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Everything posted by Ryuujin
I like the sports car the best. Don't get me wrong the OutlawStar is pretty cool. it's desing is what I like about it. Come to thing of it, that same desgin is in Civ3PTW(comp. game).... -OD
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaiba's Angel [/i] [B]What they mean by "designed after" is that Ed's peronality is quite similar to Yoko Kanno'. Also, I once read that their speech patterns are quite similar. [/B][/QUOTE] That's kind of crazy, I didn't think anybody could be as weird as Ed. Umm. I now have a whole new veiw of her. Now the Speech paterns.... seems a little wack, the writers must have exaggerated on her speech. Hummm.
I know that at the Yoko Kanno project they have guitar chords for "Call Me Call Me" and "The Real Folk Blues." That's all I know of but I'll look in just a second. [url]http://jameswong.com/ykproject/core.html[/url]
I only new number two and number three. I didn't know the Ed was designed after Yoko Kanno. Now by designed what does it mean his personality, looks, etc? I sure hope it isn't by looks because they don't look much alike in my opinion. [img]http://jameswong.com/ykproject/images/kanno_0717c077.jpg[/img]
I don't think you could have a whole new series of how Jim and Gene met, although it may make a pretty good flashback episode. But I think they should continue on with the series, add new faces, new challenges, new ships, etc... Ah I think I should go back and watch OLS again. Memories....
I think the man difference is that anime is for a wide spread in ages. All of Japan watches and enjoys anime, it isn't just the children, like in America. Besides that the plots are far to great than American ones. Even the worst of anime plots are greater than any American cartoon's. Another thing is that American writers can't seem to write too good, no offensive to anyone. Only a few cartoons have the same story through the entire series. Sure there are some animes like that, but there is still a "backround" story in them. Take a look at Cowboy Bebop, each episode is not continous with one before it(excluding two part episodes), but there is still charcter devolpment, and other things that take place. So basicly Anime is better than American cartoons for their appeal to different age groups, their plot, and the writers, that have the knowledge and intelect to write anywhere from 26 to 300 episodes of script and plot.
I watched it yesterday and it didn't really hook me. It was way short, plot was not so good, and yes there was alot of Fanservice. So much infact it has a "Jiggle Counter" in the Extras section. It basicly just counts the number of time the female charcters' breast bounced. Not worth it if you ask me, but too late for that. Thanks for the comments. Lataz
I just ordered Plastic Little, And it should arrive today... I was just seeing if anyone here in Grand O' Otaku Anime has seen it, And if it good or not. I got it because it was supposibly similar to Sol Bianca, which was similar to OLS, which is similar to CB. I love CB and OLS but I have not seen Sol bianca yet but I will be getting it soon(next month). So who's seen Plastic Little? Lataz
Gaming What X-Box game are you anticipating for the most in 2003 and why?
Ryuujin replied to BigCajones's topic in Noosphere
Steel Battalion looks good. Don't know about this controler... Lataz -
Gaming What X-Box game are you anticipating for the most in 2003 and why?
Ryuujin replied to BigCajones's topic in Noosphere
I am really looking forward to Sudeki. It looks like a great game, just a long wait :( It doesn't come out until Winter '03!!! Also Halo2, I love the first, I'm expecting alot from it, so they better not let me down! -
I was doing some searches they other day, and I came across Maps. The site said it was similar to Outlaw Star. I was thinking about getting it since I loved OLS, But decided to check with the trustey members of OB. So how is it? Lataz
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Hey, it's great to have your instant messenger handels, but have you signed up yet? (Note the first post in the thread) As for humorous episodes, I can't say that I agree with you on Toys in the Attic. It didn't seem to really set off a comedic tone, but more so mysterious and whatnot. But yeah, Mushroom Samba was a great episode for comedy; one of my favorites in fact. :) [/B][/QUOTE] Well it wasn't all that funny turning the episode but when you found out what it was you just have to laugh. I did like how they had the "lessons" in the episode, it gave it a little something more. I wsh more animes did that. Rather than that it was just a filler. Lataz -OD
OB name: OutlawDragon Fave Char: Nicholas (Wolfwood) Fave Ep: Underneath the Endless Blue Sky Fave Song: Opening Song My Fave scene: The last fight Vash and Knives have. AIM: OutlawDragon
