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Everything posted by Spikey

  1. [COLOR=indigo]I like anime because of the adventure and the good things that are there in the adventure. I like it because it's art, like most of you said. But sometime some of them can be not right for me, like I don't like them. Though anime in the U.S.A is quite popular, where I live it's not that popular at all. Though I'm sure other places such as Illinois is much more popular with anime, and manga because that is where Shonen Jump is published. I also like anime because of the storyline, and it has ancient weapons, and up-to-date weapons. It's just what I like, all jampacked in a cartoon series, or movie. I really don't have a good reason why I like it, it's just cool, and good. I hope that makes sense.[/color]
  2. [COLOR=indigo]"Whoah these mew cords work good. I wonder what this button does, ahh, look I'm flying, but hangin' now I see how the Matrix are created. This darn thing gives me a wegie.[/color]
  3. [COLOR=indigo][B]My Blog Address:[/b] [url]http://gamer10.blogspot.com[/url] [B]Name of Blog:[/B] It's a New Day [B]Reason/Thoughts:[/B] I made one for everybody to see my life in words. Nobody really wanted me to, I guess I wanted to, although I think now peaople will know the daily ruteen of my life. Atleast I hope, and I hope they are able to understand it. :)[/color]
  4. [COLOR=indigo]I used to rent SSB for the N64. It was a fun and yet challenging game. Though it wasn't much like SSBM for the GCN. The SSBM had a story mode thing, and arcade mode etc... Though the SSB was an awesome multiplayer. A lot better Than James Bond 007 Goldeneye, that game was a good multiplayer game, but it was hard. When you tried to hide someone would always find you, and then youd scream and get shot and die, and blood would rush down the screen, over and over again until someone get's enough wins that they won. But I was the one who won all the time. :rolleyes: I've never played Mario Kart 64. I remember playing almost all of the Bomberman Hero games, and stuff which were tons of fun for that period of time. I remember beating everybody at seeing who could get to the farthest level, etc.. I wish that I beat them all. I don't think I beat BomberMan 64, and another one I forget. I don't play the 64 much anymore, now that I got all these games that are good, and really good systems, like PS2, GCN, XBox, etc.. Although I'm sure the N64 still has it's fair share of good video games. I might go back and play some sometime.:)[/color]
  5. My favorite food would have to be tacos. All that tender meat, and soft shell, the tortilla bread, squeezed with sour creme, and letuce, and tomotoes is the best. :P My least favorite food is spinach, it is nasty, and it looks like barf. I just can't eat it, and no one can make me. :( ::bleh::
  6. Here's my submition, not a background, I didn't put one, it didn't look good with one.
  7. [COLOR=purple]I think that the quilities for having a Game being rated mature would be Sexual Content, and a lot of blood and very gorey.Your looking at it how it would be if a kid played it. They wouldn't understand it etc.. And how the storyline is dramatic. For example: Kingdom Hearts is one of those games that is very dramatic, showing evil, and talking about stuff a kid would not understand. But I don't think a kid would really think about it. You see, the rating company does not look at it like that, they look at it if it has stuff that's aimed for adults, like gore etc.. Now you could, say the game was a mature game, but the rating company does not look at it the same way you do. Though it is an interesting statement you made, but I'm sure they don't look at it that way. Atleast I hope not. James, I agree totally. Kids now my age are into GTA Vice City more than anything else, and that's good, because I read somewhere that shooting games are the best things for children, because it gets there hand and eye cordnation devolp faster. They use these kind of gun games in the military, that help with your hand and eye cordnation. I don't consider myself fully mature yet. Depends on how you look at mature. As in over 18, gone through pubirty mature then I don't think so, but acting my age mature yes. The first mature game I played was probably Crusaders: NO Remorese, probably the worst game ever, anyway, I didn't consider it to be mature. It didn't have enough stuff in it to be mature. The worst thing in it was killing, and shooting other people nothing more really. Although I think it had more to it, I hated it so much, I didn't even want to go to the second level. I also play the Mortal Kombat games that kids are into nowadays. I enjoy playing them, and yes they are, and should be inteded for mature gamers, but it depends on how you look at it. If you can withstand body parts being cutt off and a lot of blood, and your mature enough to handle that, then I think you can play Mortal Kombat games. It all really depends if you can handle the stuff, if you can handle Silent Hill 3, then you can play Silent Hill 3, if you can handle Clock Tower, then you can play Clock Tower. Some people can't handle the horrer, and the blood and stuff. But that's okay, that just means your not ready. I hope all of the stuff I wrote mad any, and some sense thanks for reading my long thought on this topic.[/color]
  8. [COLOR=purple]They're all very good. I think they should be like Desbreko said, but it diming out, and not faiding out, so the light would dim out to dark and just have it all dissolve. But that's just me, you do what you want. Good-job.[/color]
  9. [COLOR=purple]Pretty good. Not as good as your others, I must say, but it's fairly good. I like th clear smooth charcter, he is smooth, not bad edges, and no blurry face. Good job. 8/10.[/color]
  10. [COLOR=purple]Pretty good. I like the banner better than the avatar, the avatar isn't as good, but they're still both good. Keep at it.[/color]
  11. First one is just a tripod of pictures that are converted black in white one a blank sheet the size of a banner. :) Bt the seconds pretty good. 1)6/10 2)9/10
  12. I believe that when you do you go to Heaven or Hell, depending on what you believe, I think it is based on if you've done that is required to go to the certain place, for example, if you have believed in God, etc.. you have done your share of the deal, as I look at it. But some peaople have different beliefs, and the don't believe in God, I could be wrong, and they good be right, but someone has to be wrong. People that have different beliefs aren't being bad people, they just have different beliefs People, that do that are just believing in what they think is right. But I believe that there is a afterlife, Heaven in Hell. And your in the greeatest place in Heaven. But I hope I make since. I'm really going with Justin's idea, we kinda have the same beliefs.
