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Everything posted by Mei

  1. [color=green]I really enjoyed the quiz, and it's just so well put together. The results fit so well with each color, it just makes such perfect sense.^^ The article fit in just as well with the quiz, and it's well organized. You should really make more quizzes Des, you're very understand in the ways of...well..quizzes.[/color] [center][img]http://live.quizilla.com/user_images/D/Desbreko/1063511807_YouAreRedLink.gif[/img][/center] [center]You're Red Link, the highly competitive and cut-throat Link. You'll do anything to get ahead of the other three, even resorting to violence; to you, the ends justify the means. You enjoy blowing up your partners with Bombs, especially those that lag behind, such as Blue Link. Working best with Green Link, you love fighting the toughest enemies together. Because of your fierce demeanor, however, you tend not to get along with the other Links very often.[/center] [color=green]A bit strange, but that [i]is[/i] how I play in the game.^^()[/color]
  2. [color=green]Well, I was bored, so I decided to make a banner out of a picture I found. It's based off of the song Other World, from Final Fantasy X, though the picture has nothing to do with the game of song. I don't believe I'll be using it myself, but anyone if free to if they desire it. I didn't make a matching avatar this time, so if you did want it, you're stuck with just a banner. Comments, ratings, etc?[/color]
  3. [color=green]Dodogos, as far as I know have appeared in: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask Oracle of Ages Oracle of Seasons They might have appeared in Wind Waker, but I sure don't remember them, so I'll stick with these asnwers.^^ [b]EDIT:[/b] [b]Q:[/b] Which games include a ranch/farm?[/color]
  4. [color=green]I've noticed something just recently, and I need to tell you that your "mistake" is infact, untrue. I noticed that, in all other pictures of Sesshoumaru, the direction of the moon is the same as yours. I believe the picture Dan posted may have either been an unofficial edit, or a simple mistake by the artist. I apologize for my mistake. [img]http://www.inquadra.com/inuyasha/images/sesshoumaru.jpg[/img][size=1]Notice that in this picture, the tips of the moon face his right eye, like in yours.[/size] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=497111[/img][size=1]And in this one, the tips point left, unlike yours.[/size] It's more than likely, as I said, a simple mistake. Again, I'm sorry for my mistake, and this extra post. I just couldn't leave it alone.^^()[/color]
  5. [color=green]Good job.^^ Well, you got them all right, so it's now your turn to ask. [/color]
  6. [color=green]Well, for one thing, it's backwards. For another, it's a bit mishapen. I realize no one could draw a perfect moon, but you still may want to work on it.^^[/color]
  7. [color=green]A discussion about a famous novel, that's what I'm looking for here. I've just recently begun reading this book, and I would absolutely love some opinions and thoughts on it. I've only just started this book, a school required reading, so I'd prefer no spoilers myself, but this isn't just for me, but for anyone who happens to be curious about the book.^^() What I myself am looking for are likes, dislikes, etc. I'd love this to turn into a basic thread on a basic little book. "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Nelle Harper Lee. Fun stuff, eh?[/color]
  8. [color=green]Actually, InuYasha now comes on Cartoon Network on weeknights, but I'm unsure on the times. I'm hoping to watch some more the the subbed DVDs myself. Now to your picture. It's a nicely drawn, well balanced, and decently colored picture. The only few things that really draw attention are, as said, the eyes, and his face stripes and moon. I didn't take note the green immediatly, though there is a light tint of it, barely noticable. Overall, it's a well done picture. Great job.^^[/color]
  9. [color=green]I believe it is the Zu, but I'm unsure. I'll wait for verification on this.^^ EDIT: [b]Q:[/b] In Final Fantasy 8, name each and every one of the final weapons you can get. Simple, but quick.[/color]
  10. [color=green]I do hope you don't have Diabetes Kitty. My Grandfather has it, and a fair amount of my friends at school. It isn't much fun for them. I went ahead and looked up some symptoms of Type 1 and 2, and I'd recommend you look at the site Baron gave you, as well as the one I'll give you. Type 1 Diabetes Usually diagnosed under 35 years of age Not overweight (slender) Quick start of symptoms (acute) Frequent urination Increased thirst Increased appetite Rapid weight loss Tiredness or fatigue Ketones in urine 10% of all people with diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Usually diagnosed over 40 years of age Usually overweight Slow start of symptoms or no symptoms at all (chronic) Blurred vision Slow to heal cuts Tingling/ numbness in hands/feet Recurring skin, mouth, or bladder infections Any of the symptoms listed under type 1 symptoms 90% of all people with diabetes If you did have either type of diabetes, I'd be leaning more towards Type 1. Here's a site you can take a look at. [url]http://www.diabetes-symptoms-resource.com/[/url][/color]
  11. [color=green]I think anyone who listens to music will at least [i]hum[/i] in the shower occasionally.^~ As for me, I sing just about anywhere, so the shower must count. I usually sing whatever song got stuck in my head from Choir, simple as that.^^ Lately, I've been singing "Tournez, Tournez," one of our few All State songs.[/color]
  12. Mei


