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Everything posted by Mei

  1. They rebuild the bridge!^^ Ok..I need time to think of a question..>.>
  2. Haha...I know this one!^^ [spoiler]The Hero's Charm[/spoiler] ^^ That IS it...I know it is.>.> Quesiton: Name ONE of the carpenters in Oot that you save from...*mind went blank*the theives...fortress place...
  3. [color=green]Ok I'd say if you aren't going to send it in, and just clean it, then use a small maybe SLIGHTLY damp cloth, but make sure no water drops into the system.^^()(that's obvious though). Make sure to clean off all your disks as well with a smooth cloth or actual CD cleaners you can buy for like...5 dollars at best buy. I'd suggest the CD cleaners personally. Also if your gamecube is still under warranty(you can check on the nintendo site) then you can send it in for free. But otherwise, I'd start raising up some money if cleaning doesn't work.Oo[/color]
  4. [color=green]Green=1 Blue=5 Yellow=10 Red=20 Purple=50 Orange=100 Silver=200 Yay.^^ I hope that's right. And it's IndigoGos?Oo *glares at my game*if you've got a glitch I swear...hmm..maybe I'm just imagining things... Now for a question...Name Link's three helpers in the Oracle series you can choose from.^^[/color]
  5. [color=green]GAAAAAHHHHH! I'm having that problem too.Oo But it's with every game we have. It started when my brother rented Mario Party 4...and its just been doing that ever since. That's why I'm not very far on Wind Waker even though I got it two days early.-- *shakes fist at Gamecube* Darn thing...what you need to do is send it in....that's the only way. We've tried cleaning our disks, and our gamecube, vacuuming and blowdrying the dust away, but it seems to be an internal problem that the gamecube itself has after you've had it a while. To send it in go to [url]http://www.nintendo.com[/url] and go to the customer service thingy. Click on gamecube and what info you need to send it in. Fill out all their things and get ready to say byebye to zee Gamecube for a week or two. We just sent ours in...hopefully they can tell us whats wrong. AND, if your Gamecube isn't under warranty anymore, you sadly, have to pay 75$ to get it fixed. Now I live in America, and I'm really not sure where you live, but if you don't live in America or Canada, you'll have to be directed to another Nintendo site.^^() That's all I can say for now. Hope I helped you a lil.Oo[/color]
  6. [color=green]I'm pretty sure there are just siz as well...at least that's all I've seen on my short journey.-- And its IndiGos...only one go! Oh well.^^ You still got it right either way.Oo[/color]
  7. Mei


    *shivers at the thought of the virus*I hope they find a cure for it soon enough...I feel sorry for anyone who lives in Canada, and maybe the measures the schools are taking is a bit extreme, but it IS for your own safety and all..so ya know...its a good idea I suppose.
  8. [color=green]So you were looking for Kokiri's and Jabu Jabu and such eh? Oh well.^^() I'll ask then. What was the lead singer and band name of the Zora's in Majora's Mask?[/color]
  9. Three things that were renamed...I don't know if these count because you can consider them either renamed or completely new but... Emerald of Courage/Kokiri Emerald=Fayroe's Pearl Ruby of Power/Goron Ruby=Din's Pearl Sapphire of Wisdom/Zora Sapphire=Nayru's Pearl. If those don't count then...umm...Z targeting is now L targeting...Oo() I'll wait for ask a question...considering I don't know if I'm right or not.--
  10. [color=green]Haha...I beat KH a while back, and what you had to do to get the secret ending was just get all the dalmations, lock all the keyholes, and beat the hades cup...quite simply. Now onto KH2. The ending part...I've got a good idea who they are. [spoiler] The guy on the roof is obviously Riku, considering he has grey hair, the same length as well. The one on the ground(Unknown) is more than likely a guy, and it's either him or Riku who asks in the movie "Where's Sora?" Considering I've seen not only the movie but an extended movie, I'm pretty sure that's it. It's also QUITE obvious the girl on the beach is Kairi a few years later. She is wearing a pink skirt for cryin out loud.-- Who else wears a pink skirt? KAIRI. Also she's standing on a beach like it's said. Where does Kairi live? On an ISLAND, and islands usually have BEACHES.[/spoiler] Alright I'm basically done with my tiny rant. Thankyou.[/color]
  11. Mei

