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Everything posted by Ryuujin

  1. Ryuujin


    I like the grayscale as well. Nice overall charcter design. The colored ones seem a bit fuzzy, but it may just be me. Nice job Sara. Also, I don't understand your poll answers... *stares blankly at the poll* ...lttle help please.
  2. Some live action series are rather good. I saw "Your Under Arrest, Live Action." It was good. And c'mon you guys you think they are just handing this over to Americans, and have them do all the work? Most of the same crew will work on it, so the designs should stay the same as in the series. Bad CG? CG is CG, not much to change. As, for casting.... well, who knows. Casting is going to be the most difficult. That and shorting one of the most mind boggling anime series that most people don't understand until they watch it 6 times(btw, it only took me 3,:P), into a 3 hour movie. There is my say in this topic, and please keep your minds open, don't talk until you've seen it. -Ryuujin
  3. There is in fact a .hack series currently being aired in Japan. It is called .hack - Legend of Twilight's Bracelet, I don't know much about it. I can however get some info from a friend. I'll get back to you.
  4. I heard from a friend that Ninja Scroll the Series is being aired in Japan. I don't know if anyone here knew or not so I thought to bring it up. I, being a big fan of Ninja Scroll, am really excited about this and hope it is as good as the movie. If anyone knows anything about please share. Thank you.
  5. I like it a lot Ginny. One question. Did you draw it or what? I hope you can make it through what you are going through. Nice picture none the less. 9.4/10
  6. I think that it takes both soul and mind to be a human. That is why Evas are not human, becuse they need to be piloted(mind). Evas were created by man, using Adam. Adam is the man created God. Since Adam is made by man, and man is dumb(in comparison to god) Evas were made to be humans but they need a mind. When evas go beserk they become a primative human. The reason of them being primitive is becuse they were created by man. As angels..... I have not a clue. Angels were created from Lillith. Right? Where did Lillith come from? Been awhile.... PS If this doesn't make any sence ignore.
  7. She is not pregnant. Remeber when she hid that kid in her shirt, and acted like she was pregnant with Wolfwood's child. I'm sure they may have had a thing, but the pregnancy definatly didn't happen.
  8. I watched about 6 episodes of Kiddy Grade a couple of days ago. It is a pretty new series(2002). I have to tell you guys it is a good SciFi series. The two main charcters-Lumiere and Eclair, work for Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs (GOTT). In this job they deliver goods, ie. peace treaty documents, criminals, illegal materials, ect... to the desired location anywhere in the galaxy. Lumeire is the brute strength in the group, while Eclair is the genius, she can hack any system with just a touch(literaly). Their spaceship La Muse(I think) is like telepathic with Eclair, kinda cool if you ask me. The animation is good. Nice and crisp.The music is great, especaily the opening song. Anyway you guys should check it out when it gets to America, in a few years most likely. I'll try to get some screencaps for you guys.
  9. Keep the font, lose the font. Make up your minds people. I like the font as well. I'm still working on my ava. I'm trying some different stuff.
  10. Hey Syk3 I like it, the border especially. The red makes it stand out. I give a 9.3/10, one of your better ones. Oh and Shy....*points to sig* What a great *winks* banner, huh?
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Lol, [size=1]no use convincing him. :angel:[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] ... What's that suppose to mean, huh? I'll remove the text now just because you said that, here you go. Oh and I'll work on the ava and see what comes of it. .:Edit:. Just a side note on the banner with no text. Ah hem. BORING!! Oh sorry about that.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wintermute [/i] [B]I'll admit I didn't read through the entire post, it's huge, I'm in a rush, and my connection is being even slower than normal (impressively slow, let me tell you) But so far no-one has mentioned Fuu Hououji! I'm shocked! Well done Shadowfire, but - Ruri? really? She's cute, but Nadesico has cuter. Fuu Hououji. (Magic Knights Rayearth) Unfortunately my plan to kill Ferio and steal her away for myself have been foiled by the twin facts that he is proving remarkable difficult to locate, and also she can read minds, and would know I'd done it, and would never forgive me. Fuu Hououji. [/B][/QUOTE] Fuu???? No way. I think it is the glasses.... If anyone it would be Hikaru. Although Preseia is up there as well, but Fuu? We all have out likes and don't likes and Fuu is definatly on my don't like side.
  13. The ava with the dots in the corner? Oh and here is the one with both x and y scan lines.
  14. Here is another banner I made that goes with my theme. I need help though, I don't know if I should do just horizontal scan lines or both horizontal and vertical. Tell me what you think.
  15. Have any ideas what I could add to it, to make it better? Some sort of animation. I can't really think of anything. Any ideas send them this way. I really need. Thanks.
  16. Ava update. I have a new avatar. Not anything special, just better than one I have now. Here is it. Critiqe if you will, but I'm looking for suggestions as what to add to it. Thanks.
  17. Yeah the buzzing during the silent sences. I guess it could be a locus. I had always thought it was a bird. Sorry for not being clear, I didn't really know how to ask. I wish I could get a sound clip. Thinking about it, it makes more snice as a locus than a bird. I must be a weirdo. :wigout: Ah well, thanks Rick and FP.
  18. That distinct sound you hear it in ever NGE episode. What is it? It sounds like a bird, to me. Hard to describe the sound. If you have seen NGE you should definatly know what I'm talking about. It always plays it in the mountains and wooded areas. If anyone knows what it is I would be greatful to you to share it with me. Thanks.
  19. I add those lines to the image as you suggested Syk3. However I love the font as is so instead of changing it I will add text in my sig, that will say The Dragon King. Thanks for you suggestions. Keep a look out for more of my work, as I will be messing around Photoshop and Illustartor more than usual. Thanks [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] Sorry for the double post but I put in the wrong attachment. This one should work. Oh and Mitch the hair color I didn't do, a friend of mine did it. Although I will keep that in mind, so I can tell her next I talk to her. Again sorry for double post.
  20. Ryuujin