  13. [COLOR=green]I'd have to say the best game with best music would have to be Final Fantasy Vll. When you fight Sephiroth the music is amazing, it is breataking, and very good. As for anime, Trigun. It has very talented musicians, and directors. I love the music, it just gets my soul going.[/color]
  14. I try to be the same online as I am in real life. I mean I act the same, my grammer's the same, I like to be a little different, and I'm not popular, as I'm not here. But I still am the same old me, and I try to be the same online as I am offline. As I said before.
  15. [COLOR=darkred]I think that just because you like anime doesn't mean your open-minded. I know a lot of people that are open-minded, and they don't even know what anime, and manga is. Sure, some peaople get ubsessed, and dress up as charcters and go to conventions, ( I just explained myself) but just by doing that doesn't mean they're open minded. Sure they're openminded to try new stuff, and do new stuff, but aren't a lot of people like that. What I'm trying to say is, that not liking anime, does no put you in the close-minded class. People that are close-minded don't want to try anything else. A lot of people that are into anime, are like that. Because they get into it and they don't want to do anything else. That's being close-minded. You need to be open-minded to try new stuff, something besides anime. Because only liking anime, and only liking that is close minded. Sure people get into anime and get addicted to it, but most of them that are open-minded do other stuff, and have other interests. Like they could be interested in music, instruments, sports (not really my thing) but anything you can do, that's being open-minded. I like anime and manga a lot, and I also like soccer, and music, and I like anime and manga. That's being open-minded.[/color]
  16. Thank's man, I really like it. I give it a 9.5/10. Really good.
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]I think I'm most like Sasuke from Naruto. Trying to be the best, not talking much, just doing his job, being hiself, not liking anybody, not trying to prove anything to anybody, just trying to be the best ninja in the world. I'm not actually trying to be a Ninja, I'm trying to be the best manga artist, lol.[/color]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]His Life is lost, It's nowhere to be found, Amazing how long a look, It's all Death that's bound. Please don't leave, I'm nothing without you, You musn't go, For I haven't found you. Stay right here and don't move, Please, I'm scared of the dark, There's no light, To gaurd my bark. Good-bye, Farewell, Until we meet again, So long.[/size][/color]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]I'm sure they won't butcher out one of the best fights, one reason they don't butcher out much fights in DBZ, that own a lot of blood, and screaming because of pain, etc... I'm not sure when they will start the new eps.[/size][/color]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]"Toilet your such a good kisser, all that barf in your mouth tastes like pee, I didn't know toilet barf tasted so good. Lookis like Mountain do tastes like root beer.[/size][/color]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]This is probably one of my favorite anime's and manga's as well. It's storyline has been told twice correctly so I won't repeat that. It has awesome charcters, escpeccialy Kakashi, he is very cool. This is my favorite manga, but not anime.[/color]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]One does not know, till one explores. I doubt there are aliens though, life would be hard, and there's no gravity in space, ect.. but I don't believe in Extra Teraestrial (ET) it just doesn't make any since.[/color]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]When One is Consumed by Darkness And has fleed the light, Has run, run far away, To close to night. But when one Finds his way, Fights the Darkness, And is able to escape, Is capable of Anything, Anything he Wants, Anything he does, Will be recorded, In the sacred book of Love. For he, the Almighty one, he slayed the evil Satan away, put him to hell, With a flame of slay. For Satan trys to pull you in, but if you resist, You have won, You can be The One. For when you die, And you have followed the almighty one, You have used your sword, to slay Satan Away. You are now a protector of earth, Satan is now scared, For you have resisted him, and for that you are good. Heaven overpowers hell, the Soldiers. The Army, The army of God. [/color]
  24. Here's my favorite poets best poem. [COLOR=darkblue]Alas? how easily things go wrong A Sigh to Deep Or a Kiss to long And then comes a weeping rain, a mist And life is never the same again. -M. Babbit.[/color]
  25. I eat Ice Cream in a bowl out of a box from the store, all year 'round. But if I watch I long movie, I take the whole box in the room with me. Sometimes, I don't do dishes, and no bowls are clean. I don't live in town for the ice cream man...
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