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Everything posted by Mei

  1. [color=green]I'm basically looking for the ways you get the flutes in the individual games.^^() It isn't too hard, if I know them, you should Des.(Especially considering you helped me out with one of them.>>()) If you've played both the games, it shouldn't be too hard.[/color]
  2. [color=green]Sqwee, Sammy is the queen of beggers! She is also a beagle, and like I said, she's seven years old.^^() Like Sadie, she acts like a puppy, and like Lizzy, she isn't the smartest little thing, but she's just so CUTE! Problem with her though, she's getting a bit...tubby.>> Her begging really gets to us...it's those EYES I tell ya! Such a silly beagle, she's so tricky![/color]
  3. [color=green]Well, I won a goldfish from the fair about two years ago, named him Lucky. Reason? Because I didn't really win him. I lost at the game, but the guy gave him to me anyways.^^() Sere also got one, though hers lived longer then mine. He died two days after I got him, Sere's died....I think three or four.Oo Turns out they had a fishie disease of some kind. I can't remember the name, but it explains why they guy just handed them to us. My current and forever loved pet is my dog, Samantha Sue, or just Sammy as we like to call her. She's just the cutest little thing, and she's always doing such strange things, especially for a dog of her age(she's 7 in human years).^^() Here' the only picture I could find on the comp. [size=1]Such a lazy little girl, oh look, my Dad's legs got in there too.[/size][/color] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=452983[/img]
  4. [color=green]You only got part of my question correct.^^() You answered how you get the default animals, but not how you get the other flutes. Try again.[/color]
  5. [color=green]OOC: Thanks to permission from Zidargh, I've changed my character class to a Samurai, considering I'd much rather fight with a blade, and it just fits much better.^^() IC:[i]--Day before Ramza Batallion leaves--[/i] [b]Fernice's House[/b] [i]Fernice lead Amai into the small dwelling hastily, sitting her down at a table, which sat in the middle of the small room that made up almost the entire house. Fernice ran quickly to get the tea that was steaming off the stove, then poured some in two tiny cups. She sat them down on the table, then plopped herself down in a chair.[/i] "Tea?" "Sure, why not?" [i]Fernice slipped a cup over to Amai, then looked up to her solemnly. She opened her mouth to speak, but hesitated. Taking a deep breath, Fernice finally spoke.[/i] "Amai, you've known since a child about the great Lion War, correct? You also know about the Ramza Battalion, the rebels against the Kelost Empire?" uttered Fernice. [i]Amai nodded at this obvious query.[/i] "Of course I do, like you said, I've known about it since I was a child. Why do you bring it up?" Amai asked. "Rumor has it that the Ramza Battalion is going to start a revolt, another war...a revolution. They say they're starting soon, and a group will be heading to Bankai." [i]Amai turned her head, caught up in thought. [size=1]The Ramza Battalion, overthrowing of the Kelost Empire, a revolution?[/size] Amai thought about the few who had left Wutai years ago, just to join the battalion. Amai had considered this herself, but..[/i] [i]Suddenly, Fernice interupted her train of thought.[/i] "Amai, dear, I'd like you to stay here with me tonight. I don't want you to be out there...not while this is going on. Please, if not for your own safety, then for this dear old woman's nerves.." [i]Amai let out a deep sigh, then turned to Fernice and put her hand on her shoulder.[/i] "Of course, anything for you Granny."[/color]
  6. [color=green]Oh I love Tipin! He's so cute when he's little.^^() Alrighty, let's see if I can remember what he's become.. [b]A:[/b] Warrior, Farmer, Singer, and I believe the last one is none, or a lazy slacker bum. EDIT [b]Q:[/b] In each of the Oracle games, name the three animals(simple, and they are the same in both games), and each way you get them/their flutes. Easy?[/color]
  7. [color=green]Tsukasa does NOT die at the end of .hack//sign.-- [spoiler]Tsukaka is a young girl in the real world who was put into a coma. Herald in the real world is dead, so he couldn't possibly be her father, considering her father tried to pull the plug. Also, Tsukasa appears in the video game series, perfectly ALIVE and well, except we are still unsure if he/she can log out yet.[/spoiler][/color]
  8. [color=green]That was so deep and heart-warming...and it reminded me I should never take things for granted. It brought tears to my eyes Lady M, truly it did..and I can see the pain you're feeling. It's so dark, but you're right, your son will watch over you forever more, and I'm sure he [i]will[/i] have little brothers a sisters that he may watch over as well. May the Lord bless you..[/color]
