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Beheaded werewolves were closing in on several of the still living ones. A slight movement to Hath’s left told her that Jensen had teleported somewhere else. Glancing over at Bre, she saw that he was getting an evil grin on his face. All around werewolves were becoming headless. Using more concentration, the wolves that had just died were starting to rise again. Twitching then raising without using their arms they got up and starting closing around her opponents. With a surprised glance on the wolves faces, they started to fight their own dead brethren, slashing out at their chests. In return, the dead ones slashed back creating massive gashes down arms and chests.Fear started to creep into the faces of the lively ones, and they backed off to get some space. Realizing that they weren’t drawing any blood, they turned to other measures. Jumping fast around the fallen wolves, they headed for their controller. “Well shit..” Hath mumbled to herself. Closing her eyes she muttered “E podd ihaf swy balpyz ab kolnfyzz, rejy swy boddyf swos e patofk, taly zslyfrsw ofk zhyyk, bal swos ez qwos ez fyykyk sayfk swez xossdy. E abbyl uai swy xdaak ab swy yfytu oz swy hlepy”. Just as the words finished leaving her mouth, a flush of energy entered her and she willed it into the corpses making them a bit faster. ‘I need more ideas...’ she thought. Looking around she found what she was looking for. More dead werewolves, but these were some of the first dead ones. Not caring for the bodies, Hath called for one of their spirits. Appearing beside its body, not looking pleased, it only had to glance at their surroundings and at Hath before it knew what it was that she asked. Nearing the girl who was controlling their dead brothers, they slowed down and formed a circle around her. She raised her head and looked at the biggest of the four that went for her. Leaping, claws out for ripping flesh, the biggest made it two feet when he froze mid air and was flung against the car ten feet away. Scrambling up, he was lifted again and slammed into the same car leaving shattered glass on the ground and a huge dent in the side. About to get up again, one of the corpses approached and clawed his head off. Blood splattered the car. By now the other wolves had stopped watching their dead friend, and had started creeping forward to Hath. Another invisible force came barrelling into the one closest to Hath. Not paying attention to Hath the two that were left were surprised when claws slashed threw fur and skin. Blood began dripping down the backs and chests of the wolves as a couple of heads thudded and bounced on the ground by their sides, a sign that heads had been torn off. The last wolf, that was being chocked by an invisible assailant, was losing badly, not being able to attack what was pinning him to the ground. Only Hath was able to see that a large werewolf, slightly see through with a blueish black glow surrounding its incorporeal body, had a large paw standing on the last wolf’s neck. Seeing that the pinned wolf was starting to give in, the spirit wolf let up just as one of the dead wolves came over and lashed with its bloody clawed paw, and taking a head off with it. “Thank you spirit, you may leave now” Hath told the spirit who was looking anxiously at the sky. With the wolves that had singled her out dead, Hath ran over and joined the group of people fighting, standing as close to Bre as she dared and watched as Shan tore apart her foes, with a vicious look in her features. ----------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: the words are a demonic language called Rhefugi, that i found through a translator, and it translates into: I call upon the forces of darkness, give the fallen that i comand, more strength and speed, for that is what is needed to end this battle. I offer you the blood of the enemy as the price.
Watching as the small group left, Hathfertiti caught a small glimmer next to Bre?s right side. Giving her full attention to it, Hath realized it was a figure pointing urgently to the door. ?What is it?? Hath asked the shadowy figure. ?Trouble is coming. Someone is waiting for them outside. This will not end well.? ?Do you know who?? Hath asked quickly. ?No?? The spirit replied as it faded away. Looking up to see the rest of the group staring at her, she relayed what the spirit had said to her as clearly as she could. ?It said there?s something bad out there.? Hath warned urgently, running to Bre ?You should go after them.? Bre froze up not knowing how to react. Realising how she accidentally asked Bre specifically, Hath blushed and backed away. ?I mean?you all?you all should go protect them.? She kept to herself that she felt little harmless electric shocks run up her arm. Bre was careful to document the event into his notebook with a curious look on his face. ?I?m sure they haven?t gone far yet, so there?s still time to reach them.? Hath said hurriedly, making her way to the exit. She looked back to see Duke following close behind her. She stopped suddenly, confused by the stranger?s surprising trust in her. ?Well are we goin? or what? Our friends are in danger right?? Duke questioned. ?It just surprised me is all. Not many people give me their trust right away. Thanks.? Hath answered back, as she took off again. --------------------------------------- Sorry it took me so long to reply, I'm a little busy atm with exams this week.
