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[color=green] Heehee, HAPPY EASTER![center]()() (^^) (____)0[/center] Heheh...had to make it, in case you can't tell it's a rabbit.^^() Anyways, I'm religious, so I celebrate Easter and Christmas, with the Christian meaning that is.^^() I'm also American, so I celebrate Thanksgiving and the 4th of July, plus Presidents Day, Veterans Day....and so on so forth.Oo I don't really celebrate Halloween, but I do dress up.^^ I also celebrate Mother's/Father's Day...just because I love my parents.^~ I guess holidays are pretty much either a time off, or a celebration of something great.^^() I enjoy them all any way I can.[/color]
[color=green] Rinoa, growing bored of Zidanes blabbering, decided to go see how the two that were earlier running to the airship were doing. She walked over to the door, follow quickly by Rikku. Curiousity is contagious. "They are fighting to get on" stated Rinoa. "Yup, they sure are, C'MON TIDUS YOU CAN DO IT!" yelled Rikku. Rinoa glanced at Rikku, then to the two fighting eachother to get on. "Squall....GO SQUALL, BEAT THAT BLONDIE!" Rikku and Rinoa looked at eachother for a moment, then wildly started screaming for the one they rooted for. "GO SQUALL, C'MON!"-- "TIDUS BEAT THAT WEIRDO UP!" [/color]
[color=green]OOC: First of all, Freya is a rat person, not a dragon.^^() Second, to change the page titles, well, I'll show you. Your page title goes here(you have Tidus up here, you need to change it each time.) Just take out those stars.^^ There ya go.^^ ----------------- IC: Rinoa walked over to Auron and Freya, a little surprised at this non-human creature. "Hello," Rinoa said, "I'm Rinoa Heartilly, it's nice to meet you, oh and, what's your name?" Freya looked over to Rinoa, eyes covered by her hat," I'm Freya Cresent, and it's nice to meet you as well." "Well", said Rinoa, "I think we should go join the group again, eh 'Aurie'?" she smiled, then motioned to Freya to follow her. Auron just shook his head once again, then followed slowly behind them.[/color]
[color=green] Slowly Rinoa gazed over towards Rikku, then excitedly ran to her. "Finally, another girl! I was beginning to feel lonely." Rikku turned over to Rinoa, then smiled and said. "Oh, hey! I'm Rikku, who are you?" "Me? I'm Rinoa!" Rinoa said. "Well it's nice ta meetCHA Rinoa, I'm glad I'm not the only girl here as well. Oh, have you met Aurie yet?" Rikku exclaimed, then pointed towards Auron. Rinoa quickly jolted a look at Auron, then said, "Yes, I believe we met before, but it's always nice to speak again." Rinoa smiled. Auron raised an eyebrow, then shook his head and smiled again. "You think that's funny too?" Rinoa pouted. "No, I just...nevermind." Auron again shook his head still smiling behind his collar, then walked off, towards the group. Rikku smiled, then she and Rinoa followed after Auron.[/color]
[color=green]Haha...another reminder...-- If Heaven's Cloud doesn't post up a new caption by tomorrow, then Sara will either pick her second favourite, or I'll go ahead and edit this post with a new caption pic. Remember, if you posted up a caption, always check back to see if you've won! You just never know!^^[/color]
[color=green]Quickly, Rinoa turned around, wondering why she heard a child scream. As she turned, she gazed at the newcomer, then walked slowly over to him. "Hello" Rinoa said curiously. "I'm Rinoa, who might you be?" The young man snapped his eyes over to Rinoa, examined her, then mumbled something under his breath. Confused, Rinoa blinked, then said, "I'm sorry, but I err...didn't hear you." "You weren't meant to." He snapped back. "Well fine, be that way, big meanie!" she quickly replied, then walked off over towards the man in the red coat. [/color]
[color=green]OOC:Yay!^^ I'm here too!^^ Let's get this started. Back IC: A young, slim girl, with darkbrown hair and an extremly excited look on her face ran towards the Highwind, waving her hand in the air. "Wait for me!!!" she cried. Panting, she stepped through the crowd, and up towards the huge airship. "I hope I'm not late.." she sighed. Suddenly, the two young men in front of her turn around, looking a little surprised, but then speaking, "You're not late, in fact, your the third one here." said the young man, with the tattoo covering one side of his face. "I'm Zell, and I've gotta say, you look familiar." he smiled, then held out his hand. "I'm Rinoa," she exclaimed, "and who is this?" Rinoa turned to the shorter, dark blonde haired young man. "Why, I'm err... Zidane." he quickly exclaimed. "Nice ta meet ya." Zidane also held out his hand, and quickly Rinoa shook both. "I guess we better wait for everyone else to get here, eh?" Rinoa stated, then walked over to the sign up sheet. "Yup." Zell said, then wandered off, looking around the airship. "Hmm, Rinoa...Heartilly..there! My name's down too!" said Rinoa, after she had signed her name on the sheet as well. After this, Rinoa sat down at a nearby chair, looking off in the direction Zell wandered off to, then gazing at Zidane. "The other's better hurry up..it's already getting boring."[/color]
[color=green]Ahh thankies!^^ Hmm...must think of hard one...hmm.. Haha...a secret...okie dokie. Where in FFX can you go back to and play movies and music you've previously heard and seen?(yes you CAN do this!^^)[/color]
