drew a picture.^^() I actually based it off of another picture I had found, so it's got a famliar character design to it. I decided, after finished up the head, that it would be a Chibi, just because I didn't feel the need to draw a proportioned upper body. It's drawn in regular 2 point pencil, on a notosogreat type of drawing paper, so there are some smudges and such. I tried by best with shading, but I'm new to it, so it's not too great in that area. Now, to describe my actual character there. Pretty much a young girl, swooning over a cute guy of some sort. Hence the lips shaped in a "kissing" type of position, and the little heart hovering above.^^()[/color]
[color=green]Well, I found a different wallpaper with Sora here on it, and I just [i]had[/i] to make my own. It's not much, I used the gradient tool as I have with all my backgrounds, and then the cutting tool around Sora. It took awhile, as well as some cloning of the same backround onto the actual one, but I finished it. The text may seem a bit odd with the rest of the wallpaper, but the logo for KH2 actually has a font close to that. It's a very simple peice of work, and though it's not that great, I spent time on it and did my best.[/color]
Writing I of the beholder, In a Second, Or Three's Company?
Mei replied to Lady Asphyxia's topic in Creative Works
[color=green]Rarely do I write full stories in the first place, but when I feel the need to, it's usually in first-person. I like to be able to fit in with the protagonist I create, and be able to tell the story as it goes along, in present tense. Whenever writing for someone else, or if I'm trying to fit just a little more into the story, I'll write in third-person. I tend to be able to fit more characters into a story if I write in third-person as well, so if I'm trying to base it off of people I know, or just trying to get more side-stories included, it will be in third. Hardly ever do I write in second, considering I never have much of a reason to, nor have I ever liked second much. If I'm were trying to write some type of present-tense horror adventure, I may choose second, but that's barely my style.[/color] -
[color=green]I've always known this series as Groove Adventure Rave, so when I saw it at B. Dalton one day, I was a bit confused about the Rave Master title. I became a mini-fan of the series when I first saw it on a site I constantly visited. This was before it was released in any other country but Japan, so everything she had found on it was in...well, Japanese. Thank the Lord for Babblefish.^~ I found out that the Groove Adventure Rave/Rave Master series was not only a manga, but an anime, and a video game being made for Gamecube. Sadly, this game has only been released in good 'ol Japan, lucky people. I've always found the storyline quite humorous, even if it seems a bit jumpy at the start. A good read manga-wise, though I can't be sure about the anime, I've never seen it.^^()[/color]
[color=green]I'm just going to let you all know that Magdalena and I have worked this out, at least most of it, and hopefully this little argument will end soon. The main thing I wanted her to understand was my point of view, and I understand hers. We've done so, and all is well between us. Now, I'm going to post a conversation between us over AIM, just to show that she isn't near as "bad" as made out to be, and that, if you get to know her, she can be very considerate. Ox Magdalena xO: Mei, I just wanted to apologize for what I said.... I feel really bad SSWolfGirl4: Oh, it's fine, really. SSWolfGirl4: I'm not that concerned about it, I was just a bit hurt about the actions you took. Ox Magdalena xO: I just never realized that I was as harsh as I was SSWolfGirl4: The fact is though, I'm happy you apologized, and I myself am sorry for the trouble I caused you. Ox Magdalena xO: I looked over my thread I made at OF... I feel bad.... I was just aggravated, and I was stupid enough to say things I don't mean Ox Magdalena xO: You caused me no trouble, actually SSWolfGirl4: We often say things just out of anger or other emotions driven behind us. Ox Magdalena xO: haha, sadly people take mine a little too seriously SSWolfGirl4: It's just something we learn to control over time, and it's hard to deal with, but I understand your position, really. Ox Magdalena xO: I just want you to know I didn't mean to hurt you SSWolfGirl4: I know you didn't, and I'm glad.^^ Ox Magdalena xO: :) Ox Magdalena xO: I just remember appreciating someone being brutal with my stuff, it drove me to improve... i kinda forgot that people are different in that respect SSWolfGirl4: I understand that, I guess I'm just new to this type of stuff, and Syke knew that very well. SSWolfGirl4: Though his decision may have been a bit hastey in it all. Ox Magdalena xO: Well he obviously cares about you SSWolfGirl4: Yes, and I'm glad for that.^^ Ox Magdalena xO: I've probably said worse to others, and he did nothing. He just proves that he really really cares about you :) This has brought some calm over me, and I'm happy we were able to have this talk. I just wanted to let you all know, that though her behavior on OB may have been a bit out of line, you do not need to judge her character on it.[/color]
[color=green]Well, I just saw this movie, and, like most, I considered it fairly average. It wasn't a ground-breaking movie, but it wasn't terrible. I liked the overall feel of the movie, but I agree that incoperating more of a Matrix idea was expected. Maybe it as all the black they wore than implied it? Anyways, as stated, they broke their share of vampiric rules, but there are, at many legends, different clans and types of vampires. They could have been a mixture between a newtype, and the Carpathians. Who knows. Onto the Lycans, I loved how they did these creatures. I've always loved werewolves, and I was actually very happy with the ones in this movie. Though it would have been nice to see more CG animation, the makeup costumes they used on occasion were exceptional and well done. With the story-line, I felt a more Romeo-Juliet feel to it, just with less passion. They kind of jumped onto the "love" emotion a bit quickly, but if they had stretched out a whole relationship story, they movie would have over-exceeded an enjoyable time limit. Anyways, overall this movie was fair, decent, and fun to watch, especially the battle scenes..I love the sight of blood personally, though I may not seem like the type of person to.[/color]
[color=green]I love the drawings, and the grayscale looks just lovely with your style. Each picture seems to have a little bug that could be tweaked, but they really aren't noticable unless you're looking for them. Really, there are more positives to the pictures than negatives. In fact, the only one bothering me is the first one, which is still much better than I, or most people that I know could do. I also might add that my favorite is Kadeth, I suppose because of the armour. Anyways, wonderful job, and keep on drawing.^^ I'd love to see more in the future.[/color]
[color=green]Thankyou for expressing what I could not, Azure.^^ And by the way Mag, I don't strive to do worse, I must practice, so I can do better in the future. Hence this banner.[/color]
[color=green]Mal...that was absolutely hilarious!oo() I can't conceive how you guys can come up with such humorous ideas. I really don't know what to say, though it did run a bit fast later on in the banner, it was still an amazing piece of work. Wonderful job, just.."wow."[/color]
[color=green]Priceless, though it did play a bit slow, whether that's AOL or it's meant to be that way, I do not know. Comical and bizarre, good job.^^[/color]
[color=green]Well, the image is supposed to be of low, darker quality. It's how it was drawn really, and the white color of the font is the only one that would possibly show up and actually look decent, so I think it fits. I have to admit though, this is [b]not[/b] my best work, nor was it supposed to be.[/color]
[color=green]Well, the image quality is supposed to be a bit scritchy scratchy, and the font is also a bit thin on purpose. I a bit unsure on what you mean by "bad" font, but maybe I'll figure it out soon.oo[/color]