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Everything posted by master21

  1. master21

    First here

    in my opinion the show sux the longer it gets it gets more boring
  2. i voted 4 entei i guess i like fire types
  3. me too if u wanna know the reason go ask the nintendo programmers
  4. master21 around 50 i know it is a low number but hey i don't post alot can u add my nine post right now too thank u
  5. u should have paid more attention
  6. sorry i posted and i press back when i was done posting and i thought i didn't post sorry
  7. great job adam *give adam a pat on the back*
  8. ya great job adam *give adam a pat on the back*
  9. where can i watch toonami and what channel cause i live in toronto
  10. u know the battle tower who won there before and which pokemon should send out in that battle can u help please
  11. in my opinion crystals is worth the money
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