  9. [color=green]Finally, a time to post! [i]The sun shown brightly down upon the village of Wutai that day. Amai was heading back to her home, back the Wutai..back to her father. The wind was blowing gently, as the young girl walked through the fields. Small animals followed her, for she had made friends with them over the years.[/i] "I mustn't be afraid of returning, I've done it plently of times before...why does this time seem so [i]different[/i], so strange?" [i]Amai reached the top of a hill overlooking Wutai. The wind blew stronger upon it, blowing her dark blue hair wildly. Taking a deep breath, she trudged slowly down the lush hillside reluctantly.[/i] [b]The Village of Wutai.[/b] [i]Amai marched into town, deceitfully holding her head high. Many looked upon her, some snickered, while other seemed to silently cheer. Amai returning to Wutai was a rare thing, and the fact that she disregarded her father's desires, which was strictly forbidden in Wutai, made it extremly dishonorable.[/i] "Ah, good ol' Wutai, how glad I am to be home!"[i] Amai bellowed sarcastically.[/i] [i]Suddenly, a debilitated and obviously senile woman came hobbling up to Amai. She swung her short arms around Amai as well as she could, then looked up to her.[/i] "Oh Amai, where have you been!? It seems so long since you last came to visit!" [i]The old woman bawled.[/i] "Fernice you old bag, it's only been about [b]6[/b] months! I guess time passes slowly when you get old, [i]Amai announced,[/i] though I thought it was the other way around..." [i]Fernice fumed at this, for as most woman, she hated to admit her age.[/i] "How dare you child, never speak like that to me again! Now before I beat your head in, you best come with me, I've got something to tell you about." [i]Amai laughed at this, then decided to head off with Fernice, curious as to what she had to say[/i] "Alright then Granny, let's get going! Off to...eh, let's go to [i]your[/i] house."[/color]
  10. [color=green]I personally enjoy horror films. The Ring didn't scare me, nor did Darkness Falls. In fact, I can't seem to find a movie that does.Oo I'm hoping to see The Ring in Japanese, considering I've heard many say that it's much scarier then the English remake. I also have a very strong desire to see 28 Days Later, I've heard it's filled with quite a bit of terror.^~()[/color]
  11. [color=green]Newbie is just another "rank" here on OB, and it's really not much to pay attention to. I don't normally look at someone's rank, I just look at their post quality and such, and if I'm interested in making friends, that's what I do.^^ If they are rude and cruel, I try to steer clear from them, but if they seem like someone I could make friends with, and enjoy being around, that's where I head.^~ I've got to agree on the fact that it was a relief to get out of the newbie stage, and after I was, I started paying much less attention to rankings.Oo I kinda miss the title though, so many people treated you so kindly. They understood you haven't been here long, and need some time to understand all the rules and regulations. Though there was the occasional "Stupid noob," it was easy to get over, considering these people were obviously still newbies themselves.(whether their rank said it or not.) I also think the title is very cute.^^()[/color]
  12. [color=green]I really don't see any problems with it, other than it's a bit fuzzy.(it's probably just AOL though--) I've seen quite a bit of CG art in my life, and this is definately better than many I've seen.(Over 4500 CG images thankyou!) This is how CG anime should look, and I really don't see any flaws. It isn't supposed to be a sketch or a professional realistic drawing.[/color]
  13. [color=green]I love it.^^ I really like the way you cut the...rather ugly character out.^^() The faded gundam in the backround is also very impressive. As commented on before, the squares at the top are very cool, and I like how you shaped out the bottom name box. Very nice.^^ Keep up the amazing work, I want to see more.^~[/color]
  14. [color=green]It took quite some time to load, but I enjoyed it.^^ I loved the backround music, and the graphics were just as amazing as the normal end-of-the-game video. Beautiful, stunning, and just plain impressive.^^() I can't wait for this game to come out, though it may be a while.[/color]
  15. [color=green]*Tries to remember*It's been so long..let's see... ------------------------------------------------ [b]A:[/b] Clock Town-A Magic Meter/Spin Attack, plus the Fairy Mask, though you get that before collecting all the stray fairies. Woodfall-You get the charged spin attack...I think.>< Snowhead-Double your magic meter, I knew this one.^^ Great Bay-You get the 1/2 damage heart upgrade. Stone Tower-You get the Great Fairy Sword! ----------------------------------------------- [b]Q:[/b] How many different types of potions, or liquid items that restore life, have appeared in the many Zelda games?[/color]
  16. [color=green]Whoa..strange.Oo I'm wondering if they did it with some sort of DVD/Photo editor..but..that would be awfully hard. Goodness, some people, it's really quite amazing though.[/color]