    [color=green]There have been threads like this in the past, and from what I've heard, James will go through and delete inactive members every once and awhile. It may not be fair to some though, considering they may have signed up with the name they wanted, but have to be away for an extended period of time. Maybe they wanted to become an active user and great member, but just didn't have the time in the beginning. If they're planning on coming back, and return to no account, they may become upset. I'm an example myself. I got lucky and was somehow looked over when accounts were deleted. I actually joined back in 2001, but I only recently became active again. I'm glad my named was preserved, and I'm sure many others would be too.^^ On the other hand, new members may want to sign up with an already taken name, as stated before. When a name is already taken, and the user is inactive, it can become a tough predicament. This person may one day come back, but this new member may really want this name. I would just suggest to go ahead and create an original, "applies only to you" name. Hopefully, you'll become happy with it.[/color]
  13. Mei

    More Weh Art

    [color=green]The first one in your second post, even if a bit plain, is still artistic nonetheless. The second one is lovely, beautiful, dazzling, confusing.oo I love them both, really.^^ I still want more Weh, more pretty art![/color]
  14. [color=green]For my question, I was really looking for the actual command [b]names[/b] [i]ex. Kooloo Limpah![/i], but I'll let it slide. [/color]
  15. [color=green][size=1]If you mean the first four dungeon bosses... Gohma-Big spider skeleton. Kalle Demos-Strange wall plant. Gohdan-Big head with hands. Helmarog King-One big bird. Like my lovely descriptions?^^() [b]Q:[/b] Name at least 5 commands you can give Tingle in the Gameboy Advanced/Gamecube hook up for WW.[/size][/color]
  16. Mei

    More Weh Art

    [color=green][size=1]That's a very interesting peice of work.Oo Makes me dizzy, but it's almost comforting. Calm, yet it seems to remind me of heavy music playing next to a glass of water. I really like it. Make more pretty things Weh!^^()[/size][/color]
  17. [color=green]My fav, I must agree with Des, Kefka forever! Lord I LOVE that man! He's hilarious, but [i]evil[/i]. A menacing little man, with the silliest sayings. His quotes will forever stay in my heart, he's just such a classic villian, except, like Des says, he suceeds in the majority of his motives! There's just so much to like about him.^^() My secondary would have to be Kuja, he's just so darn...diabolical. He's intelligent, but extremly self centered and egotistical.[/color]
  18. [color=green]No, he didn't forget anything.^^ I asked where you get the [i]Zora's[/i] Flippers, not just any flippers. Therefore, his answer is fine.[/color]
  19. [color=green]I like, very nice backround effects. I also think the way you cut out the front image, if you did that is, is very clean. The only thing that actually bothers me is the clash of the red and blue. If just doesn't seem to fit together. Otherwise, it's a lovely banner.^^ 8.5/10.[/color]
  20. [color=green]Rainbow ducks, I love them. You've made my day Sem. I can't find anything wrong with it really, I like the greyish backround, with the color spurt in front. *Saves this for future duck reference*[/color]
  21. [color=green]Most are all shadow forms of their predicesors, just a quick note.^^() Agahnim's Shadow Shadow Blob Ganon's Shadow Moldrom Shadow Lanmola Shadow Deathyl And here's where I wait.^^ EDIT: [b]Q:[/b] In which Zelda games do you receive/buy/earn Zora Flippers?[/color]
  22. [color=green]Alright then.oo() [b]Q:[/b]In which games does Link become something other than a Hylian? Basically, I mean in which games does he lose his humanoid form.^^[/color]
  23. [color=green]I'd have to say my best character is Zelda/Sheik. I often switch between the two during a match, but most of the time. like many others, I stick with Sheik. Her/his quick but still powerful moves are just what I need to win, and Sheik's "break dancing"...I'll admit I fell in love with that.^^() Zelda is who I switch to when I need more powerful, long-distance attacks. Usually if I'm in a short match, with other strong characters, I like to use her. Her magical abilites are [i]very[/i] powerful, and the fact that she's a princess, that's a big one-up.>> I would say my secondary character is either Young Link or Pikachu. If you haven't noticed, I like quick characters, though Zelda is hardly fast, she isn't slow either.^^[/color]
  24. [color=green]Did you cut the side images onto the backround? Because if so, you did a very nice job of it. The name part, well, I wouldn't have noticed it at first glance if you hadn't pointed it out, so I don't think it's really much of a problem. I love how the word "GunGrave" seems to jump out at you. It must be the lighted backround. Overall, it's a fairly clean job on the banner. The avatar is a bit dark though, so I'd suggest if it wasn't meant to be that way, use a lightening tool. I'm sure the program you use has one. If it was meant to be dark, I really don't see much problems with it.[/color]
  25. [color=green]That's actually a very lovely banner. I like the effects in the backround, and the color seems to fit perfectly with your personality, or at least how I view it.^~ I think the only thing that bothers me about this banner are the bold lines around your name. Maybe just your name would have been nicer, but then again, that's just my thoughts on it. Nice job.^^[/color]
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