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Everything posted by Mei

  1. The Bokoblin!^^ Like the Moblin...just much...much smarter. Much smaller too.Oo Yippee...I just jumped into this quiz thingy.^^() I've really got no idea how this quiz works...maybe I should have looked at most of the other pages.Oo Once I find out I'm sure I'll edit this.Oo
  2. If you wanna change night to day, [spoiler]go to the elvis dude by the grave, take out the wind waker, and play a song. He will show you the motions for a song, which I think are...up right left. Its like the sun song...but its different.Oo [/spoiler]Then it'll be morning, and you can go help Tingle from jail, plus get the pictobox!^^(Watch out for the evil demonic rats!) [color=indigo]Added [spoiler] tags. - Desbreko[/color]
  3. [color=green]Hmm..I guess I'll help.Oo The first boss you must beat with arrows(I do hope I'm thinking of the same one you are) There are seven...statues...can't remember what they are called. Just shoot them with arrows or slash them til there is just one left. Once there is one left, just dodge his attempts to pound onto you, and when he hits the ground, slash him or shoot him. Really its very easy, you just have to time it all right.[/color]
  4. [color=green]I can't say that its the best ever, but as far as I can tell its a wonderful game. The graphics are as serious as Oot, but they sure are cute, and very emotionaly expressive! So far I'm at the Forbidden Forest, but the gamecube keeps messing up, so its hard to go anywhere.-- Ahh yes...and it'll cost 75 bucks to get it fixed...how nice.-- Oh well, maybe I can just play through it.Oo Anyway so far this game, as I said before, is amazing and wonderful, but I can't say yet if its the best Zelda game ever. Plus I've only played um...LttP..Oot..MM..OoA...OoS..LA..FS..and this one. Haven't played the first two yet.-- Meh..can't say they'd be very good though, but who knows?Oo Anyway thats all from me for now, thankyou.[/color]
  5. Mei

    Wind Waker help

    Ok umm...hold on, lets see here..*goes to steal my brothers player's guide* [spoiler]Ok for the bottles, you have the one from Medli, but the next should be from Beedle at Rock Spire Isle, which on the map is B3. On the map the top row would be the letters, and the side is the numbers, so it would be |A|B|C|D|E|F|G| I left out # 4-7, you know where they are. 1 | | | | | | | 2 | | | | | | | 3 |*| | | | | | Ok the next bottle is..for catching the theif girl Mila when she's trying to break open that eskimo dudes safe on Windhill Island at night. Fourth is won as a prize for defeating the enemies in the Submarine near Bomb Island(F5) As for upgrading the master sword...I really don't know, but I'm sure it'll come along by itself. I know there are what...three levels of it?[/spoiler] Well I hope I helped a little.^^()
  6. [color=green][size=1]Yeah that was really needed Charles...I can't believe the comments.-- We seem to be forgetting about the troops out there, suffering, fighting, for who, us. Really lets stop arguing about our political parties and leaders, and start sharing real(but NICE) opinions and sharing hope for the troops. That'd be nice wouldn't it.?Oo()[/size][/color]
  7. [color=green][size=1]Eep...don't know if anyopne posted this yet cause I'm too lazy to read this last page, but, if you haven't heard, there is a video on Iraqi television of reporters interviewing captured American soldiers. It seems that there are about 10 captured soldiers, plus some dead ones. It seems that some of the Iraqi soldiers just won't give up. Please remember and pray for these American soldiers, and just hope they will make it out alive...[/size][/color]
  8. [color=green][size=1]*Cheers for James*Yay! Wonderous points made, I'm so glad you stepped in. He's right people, in every single point he made....at least that I can agree with. I've just got to agree with every point he made(not because I'm trying to be all goodie or something, because I really do agreeOo) The U.S, U.K, Australia, and many other countries are fighting not for a new country they can add on, but for the freedom of that country. Like he said, the US conquered Japan and Germany in the war, and the US could have easily taken them, but did they? No. They helped them set up a new governement, and now they are both very successful and great countries. Thats all the US is trying to do for Iraq as well. Seeeeeee??[/size][/color]
