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Everything posted by Mei

  1. Ahhh the snow is finally melting here too...so nice.^^ I've been wondering...your location...says your grappling for #15 on the ton TEN poster spots...why is there a 15th spot if its...supposed to be the top ten?Oo
  2. Hm...the cube is floating in the air....its...clear...glass, and about as big as...well its 7ftx7ft. The ladder, its a simply brown ladder leaning up against the cube. The horse is a beautiful white one, a mare that just seems to fit in with everything around it. It stands on top of the cube.
  3. Soo...many...unknown Animes! hm...*doesn't know if people listed these or not, didn't read everything*>.> Seraphim Call-short but sweet To Heart-Also short but sweet Fam and Iri: Ruin Explorers-HILARIOUS! OAV, short, but GREAT!
  4. Its very sad that the hospital did take the girls life. They pulled the plug on the one machine that was keeping her alive. They had no right to either, because the family DID say to wait. The doctors just didn't care cause they didn't have any hope. I don't believe the family has the right to sue over the organs, but they DO have the right to sue over the machine and life support keeping their daughter alive. The doctors really had no right.
  5. Haha...leave Oklahoma...that'd be good I guess. I ain't ever gonna leave!*hick hick*^^() I love Oklahoma...even if it does suck.Oo Strange eh? I know I'm weird and quite insane. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*breath*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Oo
  6. Oklahoma is soooo weird...our weather doesn't stick to a certain range...it flies all over the place! Its 110 in the summer and -1 in the winter?!Oo Its soooo freaky! And it sucks.>.>
  7. Its a very disturbing and sad story...and it shouldn't have happened, but it did, and there is nothing that WE can do but rant and give out our opinions...so I shall give mine. I do believe the doctors were careless, but you can't entirely blame them, the family took a risk, and this is what happened. The doctors should take majority fault for it though, they're the ones that made the horrid mistake. The doctors should have checked and made sure everything was ok, but since they were lazy arses who didn't give a crap and put too must trust in someone else, they messed up and took a life. A young life at that, I'd be pretty pissed if I was sittin in Heaven with my life taken away because someone was careless, but that happens a lot doesn't it? Of course if I was sittin in Heaven I'd prolly be happy too.Oo Still, both sides take a small ammount of blame, but mainly the doctors.>.>
  8. Must....kill...so...cold....so much snow...Sere knows what I mean! AHHHHHH!! Its been a five day weekend now...dangit I got up all early and crap and get ready for school and BOOM! NO SCHOOL! It's not fair...maybe no school sounds good..but really its not all that great. Its freezing outside! EVIL SNOW!*glares at the evil snow* We have solo/ensembles on Saturday! Now what are we gonna do?! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DOOOOOO?! *whines* So sucky....so sucky indeed...*had to rant and complain*>.>
  9. *would go even more insane without her computer...*T.T...That...would suck...if it left me! AHHHHH! It's my fwiend...*suddenly looks at snow outside*sooo cold...I'd be out there without my precious computer...so precious.>>...back pun...oh well. Hehee!^^ Liam should member moi...maybe he figure out who I am..*pounces on Sere*you think he will?OO *hiss*...cold...bored...insane...post doesn't fit together and makes absolutely no logical sense...
  10. Its really rather depressing how dark the world is, but thats just the way humans are. We are evil and sinful by nature, and it can't be helped, but yes, killing in cold blood is going to be one of the darkest things ever. All we can do is true ourselves not to stoop down to criminal level, and do our best to stop others from it. Oh well though...life is just that way. Oh and nice to meet you all, I'm new here.
  11. I'm sorry to hear that...but I'm sure you'll feel better soon. You gotta kick through the evilness of the world and rely on the friends you've got, thats what they are for right? I may not be in position to even say anything, considering I don't really know you, but I can at least try to comfort, right? Well anyways, feel better, and its nice to meet you, considering I'm new.Oo
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