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Everything posted by Mei
[color=green]Personally, I believe Sora is the funniest of the series. I can't help it, his sound effects and bubbley attitude are just so cute.^^ Consider the fact he happens to be a Player Killer, yet he takes such a non-serious attitude towards this. I find it amusing. Mimiru would have to come in second for me, though I find her always changing attitude and peserverence adorable, I don't see her humor surpassing Sora.^^()[/color]
[color=green]Actually...you must fight... Ifrift, Diablo, Brothers, Odin, Cerberus(sp?), Bahamut, and if you count fighting higher forms of them, Tonberry and Cactuar.^^ Question: In Final Fantasy X, name each sigil, and who they belong to. EDIT: The sigils are the items you receive when you want to power up the characters Ultimate Weapons.^^() You also need the crests, but I won't make you name those too.Oo(though it wouldn't be hard if you knew the sigils..vice versa.)[/color]
[i]Unlike in the deep forests, out in the desert-like Kingdom of Firo, there was no rain. The sun scourched the land, burning down upon all who inhabited it. A youthful appearing woman, of 5'4, and obviously magically gifted, stood in the sand next to a tall, handsome man.[/i] [color=firebrick]Honestly, why do you insist on coming out here all zee time? And why did you choose such a silly place to train our soldiers?![/color] [i]The obviously calm man turned to his fairy wife, whom glared angrily towards him[/i] [color=darkred]Dear, [i]sweet[/i] Kilda, beautiful treasure of mine, I apoligize for bringing you out here, but I MUST know how our forces are coming along, and truly I believe you should too.[/color] [i]An almost kindly smirk across the Socerer Jeric's face accompanying his words were all it took to calm the dark fairy down. Kilda forced her face onto Jeric's shoulder, letting her hair run round his neck, and snuggling her chin into a comfortable position.[/i] [color=firebrick]Dear husband of mine...I love you so...and yet..[b]and..yet[/b], you smell of another![/color] [i]Kilda sent a shot of multi-elemental sparks into Jeric, pushing away from him crudely.He stumbled a bit, but quickly regained his composure and strutted to Kilda[/i] [color=darkred]Kilda, I know not what you speak of, or why you have attempted to harm me, but please explain![/color] [color=firebrick]You always smell of another...one who is not I, though I should be zee only one to get so close to you! I know not whether it is just zee horrid stench of the troops gathering round you, or if you are daring enough to betray me![/color] [color=darkred]Oh..Kilda...[/color] [i]Jeric quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her into an embrace.[/i] [color=darkred]Never would I think of such a thing, for I married you, and though I may be evil...my heart would never become so cold! You are the one that keeps me alive, for I love you like no other![/color] [i]Kilda let out a calm sigh, then backed away from Jeric, holding his hands in hers.[/i] [color=firebrick]That 'tis all I wanted to hear dear Husband! Together we shall create a new...darker world, and only together shall we succeed.[/color] [i]The two lovers clasped eachother as the sandy winds blew, while a dark smile sat upon Jeric's face, and in the backround, gruesome training was taking place for the coming war...[/i]
[color=green] Thankyou Logan for letting me change zee pic! [img]http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/meimei/Kilda.jpg[/img] The Dark Fairy Kilda Age: 392 Specialty: Kilda can bend the elements at will. This is a cause of killing so many elemental fairies. Bio: She was an elemental fairy of wind, yet she went bad. Learning that she could kill without grief, she went on a rampage. When she married Jeric, the Dark Times began. Blah, I'm not going to add anything to her profile for now, I'm not in a creative mood.Oo That's all for now.^^()[/color]
[color=green]Truly it depends on my mood.Oo I usually appear to be rather immature, or just plain insane.-- If I'm in either a bad, just...wise mood, I suppose I might act more mature than usual.^^() I've been mistaken for the maximum of...17, and the minimum of, well, usually one year younger than I actually am.^^()[/color]
