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About Hbomb

  • Birthday 02/28/1979

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  • Biography
    USF Senior
  • Occupation
    College Student

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  1. New Characters they need to add: Wario Waluigi Toad Pit (Kid Icarus) Little Mac (Punch-Out) Tetra (Zelda: The Wind Waker) Diddy Kong (DKC) Donkey Kong Jr. Paula (Earthbound) Princess Daisy (Super Mario Land, possibly a Peach clone) R.O.B. the Robot (former NES accessory; ok maybe not) Captain Olimar (Pikmin) At least 1 or 2 more Pokemon, maybe Meowth K.K. Slider (Animal Crossing) King Hippo (Punch-Out) And, if Nintendo made a deal with Sega.... Sonic and Tails, but I doubt that ever happening... although Link is a playable character in Namco's Soul Caliber 2. I guess anything is possible. As for other extras, I'd love to see classic NES games bundled in, like in AC. -H
  2. I am soooooo getting this game. And as for the E-reader features, I'm pumped. Just another reason for me to get a GB player for my Cube, since I just have the one GBA. -H
  3. I am for it to stay. Separation of church and state is totally screwed up. I gotta admire the Alabama chief justice for standing up for the cause. It is true that the US is a melting pot with people of different origins, races, and religions, and if it were something related to Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, or any other religion, I'd still support its staying put. The separation of church and state is screwed up. It's total hypocracy when the federal courts rule to remove the monument, but "In God We Trust" is still printed on the money. Oh, and I'm not even that religous. -H (yes, I'm still around)
  4. You can't have an Old School Otaku topic without me! I started coming to AGB when I found out about a contest to the best poster in the forums. I became a regular on the boards, and eventually I won the contest. I wrote a couple reviews and later became a mod. The Gameboy site had been the centerpiece of the AGB network, but there were other affiliates, ranging in subject from Pokemon to Digimon to Zelda to Dragonball Z and for a brief period, wrestling. Then came the big upgrade to The Otaku. New boards. New subsites, including Gundam, Dreamcast, XBox, and Gamecube. I eventually became an admin on the boards. Eventually, the focus of the Otaku became Anime. When I had first gotten involved, I had gotten involved with a Gameboy site. All of a sudden, I was working for an anime site. I consider myself an avid gamer, but only a casual anime fan. The changes (and the forums getting out of hand) led to my departure from The Otaku. I now work on Snowflake Studios ([url]http://dmg.keenspace.com[/url] ), a subsite of DMG Ice ([url]http://www.dmgice.com[/url] ). Ok, rant over. -H
  5. I like the new Ask Otaku. Oh, and whatever happened to that Hbomb guy? ;) -H
  6. Yeah, well I needed some time off. I've been busy with DMG Ice's Snowflake Studios, school, and RHA (Residence Hall Association), and plus I was sick and tired of some of the crap that was going on before I disappeared. -H
  7. Mihoshi from Tenchi, especially in Tenchi Universe and Tenchi in Tokyo. Kiyone really accentuates Mihoshi's annoyingness. -H
  8. Do you even know how long it took me to build up my number of posts? DAMN YOU HACKERS!!! -H
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