You can't have an Old School Otaku topic without me!
I started coming to AGB when I found out about a contest to the best poster in the forums. I became a regular on the boards, and eventually I won the contest. I wrote a couple reviews and later became a mod. The Gameboy site had been the centerpiece of the AGB network, but there were other affiliates, ranging in subject from Pokemon to Digimon to Zelda to Dragonball Z and for a brief period, wrestling. Then came the big upgrade to The Otaku. New boards. New subsites, including Gundam, Dreamcast, XBox, and Gamecube. I eventually became an admin on the boards. Eventually, the focus of the Otaku became Anime. When I had first gotten involved, I had gotten involved with a Gameboy site. All of a sudden, I was working for an anime site. I consider myself an avid gamer, but only a casual anime fan. The changes (and the forums getting out of hand) led to my departure from The Otaku. I now work on Snowflake Studios ([url][/url] ), a subsite of DMG Ice ([url][/url] ).
Ok, rant over.