[color=green]Well, let's see..technically I've had three surgeries, though two were basically the same.^^() They were all when I was young, so luckily I can't remember them well.^^ One was when I had to get tubes in my ears, if it's really considered surgery.Oo I remember lying down in the room...a boring, white room.Oo They had my lie down on this table, then I remember waking up!^^() The other two were when I was about 4-5. I had "Trigger Thumbs," which caused my thumbs to be stuck in a bent position.Oo Don't know why they suddenly developed, but they did.^^() The funny thing is, Trigger Thumb is usually on just one thumb...not both. Oh well. Anyways, I remember the cold tables, the plain and very uncomfortable casts, and the cute balloon stickers I got to put on them! Heh..anyways, those are my surgeries, not too bad, but not very fum either.-- *Shakes fist at the itchiness casts cause.*[/color]
[color=green]Let's see...I'm not sure, but I do believe it is 6 times.^^ Here is where and...such.Oo Jenova Death-Whirlwind Maze Jenova Birth-Shinra Cargo Ship Jenova Life-The Forgotten City Jenova Synthesis-Floating Rock Jenova Synthesis B-Floating Rock Jenova Synthesis C-Floating Rock Question: Where in Final Fantasy VIII is the Omega Weapon, and how do you get to it?[/color]
[color=green]First: I must agree with Kenji and Chris, his muscles are a bit pointy, at least on his right arm near the elbow, as well as the chest. I didn't notice the hand too much, so I don't personally think it's a big deal.^^() Otherwise, this picture is quite lovely, and portrays a very masculine, and hunkalicious man.>> 9/10. Second: Same as before, with the muscles and such, considering it's basically the same picture.^^() I LOVE the way you colored this though, it's just wonderful! The colors fit perfectly with his appearance.^^ 9.5/10.[/color]
[color=green]Pug/Pugs. Question: In FFVIII, who or what do you draw Carbunkle from, and I want his/her/it's name!^^()[/color]
[color=green]*Feels that posting this may be spam, but also feels the strong need to answer your question*>< Oh well, anyways... [url]http://www.theotaku.com/dothack/episode_guide.shtml[/url] Go there for the first few episode summaries.^^()[/color]
[color=green]Actually, I've learned from Animal Hospitals and experience that Human scent does NOT cause the mother bird to abandone her child. In fact, all you touching her baby does angry her a bit, but she would get over it.>> Anyways, this reminds me of my baby bird...B.B. It was like my best friend for at least a week. I took care of it and fed it, considering it was the only bird to survive from it's nest. (The other eggs fell out of the nest, which was sitting on our hose...holder...thingy.Oo) Well, moving on, I took care of B.B, feeding him/her(I'm assuming it was male), carrying him around, and helping it when it tried to fly.^^() B.B. seemed to enjoy a delicacy of smushed bugs and wet bread, which was very easy to feed to him after he was used to me. His mother still came by every day, feeding him other squished bugs and such, like she should, and keeping him warm at night.^^ I seemed to have formed a friendship with her, because she didn't mind me at all being near B.B, or her for that matter. Eventually, B.B. flew around the yard a bit, all the way to the wood pile in the back. He jumped onto a tree, where he appeared to be happy. I didn't want to bother him or move him, so I thought I would let him stay there for the night instead of his nest. The next morning, I went to check up on him. He wasn't in the tree, nor in his nest or around the yard, so I assumed his mother had helped him fly away overnight. I was horribly mistaken...as I continued to check the yard, I decided to check the woodpile again. I leaned over to see if he had jumped behind it...and that's...where he was... He lay there on the ground before me, dead...he had fallen out of the tree and appeared to have died in his sleep from the impact. I cried all day, and we buried him in the backyard. His mother never came back, or at least not for this little child. I still miss B.B....he was such a sweet little bird, so smart for a robin. I know though..it was his time to go, and I must..accept it. Back to your story, I personally believe you should have picked up the bird and left it in the yard. If the mother didn't come back to feed it, then take it to an animal shelter where they can care for it until it learned to fly. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, but you did what you thought was right, and that's what matters.^^[/color]
