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Everything posted by Ryuujin

  1. I resently have updated all of my classic VHS Subbed to DVD(which didn't make my wallet too happy). But as you have said, you can get twice as more. Like all of Cowboy Bebop on only 3 discs, for a price of only $37.ºº! So I am not complaining, about the switch. I think it will help the Anime community. You say the would buy only the dubbed tapes, but if they buy the DVD instead they will be exposed to subtitled Anime, most likely slowly turning them into Die Hard Anime fans. I am really happy that more and more companies are switching to DVD. Hey we might even get some more OtakuBoards.com members! :smoke:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [size=1]Thank you for the offer, but we do not put screenshots along with the Outlaw Star episode guides (for now, not that I am hinting at anything though.) If I need some pics I will tell you, but nothing X-Rated can make it on the site. Will somebody please think of the children?[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I wasn't thinking X-Rated pics. Just some shots of the more important stuff, maybe some of the wizards, or the city. But whatever, just ask me. :smoke:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1]Eh, I have just completed writing the episode guide for episode 23 of Outlaw Star, so if you would like a description of the episode then you should visit theotaku.com whenever Adam puts it up (probably the 19th or 20th) I hope it helps some of you guys out. Sorry, but there are no screenshots however ;)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Do you want some? I can get some for you. Just tell me what you want or don't want. :smoke:
  4. Well I have it, I saw a few times dubbed and subbed. But it seemed to be missing something. I felt that there wasn't really a point to it. But beyond that it was a great movie. Good animation, the whole deal. Though I did not like the dubbed voices. But as you say it makes you think, and personally I'll leave that up to the school to do. But if you want to think you should go get this movie. :smoke:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Milliardo [/i] [B][font=comic sans ms]Some Protestant denominations, notably Evangelical ones, do not consider Mormons as Christians. I won't elaborate on the reason why, though.[/font] [/B][/QUOTE] Why won't you elaborate? I too would like to know why we aren't considered Christians. It's in our name for Pete's sake. :smoke:
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]The trinity, although i am not cathloic( atheist ) i go to ccd.(dont ask why or i will hit you with my rubber chicken!!) The father , the son and the holy spirit are all seperate, but also the same they are all different extensions of gods will. Nobody really understands it really. it is a great mystery. i asked our school preist and he said "you just have to have faith" some help!!:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] I thought the trinity was that they were all the same being. :smoke:
  7. Alright I don't quite understand the Trinity thing. My church doesn't believe in the trinity, and since I've been in this chruch all of my life, I was wondering how excatly is it possible for Jesus to throw his voice into the sky and say he is his own son, when he was baptized. So if you would kindly explain to me how this works I would appericate it. P.S. I'm LDS(Latter Day Saints, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormon) :smoke:
  8. What was so wrong with it that they had to delete it all together. I've seen it and there really isn't anything bad, all you see is Aisha's breasts and Urt's butt. I can see them deleting the "Dirty Pictues of Urt" thing but not the whole episode. Digital bathing suits could have been added like in the rest of the series. Episode 23 is a fital key in the history of castor guns and shells, it should not have been deleted. For those of you that have seen it what do you think? I say we start a petion for them to show it on CN. :smoke:
  9. This is very important everyone who wants anime needs to go to this site. It is the Cheapest! I got all, i reapeat all of Cowboy Bebop, all 26 eps. for only $37.00!!!! You must go to this site! I received my dvds so they will send it to you!. Ok here is the url: [url=http://www.animeniacs.net]Animeniacs.net[/url]. Your Welcome! :smoke:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B]I wanna see it SO BADLY! I'm trying to buy it by at least the end of the month. [/B][/QUOTE] They have it for $12.00-$13.00 at that one site that I won't mention because I'm frightened that this topic will get closed even if I had permission from James to post the site. :smoke:
  11. Here Check out [url=http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/GoldenBoy/JimStats.html]Jim's Stats[/url] :smoke:
