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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=green][B]Thank you all. Yes I must say that is one of my best pictures. *ooks around* those are my best drawings. Thanks everybody.[/size][/color][/b]
  2. [SIZE=1]Okay, thanks. Here is another on of my works. It's elk from .hack//INFECTION.[/size]
  3. Ryan ignored the disapearring and just walked on along the path to Transquee. He said under his breath, I wanted to fight him.
  4. My interests involve drawing manga, watching anime, and listening to Japanese music. I also like soccer. Really that's all I do. lol
  5. Hah, I challenge you to a fight. DO you accept or do you decline? I got to know now cause I want some gold mister mage.
  6. Yay I finally got my digital camera to wrok. I hope I did okay. C&C, and remember please that I'm 10.
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Hello, if you wish to not talk then leave. I am losing money and need to gain some money by fighting.[/color]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Ryan watched the imps hurry off, and realised that it was a little humid out there. Though knowing that it was going to get cool in the night he walked.[/color]
  9. [COLOR=Darkblue[/color] I swear this is the worst time of my theiving life. Ryan walked on along the path.[/color]
  10. [COLOR=Darkblue]They are okay, not the best. I'm sure that the first CD was better, although I do like the song faint. They are a good band, and I like them, they are just not my favorite.[/color]
  11. The sky is not always blue The sun doesn't always shine The sky is not always clear Sometimes you can't see through the distance.
  12. Picaso was my favorite. Now that I looked into I really like Matt Stawicki. As Deedlit said he is a very good artist, and an amazing painter. I wish I could meat him in real life. It would also be cool to meat him on the internet but real life would be cooler.
  13. Once I found a real worm in my dirt pouding. I didn't eat it because I know I don't like those, so I threw it to the side and it started squirming. My mom still makes me eat school food cause it's cheaper.
  14. Where I live we have one anime store, and then we have stores that just sell stuff like DBZ GT .hack//SIGN Vampire Hunter D Gundam Argentosoma and Chobits. Right around here where I like, I say that's not all that popular, because when I go to the store to buy it every single on of the copies they had of those anime DvDs are still there. And then they sit there until someone comes like me comes and buys one. That's just sad. I am not considered a dork, for one reason they don't know what the heck it is. Another reason is because I don't try to show them so they could call me a dork. I don't get called a dork, I just am.
  15. Zzzzzz marks left Ryans mouth.
  16. I had 2 stat points to my atack and 3 more to my HP. And Ryan went to sleap.
  17. I accept your challenge.
  18. Hello there do you need anything, can I help you with something or any in that nature?
  19. Ryan walked on along the path. Darnet her.
  20. Hello do you need anything?
  21. I add that 1 sat point to my atk. Ryan walked on.
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