[color=green] They may finish last, but in the end they won't be the one's getting the girl.^.~ Believe me, I'd much rather prefer a nice guy over a jerk or "bad boy."(though I would enjoy a guy with some "bad" in him.>.>) I guess nice guys sometimes finish last, but it's better to finish last than to lose it all afterwards.[/color]
[color=green] Ok I think I have it now!^^ Cactuar-FF7 Moogle-FF4? Cait Sith-FF7 Moomba-FF8 Onion Knight-I've got no idea, I'm still assuming FFX.^^() And the one I was missing... Space-I've got no idea about this one either, so I'm going to assume FFX.^^()[/color]
[color=green] Ahh....you are right my friend, except you forgot one weapon. Her Onion Knight! So it's... Cactuar-FF7 not 8...I thinkOo It could have appeared earlier Moogle-I believe FF4.. Cait Sith-FF7 Moomba-FF8 Onion Knight-problem, I've never seen this in any other FF game...so I'm just saying...10!Oo[/color]
[color=green]GAAAAAAAAAAAH*pounces in*Oo() How could I not sign up earlier?>> I hope it's not too late. T.T() Anyway, if I may sign up now... Character:Rinoa Heartilly Age:17 Game:FFVIII Bio:A lively individual with the ability to touch people's hearts. Open and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation. Driven by her ambitions, she can be difficult at times.(aren't those official profiles just great?)^.~[/color] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/meimei/Rinoa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/meimei/Rinoa2.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/meimei/Rinoa.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/meimei/Rinoa2.jpg[/url]
[color=green]Heaven's Cloud, how do you do it?Oo How does everyone here think up such funny things for that matter?^^() Oh well, here I go! Einstein:Ahh...the wonders of the universe, I am able to sit in complete and utter darkness, trapped in this...stupid...frozen...state...watching all the people walk by and..and..an..KILL. Ok that one really WASN'T funny, but at least I tried eh?^^()[/color]
[color=green] If they didn't get into your house, they probably and more than likely won't ever try again.^.~ Like almost everyone here has said, it was probably just some amateur burglar looking for some easy cash.^^() Don't let it bother you too much, because it's very unlikely anything like this will happen again. I live in a rather peaceful neighborhood, and we rarely ever have break ins...In fact the last one we had was around 5 years ago.Oo Of course, that's the last one that circulated around at least.^^() I once had a couple people try to break into the house, but they miserably failed.-- I was only about 6, and my babysitter was telling me to just sit on the couch and wait.-- They eventually just left, after giving up on the front door.Oo Another incident was with some of my mother's students. They broke into her car and stole it.Oo She got it back though, and they got in huge trouble.-- Many a thing has happened with my mother's school. Once a couple of her students came and, with an airgun, blew two holes in the back of my dad's van.Oo Strange things we humans do eh? Oh well, again I say you shouldn't worry about it. If anything like that happens again, call the police and grab the nearest harmful object you can find.^^()[/color]
[color=green]Aww...*huggles you tightly* No worries about it, even if it be hard. Losing a friend like that IS hard, I know. I've lost a bird(B.B.) and a fishie(Lucky) Really you should think about the good times, and not about death. Life is hard, and losing someone is just part of the hardships. Maybe you should get a new pet, as everyone else said, not as a replacement, but as an add-on. Just think of the happiness you can bring to another living thing!^^ I'm sure wherever T.J. is now, he's happy, and watching you lovingly!^^ Just remember that you can't stop death, so enjoy life while you can, and make every single moment you can wonderful and full of surprises and happiness!^^ Just enjoy what you can, and don't let the past follow you around forever. Focus on the future, and make in the bst future you can possibly have.[/color]
[color=green]Haa...DDR...*hugs this game*I love to dance, and this game just makes it so much fun!^^ Its kind of like...hmm...a mixture of hip hop and jazz, you just don't move from your spot.^^() The way I dance with this game is just jumping around with my arms up in the air. I just luurrrrve this game.^^() *remember when I used to just hold my hands down and move my feet...*Oo My brother's friend, Phillip, is actually extraordinarily good at this game. He can do the hardest songs, and yet he's so short and chubby.^^() It's really quite amazing.[/color]
[color=green]Okie dokie, lets see. Ahhh, here's another description one.^^ What monster is this? An peculiar flower that attacks anyone that gets too close to it. Its giant leaves serve as helicopter blades to propel itself into the air and attack anything that threatens it. When it lies dormat during the night hours, it can dispense ______ larvae that are ejected from their body in a way that no one except the ______ can possibly comprehend. ______ can only be harmed while planted securely in the ground or on the underside while in flight.[/color]
[color=green]Ish anyone going to ask a new question?T.T I'd kinda like something new to think about.[/color]
