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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. It's nice, the tongue is just way to small, and the nose looks a little weird, the hair is a little long, but the eyes I like. The bangs on her are awesome. Pretty good job. 7/10. ?³?æ?È?ç
  2. Wow Zach, I must say that is pretty good. I actually read the whole thing. The kind of sentences you use, for example: It's that time again, is very catchy and nice. I see a lot of journalists use that, and all of them have suceeded in all of their work. Great job Zach! I would love to see more. Also I hope you get the position to be school newspaper journalist, best of luck to you! - ?³?æ?È?ç
  3. Yes it's true, they are mainstream becuase they have good music that everybody likes. Personally I ask people if they know who some bands are and they reply "Huh?" or "Who?" Therefore I think that means that I listen to less mainstream music. Though there are some music that I listen to that is pretty mainstream. I also listen to music where people say, I have heard of them. But that's about all I listen to.
  4. OtakuSennen has a work book and everything and he says that it's really Ogenki desu ka? I think that it might be ikaga desu ka? I have a dictionary in front of me and it says that Ikaga desu ka means How is it? How are you? So here are both: Alright I have finely found out. ?¨?°?ñ?«?Å?·?©H How are you? ?¢?¢?©?ª?Å?·?©H How are you doing? o genki desu ka ii kaga desu ka Okay that is what I found so I think it might be right.
  5. Great job Hittokiri! I can only see the Vash avatar though because the other is just an X. I love it though, just a little complaint, I think the flashing thing that goes through vash and the text are just a little to slow, but other than that, great job. Can I use it?
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Heh heh, Japanese newbie mistake #1: using ?í as the particle "wa". While that symbol is phonetically "wa", as a particle you use the symbol ?Í (which is "ha"). ?Í is pronounced "ha" in every situation EXCEPT when being used as a particle. You might be thinking it's not being used as such, but both greetings "konnichiwa" and "konbanwa" use ?Í: ?±?ñ?É?¿?Í ?±?ñ?Î?ñ?Í Don't worry, I made these same mistakes when I started too. Everyone does heh. Oddly, I've actually seen some Japanese make that mistake with "konnichiwa" before... I don't know if they just can't spell or if they're trying to be stylistic or something. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, metatron informed me about my mistake. I think he said Choushi dou was a way to ask How are you. So if I am correct i think it is: 今日は ちょうしどう? こんにちは ちょうしどう? I think those are right, correct me if I am wrong.
  7. Spikey


    Ah, yes... Radiohead. I love them. I recently saw the music video of Hailt to the Thief, I didn't like it all to much though. The music was awesome, I just didn't like the music video. I have also downloaded Parinoid Android. That is my all time favorite song by them. I have heard many songs from the OK Computer album, but that is my favorite. I have seen the music video for it as well, but it's just a little weird, lol. I am going to get my lazy self up and make some money to buy the CD. I guess I'll start off with The Bends.
  8. [SIZE=1][B]The ability to to see the future. I am choosing this because if I could, and I foresaw something bad, I could change it. Smart eh?[/size][/b]
  9. [SIZE=1][B]Heylo all you soccer fans. I was pretty bored, and I haven't actually created a thread in well over a month, so here's a nice topic that I hope will get some discusion in. Fisrt in foremost I was wondering how many people here actually play this sport. I do, I have been playing for about a year now and I really enjoy it. I was also wondering what positions all of you played, I usually play Striker (Foward) or Defender (Fullback). Though my favorite position to play is striker, most likely because I am better there. To keep the discussion long I was wondering how many of you use a sliding tackle. I used it today in a game, and I got a foul called, reason being I accidently took down the other player. It did save a goal though. We lost our game today. I think it was like 9 to 1. We only scored 1 goal, and the person who scored that goal was me. Now just to let all of you know, I was hoping wwe could do something like the Comics thread, where we frequintly post about games, or practices and stuff like that. So right now I am going to sum up my fame. Today we played 5 quarters/periods. I think they were all 8 minute periods. Anyway, I played striker and defender today. While I played defender only 1 goal scored, when I got up to striker, they scored a bunch of goals, but I also scored 1 goal. I think that we played good, we were just going against one of the toughest teams there. I have a next game this coming moday, so I will post again then. So good-bye for now. -Spikey[/size][/b]
  10. ?¢?Ó?¥?_?µ?Å?_?ï?îB I fear spiders as well. Yes, you are correct wrist cutter, I fear death. Not because of the pain, but because when I go I have to download all my songs again. >> lol. No I fear death because of non-exsistince, just something I fear. ?³?æ?È?ç
  11. I have been taking japanese for about two days. I am not in collage, I just download programs to help me learn, etc... I know very few sentences so here are some: ¡?ú?íA ?¢?©?ª?Å?· ?© That means Konnichi wa, ikaga desu ka In english that means, Hello, how are you? I can say good-bye, wich of course is Sayonara, but that's about all I know. Know I have been studying japanese culture for a year now, but thats not foriegn language. :)
  12. Spikey

