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Everything posted by Mei
[color=green]Bahh....sorry to bring this up again, but a reminder, if Queen Asuka doesn't post up a caption by...let's say, tomorrow, then Blanko will get to post one, and she will lose her chance.Oo Sorry, but it's just being a little delayed.(and yes, I know big peoples have lives too.>>..keehee...big peoples.Oo)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Na'dou [/i] [B]You left out one thing right there. [spoiler]You have to do those two things, and you have to beat the Hades Cup Tournament.[/spoiler]. If you don't, you won't see the special secret. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Did I not already state that in my last post? Lord...oh well. Anyway back to KH2, and silentdeath's question. I highly doubt your level will get carried out, but it could happen. We don't even know who you will be playing with is the thing, it may not be Sora this time, strangely enough. Also I'm sure they will have some type of change, that if you do play with Sora, will erase his old levels, but I could be wrong, you might start out with your old things, though it would be rather complicated. An example of the type of change I'm talking about would be FFX/FFX-2. (and I now this thread is about KH2, I'm just trying to explain something. Sowwy.^^()) Anyway, in FFX-2*decides to put spoilers just in case*[spoiler]In FFX-2, after you defeated Yu-Yevon in the last game, the aeons, and sphere grids dissapear. Now there are only certain types of spheres left, and your abilities are gone. Seeeeee?[/spoiler] What I'm saying is they may find some kind of trick like that with KH2, but nobody really knows yet. Sorry if I got a lil off topic Desbreko, but I just had to say this.^^() Thankyou.[/color]
[color=green]Well if you aren't going to bother to get any of the dungeon ones, then 3. If you DO bother to get the dungeon ones, plus the one the priest gives you, then 14.[/color]
[color=green]Hmm...I suppose I'll take a guess. Might it be when you're on your way to save Rinoa from being sealed away? I'm really not sure.^^()[/color]
[color=green]Catfishywishies be cool....dogfishywishies be cooler.>>[/color]
[color=green]Haha, good.^^ Now you should ask a question.[/color]
[color=green]Okie dokie, question time... This one may be hard if you haven't played the game.. Which land is it that Link settled down to after the LA game. It doesn't tell in LA, but the first LoZ it does.^^[/color]
[color=green]Errm...ish TN going to post a new caption?Oo Cause if not somebody else will and the game will go on. Nobody post one until I edit this post sayin to....that sounded...authoritic..haha..I made up a word I think.Oo Lol well oh well *goes off to wait for TN to post up a new caption*[/color]
[color=green] I'm pretty sure you hold R1 and move around the joystick, but I can't really remember.^^()[/color]
[color=green] Ok..I'm just going to guess.^^() I know 4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10 each have airships, I mean if you consider 8's Ragnorok an airship. I think 2 also has them. I'm going to totally guess and say 1 and 3.[/color]
[color=green] I think it's A Link to the Past, The Wind Waker, and Link's Awankening. I'm not sure if the first one has one or not. Those are the only three I know of.[/color]
[color=green] Yay! I was right.^^ I just used common sense...so yeah..Ok question! What is the name of the lady on Koholint Island(LA) that gives you potions. *hint* She's "Crazy" This is my 100th post!^^[/color]
[color=green] Des: Dear sweet Monkee....Bobo...I ask you do not murder my family..and I ask for one last ki..oh...err...hello. Bobo: DIE EVIL CAMERA MAN*knife appears in mouth*....*stab stab* Not funny...but I in bad mood...it would be funny.^^[/color]
[color=green]Sadly....this cartoon is horrifying....but oh well. Here's a place to download the episodes if you are that desperate and curious.--[/color][url]http://www.zeldaforever.net/cartoons.php[/url]
[color=green] Alright then, that's at least 10 captions, now it's time for Heaven's Cloud to choose his favourite. Whoever he chooses will start the next caption picture. This is how it will go, so everyone remember that.^~ Have fun everyone![/color]
[color=green]Hmm....*rubs head to think*...remember that game...stupid brother lost it...hmmm..is it..sprinkle a little magic powder on them and poof?Oo() Gahh...I can't remember..*waits for answer to be checked and such*[/color]
[color=green]Answer:Ocarina of Time of course!^^ Koume and...her sister..the other one that starts with a K..--()combine...Give me a lil while for a question.[/color]