  9. [color=green][size=1]I've got to side with gokents for this one. That statement wasn't made clearly, therefore implying that the U.S. and U.K. are well...horrid genociding countries. I really don't agree. The U.S. and U.K. are fighting for the world, and for Iraq and the countries surrounding it. Not for themselves specifically. Plus DuoMax provided horrid grammar and spelling errors, and that just...well I can't stand that sometimes.>>[/size][/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]Mei, if this person thinks that they are in hell, then let them think that. They might be. You never know nowadays. Unless you knew theyr soul, you can't say they did or didn't go to hell. Same goes for Chun-Li. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green][size=1]Yeah I know she can think that and all, but I don't think it's right for them just to assume that they are like she did! I had to voice my little and rather annoyed opinion there. I'm not assuming that person isn't, but it isn't right for her to just suddenly think that they are! Its just not!>
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chun- Li [/i] [B]I agree. That freak. Ooooo. I know a friend who's dad shot an iraqian. Imagine him burning in hell right now...... but still I too, for one is worried [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green][size=1]Lord almighty...please just save us! Are you just a complete and total idiot or what? Sorry for being rude, but your comment was rude as well! Your friend's dad shot an Iraqian..if thats even what they call themselves...and now they are dead, and you suddenly assume they will be in HELL!? IRAQIANS AREN'T EVIL!>< It's their corrupt government! Have you read one spec of these posts?! Have you watched the news?! I'm sorry but I just....*shakes head*you...should just be quiet here and now. I won't take that from anyone, people from Iraq aren't bad, ok? Don't just assume they are evil and when they die they go to hell! "Oh my gosh they died and now they are in hell bwahaha." Man you just make me sick--()[/size][/color]
  12. [color=green][size=1]Gotta agree with you there, this topic will probably be closed soon enough...its rather pointless....since I know of nobody who likes him.Oo And how did you get your ava. so big...thats rather large for one don't you think?Oo() Oh well...I prolly shouldn't be saying this, since it'll sound hypocritical, but dont' post pointless topics like this....it takes up useful space!Oo()[/size][/color]
  13. [color=green][size=1]I also know its spring when the birds make a nest in the tree outside my window and become my alarmclock each morning at 4 a.m.--[/size][/color]
  14. [color=green][size=1]I look for robins and...well...blossoms on the bradford pear trees that are everywhere. They are so beautiful, these pretty white blossoms on the round yet tall trees....blooming out...so beautifully.^^[/size][/color]
  15. [color=green][size=1]I just realized something...more people have been killed protesting than in the war...dare I say it again[/size][/color]...[color=green][size=3][B]MORE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN KILLED PROTESTING THAN IN THE ACTUAL WAR[/B][/size][/color][color=green][size=1]...does that account for anything? Just wondering there.>.>[/size][/color]
  16. [color=green][size=1]Hey {SITH} I'm sorry for my rude little post, but what you said before kinda got me a little riled up. I guess I should think before I post such a reply. I just felt like you didn't really have any concern for the people that died. Oh well. [/size][/color]
  17. [color=green][size=1]You sure are comforting aren't you {SITH}?--() I knew and still know people were and are going to die, but so soon...12 US soldiers and 4 British Commandos are dead, no coming back, and just...so quickly into the war. I just wasn't expecting it. I was really hoping this war would be over quickly...not so many casualties and stuff, but reality sucks sometimes doesn't it. Maybe you should try not to be so straightfoward about it and maybe a bit calmer, think over your words a bit. 16 people are dead, it isn't just "oh their dead, meh, it happens." Even if it does happen, you can take more consideration to it. I know you said your heart goes out to their familes, but do you really mean it? Thankyou.[/size][/color]
  18. [color=green][size=1]Crappity crap...dangit....poo...I was hoping it wouldn't happen so early...in fact I was hoping it wouldn't happen at all...but I guess I knew it would. It IS a war...so...people will die...but....*sigh* Dangit...pray for them and their families...don't let their death be in vain. As I stated before...no life is more important than another...[/size][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]It doesnt matter. Its already started, lol. So the petty infighting in this thread is what is stupid and immature. I wish the people on that side of the world the upmost luck in keeping safe.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green][size=1]Ditto, I totally agree with ya there, but people like to fight, human nature...oh well.^^()[/size][/color]
