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Everything posted by Mei

  1. Mei


    I used to collect pennies....til I donated them all to pennies for pasta...I had quite a few, not sure how many, but they were of all different types. Old and moldy...errr...to new and shiny.^^() *sigh* Now I miss my pennies...*goes off to ponder on how to get some more pennies again*
  2. Unfortunately yes, I do have dial up, but I didn't know it changed your IP all the time....oh well, I just want it to be fixed.T.T Aha nevermind anymore, its fixed for me, hopefully for anyone else who has been having this problem too.
  3. I think I found out why, I tried to PM someone and it said my IP address was blocked, so I'm guessing someone blocked some people or something, hopefully and probably not on purpose, but this sure does suck....I wanna read stufffffffff.Oo() Errr....yeah, well I e-mailed him about it, hope this gets fixed. Hmm....maybe OB is just being evil.
  4. Eep....I'm having problems with the Lounge, for some strange reason when I click to go there...it takes me to a page saying there has been a problem, and that an e-mail has been sent to the tech. staff. Is anyone else having such a problem...or is it just me and my stupid computer?Oo()
  5. Do tell.....I wanna hear.....ehhh it sounds rather nasty though.T.T I wanna hear it though!^^ Heheh...My brother just pinched me really hard and broke my skin...ow....hey it IS St. Patrick's Day....but still.
  6. Eeeep...my most embarassing moment has to be when I was little....in 2nd grade. We went to the Science Lab, and the teachers said not to raise your hand unless you had the answer to a question. Well I was a very good girl, so I totally obeyed that......And I had to go to the bathroom as well. I didn't have a stool to sit on like everyone else cause we were short a few, so I was standing there skirming..and suddenly it just came, I peed my pants.T.T() It sucked....this one dude who moved here from Turkey was laughing his head off, in fact he was one of the only ones doing so, everybody else said they just felt sorry for me. Hey I was in second grade...I couldn't help being so....weird.Oo
  7. Donate half to charities then spoil myself a little then put the rest in a bank...Oo Oh and pay off some debts...though I have VERY few...considering I'm 13...--
  8. Ohh.....coolio..OO Love it!^^ Gonna have a lot going on in there ya know?
  9. Err I think if you under 16 and your with someone who is over 18 its considered child molestation.Oo
  10. I have no idea....SERE WHICH ANIMAL!?!?!%!%!%#@#^!@^#Oo() Err....yeah...
  11. I still just want to know the answer.Oo You have two choices, but I'd rather it be multiple choice...cause I mean well, you don't exactly choose between your son and daughter do you?Oo *just confused self*Oo
  12. Hm.....this is certainly confusing. I'm going to have to think this out, I'm not even sure if I understand the basic question. I want to know the asnwer though.>>
  13. Lol, yes I was just as surprised to learn this stuff as everyone here.^^() Truthfully the reason I posted this was for laughs, and I hope you guys enjoyed it. I wonder why people bite eachother...
  14. Lol the violets are blue thing is from the poem, "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Sugar is Sweet, and So are You." And London Bridge...really is in Arizona now.Oo Strangley enough, they were going to tear the old one down and put up a new one, but before they did a man in Arizona bought it, and they moved it stone by stone to Arizona. So now the original London Bridge is in Arizona!^^
  15. I sleptwalked once...ran into the TV and woke up....scared the crap outta me.Oo My parents were also cracking up, and I wonder still why they didn't wake me up before I slammed straight into the television.--
  16. Lucky..>>...and yet that is rather disturbing(I oh so love that word..Oo)
  17. Yay...pointless information!^^ London Bridge isn't in london....its in Arizona now....Oo Violets are NOT [COLOR=blue]blue[/COLOR]...they are quite [COLOR=purple]purple[/COLOR] 1,200 college students streaked at the same time in Boulder, CO in 1974. 27% of U.S. male college students believe life is "a meaningless existential hell." A monkey was once tried and convicted for smoking a cigarette in South Bend, Indiana(c'mon--) All porcupines float America's first nudist organization was founded in 1929, by 3 men.(what a surprise)-- An Indian woman can legally wed a goat. Aztec emperor Montezuma had a nephew, Cuitlahac, whose name meant "plenty of excrement." Cat's pee glows under a blacklight.(heehee) David Prowse was the guy in the Darth Vader suit in Star Wars. He spoke all of Vader's lines, and didn't know that he was going to be dubbed over by James Earl Jones until he saw the screening of the movie. Despite the many rat-infested slums in New York City, rats bite only 311 people in an average year. But 1,519 residents are bitten annually by other New Yorkers. Howdy Doody had 48 freckles. In 75% of American households, women manage the money and pay the bills. In 1983, a Japanese artist made a copy of the Mona Lisa completely out of toast. In 1984, a Canadian farmer began renting ad space on his cows. Thats all for now.!Oo
  18. That's disturbing...Oo Oh well....choose who you like best.Oo Fighting over a name...fun^^
  19. Ah thanks for the help!^^ Jokes are so fun...and yet so very idiotic...Oo
  20. On my way to St. Ives I met a man coming back with 7 wives, who each had 7 bags, with 7 cats in each, and 7 kittens per cat. How many were on their way to St. Ives? (this ones easy, old, and stupid, juts think logicallyOo) [color=white]One...the rest were on their way back^^()[/color] Highlight right before this...I don't know how to hide the answer any way else.Oo
  21. Ahh the never forgotten song... It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, A beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be mine? Could you be mine?... It's a neighborly day in this beauty wood, A neighborly day for a beauty. Would you be mine? Could you be mine?... I've always wanted to have a neighbor just like you. I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you. So, let's make the most of this beautiful day. Since we're together we might as well say: Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won't you be my neighbor? Won't you please, Won't you please? Please won't you be my neighbor?
  22. Mr. Rogers rocked.T.T I can't believe he died of stomach cancer. He was like 75 I tink, or 74. Somethin like that.Oo This show started in like 68'....thats what my Science teacher said at least.-- NO DISSING MR. ROGERS! He was cool.
  23. Lol yes I'm going to solo/emsemble tomorrow, its in Sapulpa in Oklahoma....last year I went got a 2 also...twas my first time.TT I'm afraid I'm gonna ge even worse this year because I have a sinus infection....T.T *sigh* oh well..
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