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Everything posted by Mei
[color=green]Well, let's consider the facts: I dance, I apparently enjoy making these banners, I was bored. Combined, these point to a bran new themed banner and avatar. There's really not much to say about these. I simply cloned(this has to be my most used tool) the pictures in, applied text, and filled the nice little words in with special backrounds. Sqwee.[/color] [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-8/316281/Dancea.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-8/316281/Danceb.jpg[/img] [color=green]If you can't see them, curse Village Photos. Oh, and go ahead and tell me so I can fix it.>>[/color]
[color=green]It couldn't be OoA and OaS could it? I was almost positive those two here just...well, the Zelda logo along with some plants and such wrapped round the name. I guess there's also Four Swords...but..[/color]
[color=green]As far as I know, there three games with the sword/z combo. LttP, LA, and OoT/OoTMQ, but I could be wrong, so I'll wait for confirmation.^^[/color]
[color=green]Let's start off by saying I'm in a little...eh, dilemma. You see, in Pre-AP Literature, we're doing an outside reading project, and we have three book choices. I already ruled out one that I'd rather not read, but now I'm stuck. I can't choose between the two books listed in the title. Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier, basically a mini-soap opera. Or Icy Sparks, by Gwyn Hyman Rubio, a story of a little girl with Tourette(sp) Syndrom. I'd like opinions on the books, what you did and did not like about it(exclude any spoilers), and which you recommend. Personally though, I'd prefer that you've read the book(s), just so I can really be assured of your advice.^^ Thankyou![/color]
[color=green]Well, I redid the banner and avatar a bit. I colored the darker pixels on the banner white, to fit the skin more, though it doesn't seemed to have worked. On the avatar, I took out the white and black border, and put in grey to fit the skin as well. I can't say it looks much better, but I thought I should at least try.^^ By the way, it's a CG work, and I didn't draw it. It isn't from any particular series, just someone's artistical creation, though I would love to have those skills. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=479658[/img][/color]
[color=green]Yes, I just love making new banners, and when you've got nothing else to do...might as well.^^ This one has the same border effects, but considering there is only one skin, I decided to leave off any outlines. Not much, banner and matching avatar, much like my other one, just a little backround before the border thing added. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/avatar.php?userid=1617&dateline=1062641843[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=478211[/img][/color]
[color=green]I actually don't mind spiders that much. I'd prefer not to be around them, but they really aren't that bad. Unless of course they're toxic little fangs inject lethal venom, there is a fear there. Personally, I've only had a few encounters which actually involved contact. One would be with a green Jumping Spider, which somehow sat on the outside rear window of the car before piano lessons, and ended up in my hair afterwards. Another happened more recently, a few days ago in fact. I was playing video games, when to my surprise, I felt a tickle upon my arm. That's when I saw the nasty little thing.--() It was a fair sized spider, crawling up my arm towards my neck, but I was lucky, and it crawled off and under the loveseat. Oh, I also almost got into the shower with a spider larger than my big toe, torso-wise. Oh, and let me briefly mention the many spiders I've found in the hall late at night. Enough about that though. I find it amusing that only female Black Widows are poisonous, and much more aggressive, does anyone else?^~ I don't know much more about spiders, but I will say I prefer Turantulas over a Brown Recluse, which as mentioned, injects more of an acid rather than a toxin. We've got them all over Oklahoma unfortunately, and I've encountered more than one, such horrid, quarter sized monsters.-- I've been lucky in my life, never been bitten, and hope it never happens.[/color]
[color=green]Nicely done hun. I love the whole tint of yellowish brown within it, and the words, though a tiny bit hard to read, actually fit in real well with the backround image. Let me reassure you, the words are still legible, and the border, love it.^~ Also, I love the latin part of the text, adds a bit of extra culture to it. Amazing work as always, and remind me to find this movie.[/color]
