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Everything posted by Ryuujin

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]I think that the last session was pretty good. It had action, romance, vengence, and it was a solid ending to the series. [spoiler]When Spike died, it was indeed very sad, but at the same time, as Heaven's Cloud once said, it made you continue watching it over and over to try to convince yourself that Spike was alive.[/spoiler] Let me ask you. Did it leave you wanting more at the end? Did it leave any unanswered questions? If you can answer 'no' to both of these, then one can conclude that the ending was good. Do you disagree? [/B][/QUOTE] Well I wasn't going to bring this up but since you did Syk3(I still don't get this Greg), I will expound upon it. You said that [spoiler]Spike died in the last session, but they may not be the case. Spike has been injured more times than imaginable. For example in KHOD he ummm.... (don't want to ruin it for ya) well he gets shot and you would assume he died but indeed he didn't. So just because you assume he died does not mkae it so. So for all of you who cried because he died think that he just passed out from a loss of blood or something.[/spoiler] There's my 2 cents to the subject. -OutlawDragon
  2. My vote goes to Electra from KOHD(Knocking' on Heaven's Door), the Cowboy Bebop movie. And after her I would say Judy from Cowboy Bebop, she is on Big Shot. One more just added: Mai form Fatal Fury. I'll get a pic soon. Pics: [IMG]http://www.katakirei.com/jazz/extras/cb_movie_scroll.gif[/IMG]Electra [IMG]http://www.katakirei.com/jazz/gallery/others/judy01s.jpg[/IMG]Judy [IMG]http://img1.ranchoweb.com/images/hotrod666/mai02.gif[/IMG] Mai
  3. How can you not like the ending? It was great. It was a little predictable, yes, but still great. I say it was the best way do to it and they should never change it. Just a side note: Go watch the movie. heh. -OutlawDragon
  4. I am not promoting the anime because it has panty shots. I was just stating the fact that it had alot of them, so if a person who does not like that kind of stuff at all or can't deal with it, not watch it (i.e. Rick Hunter, most girls). It is a good anime with some ok fight scenes. But before we get into a big argument I'll stop. Lataz. -OutlawDragon
  5. I have seen the great movie. I think it was wonderful and I watch about once every other week just to retouch on my CB knowledge, as with the series. But I think it is awesome I recomend it to everyone, and hope you enjoy as much as I do. If not well then you are a loser....not really. I will be making a quiz about the movie itself, like I did in OLS section. Keep a look-out for it! Lataz. -OutlawDragon
  6. Hey just seeing if anyone has seen Agent Aika. Its a pretty cool anime. The series has a lot of panty shots, :( . Good series though. Anyway.... it is a short series only 7 eps :( and a OAV movie. I like it tell me some thoughts or ask me some Q's. -OutlawDragon
  7. sign me up: 1. OutlawDragon 2. Suzuka 3. This is a tuffy, I don't know which to choose,umm I'll get back to ya..... 4. OutlawDragon
  8. ok I'm sending out the quiz now. Good luck... oh and if you have to use an internet resource on a question let me now which ones. If you have ant questions about the questions give me a ring: AIM: outlawdragon Email: [email]Outlawdragon@aol.com[/email]
  9. Ok, I'm going to be making a quiz/test about OLS in the near future hopefully within a day. I'm allowing 10 people to sign up to take the test. The winner of the challenge shall receive a banner made by me. When you sign up I'll PM the quiz to you and you need to PM me the answers, DO NOT post them here or you will be disqualifed from this quiz and will not be allowed to participate in any other challenges I make, which may be quite a few. So the first 10 to sign up will be in the challenge and I will no longer take any more challengers. So sign up now. More info to come...... -OutlawDragon
  10. Has anyone seen it? I was reading about it and I thought it looked good, but I came to Otaku to check. The pic in my sig is from that series.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B] BTW, if anyone hasn't seen the movie, you need to! :p [/B][/QUOTE] Yes Everybody go see it. It is Great! I love the opening with the song "Ask DNA" yeah well go see the movie!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KabukiOwari [/i] [B]She actually did waer something like that it was on last weekend were Spike goes after a bounty for the one guys(has a robot arm) ex girlfriends boyfriend( forget his name) and shes on the ship tanning [/B][/QUOTE] Yes I remember that, it is similar but not the same, also she is on her stomach in this pic not on her back in the show.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zidane11 [/i] [B]Cowboy Bebop is a excellent show. My favorite character is ed. Does anyone know whether ed is a boy or a girl? I'm still not entirely sure about that one yet. [/B][/QUOTE] Ed is a girl. In the Episode "Jaming with Edward" at the end Faye yells in the backround: "Hey she's a girl!" (or something close to it.) Vicious is by far the best! I mean he is cool that he still uses ancient weapons. He sure did a lot of dammage to Spike didn't he? Oh and also Spike may not be dead! All he did was collapse with a few stab wounds and a knife in his leg, or arm I forget, But he did collapse alot, like in the first session, when he was choked. :smoke:
  14. I have this pic of Faye (that I'll attach) it is of her in her swimsuit. Well I've looked and looked in the series and movie for it but I can't find it. Can someone tell me what episode it is off of, if any. :smoke:
  15. Adult Swim is on Cartoon Network. It is kinda like Toonami. It starts at 11:00 PM EST. on Saturdays and 10:00PM EST. on Sundays( I think). so if you have Cartoon Network you can watch Cowboy Bebop. :smoke:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heero_Yuy [/i] [B]hey outlawdragon how sure are you on your theory. well i kinda get a picture in my head about the theory. but i need more than a person i have not seen spoken or talk to give me info. no offense. by the way on eps. 23 what does it mean when urt or what was it. said qoute"is this important will the world be met with another disaster" fill me in on that. [/B][/QUOTE] Well like I said, it is just a theory I have, one of many might I add. Well Urt was a Wizzard who was looking for mana, because (according to my theory) Gene's father made most mana die out, and since most people were dependent on mana it was a great diaster. Now with Urt saying that, I believe she means that Gene might do something to get rid( father and son simularity) of all mana making another diaster occur. :smoke:
  17. I don't understand. You need help making rules for your RPG or what? :smoke:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phoenixflames [/i] [B]But Rick.... I'm pretty sure that the one where they were at the hotsprings on whatever-the-name-is wasn't shown in the US. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes that is correct but the series is 26 eps long, in America, rather CN it is only 25. And it is called Tenrei, the planet. "Hot Springs of Planet Tenrei" :smoke:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [size=1] I didn' like it very much... I think I was expecting too much out of the series. I am a huge Outlaw Star fan... so I jumped at the first chance to see some familiar faces again. I only have seen the first 3 episodes, so the show could pick up from there... I shouldn't judge it by three episodes because if I did that I would have never liked Outlaw Star( thought the show only became good when Hlda died.) You are usually the only person who I talk to about Outlaw Star here... I am going to have to talk to you over IM one of these days.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe we should. But Angel Links has a wierd side to it. I mean that flying bat-cat thing that live in her top that changes into a sword, what is up with that? Anyway I have only 5-6 eps, I have to get the rest, but there only are 13 so not much more to go. :smoke:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [size=1]Hmm.. there is an idea, but Angel Links isn't very good.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You didn't like it? I did. I mean it wasn't the greatest, and not as good as OLS but it was still good. :smoke:
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]Is there more to outlaw star??? cuz that was a real cool show it was funny and alot of action.and not to mention the girls are hot (ex.asia clan clan). but they stopped showing episode after the one when they finnaly get to tha galactict layline excuse my spelling is there anymore or what????:bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] I'm afraid not but if you would like you can watch some spin offs of the series. :smoke:
  22. Okay, the reason the wizards take notice is because of a character from the Future-Retro Hero Story manga series (OLS is a spin-off from that series) known as Roger Adlean Glifis. Roger has red hair and uses a castor as well. Also note that the crew in FRHS have the same star design on their space suits which Gene has for a tattoo. In esp. 2 of Outlaw Star, right behind Gene and his father is the spaceship used in FRHS. One of my theories is that Gene's father may of been Roger Glifis. He has good reasons for changing his name, since it seems a red haired person with a castor caused most of the mana (magic in OLS) to die out. Pirates may of found out who he really was and hired the McDougal brothers to kill him off. And the wizzards who are all about the mana, would take notice to this resemblence of the two. :smoke:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Silo [/i] [B]I watched it once, and all of the characters died. [/B][/QUOTE] Are you talking about session 11; Toys in the Attic? Because that's the really only time everyone "dies." But they really didn't die just got injured real bad, they get healthy after that. :smoke:
  24. Nope never heard of it. What is it about?
  25. I own all 26 eps. on dvd. I got it for only $37. I recomend buying it at all cost. It is a great anime that you need to experience uncut. Also buy the movie Knockin on Heaven's Door. It is great! :smoke:
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