[color=green]I'm going with Tasis's idea, and picking the caption that I enjoyed the most.^^ Truely I thought this one was very cute, and quite hilarious.^^() And the winner is....Heaven's Cloud! It was a very [size=1]TIGHT[/size] battle between Ken and Heaven's but I just HAD to go with Heaven's...I have no idea why, I just thought it was amazingly funny! The thought of Link and a lovely lady getting drunk on potion that should heal you...and her coming to him...telling him...well yeah...I just thought it was cute.^^ Truely a tiny masterpeice of humour. Now it is Heaven's Cloud's turn to post up a new Picture for the Caption Competition, and for more captions to come! That's all for now, thankyou.[/color]
[color=greem]*huggles Etarah's Maverik* Apoligies are hard aren't they? You didn't do anything to me, and I don't really know what's going on, but I still feel for ya.^^ I made you the banner you requested, and if you need anything changed on it just tell me okie dokie?[/color]
[color=green]Yup, they are called either Keese or Bad Bats, either answer would have worked really. Etarah's Maverik was right first as Desbreko said, so he gets to ask now.^^ Ask away...[/color]
[color=green] If you guys are tired of this picture then its time to vote, Post up which caption you are voting for and why you voted for it IN DETAIL. After all is said and done, the winner will get to post a new picture. I guess I should clarify that in the rules. Alrighty, TIME TO VOTE![/color]
[color=red][size=3][b]READ BELOW BEFORE STARTING![/b][/size][/color] [color=green]Haha, yes a Caption Competition! I must thank James for permission to do this, and I think it may provide a good laugh and a nice amount of discussion. If you're wondering what a Caption Contest is, let me explain. A Caption Contest is pretty simple, someone will post up a picture of characters or people doing, thinking, or saying something. Other people will have to think up what they are saying, and usually it's..err.. silly.^^() After a while, captions will be chosen on which is the best, meaning after a certain amount of captions are posted, we will all vote for which one we like best, and why we voted for it IN DETAIL, and whoever wins will post the next picture!^^ Now there are rules to this Caption Contest, for example: You MUST have discussion. This isn't just one liner spam posts, with a little funny caption. There is to be discussion ABOUT the captions, and why you chose one to win, why you chose how to do YOUR caption, so on. If this topic gets into just a silly little thread with one line sentences, it will be closed...T.T So don't let it become that way ok? And...MAKE SURE that this thread REMAINS on topic. There is also a max amount of captions for each competition. Usually it will be around 10. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think before you post your caption. If you KNOW it isn't going to be any competition for others or if it's just pointless, DON'T post it. If you do, it won't be counted in, and other's may post theirs instead.[color=red]NEW RULE-Whoever posted the Picture of the Caption(meaning the winner of the last contest) will choose their fav. caption, and the person who they choose posts up the next picture for the next caption. Thanks Zeh for the time and post saving idea![/color] Alrighty, now to start up the competition! Here's the first Caption Picture. Enjoy and have fun. Note: Make sure you specify if the person is thinking or speaking! [IMG]http://www.nintendoland.com/zelda/fanart/g/gisela01.jpg[/IMG] [size=1]Thankyou Zelda: The Grand Adventures, for picture.[/size][/color]
[color=green] OH yeah...where you get it, from the [spoiler]School Teacher[/spoiler] Now for my next question.. What monster is this describing?-An aggressive bat which hunts live prey. Attacking in groups, _____ are known to use hit and run tactics, which is surprisingly intelligent for a member of the rodent family. Their skin is extremely retardent to the elements, for they can be lit on fire, or become so cold that it could freeze an adventurer in their tracks (literally!) That should be simple enough...[/color]
[color=green]Haha, well I'd have to say Desbreko is close enough. They started weapons(as far as I know..--) in V...and they've been going on to X, hopefully so on so forth in the future. Ask away...[/color]
The map of the Main Continent! *thanks Desbreko for the...er...hint* Teehee....now for a question.. How many games has the Ultimate/Omega weapon appeared in?^.~