  17. [color=green]Name: Amai Zokushi Age: 18 Origin: Born in Wutai, now living just outside of the village. Allegiance: Neutral. Rank: Job Class: Samurai-A samurai must be exceptional in speed and strength, considering most of their attacks are powerful swipes, coming directly from the sheath. Weapon: Katana Bio: Born in the village of Wutai, and raised as a fighter, Amai spent most of her life training. Her father was very harsh on the issue of "a woman's place," and the fact that he wished for a son to train, not a daughter, made his attitude towards her worse. Amai was taught by her father to use her powers to the fullest, no matter what the situation, but her mother, a cook for the village, wished for Amai only to use her unique abilities when they were truly needed. For Amai, each day seemed like toture. Her father woke her up before dawn, and kept her training until it was time to cook breakfast. She would help her mother with the chores and meals, then go back to polishing her skills once again. Because of this hard schedule, Amai rarely had any time to herself. After being devastated by the death of her mother at the age of 14, and realizing the fact that her father's training was becoming too intense, Amai decided to leave Wutai. She settled down in a field area outside of Wutai, surrounded by a forest. Amai has been living under the sun, in the tall grass and shaded trees for four years now. She trains in her own way, living off the land with the creatures of Earth, and on special occasions, re-visiting the village of Wutai. Appearance: [img]http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/meimei/Amai.jpg[/img][/color]
  18. [color=green]This is a very disturbing story, and though I haven't heard of it yet, I will add my input. This person is sickminded, which you all have clearly stated, and I can't imagine why they would desire to do such a thing. It could be something psycological, triggered from past experiences, or this person is just extremly selfish and cold hearted. Also, as stated, arsenic isn't something you can buy just anywhere. It is a type of poison, therefore, to obtain it, you would need a licience I believe.(though I still think it's illegal.Oo) This person was more than likely involved in some type of either criminal activities, or part of some poison control group. Either way, what is done cannot be reversed, but we can keep in our hearts the poor little dogs who naturally went to eat, and for some reason didn't detect the arsenic with their sweet little noses, and also hope this black-hearted person is punished.[/color]
  19. [color=green]Sqwee, I felt the need to show them off.^^() These two items are from Tare Panda, the cutest little thing. All I really did was resize and recolor them, but no matter how simplistic they are, they are still kawaii.^^ My avatar is already put up, so I won't upload it, but I'm going to go ahead and upload the banner for you.[/color]
  20. [color=green]Answer: The sinking lure I do believe.^^() Question: How many different places in the pond can you find this Sinking Lure, and how do you get to them?(iron boots?)[/color]
  21. [color=green]This is a very sad occurance...but not much can be done but the current suggestions, retake your driving test after a certain age. I personally believe that's a very relevant idea, and could be very helpful in avoiding future accidents involving senoir citizens and driving. This man was obviously unable to handle driving and the road, not just because he was too old, though that's more than likely the main reason. Indeed this is a sad story, and probably could have been prevented if the law permitted retaking driving tests, but as of now...it doesn't.:([/color]
  22. [color=green]From what I can remember...it's bombs+arrows, pegasus boots+roc's feather, and pegasus boots+sword. Question: Name each item in Wind Waker that you can purchase from Eskimo Man(I can't believe I don't remember his name--) to beautify the town.^^()(not AUCTION!)[/color]
  23. [color=green]Scoliosis is where your backbone is shaped like an S, or just not straight.Oo It can be VERY painful, and can cause other health problems. It can also be lethal if it gets too out of control, so it's best to get medication for it as quickly as possible. If you believe you may have it, you should talk to a physician immediatly. Usually, a sign would be terrible back pain, bad posture, etc. Also, if anyone believes they may have OCD, feel free to PM or IM me, and I'll help you out.[/color]
  24. [color=green]I LOVE Al Bhed!^^ "Who is the first Al Bhed speaking person you meet in FFX?" Let's see...the first Al Bhed person you meet is technically Rikku, but her brother DOES come into the room before her.Oo I'll wait for your verification.^^() Question: What is the first Skill Tidus learns?[/color]
  25. [color=green]Well, for fans of the great Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, this will be rather exciting.^~ They are coming out with a sequel to this amazing game around October this year. It looks VERY interesting, and the graphics are rather impressive. Jak appears to have a new look in this game, as well as a voice! Though he technically had a voice in the other game...he never spoke.^^() I don't know much about this new PS2 exclusive, but I can share some screen shots with you, and I would love to know what you all think of this game, and any information you may have.^^() [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/ps2_jak2/0513/ps2_jak20513_5pm_screen002.jpg[/img] [size=1]Wow, Jak gets a gun or two in this game![/size] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/ps2_jak2/0513/ps2_jak20513_5pm_screen004.jpg[/img] [size=1]Now..what's happened to Jak here?[/size] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/ps2_jak2/ps2_jak2_screen001.jpg[/img] [size=1]Jak grew a mini-beard![/size][/color]
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