I have just starting watching the series. I never thought I'd like it. I'm more of a "men do the action" kind of person so this didn't really appeal to me, but after watch a few episodes I have changed my mind completely. The series is great and I reccomend this to an any who likes some action, but I don't know if my word is reliable as my word on others but we'll see. Lataz -OD
Spike can and will come back, if they have a series that is directly after(chronlogically) the last episode. I think that if they do come back with a series it would be before, but this topic has its own thread, so I won't get into that. I still will hold to my opinion unless [i]proven[/i] wrong. Lataz -OD
Well our Mystic clan was mostly towards DBZ fans... Do you know what James and all them have to say about Clans? Been a long time since we had one. "The Mystics Return" heh. Back on topic: I'm looking foward to participating in this club... Lataz -OD
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]What does this fan club do? Hmm, well, it's pretty much here for a gathering of fans in the series. We don't do things together like try to take over the forums, but we may have occasional Bebop chats on AIM. That is, if we have enough people with AIM. We'll have to wait and see. [/B][/QUOTE] Sounds great! We need to set up officals and stuff, have a few RPGS, and stuff like that, you know. It sounds too much like a clan(Ahhh the good ole days). Don't know if this would be a great idea as I don't know the current status on clans and such. Lataz -OD
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B][spoiler]As much as I would like him to be alive. Sadly, spike's as dead as dead can be. Oh well, its sorta better that way because spike has nothing to be alive for. Fayes dead. He settled the score with vicious. Mao is dead and so is anny. Everyone from his past life is dead. Its time that he joined them.[/spoiler][/B][/QUOTE] [spoiler]Nothing to live for?? He never had anything to live for in the first place. He was looking for a way to die. All he had was Jet. And Faye just had to make a pit stop in Hong Kong. He would have more now then he did in the very first episode But I still think that he is alive. There is no way he was killed. A cut on the arm and a stab in the chest, that's it! If he can be shot from point blank, 2 in. away from his heart and fall 200ft(aprox). into water(that is most likely really cold as it is halloween) and almost drown, and then still live there is no way he can't handle a few cuts(big understatement,heh),[/spoiler] give me a break. Lataz -OD
I have wondered this question every since I saw the (ship) the Bebop. The cover and just about everything on the 'net says Bebop. But if you notice on the side of the acutal "Bebop" You'll see it says "BeBop" So I thought I should bring to you guys and see what comes of it. Lataz -OD
As with every anime, in Japanese or English, Syk3... I have good expectations for the dub, although it I must likely won't buy it, as I already have the sub. It is an excelent movie. One of my favorites. :) Lataz -OD
Yeah it mostly likely the average season in Japan. Althougth Syk3 Love Hina has more than 26 if you consider Again and the movies. Hmmm... So shows that aren't 26 episodes were most likely canceled, right? So those series aren't wworth watching??? What do you think? Lataz -OD
I was thinking about how I got into anime earlier today, took me a long time to remember, but I did... My friend had just got the DBZ VHSs (not the US released ones) from somewhere and invited me over to house for the weekend and I saw it on top of his tv. I asked him about it and he said it was like a grown up cartoon with blood and guts and stuff. He asked him if I wanted to watch some and he showed me when Gohan turned SSJ2 during the Cell Games(That's why I used to like SSJ2Gohan so much). I fell in love with DBZ and didn't like any other anime for a long time. There's my story. I was just seeing how other people started watching anime. Lataz -OD
Well I do know of a place that you can get it in America, a site where I usally get my anime has it. I'll put a link in sig. So I don't get in trouble. Back to what James said. I have heard about this series, and longed to get it but with money issues and other animes that are higher on my want list have made me refrain from getting it. I'll be getting it soon. Oh, and the site in my sig is realiable I buy most of my anime from there, and it usally comes pretty fast(within a week in most cases). Lataz -OD .::Edit::. Forgot to mention the really low prices at the site. Go and see. .::Edit::.
I think Ob is by far one the geatest Anime forum. It has come a long way since V2. A boat load more members. Post quality has improved a ton. I think it was better back in the early days, though. Not nesscicaryly better, but more enjoyable. I seem not to post as much now. Maybe its just me....Lataz -OD
I love the new skin, It seems to be a more modern type, rather than the "bubble" type OB has had for.... ever. Don't remember a different style. Good job Shift.