  12. Well, CN has added some Anime on there list. Tonight from 11:00pm to 2:00am ET. CN is playing anime, Here are the times and shows: 11:00-Yuyu Hakusho 11:30-Cowboy Bebop 12:00-Pilot Canidate 12:30-Gundam 0083 1:00-Outlaw Star 1:30-Tenchi Muyo That is Tonight! 11pm-2am Eastern Time.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Outlaw [/i] [B]I have one question about Jim. Though he is one of my favorite characters, his age has always bugged me. I mean, not only is he incredible smart for his age, but he knows just about everything about mechanics. Hes also the only kid I have ever heard of working at this age. I personaly think that he might be a guy with a disease which makes it so he doesn't age, or atleast does so veeeeeery slowly. But he still does act like a kid allot. Do any of you have a theory about him? [/B][/QUOTE] Jim is 11. Yes it is a fact. On one Ep. it showed all the stats of the main Charcters. It said he was 11. He is the genius of the series. By that I mean that most animes have a young genius. IE. Ed-Cowboy Bebop, Kaolla Su-Love Hina, Jim-Outlaw Star, ect... :smoke:
  14. Well I like subbed b/c the voices always seem to fit, since that is what it started with. Also if you can read pretty good(I'm in 8th grade with a 12.9+ reading level, the highest you can get) you can read the sub and still see everything. :smoke:
  15. Well talking about: "Blast you, Hilda!" You guys should go to [URL=http://www.escaflowneonline.com/os/]The Real OLS: Uncut vs Cut.[/URL] It is really cool site, it has the edits that CN did to OLS. :smoke:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Yeah I gues that would be a good idea, thanks, for the suggestion.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] NP, I would make this a rule if I was a mod. If you didn't folow I would close the topic down! Hahaha! Ok, I'll stop imagining. :smoke:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Yeah Suzuka is the coolest, but she wants to kill [i]Jean[/i] still a little becuase that one ep she was almost stripes naked and she swore she'd kill him someday. She is the coolest though. [/B][/QUOTE] I hate that! It is spelled G-E-N-E, Gene. Not just to, shibatku, but to everyone who spells it Jean. Not trying to be mean, just trying to help the less imformed. oh and Zero-Sama Ron does not die, but Harry does, kinda. He made a back-up of himself and put himself in the El Dorado's computer. So he kinda dies, but not really, like Shyguy said. :smoke:
  18. Well they don't really say, all I know is that Jim is 11 and a genius. And why he hangs out with Gene is well, b/c they have a buisness together. :smoke:
  19. Gene's fear of star ships started when he was lilttle. His dad was a pilot and Gene went with him on his trips. But one time "The Eldorado" attacked his father's ship. His dad threw Gene in an escape pod and launched him just before the ship blew up. But since they were in the middle of space he just floated around untill he got picked up by another ship(I beleive he was picked up it doesn't really tell you in the show). :smoke:
  20. Well that is what she was built to do, I think of it as like a hacker, but not really. What she does is goes into that big tube and accesses the Outlaw Star's controls and controls it. Are you really asking these questions to learn or just to test me? :smoke:
  21. A castor is basicly magic in a cartridges, they were made into cartridges because the mana that was used for the magic was too low and by putting them in cartridges mad it stronger, there are 20 different shells each with its own effect. Anything else? :smoke:
  22. Well I was thinking about buting this in the suggestion forum, but a lot of ppl don't go in there. Well I personaly am not much of a Techi fan, and I waste alot of time going into Tenchi topics. So I was thinking it would be a great help for those ppl that don't like Tenchi, or vice versa, to have you guys put a tittle in your topic name. ie. [b]Tenchi:[/b]More series? or, [b]Outlaw Star:[/b]How many episodes? or, if your topic is really long put, [b]OLS:[/b]Whatever. They don't have to be bold. Well just a helpful thought. Thanks! :smoke:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B]No,I get it.Thank you! [/B][/QUOTE] Are you sure? It may take me a while, but I'd be glad to help any OLS fan. :smoke:
  24. How does Hilda die? Well Gene and Hilda go get the Outlaw Star, but when they get it the pirates attack them, after alot of attacking it turns out that Hildais out of the space ship and just floating there drifting towards some sun, Gene is going to go save her, but if he did he would burn up in the sun, too. He is about to go get her, but hilda doesn't want to see everyone else die, so she blows herself up. That's basicly it. I can give you a more detailed if you want, just ask. :smoke:
  25. Most of the time I will watch something subbed, then go back and watch it dubbed, and then go back and watch it both(DVD). I like to watch it both b/c you can really see the difference between the two. But with my way I'm pretty sure I'll understand it. :smoke:
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