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Everything posted by Ryuujin

  1. Name: "OutlawDragon" aka OD Age: 22 Description: OutlawDragon has a muscular body, but not bulky. He is about 5' 9". He has black hair. He has a neon green eye and a bright red eye. He wears a skin tight neon green t-shirt, baggy black pants, and a black trench coat that drags behind him. He carries a yumi on his back, he also carries with him either a Bo or Jo. Occupation: OD is a mercenary/bounty hunter. He was hired to find as much information about NERV as possible. Backround: OutlawDragon's parents were killed when he was 10. Since then he has grew up with his older sister. OutlawDragon and his sister became mercenaries, while following the trail of the person that killed their parents. He was born in Kyoto, Japan and has been trained in martial arts and ancient weapons.
  2. Ryuujin


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]This is Cowboy Bebop, lol. I like a lot of songs in Cowboy Bebop, but I suppose it isn't the songs themselves that attract me, it's the content in which they are shown. For example, I probably wouldn't like a particular song if it was in an episode I didn't like. But I do like most of Cowboy Bebop, hence, I like most of the music, especially Rain. You can't argue with how that was presented, eh? Hey, does anyone know the name of the song that plays in Knockin' on Heaven's Door, when Vincent is dragging Spike in the Monerail? I was just watching the movie, and realized that the song is very cool. [/B][/QUOTE] You mean the one that is just women mumbling or whatever gradually getting higher in picth and intesnity? I think it is called "Powder." Kinda weird to me... It is great in the movie, the timing and all but by it self it isn't all that great.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pepper [/i] [B]Dammit. I thought Hilda was [i]the[/i] coolest in the whole show. Sure Suzuka was cool but you 'dun get much credit if all ya do is sit there, stalk, kill and sit some more. I liked Hilda's outfit too, coolness. After Hilda was the Catgirl(Aisha)i'm a large Kittie-people fan o.O;;. Then Suzuka then Melfina. Melfina is the first english dubbed voice actor who sounded good singing...maybe it's just me.. [/B][/QUOTE] The reason I didn't really like Hilda is because she was in the series very long. A few episodes??? That only counts as a supporting character in my book. She was just as important as Gwen Kahn(Kanh). Atleast he was in most the episodes just not as long.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pepper [/i] [B]It's nothing to have a Turkey over. It looked like the artist jumped back and forth with the style. It didnt show that much in the actual show because it was always do dang dark, that only really appears in stills for the anime. [/B][/QUOTE] That's true, I didn't think of that. I only noticed it for a few eps so he must have gotten negative comments about it. I guess you just get used to seeing something and change just looks bad...Lataz -OD
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Yeah, I usually do the same thing. So much hassel with the cords and such though. Man, if we could only combine the computer and anime. Wait...arn't we doing that right now? [/B][/QUOTE] Duh! Man Greg... Back on topic: If it is on television wouldn't that mean they'd have to edit the Anime? Ofcourse not as much as CN but still some. They might not even try to get some anime on there because of editing. Lataz -OD
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Yeah, I know what you mean. My PS2 is clogged with Vice City. No DVD is going to get within a mile of that thing. [/B][/QUOTE] Heh. I usally keep my PS2 in the living room because we have alot of people that come over alot. So I'd have to set it up in my room to watch some. Parents usally take over the tv... I hope I can get the chan. It'd be awesome to a 24/7 anime chan. I wouldn't be on the comp. much though. Lataz -OD
  7. Sounds good to me. I don't like having to get out my DVDs and my PS2 just to watch some Anime. I'll be happy to watch it, even if it is dubbed. Lataz -OD
  8. I enjoyed Ghost in the Shell. The action was the best part though. Cool techs, and stuff. I haven't seen it in a long time, i should go watch it again. It'd be cool to be invisible. Don't like the draw back though...Lataz -OD
  9. Well, lets see, I think that the greatest movie, in my opinion has got to be KOHD. The Cowboy Bebop movie. I have found a great liking to this movie. Usually I'll go through an "anime phase" where the latest anime I've seen is this best, bladi, bladi, bla. But I've been a big fan of Knockin' on Heaven's Door for a long time. Lataz -OD
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeGurl [/i] [B]I like the song that they played in the episode "The Real Folks Blues" hmmmmm....is that what the song is called? That's a question that i need to know the answer.... [/B][/QUOTE] Where at in the episode? The ending song? or somewhere in the middle. I might be able to get that answer. Lataz -OD
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]Well its not just the lashes. sometimes his coloring looks yellowy. Other times a nice peach or tannish. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, skin tone difference could just be due to the surrounding light of the area. But when I saw it I notice that his face was longer, more streched vertically, and his chin seemed a little pointer. Lataz -OD
  12. I have heard of it, but have yet to enjoy it. Adam, The Prince of Anime himself said it was "The Greatest of All Time" or something close to that. So I'm looking forward to watching it.
  13. Ryuujin