[color=green]It may not be easy to scientifically prove God exists, but I'm sure it's possible. I myself believe in God, and I always have. My faith wavers, of course, but that's something I should improve on and grow stronger in, faith. That's what drive people to believe in their own God, whether it be the Christian Trinity, Hindu Trinity, or Jewish monotheism. Faith. Though I am Christian, I also believe in evolution. But there are different types of evolution, as many of you might know. There is macro evolution, the belief that we basically came from monkies, and that the universe started out in a giant explosion, and there is micro evolution, the belief that living organisms can change over time, but not into a completely new thing. I believe in micro, as you probably could have guessed. I also belive that we all startefd out as bacteria, considering technically we did. We were all one celled fertilized eggs at one point in time, correct? I believe that the Lord created those eggs though. That's all getting out of the religion topic though, so I think I'll just stop with this conclusion. There are many different beliefs in this world, some seem logical, some seem absurd, but no matter what or who you believe in, you will more than likely stick strongly with it. But there is enough proof to completely rule out relgions and God, nor is there enough to prove the theory of macro evolution.[/color]
[color=green]I'm still sticking with a simplistic theme, but I [i]did[/i] add some effects to the banner, and added more then one border round the avatar.^^ Tell me what you think, I'm curious to what everyone thinks of the border shape effect on the banner. Oh, I also used the gradient tool in layers on my name, hope you can see it.^^() [img]http://otakuboards.com/avatar.php?userid=1617&dateline=1061088665[/img] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=465113[/img][/color]
[color=green]There are far too many weird things I did, but I might as well name a few. I used to eat dog biscuits.^^() I noticed many people in this thread ate animal food, but the biscuits..I loved them, I adored them! I got bored of them too. I also used to hang out with my brother and his friends moreso then I should have. At one point, I took off my shirt, ran outside, and swung around on the basketball goal. My father yelled for my to get back inside and put a shirt back on, but I refused until he threated to spank me with a spoon.Oo I didn't understand why girls had to wear shirts, but I was only...what, 4? I also ran outside naked at one point. I couldn't get my bathing suit on, considering it was far too small. This was before the shirt thing, so I didn't know any better. Anyways, I ran outside, completely naked, and screamed at my father. Big trouble.~~() I also used to impersonate cartoon and video game characters as much as possible, though I suppose most people did.Oo[/color]
[color=green]Sentinel guards your allies while you're in the defense position, and Entrust gives all your overdrive guage to an ally. Since ang3l5rul3 answered most of the question, it's their turn.[/color]
[color=green]Either buy it from the shop in Lynna city, or swim to a secret cave on the island...I've suddenly forgotten the name of the island.-- Well, you swim to the cave, and get it from a Tokay inside. EDIT I apologize, I forgot to put a question.^^() [b]Q:[/b] Name five rings from the Oracle games, and what their effects are.[/color]
[color=green]*Tries to remember what the movie was called* I believe it was..Mermaid's Scar, but I could be wrong. That movie was just plain eerie. Profane language, err..some nudity, and lots of violence.-- I wouldn't see it if you don't like gore, evil children, occult, etc..[/color]
[color=green]Before I begin, I should thank Logan for allowing me to use a picture unprovided. Since I currently do not have a team, I'll just place "Loner." Real Name: Iji Etaanaru Age: 17 Delta Name: Musou Delta Age: 21 Team Name: Loner Class: Warrior, knows a small amount of both white and black magic. Player Rank: 3 Weapon: Two short swords Personality: Incredibly kind and solemn, yet playful at the same time. Musou can occasionally seem to be a very confused, and confusing person. Truthfully, underneath all the eccentric characteristics, Musou is an extremly intelligent person. It just takes a while for her to dig deep into her true thoughts and opinions. This may be the reason she is easily deceived, and has become cautious around others. Picture:[img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-8/316281/fal.jpg[/img] [/color]
[color=green]I'm surprised my username wasn't deleted, considering I was gone for almost a year and a half.^^() I'd only had about 2 posts, but still it never left. Back on topic though.. Logan is right about this, some people may be gone for a long amount of time, for reasons out of their control. Some people have computer problems, some have school to deal with, the list goes on and on. Also, I know the staff goes through the list every once and a while and clears out names, but until that happens, there isn't much that can be done.[/color]
[color=green]Well, I decided to make a new banner.^^() Squall and Rinoa are my absolute favorite couple, at least after Syke and I. I was filled with a strange desire to make this, so I went ahead with it. Simple, I know, but I like it that way.^^ [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=459493[/img][/color]
