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Time Killer

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About Time Killer

  • Birthday February 18

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    http://screw somebody.head
  • AIM
    Yeah right
  • Yahoo
    Yahoo glad I don't h

Profile Information

  • Biography
    You better watch your back because "I'm comin for ya"
  • Occupation
    Mistic Tamer

Time Killer's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)



  1. Anyone else care to bring this rpg bac to life?
  2. Goven runs swiftly up the side of the mountain until he reaches a small ledge. Hotaru stops beside him, she lets out a long hollow roar. Goven: Shhhhh! Hotaru: Sorry. Goven: Be quiet. Hotaru: Why? Goven: Listen. I want you to go back down the mountain and find Kitana and stay with her. Hotaru: NO! Goven: GO NOW!! Goven pushes Hotaru down the path and he jumps from ledge to ledge up the mountain. At the top he finds that the mountain is a volcanoe. He sees a small blue light flicker then move to another place. He slowly moves sideways down into the vilcanoe.....:flaming:
  3. It was blue. I wish we got a snow day.
  4. Breaking News Live. Goven has dyed his hair Blonde. That is all.:laugh: :blush:
  5. I hyave [COLOR=crimson]many[/COLOR] charecters but all are mostly the same. I always keep the same name. Name :Goven Gender :male Age:18-26 Appearance :1 1/2 in. Blue hair cold green eyes Prince Darians Armor and outfit from Sailor Moon Vehicle: silver jeep with black trim Deep blue Ferrari Animal Name :Hotaru animal :Tiger Appearance :Siberian Tiger
  6. Well he should put something on to conceal him self.!!.:whoops:
  7. hahahahahahahaha:rotflmao: [COLOR=crimson]That was really funny[/COLOR]
  8. If you love [COLOR=blue]Shiro Amada[/COLOR] clap your hands. Clap Clap Clap Yeah Clap Clap Clap:huh:
  9. My fav char is [COLOR=blue]Shiro Amada[/COLOR] .:demon:
  10. If you like [COLOR=blue]Shiro Amada[/COLOR] say hay hoo.
  11. No matter how many times they play the series it will never get old. every [COLOR=blue]time[/COLOR] you watch it you will find something new about it.:nope: smile: "thats wrong." Time Killer "Shut up."
  12. I don't like to ruin things for myself but that was really boathering me. but Thanx:laugh: :laugh:
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