    "Older" Music

    Usually I listen to more recent music, but ocasionally I will drift off in old music. If anybody has heard of X Japan, they are one of my favorite oldies. Now if you go really old, way back about 60's 70's around that time I will get into the BG's. I have listened to ACDC before, they are just not my favorite. Bob Seger is good. Right now that is about all I really now that I listen to. Oldies are really not my thing.
  13. lol. I do sing in the shower. I sing quite a bit. Most of the time I will catch myself singing AFI- THe Leaving Song Part 2, if I am not singing that then most likely L'arc~en~ciel- Spirits Dreams Inside. Oh joy.
  14. Very nice I like the trendy blue glwing stuff, that makes it look all the better. The way the glowing trendy filter thing is placed is nice, I like it I a lot. Maybe now you could make a crimson/red one.
  15. Mmm, I really like the Chibi-Style. The background is nice, it just kind of doesn't fit much with the rockin' kind of groove that they have. But the picture, and the background are nice, good job.
  16. Very nice, I really like the border type thing, I also like little sqaure so it's like transparent. I really like the way it is, and the japanese text behind it.
  17. I say I have just a regular accent. I do not sound like british/english, or anything in that nature, just like a regular kid. My accent is like an americans.
  18. Usually I cry when I get physically hurt or something. Rarely do I ever cry for emothions, or death. It's not really how I work. Sure I'm a wimp, I cry if I get hurt, but other than that I really don't cry.
  19. Spikey


    Actually Break kind of introduced me to AFI. I love The Leaving Song Part II, I'd have to say that is my favorite song in about all the songs I have heard. Girls not Grey is good, I just don't like it as much as Leaving Song Part II. I have not purchased the album yet, but in the near future I plan on doing so.
  20. I would not like to get married, nor would I want to have kids. They make me mad. >> But when I get older I think I want to live in a small nice cozy house with a cat. I'll just have everything else that I want and need inside of there, so it will be my work place, and intertainment theatre. :)
  21. I like the FLCL one, and that other Kakashi one. Good job, let's keep 'em coming my good friend.
  22. My kittie watches it. Hmm.. she likes it. So yeah, it is for kitties. jk lol I have seen the show a lot, I have seen the horrible character voices, and I have seen the great amount of humor in it. I do not think that it is just for kids. See... if they think it is for kids, then they are wrong. Anybody has a right to watch what they want, and no I do not think it is for Kids. not at all. But for kitties, thats a whole different story. ^^
  23. I have read very few, but I say it's pretty good. They story get's pretty in-depth and interesting when you get to be an intense reader. But yes, I say it is something I have read and enjoyed.
  24. I think that the Civil War was not entirely caused because of love. The North loved their freedom and the South loved having slaves. That was the loving part. The rest that caused the war to happen was disagreement. The disagreement was that the North said there shouldn't be any slaves. The south disagreed with them, and the war began. I do not think that love starts wars like that. But love kind of has a good part with it. 'Tis what I think.
  25. Well, my rules are the basic rules of a school. The one I hate the most that they put in this year was [b]No CD Players allowed on the bus.[/B] 'Tis one thing I do not understand. If we don't have them in class, what's the big deal. Our school doesn't really have a dress-code, nobody dresses like a gothic-punk with spiked bracelets. I don't see any people at our school like that but other people have all black and chained pants, but nobody really cares much about that. I don't mind, if we had a dress-code, it wouldn't bother me much. I dress in shirt that have stuff that say [B]How To Win At Video Games[/B] or just anime shirts, and jeans. That's about it.
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