    Here is my desktop. I made it today, and was going to show it but found this thread. Nothing special. I noticed that I'm very neat and organized on my desktop. Games on the right, other programs on the left. I just wish I could keep my room that way. :rolleyes: Oh and Juu this is the original image my banner and avatar are from, scaled up a bit.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]My only consern would be that the txt is a bit hard to read, but that forces peeps to look at banner eh? [/B][/QUOTE] You caught me. I saw someone else's banner and the text was faded, and I had to look closer to read it, and got the idea. I put a less fadded test behind it so there is a shadow type effect. The text is not bold, that is regular, atleast I think so. I may edit the test a tad, but that's it. Thanks for your comments and keep them coming. Oh. What about my avatar? Should I edit it in anyway? Thanks .:Edit:. Oh and Juu it is not zoomed in that is a direct crop of the orginal image. :)
  22. Here is a new banner I made to go along with my theme. What are some of your thoughts on it? Any suggestions as to mkae it better. Don't be easy on me, I can take it. Thanks
  23. I was thinking about this when I was in the shower. Over in Japan and other countries do they do the same stuff we all do but with American cartoons? For example do they import subtilted(in Japanese) Sponge Bob Square Pants episodes? Or Rugrats or something. I haven't been to Japan so I don't know...Just one many things my mind comes up with. -OD
  24. Anyone know anything about Giant Robot week. I was watching something the other day and a commerical came on and said something about Giant Robot Week I saw Clipa of Evagelion, and many others. I thought I saw Astro Boy but I could have been wrong. I don't much more than that, just wondering. -OD .:Edit:. Went to Toonami.com and they have big thing about it [URL=http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/toonami/promos/giantrobot_022003/index.html]here[/URL].
  25. Colorful is just as KA said, lots and lots of eechi jokes. I do not believe there is a main story line, just many shortclips compiled together. Unless you really like that kind of stuff stay away from Colorful.
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