    Spongebob Squarepants

    [color=green]Spongebob has got to be one of my favourite shows of all time. It's so stupid and idiotic that I LOVE it! That was their goal of course, its supposed to be....about a conpletely incompotent(sp) sponge and his....oh so strange friends, so on. I swear my family is obsessed with Spongebob.Oo My little bro's room is decorated with Spongebob items, I myself have a Spongebob air freshener, my Mom has a spongebob eight ball and pez dispencer.Oo It doesn't seem like much when I tell you, but you've really got to see it.--[/color]
  12. [color=green]*Huggles my Gamecube AND PS2*They are both mah fwiends..and they both have messed up on me too.-- I personally think that I can easily enjoy both controllers and systems. What I like is the wide variety of games they both share. PS2 has some better titles such as FF, and Gamecube has some better title(s) such as Zelda.>> I equally love both of the systems!^^ It's really a matter of opinion I suppose. Personally though, I don't really like the x-box*hides from Sere, hoping she won't see that she said that*...because the controller...its just weird, and the games are very great.Oo But Sere lurrrrves her x-box...and says the gamecube is weird. See? Matter of opinion!^^[/color]
  13. [color=green]Hehe...yay..I got them mixed up.^^() Thanks for letting me ask anyway. And the invincible isn't in IV as well..?Oo I thought it was in both games...hmm...maybe my mind is being evil again. Oh well. To my question!^^ Question: Ok this one is really easy too...like...every other question I say is easy.Oo What are each of the WEAPON's names from VII, and which ones are they? (One of them kinda has two, so I'll take either)[/color]
  14. [color=green]Right!^^ Now you must ask a question....>.> ASKKKKKKK!^^()[/color]
  15. [color=green]Hmm..I didn't think Blue were that common in MM...so I didn't put it.^^() Oh well. The answer to your question is: Moe! Now for my question...uhhh: This one, like my others, is easy and simple to find out. What happens when you play Zelda's Lullaby to a gossip stone in Oot?[/color]
  16. [color=green]*eyes get all teary as she looks at CN brazil site thingy* Not....FAIRRRRRRRR! They have GT...and they have InuYasha during the DAY! We have InuYasha at 12 a.m. Its not fair!!!! America sucks at dubbing anime....I swear....-- It's never going to be fair...We are like..the highest crime rated country in the world, but we don't even let certain animes have frickin guns or cuss words....NOT FAIR I TELL YOU! NOT FAIR!!!!!T.T[/color]
  17. [color=green]Is it...the Falcon and Enterprise. Falcon you get from Cid I think...Enterprise is the one you have before the Invincible....I think...Oo[/color]
  18. [color=green] Haha, as Tatl has told me in the game, it should be the red, green(I've said those twoOo) and yellow! Those are the only three that have things in their stomachs too.^^[/color]
  19. [color=green]Orange and Green! Actually the orange is more of a pinkish tinted color...but hey..same isn't it?Oo I'm going to ask a question either way.Oo You can just correct me if I'm wrong.^^ Question: What is the maximum ammount of ruppees you can carry in Wind Waker?(I'm not there yet, but I checkedOo)[/color]
  20. Sere told me about it, who knows how she found it.^^() Its wonderful though, I joined in 2001, then just...totally forgot about it...then just renectly I've come back and become well...kinda active.
  21. [color=green]I just got back from seeing Spirited Away, and I've got to say, it was worthy of it's oscar. It was an AMAZING movie, with a few parts that were a little distrubing, and many funny ones, and a great storyline overall. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys...well...any type of movie. It was really very wonderful.[/color]
  22. [color=green]The Kokiri! I know thats right.^^ Ok Question, easyyyyy one too. Whats the maximum ammount of bombs and arrows you can carry in LttP. I'll give you a hint, they are two separate numbers.[/color]
  23. [color=green]Haha..I'm jumping into this quiz too!^^ Alright Desbreko I'll answer your question, the two airships are the the vulture(I think) and the invincible. The vulture is the red one and the invincible is the big huge one, that looks like a whale, and that takes you to the moon.Oo I hope that's right.^^() Sorry if its wrong...I shall wait to find out...Oo[/color]
  24. [color=green]Haha...got it Desbreko^^() I'm quite clueless.T.T Alright...time for a question..I'm not too sure if this is easy or not, or if its been asked, but hey, here it goes. Whats the name of the second boss in the dark world on LttP? Go for it.^^[/color]
  25. [color=green]These things are very....very disturbing. *sigh* Why is humankind so very horrid and evil? Who knows...we are imperfect...and we shall always be. Most disgusting thing I've ever seen would have to be...ehh...a rotting body left dead and sitting there for no apparent reason while nobody seemed to care.Oo[/color]
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