    I found this thread instead. I'll bring it back. My favorite songs are as folows: 1. Ask DNA (KOHD) 2. Ballad of Fallen Angels (Series) 3. Cosmic Dare (KOHD) 4. Gotta Knock a Little Harder (KOHD) 5. Pushing the Sky (KOHD) 6. Green Bird (Series) 7. Rain (KOHD) 8. Old School Game (KOHD) There's some of my favorites. Just some. The List will change I promise... Lataz -OD
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Man, "Rain" is the absolute best, song-wise in Cowboy Bebop. You know, the one in Session #5 : Ballad of Fallen Angels, when Spike goes to fight Vicious in the catherdral? Yeah, that's the one. I think it's great because it fits the mood, and I love both the tune and words. Perfect. [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, "Rain" is a good song too. But I have to add "Cosmic Dare" to my list as well. Cosmic Dare is the song on the radio the Faye listens to before "The Tanker Incident." Infact, I'm listening to it right now. Maybe we should make a nee thread about the songs instead of spamming it here, eh? Lataz -OD
  15. Yes that does suck. I sometimes watch OLS on CN when I'm too lazy to get my dvds out. It won't be the same. But what can do? Lataz. -OD
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][color=purple]Though I can not for the life of me remember his name, the guy that rescued Spike during the bar room shoot out, I believe it was the last episode. The one with brown ear length hair. I found him very sexy.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Are you talking about the one dude that Vicious has for a BG when he is dealing with Gren? I'm trying to remember his. He is the younger brother of some guy that was close to Spike. Man, what is his name! Shin! That's it right. And his brother was Lin. I'm the greatest. J/P Lataz -OD
  17. If you are talking about the one on the tower it is Pushing the Sky. In the train/ monorail thing there is a song but it is just...weird. Its called "Powder" go [URL=http://jameswong.com/ykproject/disc/bebop_futureblues/index.html]here[/URL] and you can hear it. Hope that helps, acid. Lataz -OD
  18. I forgot a song that I really like: "Gotta Knock a Little Harder" Pretty good, kinda weird for me though, I usally don't like this kind of music... heh, listen to it and you'll see why. Lataz -OD
  19. Yeah that's it... Here's another pic of him... Compare to my ava,
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Yeah, that's a much better description of it. Short, easy to understand, and effective. Laymans' terms. [/B][/QUOTE] What's that suppose to mean, eh? Calling me stupid or something? J/P. Your description was good as well had more info in it... Lataz -OD
  21. The one I mainly remember is the one right before Gene is about to use the grappler arms, just before he moves that thing to his eye. It looked really weird to me. Still looking for pics... hopefully I'll get some after I finish my HmWk... Lataz -OD
  22. Well I do know one thing and that is that you are crazy. :P But about the topic as I said eariler they do seem somewhat alike although I think of suzuka's voice just a smidge deeper. But maybe I'm the crazy one, eh? Lataz -OD
  23. Red Eye is a drug that enhances the user's fighting abilty. From what I saw it kinda slowed down time so you can see punches and bullets coming and dodge them. This kinda reminds me of the Adreniline pill in Grand Theft Auto 3. To use Red Eye you use a special sprayer that sprayes the fluid on your eye. Hope that answers your question. Lataz -OD
  24. I choose Faye. They don't really go into her life that much so a spin-off wold be great, in my opinion, with her. That or Vicious. Or possiblly a series about Spike, Vicous, and Julia still in the Syndicate, and Jet still in the ISSP, how Jet and Spike meet...We may dream... Lataz -OD
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1]It always makes me laugh how people (sometimes myself) can find anime eyes to be the most attractive part of the character. If Kamui was real you would say "What kind of freak are you, why are your eyes so big?" Morrigan from Night Stalkers is my favorite anime babe. I usually don't go for that sort of thing, but she's speacial. -Shy[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Now really come on... I can't be that bad if ShyGuy likes Morrigan!! If you haven't seen Morrigan here's a pic: [IMG]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/morri.jpg[/IMG] Lataz -OD
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