  20. [color=green][size=1]I saw the episode yesturday, first ep. of Angel I've ever seen, and Willow was in it!^^ Lol well anyway, onto Buffy. I read an article review with SMG, and she specifically and sadly stated that Buffy was OVER. She said that the show was over, BUT, they are planning a spinoff of it, where Buffy may come back and visit every once and a while. Sadly though, the show is over, or thats what she seems to have decided. It is rather depressing...but hopefully it'll have a good spinoff. I know they are continuing Angel, of course. They stated that in the article that they aren't planning to end that any time soon. *sigh* Maybe that clears a little up? Sorry if I've said anything spoiling or somethin.Oo() Thankyou. P.S. SERE GET ON AIM!Oo()[/size][/color]
  21. [color=green][size=1]Ok, sorry but I have to break in with my small opinions again. First off, we argue at not comparing Saddam to Hitler...I think its perfectly normal to compare the two, but what about Stalin? He killed more people than Hilter and Saddam. Most of his own...or I believe it was Stalin anyway. Another subject is comparing soldiers to civilians. There is a difference in a way, but they still are both human lives, and no life is more important than another. I'll repeat that again, NO LIFE is more important than another. Now, the difference is, soldiers are usually armed and trained in combat, when civilians are not, making it that soldiers can guard themselves easier, so don't really need saving or liberation. Now I have to say, a loss of ANY life is tragic, and just as tragic as another.(hence the no life is thing) But thats what comes with any war, and we need to accept it. We can rebel as much as we like, but usually and sadly it won't do much good. I feel rather strange typing this...considering I'm still in my P.J.s and I woke up only about 15 mins ago, but I think I've stated my tiny and vague opinions fairly well. Thats all for now. Thankyou.^^[/size][/color]
  22. [color=green][size=1]I'm kinda really glad Juuthena started this topic. I mean look, we aren't really like into a majoyr arguement....yet...and we are all sharing our opinions. Though we are having our arguements between people, I think its all really turning out positive. We get to see both sides, those who think we should go to war give out their good reasons, and those who think we shouldn't give out theirs...so they kinda fit in together and create a nice good big reason.Oo() Isn't it nice?^^() I guess we are all kind of getting good and separate points of view, so as not to argue. This is all pretty cool if I do say so myself.^^ Lets just remember to keep it positive...Oo()[/size][/color]
  23. [color=green][size=1]Exactly what I was trying to say Lady Macaiodh, but I'm not very good with words am I?Oo See the real problem we are having is with Saddam, not Iraq, so technically nuking them would be a waste of lives.-- We would be killing innocent people, which, as said, IS NOT our goal. Our goal is to take Saddam out of power, and liberate or at least save the people of Iraq from the horror he has caused and will still cause if he isn't stopped. See here's the thing, he isn't the GOOD kind of insane, he the BAD kind, see? Errr...thats all.>>[/size][/color]
  24. [color=green][size=1]*Cheers for James* Keepin it peaceful!^^ Alright...now to voice my opinion...well...I have many opinions on this...sadly..--. First, us going to war, yeah its stupid and all...but..we kinda have to in a way. See heres the thing, Saddam is well, a very bad person, how else do I put it. He kills his own family if he suspects anything....he kills them for defying him.Oo He got into power by freakin killing that last leader. He has absolutely no concern for anyone else. So pretty much, we want to stop him and liberate his people. I guess you could say we aren't really at war with Iraq, but really with Saddam and his little government cronies....haha...funny word...cronies...>.>() Also, Iraq isn't a free roam place like the US, we can't just wander around and hope to get close to him. So it'd just be too hard to assasinate him.(I misspelled that...--) Plus he has body doubles(again the no concern for other's lives) so we couldn't be sure if we really got him. He keeps in power by threats and fear.Oo I really am against the war thing though, at least in a way. There is going to be loss of innocent lives, though we do want to liberate the people of Iraq. We are going to lose some soldiers...which I would rather not happen, but lets just hope this goes quickly, and as peaceful as a war can get. Sorry if my little opinion offended anyone, but I just had to get that out.^^() Thankyou for reading!Oo[/size][/color]
  25. I agree with Queen Asuke, I don't really believe in luck myself, but I also believe everything happens for a reason.
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