[color=green]Teehee, I'll try this quiz too.^^ Well, lets see..each character has four levels, two per level except for their final.^^ So thats 7.^^[/color] [size=1]Nope.. not quite - [b]NeoC[/b][/size] [color=green]EDIT: Haha, I forgot about Cait Sith and Vincent, whom only have a certain number. Cait Sith only has two, and Vincent has four. The rest of the characters have seven!^^[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]Really? I have played them both and I quite enjoyed 2. What did they do wrong in your opinion? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I've got to agree with NeoCactuar, I have played both, and enjoyed them equally. I consider DMC to be a little harder, and DM2 to be more free. I think they they both have good storylines, characters, and moves. Tell me, what did they do you screw up DMC2?[/color]
[color=green]Hmm..I saw this thread and had to read.^^() I personally enjoy Inu-yasha, I think the story is compelling personally. It has its faults, like characteristics being a little boring at the start, but really you should read/watch through it. It gets very amusing.^^() I really haven't seen the sub, in fact the first time I saw Inu-Yasha was on CN...I liked the Manga a little better at first, though I've only read a couple volumes.^^() The very first time I saw Inu-Yasha..well I thought he was a girl.>> I was young and naive and didn't realize in anime guys can have big puffy long hair too.^^() I thought the only guys with long hair had it all...straight and stuff.>> Of course that was just in an image gallery before the manga's even came to the US.Oo Heheh...this post is sloppy and switches from different topics..again I say oh well for now.^^() But, again^^, I say I really do enjoy Inu-Yasha, and I wish CN would buy more episodes of it!>< P.S....Maybe its just me...but doesn't Inu-Yasha(Richard Cox) remind you of Tidus's voice...from FFX?Oo()[/color]
[color=green]To answer Desbreko's question....SEAGULLS!^^ Hehe...they are so cute.^^ *waits for answer to be checked.^^()*[/color]
[color=green]I err...don't think that's what Zidane was implying Wizard-of-Oz. And his question was if anyone has had this type of problem.Oo I see your using McDonalds shakes as an example but its not a very good one.-- Oh well.Oo Anyway back to Zidane, I've had this problem before, but it was with an older game. Actually my brother had it, you see, he ordered Xenogears a few years ago, and they said it was in stock, and that he would get it within a week. After a week and a half passed, he called in, and they said they were out of stock. I guess what I'm saying is delivery companies, and any type of system or videogame company can't be too reliable. In fact, any company whatsoever has these flaws and mistakes. It happens, so I suggest you call up again and explain what has happened. If they ignore you, you may want to look for a way to cancel your order, and get your money back. That's all I can say. Thankyou.[/color]
Is there ever a good enough reason for suicide?
Mei replied to wrist cutter's topic in General Discussion
[color=green] I guess before the point I was trying to make is that, overall, suicide revovles around pain and suffering. There are many good points in this thread, but in MY OPINION...thats me speaking, don't take offence, it is all about pain. Whether it is to escape pain, or to cause pain to others... Suicide will always be a serious thing though, no matter what its about, because no life should be lost like that, or any other way. No life is more or less important that the next, each should be valued equally. I have to actually agree with Black_Phoenix on something though, you shouldn't give up on life. It sucks, but life is also a gift. You should value the little good things that happen moreso than the bad. If you are comtemplating about suicide yourself...tell someone, family, a therapist or a friend, anyone...but don't go through with it, life is just too great for that.[/color] -
Is there ever a good enough reason for suicide?
Mei replied to wrist cutter's topic in General Discussion
[color=green]Haha...I guess I shouldn't be surprised at this kind of topic.Oo Personally I don't believe suicide is right. Mainly because I went through all those thoughts and stages, and realized the true faults of it all. You do feel useless to the world, and think you will be doing everyone a favor by destroying the gift of life. Hmm...well, guess what, here's something new, that's not true.-- As I'm sure you've heard before, suicide is considered selfish.*points up at some of zee other posts* But in other's eyes, its a way to escape the pain of the world, or try to detroy yourself thinking your're going to make other's happy. Humans have strange minds...because if you think really deeply about it, suicide is just a way of running. I think that suicide is cowardice, and yet, it takes a whole crapload of courage to do it. Many people say they are going to commit suicide, but they aren't NEAR brave enough to, they won't even slit themselves. Really suicide thoughts, even if you don't realize it, are just a way of wanting people to feel sorry for you when your gone. Hoping they wish they were nicer to you, or that they were complete heartless idiots who should have cared more. To sum this up a little, suicide is viewed is many different ways, but either way, it isn't REALLY justified. Your either wanting people to feel sorry for you, wanting to run from your problems, or thinking your going to be doing the world a favor by removing your presence from the face of the earth. This about it. Any of the reasons you should realize are going to cause pain to other people, probably moreso than to you, whether you want it to or not. I again sum it up that suicide=pain. That's all for now. Sorry if this post wasn't too clear.^^() Thankyou.[/color]