[color=green]Well, since I was playing FFX today, and capturing monsters down in the cavern, I thought I'd give it a try.^^() I forgot to write down the items, but these are the patterns I got. ---------------------------------- [b]1st Attempt[/b] Middle-Correct-usually Stamina Spring/Phoenix down. Top R-Correct Top L-Correct Bottom R-Wrong-End. [b]2nd Attempt[/b] Middle-Correct Top R-Correct Top L-Correct Bottom L-Wrong-End [b]3rd Attempt[/b] Middle-Correct Top R-Wrong-End [b]4th Attempt[/b] Middle-Correct Top R-Correct Top L-Wrong-End ---------------------------------- It's not much, but I thought I might as well post it. Good luck in trying to decifer this mystery.^^()[/color]
[color=green]My favorite couple...is of course Syke and I.^^() Next would have to be Piro and Suki, just because of their bond, and how long they've stayed such wonderful friends. Now..how Syke and I met. The first time we met was in an OB chat, we became friends, but weren't too close. We talked in chats every once and a while, and eventually, in one chat, we really started to get to know eachother.^^() Syke blurted out the question if I would marry him(which wasn't really serious then), and I said yes. Of course, then Anakin wanted a wife, bugged us all night...but that's besides the point. We talked for the night, and got to know eachother even better.^^ We discovered how much we had in common, and how my fantasy boyfriend when I was little was named "Sky"..>>() We eventually got married in yet another OB chat, dear Charlie as the minister, and we've stuck together ever since July 3rd, a little over a month. I apologize for the rather blurry and incoherent post, but I couldn't help it.^^()[/color]
[color=green]I'm pretty sure Des' wanted you to name which character had each class as well, but I could be wrong.^~ Anyways, I'll go ahead and answer your question, considering I trust you will fix your answer if Des' wanted it that way. I won't ask a question until then though. [b]A:[/b] The item is called the Celestial Mirror, and before you take it to that "special place" in Macalania Woods, it's called the Cloudy Mirror. EDIT:I feel the need to go back to FFX...and Des' won't mind if he isn't here to answer.^^ [b]Q:[/b] In the secret area known and the Omega Ruins, there is a shadow of the monster Omega, called the Ultima Weapon. When you meet this creature, you can either fight it, or Bribe it to go away.(Though you [i]may[/i] have to fight it again >.>) How much does it cost, and what do you get from it?[/color]
[color=green]Yes, you're right!^^ Finally, I was thinking I would need to change the question. Alright, go ahead Sisseh. Oh and by the way, the linked game automatically gives you the one you had in the previous game, so no worries.^^[/color]
[color=green]Sere made a banner!^^ Very cool, I like how it's plain and simple, so sweet.^^ I love the little quote too..so..evil. If I were you thought, I'd move the text a bit further to the left. That's just my opinion though.^^ I think it's a cute, simplistic banner, that deserves at least two thumbs up. Great job.^~[/color]
[color=green]Yes, all us woman come with a "Book of Grudges," we carry it in our "Bag of Bickering." Anyways...I think Roxie basically summed it all up, but I still feel the need to share my opinion. We woman do tend to remember the bad things men do, but we also remember the bad things fellow women do as well. It isn't a conspiracy against men. Now before you go flaming me for the fact that you didn't mention anything about men in your post, I'm going to let you know that you DID imply it. Like Roxie said though, it really depends on the person, situation, so on. So yes, we are inclined to remember the cruel and nasty things you do, but it depends on exactly what it was, and how we feel about it, not the fact that you're male.[/color]
[color=green]Gah, hard one here, there are so many..but to name a few.. One of my favorites is, of course, Rinoa Heartilly.^^ I love her passion, attitude, and outlook on life. I also adore the story of love between Squall and Rinoa, it just fills my heart with...something warm and fuzzy.^^() I suppose I'm usually compaired to Yuna. Many have said I'm like her, minus the calm attitude. I supposedly give good advice, and I'm always trying to help people. Who knows, maybe I've got a summoner in me. Alright, that was only two, and it was very "in depth," but I'm not in the mood to share so much information right now.oo() So two of my favorite characters are Rinoa and Yuna, one for her spunky passion, and one for her kind heart and such.[/color]
[color=green]Amazing, your work just looks so professional! I love the way you made the drool come off it's teeth though, it's lovely..in a..notsolovely way.^^() I've got to agree with the majority here, the dragon does look a bit..fake.Oo Also, the young woman on the right, well, her legs seem a bit...fat? Maybe it's just me. Otherwise, I think the picture looks wonderful. Keep up the good work, much better than anything I could even dream of doing. Also, I'll have to go check out your manga, it's sounding interesting...[/color]