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Time Killer

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Everything posted by Time Killer

  1. Anyone else care to bring this rpg bac to life?
  2. Goven runs swiftly up the side of the mountain until he reaches a small ledge. Hotaru stops beside him, she lets out a long hollow roar. Goven: Shhhhh! Hotaru: Sorry. Goven: Be quiet. Hotaru: Why? Goven: Listen. I want you to go back down the mountain and find Kitana and stay with her. Hotaru: NO! Goven: GO NOW!! Goven pushes Hotaru down the path and he jumps from ledge to ledge up the mountain. At the top he finds that the mountain is a volcanoe. He sees a small blue light flicker then move to another place. He slowly moves sideways down into the vilcanoe.....:flaming:
  3. It was blue. I wish we got a snow day.
  4. Breaking News Live. Goven has dyed his hair Blonde. That is all.:laugh: :blush:
  5. I hyave [COLOR=crimson]many[/COLOR] charecters but all are mostly the same. I always keep the same name. Name :Goven Gender :male Age:18-26 Appearance :1 1/2 in. Blue hair cold green eyes Prince Darians Armor and outfit from Sailor Moon Vehicle: silver jeep with black trim Deep blue Ferrari Animal Name :Hotaru animal :Tiger Appearance :Siberian Tiger
  6. Well he should put something on to conceal him self.!!.:whoops:
  7. hahahahahahahaha:rotflmao: [COLOR=crimson]That was really funny[/COLOR]
  8. If you love [COLOR=blue]Shiro Amada[/COLOR] clap your hands. Clap Clap Clap Yeah Clap Clap Clap:huh:
  9. My fav char is [COLOR=blue]Shiro Amada[/COLOR] .:demon:
  10. If you like [COLOR=blue]Shiro Amada[/COLOR] say hay hoo.
  11. No matter how many times they play the series it will never get old. every [COLOR=blue]time[/COLOR] you watch it you will find something new about it.:nope: smile: "thats wrong." Time Killer "Shut up."
  12. I don't like to ruin things for myself but that was really boathering me. but Thanx:laugh: :laugh:
  13. Kitana: What are you to going to do when you get to that mountain? Goven: We collect [COLOR=darkblue]TIME[/COLOR] . Kitana: You what!? Goven holds up small pendant to to a large tree. He says a few words and the tree get smaller and smaller until their is only a seed in his hand. Kitana: Wow!! Goven says some more words until the seed is a large tree again. Goven: I can control time. I collect time from small creatures and other life. Kitana: Oh I see. Calito glares at Goven and grumbles under her breath. As the four walk toward the mountain the sky gets darker and darker. Calito and Hotaru stop almost in unison. They look and sniff at the air. Calito: I don't like this mountain. Kitana: Why not? Hotaru: Something is different. Hotaru shivers. Goven: Don't be such a baby Hotaru Goven runs swiftly to the base of the mountain and stops.
  14. Oh sorry I forgot that it was a cheeta.sorry.
  15. I'm sorry but D-Star said that we have all the people and elves that we need. Sorry
  16. Good job Final_Flash I have only been here for a short while but I have seen to many stupid Rpgs. Also every where I go I see spam after spam after spam.
  17. Kitina and Calito ride past Goven and hotaru. calito stops suddenly. Kitana"who are you?" Goven"My name is Goven. (pointing at Hotaru) This is Hotaru. Kitana"Why do you have a tiger?" Goven"She is my protector." Goven(sarcastically) Why do you have a dragon?" Kitana"She is my protector." :Calito smiles: Goven jumps onto Hotaru and rides away leaving only dust in their wake. Calito"I don't like him. We should follow them." Kitana"Yes..I agree."
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psycho it was very hard thinking up these names. [/B][/QUOTE] You got James Hawking from out law star. :nope:
  19. How many people can we have on our team?
  20. I agree you did put water down for your element:nope:
  21. That was...was...interesting.
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