[color=green]I'm going to put spoilers around part of this, just because some people pay little attention to the thread titles.-- Faris's real name is Sarisa Schrewiz Tycoon, [spoiler] Lenna's long lost sister.[/spoiler] Question: In Final Fantasy X, the voice actress of Rikku is also the voice actress of what famous cartoon character? Sorry, that's all I could think of for now.^^()[/color]
[color=green]Hehe, I knew this was going to happen.^^() Mesa sorry I never posted, but I couldn't think of anything...AND I have been gone for the past week.Oo Anyways, time for my little goodbye post. I've had SO much fun with this RPG, especially considering it's my first ever Forum RPG.^^() I've made so many new friends here, and I value all of you dearly. I'm glad I got to participate, and though it ends here for me, Ginny, Des, and BB, you all are still in the game, and need to keep on going.^~ Good luck! Thankyou.^^[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]2. The conception of Charles[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I've got to go with anything about Charlie.>> VERY funny HC, go ahead!^^[/color]
[color=green]Here is mine, not much, very simple, but good enough for me.^^[/color] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=410257[/img]
[color=green]I'm with Ginny on this, I just CANNOT play Triple Triad...never could, probably never be able to.Oo I don't know HOW to be creative with this.-- This is...going to be hard.>
[color=green]Eh, why not.Oo[/color] [i]Before any further confusion about this new world, Rinoa quickly took Cecil and Auron to the side, explaining exactly what SEEDs were. Zell was rather frustrated at being left out of this new conversaton, but nonetheless waited patiently.[/i] [color=teal]Such an interesting name for such people..[/color] [color=crimson]Hehe..I still feel a need to taunt poor Zell about it..[/color] [color=blue]Oh...leave him alone, he's already confused enough, there's no need to get him mad again![/color] [i]After she was done explaining, the group walked back over to Zell, who was still pouting slightly, but trying to hide it.[/i] [color=orangered]So what were you guys talkin about, huh? Me and my...my..[/color] [color=crimson]Ignorance?[/color] [color=teal]Abnormal obsession with "Hotdogs?"[/color] [color=blue]........[/color] [i]Before anything else was said, Rinoa had slammed her palms straight into the back of Cecil and Aurons' heads. Zell could barely hold back his laughter, so he just let it spurt out in large PAHAHAHAs![/i] [color=orangered]Hahahaa..that's what you get for messin with me![/color] [color=crimson]Might I remind you that RINOA was the one who smacked us..[/color] [i]Rinoa smiled at this comment, then wandered off outside.[/color] [color=teal]I guess...we better get going now, you've got much to show us Zell.[/color] [color=green]I know it's short and...boring, but I didn't have much time to type up a nice post.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The problem is that Mina isn't even supposed to [i]be[/i] a vampire. It's so aggrivating heh. Oh well. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Are we sure it's not Lucy Westenra, I mean...(MAJOR BOOK SPOILER)[spoiler]In the book she IS a vampire, even if she gets destroyed, you never know.Oo And you're right, Mina is NOT supposed to be a vampire, even if she was changing into one, she was cured at the end.(Poor Quincey..such a brave Texan!)[/spoiler] I do hope it isn't Mina.-- That would be quite annoying...and just ruin the movie even moreso than it already has been. Such a strange movie.--[/color]
[color=green]Bleh...well, there are four Darknuts before you get the heart peice, so technically, there would be two or three before you get the triforce chart. I'm really not positive on this, but I know it HAS to be at least TWO Darknuts...just because Darknuts are special.Oo Though I can't say I'm positive, I am PRETTY sure, so I'm going to go ahead and ask a question, and if I'm wrong, it will be voided.^^() Question: What is the name of the soup your Grandmother makes for you in WW, and what does it do?^^[/color]