Name: Hathfertiti. Age: 22 Ability: Necromancy. Dec 14th, 3003 It has been two days since the incident with subject 89. The bodies of the deceased were being stored in the cold chamber, with only security cameras surveying the area. According to surveillance videos, another anomaly had began, several of the bodies had shown distinct movement with no visible stimulus. At first we suspected this new phenomenon to also be the work of Subject 89, although we had no way of connecting him to the event. Later observation showed us the true culprit of this unusual deed. The chamber used for storage of our deceased was directly adjacent to the holding cell of Subject 92. A comparison of video tapes showed us the posthumous activity was directly correspondent to some strange behaviour of subject 92, specifically: listening to the wall, playing with figures that weren?t present and talking to herself. While subject 92 showed no overly dominant abilities at first, simply a slight obsession with death, and an insatiable curiosity about the afterlife. Recent analysis shows her true powers, we call her abilities ?Remote Posthumous Manipulation? or more commonly necromancy, as it is labelled in fantasy. March 27th, 3004 After some in depth research, we have determined that subject 92's conversations with herself are more than mere psychosis While the tape?s of her show nothing out of the ordinary, one on one interviews with subject 92 show she gains knowledge from these conversations, new facts and information she was not aware of previous to these conversations. Surmising what we know of her abilities already, we speculate these conversations are actually taking place between her and some sort of posthumous being, perhaps a spirit or ghost of some sort. Using this ability she is able to attain new information she would normally have no access too. The most serious case of this is when she nearly got into a top secret area off limits to students. Fortunately she was stopped by a few near by professors, but how she got so close was incredible. Apparently these spirits or ghosts she was talking to gave her the pass codes for 4 out of 5 securely locked doors. Profile pic: [URL="http://asteyni.deviantart.com/art/Necromancy-Contest-Piece-102325947"]Hathfertiti[/URL]
[B]Name: [/B]Chay Laksha [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs22/i/2008/027/9/b/Mizutatsu_by_aquaeyes07.jpg"]Chay[/URL] likes to dye hair randomly, but at the moment it is black. [B]Personality:[/B] Chay has an unusual look on life revealed by her random acts like: giving strange looks to people unprovoked, obsessively collecting snow globes, and is most often found reading books on marine creature anatomy. In battle Chay often analyzes her opponent, to get a basic idea of their fighting style, before making any rash actions. Socially Chay is a non-social butterfly, often staying out of sight and observing others. [B]Rank:[/B] Chuunin [B]Village:[/B] leaf [B]Style:[/B] Genjutsu [B]Main jutsu/techniques: [/B] - Lightning Illusion Flash of Lightning Pillar - Genjutsu Binding - Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique [B]Bio:[/B] Chay grew up as the black sheep of her academy class. While she maintained quite high grades, she had very few friends, and most of the class mocked her for being a browner and a nerd. Chay's relationship with her parents was never the greatest, having very little support from her parents in what she wanted to do. Her clan specialized in ninjutsu fire techniques, but her passion was for intricate genjutsu, this often led to fights between Chay and her parents. She secretly sought out a sensei specializing in genjutsu, and after much discussion she convinced him to take her under his wing as a pupil, against her parents wishes. Her parents still regret not continuing the clan's lineage and often remind Chay "it's her fault the clan will die." [B]What law you want passed:[/B] Allow any clan members to branch off into different styles if they wish to do so.