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Everything posted by chester

  1. chester

    Puss in Boots!

    The best part of the entire movie was when Puss jumps out of the tree and says "Prepare for mercy from puss......... In Boots!" (cough cough) Hairball
  2. Ra is the best due to his p2p transfer but******NO Gods can beat exodia!!! EXODIA once summoned is UNSTOBBABLE!!! Some noobs think u can stop it with MIRROR FORCE!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !!
  3. I would just like to say FOR EVERYBODY that this DOES NOT SPOIL ANYTHING!! Now that's overwith i'd like to say how much fun the show's new movie looks(i haven't logged in 2 otaku 4 more than a couple of yrs. it's been down and stuff)Dark Magician Girl is NOT repeat NOT of lesser strength than D.M because they get power-up's from each-other of like 500 pts. that is all 4 now ttyl [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Please try and keep discussions relevant. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. might wanna copy it don't click on it!!!
  5. [URL=http://]http://www.neopets.com/refer.phtml?username=teddyboy220[/URL] there's the link 4 ya
  6. Please go to this link and i think if u like anime you'll LOVE this:excited:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] Um....do you mean Sailor Galaxia? That's the only person I can think of you meaning......Anway, Sailor Galaxia is the major villain in Sailor Stars. She wears lots of Golden armor, and traveled all over the Galaxy stealing Star seeds from other Sailor Scouts. She comes to Earth in search of the ultimate Star Seed that shines the brightest in the Galaxy.
  8. [COLOR=crimson]Well what i said is that hamtaro gets a nine out of 10 for the animetion but, it doesn't have a storyline!!! That clear it up 4 u??:lecture:[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=crimson]new times roman[/COLOR] hey hamtaro's very coooooll! i gave it a nine out of ten for anime but yes i will admit that the storyline o yeah there isn't 1 HAHA I my love hammy's but no need to stay on the negative think positive!!!
  10. :D DUH! 10 Dummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. :confused: Who's Galexi Sailor?????(sorry if spelling's off!)
  12. :lecture: Cardcaptors is messed up now because Clow Reed is back and has his own cardcaptor, dark Kero, and Himself as a kid! Screwy ain't it (Bugs Bunny)
  13. :wigout: :lecture: Digimon was relesed later in the US than Pokémon but it premired in Japan 1ST and didn't cause seziures like Pokémon. But Pokémon has a much more wide array of games!!! And they don't announce their attacks!!!!
  14. Zoids Would KICK GUNDUMS Out of functioning + the Judge Cap. is a good factor Dark+Reg. Judge Sideby-side to judge it ZOIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:blush: :angel: :therock:
  15. Does any one watch it any more??? (WINDY RULES)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:love: :wigout: :box:
  16. :flaming: People people ! Yugi transforms to win matches!!! Kyba, Tristen and Joey all help Yugi win!!!! Grandpa is alive yet dead because his soul is gone!!!!
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