[color=green]Nope, sorry.^^ It doesn't even start with an M.^^() It's from Adventure of Link, remember that. Maybe you should check a Zelda encyclopedia...>>[/color]
[color=green]Ok, if Heaven's Cloud doesn't post one up later today, then I'm going to go ahead and edit this post with a new caption, so either way, be looking out for one.^^ EDIT: Well, I'm sticking to my word and posting up a new caption now, enjoy. [img]http://www.stanford.edu/~bmr/catdog.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.stanford.edu/~bmr/catdog.jpg[/url] More animal humour..^^()[/color]
[color=green]Though I've only been on OB a short time, I already feel at home... PERSONAL Member Name: Mei Former Member Names: Mei?>> None Applicable really.^^() Member Since: Umm...well..it really depends on how you look at it.Oo Current Status: Junior Memeber!Oo Nicknames: Sisseh, Daughter, MEI. Favorite Forums: Otaku Lounge, Adventure Arena, Poetry/Fanfiction, Zelda, and Square/Enix. Favorite RPG: Currently it's FF Survivor. Favorite Threads: That's a toughie.^^() Favorite Smilies: :drunk: :whoops: :bluesweat: :blush: Most Memorable Moment: My B-day...so many kind hearts.^^ Quotable Quote: Well, the countless strange AIM conversations I've had could count as many.>> Words of Wisdom: Never test the depth of the water with both feet. Wish to be remembered for: My strange ability to make friends?Oo Desired Epitaph: Never forget Her, She doesn't like being lonely. Favorites: Singing, OB, Swim and dance, multiple other things I won't take into account. I will... All my [u]strange words and such[/u] to [u]Sissy Ashpy[/u], so she can add more to her collection. Any of my [u]natural bliss[/u] to [u]Daddy Ken[/u] for it would do him good to be blissful.^^ The rest of my [u]stolen Phazon cookies and newly created Phazon cupcakes[/u] to [u]James[/u], for he will use them oh so wisely. All of my [u]stolen goods[/u] to [u]Charlie[/u], because I know he enjoys eating them. My [u]strange ability to annoy[/u] to [u]Weh[/u], to see the combined effects of insanity and insane annoyance. MOST AND BEST Most likely to succeed: James, Sara, Mitch, Sissy Asphy. Most likely to secede: Err..I won't be commenting on this.^^() Worst spelling: Truthfully I don't know...maybe vicky? Best poster: Charlie Cutest couple: Piro and Suki.^^ Best writer: Mitch, Sissy Asphy. Best artist: Ginny, Kaisuke, and AJ!^^() Best...spar-er?: Chaos?Oo Craziest: WEH! Funniest / wittiest: Heaven's Cloud, Daddy Ken, Cyke, Sara. Interesting-er-ist: AJ, you've got such an interesting mind.Oo Random award: To everyone at OB, you get a Random Award. Ability to be cyinical at any time award: Chaos and Daddy Ken.^^ Ability to cheer people up when needed: Juu, Sissy Asphy, KittyLynn. Ability to deal with the most annoying or childish people and keep their composure award: James, Shy, Semmie. Eh add-ons to their name, or just an eh in their name award: Jeh-James, Weh-Break, Zeh-Zeh!^^, AJ-Ajeh. Ability to deal with OB and a baby award: Lady M.^~ There are many more awards I'd like to give out, I'm just not able to remember them at this moment!^^() SIGNATURES Asphy-Sissy, thankyou for being there for me, and being able to share the same opinions as me.^~ I'm glad we met, and I'm very glad we're friends.^^ I'm always here if you need me.-Sisseh. Ken-Thankies for adopting me Daddy, I'll never forget that "Captain".^^ You stand up for me, even if I am being a complete idiot, and I thank you. As said to Sissy, I'm always here.-Daughter. Zeh-*Steals your away message*>> Kuku, one of the first people on OB I met, and I'm grateful I did meet you.^~ Never leave your away messages lying around..for you never know... Anyways, thankyou for being ma friend, and never lose your FF knowledge to me, it's bad for your health!-MEI! AJeh-Also one of the first people I met on OB, you rock is what I must say.^^ You can never draw me though...NEVER!Oo I thank you for being my friend AJ, really I do enjoy your interesting mind.^^()-MEI. James-Thankyou for having faith in me James, really.^^ *POKE* I'm glad we are friends, and that I was able to meet you at such a "low" rank, adn still be respected. That shows true character, and it shows you deserve more respect than most.^^-Mei. Charlie-MEOW!Oo Mister Kittyman, you are quite the Catministrator.^^ You do your job well, and are very enjoyable to talk with.^^ Thankyou for being my pal, and eating my stuff on more than one occasion, but giving it back like an honest little cat.Oo-Mei. Weh-Though we've just recently met, I've discovered much about you.^^ You're a very kind person, even if you are quite insane.^^ Insaneness isn't a bad thing though. In fact, in my book, it's a very good thing! Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Only the insane have the strength to prosper, only those who prosper may judge what is truly sane.^^-Mei. Suki-Though we don't know eachother TOO well, I know enough to realize you are a very kind and gentle, but slightly insane person.^^ I'm glad we share similar insterests and...birthdays.^^() It gives us something to talk about, even if we don't talk much.^^ Thankyou for being my fwiend.-Mei. Des'-Ahhh, can't forget my annoying big brother!>> Zelda master, you are indeed the master.^^ You hold countless amounts of information in your mind, plus you share my ability to annoy people...your just best at annoying me.^^() It's good though, because that gives you something else to be proud of. Never lose that mind of yours..if you know what I mean.Oo Ginny-GINNY! You are quite the artist, and not just in the artistic way. You are a very nice writer as well.^^ You share my insaneness and strange way of speaking and making up funky words, which be very intersting thing, yes yes? Thanks for being comforting and friendly to me, and I'm very thankful I met you.^^ Red/Elita-Heheheh..Elita..you are still a Spanish Woman!Oo Nuu, mesa just want to pick on you.^^() Sorry if I've annoyed you my fair share of times in the past, but it's just cause I care about ya! Thanks for opening up and being friendly to me, you insane boy you.Oo You be my fwiend, and I hope it always be that way, yes?^^ Juu-We no talk much, but we be friends.^^ You have an uncanny ability to make friends with anyone and everyone you meet, which ish a very good thing, yesh? Thankyou for our short, but lovely conversations, and in the future, I hope we can talk more and get to know eachother better.^^ Thankies for being my friend! If you aren't mentioned up there, it's not that I don't love you(CAUSE I DO, REALLY!), but probably because I didn't know what to say about you, didn't have enough time to write you up, or just plain forgot.^^() No taking offence though, okie dokie? I wuvs you all.^^[/color]
[color=green]Starting from top, left to right.^^ Top: Kefka-FFVI, Rinoa-FFVIII, Paine-FFX-2, Wakka-FFX, Steiner-FFIX, Shiva-FFX, Eiko-FFIX. Bottom: Aeris-FFVII, Edgar-FFVI, Squall-FFVIII.^^ I'm REALLY not sure on the Edgar one, so I'm just going to leave it at that.^^() I'm pretty sure on all this, in fact, I know I'm right on all except for the Edgar one. I've got permission to ask a question, so...I'm going to.>> Question: In FFX-2, there are of course, the new dress spheres. Tell me which one this is, and what it's used for.^~[/color] [img]http://ffinsider.net/ffx2/art/8b.jpg[/img] [url]http://ffinsider.net/ffx2/art/8b.jpg[/url]
[color=green]Yes Yes, bring on the next challenge! I want this one to be over with.>< I'm ready for whatever's next! *Huggles everyone*I'm with Ginny, I'm happy I could make it THIS far, I never expected to!^^() Let's all do our best, and no being inactive okie?[/color]
[color=green]I was hoping this wouldn't happen!>< Poo...Like Ginny said, we were talking about this only a few days ago...ohhh, this is going to be hard! Just to tell you, if your evicted, it's not personal, ok?T.T[/color] [i]Rinoa took in a deep breath, gazing around the room slowly at each individual Survivor. Letting out a large sigh, Rinoa looked over towards Zidane sadly.[/i] [color=blue]I...I'm sorry..I don't want you to go..but...you've just not been here lately, so I've gotten the feeling you want to go.. I'm sorry Zidane..you are my choice.[/color] [i]Rinoa walked over to Zidane and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, then walked off down the hall of the Ragnorok.[/i] [color=green]Ohh...that was hard!>< I'm so sorry Zidargh, you just haven't been here lately, and like I said IC, you seem like you want to go..it's nothing personal! I really didn't want to get rid of our humour..and believe me, you'll be missed![/color]